Nancy Grace Special 11/27/08 Thursday "Inside The First 24 Hours".

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DNA Solves
In one of the interviews with one of AL's roommates, he says that they go to school between 9:00 a and 1:00 p.

If this monumental day really occurred where the babysitter took off with her child, you would think that as she replayed the day, she would have known exactly what time she had to be at "work" and what time she left Caylee off at those stairs at the Sawgrass Apts. And you would think that her math would be better for a 22 year old . . . On 7/15/08, she told the 911 operator that she hadn't seen her daughter for 31 days. Counting back, that is not June 9th. If CA gave KC "30 days" already on 7/15/08 at the time of the 911 call, then we are probably talking about 6/15/08 as the day that Caylee went missing, which was Father's Day. What is the deal with the counting? Was CA saying to KC all along as she spoke or texted her each day "It's been X amount of days"? Also, if you count back from the MySpace or Facebook message where KC says she hasn't lived at home for 9 days . . . you have 6/15/08.

If this monumental day happened in a different way, as in a planned kidnapping or any type of mishap that ended Caylee's life, planned or accidental, wouldn't you think that KC would have had the whole scenario down to a science? I dropped Caylee of at this exact time on this exact day and she was wearing such and such exact clothes and her hair was fixed this exact way and her backpack was filled with such and such exact items and the weather was this or that . . . not to be changed to another date or location with a whole new story?

This girl might be whacked but I don't believe that she is dumb. She is obviously very conniving and shrewd. But could it be that KC did receive a call from Caylee on 7/15 and could it be that the phone records are wrong or that there is a device out there that would stop the call from showing up on records and that is why she was/is so calm?

I am back to the Caylee is alive theory myself.

I cannot see how this information shows Caylee is alive in any way.:waitasec:
Imagine the odds that Caylee is abducted (either from Sawgrass or Blanchard park) on June 16th (or June 9th) and out of nowhere, on July 15th, she is allowed to call Casey. Too bad the call came from a private number so it couldn't be called back, but miracle of miracles, it's the same day Casey gets busted by her mom and authorities! What are the odds?

No, Casey was calm because for over a month, she KNEW Caylee was dead and with Mom breathing down her neck, it was a matter of time. On July 3rd (?) she left a party because Lee was on his way over. She had avoided putting Caylee on the phone, had spun some tales about Tampa and Jacksonville, car wrecks and living with Jeff Hopkins.

I think she was so calm because most people would have expected to be caught a lot sooner (especially "hiding" out in the open, mere miles from where her family lived and stopping by her parents house whenever she darn well pleased).
A newbie here....this case broke while we were on vacation in Florida. Once I heard "the mother waited a month before reporting the child missing b/c she was conducting her own investigation" all I could think was "rut ruh" and I've been following the case ever since. During last nights program there was something KA told LE that caught my attention; she said that her co worker, JL, had quit Universal 2 month earlier to move back to NY, yet according to the story she told CA in late June this same co worker (with daughter Annabelle) accompanied KA (along with Caylee) on an assignment in Tampa when ZG had her "car accident". She just seems to throw lies on the wall like pasta to see if anything sticks? :eek:
The fact that Casey waited 31 days and partied like it was no tomorrow shows she had no concern for where Caylee was BECAUSE she knew Caylee was dead. The only time she seemed upset during those 31 days according to her friends, was when family members where contacting her and when Lee was coming to get her at the club. That is not how a mother of a child that is kidnapped acts.
I would love to believe Caylee was alive, but I know she is not. If Casey reported her missing from day one then maybe I could believe she was being framed. jmo
I've always had a funny feeling about the whole Father's Day date. Even SP thought it was the week before, at first. However ... LE spotted the camera date, the guest book was signed 15th, SP's email to her friend noted 15th, and the nursing home staff verified it. So, sounds like it was the 15th.

Or they ALL but Cindy knew before it was reported. They could have had the Father's Day thing a week before - many times people do because of other commitments. I still think there is something funky about the date.

Could it be they set up their "script" to match the 15th & the 16th?
In one of the interviews with one of AL's roommates, he says that they go to school between 9:00 a and 1:00 p.

If this monumental day really occurred where the babysitter took off with her child, you would think that as she replayed the day, she would have known exactly what time she had to be at "work" and what time she left Caylee off at those stairs at the Sawgrass Apts. And you would think that her math would be better for a 22 year old . . . On 7/15/08, she told the 911 operator that she hadn't seen her daughter for 31 days. Counting back, that is not June 9th. If CA gave KC "30 days" already on 7/15/08 at the time of the 911 call, then we are probably talking about 6/15/08 as the day that Caylee went missing, which was Father's Day. What is the deal with the counting? Was CA saying to KC all along as she spoke or texted her each day "It's been X amount of days"? Also, if you count back from the MySpace or Facebook message where KC says she hasn't lived at home for 9 days . . . you have 6/15/08.

If this monumental day happened in a different way, as in a planned kidnapping or any type of mishap that ended Caylee's life, planned or accidental, wouldn't you think that KC would have had the whole scenario down to a science? I dropped Caylee of at this exact time on this exact day and she was wearing such and such exact clothes and her hair was fixed this exact way and her backpack was filled with such and such exact items and the weather was this or that . . . not to be changed to another date or location with a whole new story?

This girl might be whacked but I don't believe that she is dumb. She is obviously very conniving and shrewd. But could it be that KC did receive a call from Caylee on 7/15 and could it be that the phone records are wrong or that there is a device out there that would stop the call from showing up on records and that is why she was/is so calm?

I am back to the Caylee is alive theory myself.

NO...............there is no device which can do that. I talked to the tech at my cell phone company and he said because of the way cell towers work they cannot be circumvented.

KC is one who ,if you read other accounts of her behaviors, flies by the seat of her pants when lying. Like we watch CA do everyday.

She makes it up as she goes........if one lie doesn't work, she tried another one.

There is really no mystery in this - Someone killed Caylee - Is it GA, since he is really the last one to claim to see her alive? Or was it CA? Or was it KC?
In one of the interviews with one of AL's roommates, he says that they go to school between 9:00 a and 1:00 p.

If this monumental day really occurred where the babysitter took off with her child, you would think that as she replayed the day, she would have known exactly what time she had to be at "work" and what time she left Caylee off at those stairs at the Sawgrass Apts. And you would think that her math would be better for a 22 year old . . . On 7/15/08, she told the 911 operator that she hadn't seen her daughter for 31 days. Counting back, that is not June 9th. If CA gave KC "30 days" already on 7/15/08 at the time of the 911 call, then we are probably talking about 6/15/08 as the day that Caylee went missing, which was Father's Day. What is the deal with the counting? Was CA saying to KC all along as she spoke or texted her each day "It's been X amount of days"? Also, if you count back from the MySpace or Facebook message where KC says she hasn't lived at home for 9 days . . . you have 6/15/08.

If this monumental day happened in a different way, as in a planned kidnapping or any type of mishap that ended Caylee's life, planned or accidental, wouldn't you think that KC would have had the whole scenario down to a science? I dropped Caylee of at this exact time on this exact day and she was wearing such and such exact clothes and her hair was fixed this exact way and her backpack was filled with such and such exact items and the weather was this or that . . . not to be changed to another date or location with a whole new story?

This girl might be whacked but I don't believe that she is dumb. She is obviously very conniving and shrewd. But could it be that KC did receive a call from Caylee on 7/15 and could it be that the phone records are wrong or that there is a device out there that would stop the call from showing up on records and that is why she was/is so calm?

I am back to the Caylee is alive theory myself.

I don't see how this would sway your opinion back to the "Caylee is Alive" theory. Also, how do you explain the decomp in the trunk ? Junk science ?
True, but employees at the retirement home also verified that Cindy and Caylee were there on Father's Day. I think they all just got confused on the date, not remembering that Father's Day is the third Sun. in June, not the second Sun. Many people can't pinpoint a date when it comes to a holiday.

Plus e-mail from ML to the great grandmother confirms the great grandmother had written to ML about the visit happening on Father's Day.
A newbie here....this case broke while we were on vacation in Florida. Once I heard "the mother waited a month before reporting the child missing b/c she was conducting her own investigation" all I could think was "rut ruh" and I've been following the case ever since. During last nights program there was something KA told LE that caught my attention; she said that her co worker, JL, had quit Universal 2 month earlier to move back to NY, yet according to the story she told CA in late June this same co worker (with daughter Annabelle) accompanied KA (along with Caylee) on an assignment in Tampa when ZG had her "car accident". She just seems to throw lies on the wall like pasta to see if anything sticks? :eek:

Welcome to you, K9 5er!

I KNOW! This is my most favorite of the stupid, dumb lie series. The whole cast of fictitious characters taking a road trip together....AFTER the "kidnapping" has occured.
Welcome to you, K9 5er!

I KNOW! This is my most favorite of the stupid, dumb lie series. The whole cast of fictitious characters taking a road trip together....AFTER the "kidnapping" has occured.

ROFL - that's great. Hope there's not a book deal in the works for Casey -- she'd make a terrible fiction writer, keeping all the 'characters' and timeline straight.
I luv Susan Moss. She is one super sharp cookie.

I agree! My partner and I have started to speak only in Susan Mossian to each other around the house...everything must rhyme and be clever.
Welcome to you, K9 5er!

I KNOW! This is my most favorite of the stupid, dumb lie series. The whole cast of fictitious characters taking a road trip together....AFTER the "kidnapping" has occured.

Mine too, ClockWatcher! And I'm always shocked when it appears that CA can not put two and two together and realize that it is a LIE. CA talks about this and then 2 minutes later talks about the nanny taking Caylee..... all I can do is shake my head and try to find some compassion for CA and admiration for her ability to act like an ostrich :crazy:

Welcom K9 5er!

Clockwatcher and Salem, thanks for the "welcome". There's things about the CA and KA relationship that remind me of my MIL and SIL to a lesser degree. MIL was an enabler, manipulative perfectionist and controling. SIL is a borderline slow learner with OCD and Schzophrenia. If SIL did something wrong MIL would always blame somebody else. If SIL didn't get her way, she'd lie to MIL saying she was mistreated by that person and MIL bought it hook, line and sinker. SIL's accomplishments were way overstated, and noone was allowed to question it without suffering rath from MIL. FIL just wanted peace and quiet so he went along with it.
Of course you would remember the date and time, and when you dialed 911 after 5 minutes of not locating your child and her imagi-nanny, you would be able to tell LE every detail from the time you first met the nanny to the time that LE drove up.

We would not have to think of what to say, it would just come out of our mouths. We are mothers and we need help finding our child.....NOW!

I have always wondered how any mother could even utter the words that KC did and how does a Grandmother who was soooooo involved in her grandchild's life never see or speak to the imagi-nanny. The person who is providing love and care when you can't. In this day and age it is common to know every thing about your child care provider.

Think God I am not on the jury, just KC's taped interview with LE would have me voting for 1st degree and if asked how or why I came to that decision so quickly, I would say these words....... because I am a mother.

Bolded by me...

Mine too, ClockWatcher! And I'm always shocked when it appears that CA can not put two and two together and realize that it is a LIE. CA talks about this and then 2 minutes later talks about the nanny taking Caylee..... all I can do is shake my head and try to find some compassion for CA and admiration for her ability to act like an ostrich :crazy:

Welcom K9 5er!


I know whatcha mean!

Thanks to your outstanding insight, we now have this new look at the lie.
The lie that PROVES that the lie is a lie! (say that three times

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