Nancy Grace Special 11/27/08 Thursday "Inside The First 24 Hours".

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Clockwatcher and Salem, thanks for the "welcome". There's things about the CA and KA relationship that remind me of my MIL and SIL to a lesser degree. MIL was an enabler, manipulative perfectionist and controling. SIL is a borderline slow learner with OCD and Schzophrenia. If SIL did something wrong MIL would always blame somebody else. If SIL didn't get her way, she'd lie to MIL saying she was mistreated by that person and MIL bought it hook, line and sinker. SIL's accomplishments were way overstated, and noone was allowed to question it without suffering rath from MIL. FIL just wanted peace and quiet so he went along with it.

Yikes and ouch! Holiday's must be soooo festive at your house!
Yikes and ouch! Holiday's must be soooo festive at your house!

Used to be; MIL passed away, FIL couldn't cope with SIL and basically drank his health away and also passed. We moved to another state and b/c my husband is the only sibling we inherited SIL :)bang: ) . We ended up putting her in a community resident program where she has her own apartment and also has a JOB (she still hasn't forgiven us for this b/c she never had to work before). SIL is mean spirited and has no friends there b/c she never was taught to be nice to other people while growing up. When she first moved there she tried using the tricks that worked on her parents on the staff; it worked at the beginning but it didn't take very long before they caught on to the game. Every now and then we get a call from her case manager informing us of SIL's negative behaviors.

Long story short, enabler's do their kids no favors since someday mom & dad are no longer able to cover for their offspring and he/she has to face the real world. My husband was raised (brainwashed) to protect (enable) his sister, and b/c he grew up in this environment he didn't realize how wacko it was until after we had kids of our own and had moved away. It makes me wonder if LA has a similar story?
At least Cindy isn't creeping into your dreams. ;)
I think they call those NIGHTMARES! :eek:

That cop was really hammering KC. He should have just "waterboarded" her right then and there.
Now THAT is a dream come true...if only they had... :crazy:

so KC says that Caylee never gets upset talking to KC when KC has been gone a couple days, but does when talking to CA.
In other words Caylee was more attached to CA than KC........anyone catch that???
That one is simple. Cindy bathed her, dressed her, fed her and put her to bed, and WAS thus the mommy to Caylee...Casey was more like a big sister and I think Cindy treated her in that manner.

Yup! Goes to show that KC was being careful just in case there was something that, for example, tied her to being somewhere at a specific time -- by giving a 4 hour window she can always dodge any conflict bullet.

On the other hand, GA was not as clever, he locked himself into a specific time window and TV programme that can be easily verified.

KC said she left off at 5pm to retrieve Caylee from Zanny, right? -- so to be leaving the house about 1pm-ish, dropping Caylee off at the Nanny, driving to work, etc -- for this to be plausible means that KC only worked from 2pm - 5pm at the most?

Don't think so. You are not going to knock off at 5pm, that's more a 9-5 gig, more likely you'd finish at 6pm or some odd later hour because you had a late shift, event or meeting.

ETA: I know this is all moot because she did not work but, in the context of her story.

Yeah, and let's not forget she was at Blockbuster with boyfriend at what, 7:00 pm on the 16th? If Caylee HAD disappeared on the 16th as they are now adamant about, then that would have been a VERY short time that Miss Casey was busily searching for her lost daughter. I mean if she did not leave home until 1:00 pm, and she was in the Blockbuster at 7:00 pm, then that is only a 6 hour window. So when exactly did she arrive to search for Caylee at the babysitters? Has any time been stated there that she arrived at Zanni the Nanny's aptmt.?
And yet another thing to be thankful for on this day! ;)

Guilty people act differently than we would expect, imo. They lie, deceive, cover, and manipulate circumstances. They turn stories inside out and backwards concentrating on mundane things instead of important items to try to draw attention away from the lie. We have seen this repeatedly with the entire family, not only Casey.

I have always believed the discrepancy in dates was on purpose by all of them, imo. It would mean that the case would have changed in some ways such as the timing of the huge fight on June 15th and the whereabouts of the entire family the day Caylee actually went missing. I bet they were all accounted for on June 9th (except for Casey possibly). Yet on June 15th, we don't have anything for certain except the video, the ezpass accounts, and the cell phone records/pings. There are windows of time unaccounted for by everyone in the family including Lee.

I honestly in my deepest heart of hearts believe that the only true words uttered in this entire case have been "I have not seen my daughter for 31 days"...That counts backward to the 15th of June. She has taken Caylee out of the home on the night of the 15th and whatever she did to her or with her was done that very night. I think the striped pants story is FALSE and that the striped pants are a PLANT to make it appear that was what she was wearing that day when she left. Strangely these pants were laundered BEFORE they were disclosed...funny, hinky, ODD...I believe the 16th is the wrong date and that this child's demise occurred on the 15th or late at night on the 15th which would have been the extremely early morning of the 16th. George never saw them that afternoon as he has lied and stated he did. His story is too PAT to be true. The truth would be a blundering, blubbering I don't remember because I did not realize it would be the last time I would see her. I did not pay attention to what they were wearing. The stories are FALSE and the false stories began immediately following the 911 calls.
I have to agree with you Magic Cat. George really remembers the details out the 16th. We were out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving and cannot remember what anyone was wearing yesterday, yet a detailed description from a month ago. I think people tell to many details when they are lying and overthink things. I wonder if he remembers what Casey was wearing on June 24th when him and her got into the fight over the gas cans.....why was he so concerned about the missing gas cans....wouldn't he be more concerned that he hadn't seen Caylee? Didn't he fill out a police report about the missing gas cans? Guess he forgot that his granddaughter was missing.... They would wait until a month later to report Cindy's panicked 911 call. The panic that should have set in 31 days ago........lie after lie.....poor little caylee....her pictures and singing make me cry:confused:

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