Nancy Grace - Thursday, 12/4/08

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I hate this stupid 'threating the family' garbage. What does this family have that someone would threaten the family and kidnap a 2 year old child? I mean really. This family is a working class family with not too much money. Give me a break.
It's so convenient that 'these conversations are recorded,' so Adverb Creature just can't say anything that would endanger her daughter...who has already been kidnapped by scary people so dangerous that they might kill the whole family if she talks, so diabolical that she can't even trusst the police or the FBI. All she wants is to be back home with 'you guys' she can help find Caylee. Yeah, that's it, back home so I can devote my life to finding Caylee...and other missing children too.
CA: "Is someone threatening us....Is someone threatening us?" Good grief, they really do have delusions of grandeur. What makes them think that they are so important that someone would kidnap their granddaughter and threaten their lives. They are nobody. They are not famous. They have no money. They are just absolutely ignorant.
I hate this stupid 'threating the family' garbage. What does this family have that someone would threaten the family and kidnap a 2 year old child? I mean really. This family is a working class family with not too much money. Give me a break.

Agree. Only Casey can make up that explanation.
My name is suzanne.I am kind of new to Caylee Anthony's story.My son watches Nancy Grace every night and he has me very interested in this little girls case.Can you please tell me her story about this person Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales?


Well there's at least two. In one, KC drops Caylee on the sidewalk with this woman at Sawgrass apts and never see her again. In the other, Zanny and sis overtake KC at Blanchard Park and make off with Caylee.

ETA: Welcome!
It's so convenient that 'these conversations are recorded,' so Adverb Creature just can't say anything that would endanger her daughter...who has already been kidnapped by scary people so dangerous that they might kill the whole family if she talks, so diabolical that she can't even the police or the FBI. All she wants is to be back home with 'you guys' she can help find Caylee. Yeah, that's it, back home so I can devote my life to finding Caylee...and other missing children too.

"Adverb Creature" LOL Love it! Between KC and Lee, I can barely stand it!
Oh goody, adverb creature "forgives Zanni." Absolutey and completely, you know. Oh here she goes absolving George. He's been a great grandfather. Caylee IS, is that's it, so lucky to have you.
It's so convenient that 'these conversations are recorded,' so Adverb Creature just can't say anything that would endanger her daughter...who has already been kidnapped by scary people so dangerous that they might kill the whole family if she talks, so diabolical that she can't even the police or the FBI. All she wants is to be back home with 'you guys' she can help find Caylee. Yeah, that's it, back home so I can devote my life to finding Caylee...and other missing children too.

Oh, and let's also not forget that she has things that she needs to say DIRECTLY to each of them (CA, LA and Lee) so they won't be recorded. Wonder if she ever said her peace while she was lounging at home baking brownies?
"What is the message you want me to Zanny?"
"To give back Caylee"

ummmm...ok...if I was asked that about the kidnapper of my child, I would be screaming hateful words!
Playing the tape of Ca asking what messages she can convey to Zanny and Caylee.
CA never once asked Zanny to return Caylee or once told Caylee that her Mommy loves her.
anyone else notice when KC does not want to answer a question KC's response is this is recorded dont know who is going to see it and dont want it to be mis construed

Yup..............when the question is something difficult (hasn't thought of a good answer yet), and she relies on the "don't want to say as this is recorded."
It's really hard to stomach watching this little manipulative witch!
It just gives me a very uneasy feeling watching the tapes of her, and actually seeing her " in action ".
You guys realize we are watching pure evil here? A real criminal and evil mind at work! It's unbelieveable how easily she lies!
No, Casey will never ever give up Caylee's final 'resting place ' to anyone!
She'll take that to her grave!
I hate this stupid 'threating the family' garbage. What does this family have that someone would threaten the family and kidnap a 2 year old child? I mean really. This family is a working class family with not too much money. Give me a break.

The person A's need to fear the most is the one on the other end of the phone with them.
CA: "Is someone threatening us....Is someone threatening us?" Good grief, they really do have dillusions of graneur. What makes them think that they are so important that someone would kidnap their granddaughter and threaten their lives. They are nobody. They are not famous. They have no money. They are just absolutely ignorant.

I don't think they actually believe there is any threat, they were trying to get information out of Casey by going along with her story.
It makes me so angry when I hear Cindy say "I trust that" whenever Casey gives her another BS answer.

Geez woman, WAKE UP!

I'm not sure about the date of these tapes, but I gather end of July? I tuned in late. However, as much as I've grown to dislike the Anthony's, I have to defend them here. I have a sociopathic child or two, and this is what they HAVE to do, how they HAVE to act and talk to her. They HAVE to say they trust her. If they don't, she will get angry because they don't believe her and they will get nothing at all out of her. In the position they were in just then, they were doing the right thing. This does not go along with my theories about this case, but I know it's the only way to handle someone like Casey.

That said, the way the Anthonys are behaving now is taking it way too far. It is/was obvious Casey wasn't going to say anything, and maybe that was part of the script. All I can say NOW is something wrong with what they're doing.

My opinion only
The person A's need to fear the most is the one on the other end of the phone with them.

I agree. I really wonder if the A's know that or they just dont want to believe it.
It's really hard to stomach watching this little manipulative witch!
It just gives me a very uneasy feeling watching the tapes of her, and actually seeing her " in action ".
You guys realize we are watching pure evil here? A real criminal and evil mind at work! It's unbelieveable how easily she lies!
No, Casey will never ever give up Caylee's final 'resting place ' to anyone!
She'll take that to her grave!

I'm afraid I totally agree with you. She is pure evil and she will never tell.
Thankyou for answering me.I do not know a whole lot on her case.Did she give a discription of this lady?Did the police go to these apartments and ask neighbors or people in the apartment complex?if they saw someone who looks like this lady?

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