Nancy Grace Tuesday 9/16

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You know the funny thing about this website??? There are actually people who will donate and that is very sad.
Maybe someone needs to tell Nancy what has been found out about the fund to help find Caylee. It was closed. So the money anyone donates would not be going to help find Caylee - I'll be the've funneled it into a Casey defense fund or a "support the family" fund - you know make their house payments for them. There is not reason that Cindy cannot go back to work. She is not out looking for Caylee. I am sure the police would let her know when they find the chilkd. Casey is not talking to them - heck, Casey is never home to talk to anyone.
Ah, so it was quoted out of context, okay. My cable is kind of coming and going, ever since the last commercial break it has been breaking up. I had to rely on the other post for what she said there.

IMO, I still do think that Casey was doing some type of work, but not the type that you file taxes on, if you get my drift.

ITA..TonE also stated she was managing the "shooter girls" with him at Fusion so I wonder if she got paid under the table from them? I still think she was doing some other "work" as well.
Caller wants to know who pays for BGs.

ONe of the BGs told someone awhile back that the Anthony's are.
But if thats the case LE could always hold 1 charge back

For example if a man is charged with Passing a stolen check LE could arrest him & charge him with theft and then once the person makes bond they could go ahead & charge him with forgery

Now his bond is revoked -

I agree with the Lawyer on NG's show

LE should'nt be allowed to play games with charges to deny a person "Bond"

Please, don't anyone take this as me defending case because I'm not
the bond is not being denied. She is meeting the man for each charge as the paperwork is completed imhoo
But if thats the case LE could always hold 1 charge back

For example if a man is charged with Passing a stolen check LE could arrest him & charge him with theft and then once the person makes bond they could go ahead & charge him with forgery

Now his bond is revoked -

I agree with the Lawyer on NG's show

LE should'nt be allowed to play games with charges to deny a person "Bond"

Please, don't anyone take this as me defending case because I'm not
Cayklee's bond was NOT revoked. She just had an additional charge to bond out on.
Sorry, not_my_kids.......I should have posted what Nancy was referring to. I can see how you could take it out of context.
No..I added up the checks, and the electronic payment that was made to ATT and it was just under a thousand. I'm a bit confused because I've heard different amounts but there were like 3 checks for Target, 1 from Winn Dixie and then the payment using routing numbers for ATT that I saw on the affadavit. Maybe someone has an exact amount.

Yeah...I'm confused as well.

And didn't Amy say that when Casey cleaned out her account it was around $1,000.00 ?
You know the funny thing about this website??? There are actually people who will donate and that is very sad.

I know. Nancy is about 3 days behind. Sad thing is that when people call in, they are not getting the true scoop on the website collecting money.

Does Nancy take emails and has anyone tried to email this info to her?
Maybe someone needs to tell Nancy what has been found out about the fund to help find Caylee. It was closed. So the money anyone donates would not be going to help find Caylee - I'll be the've funneled it into a Casey defense fund or a "support the family" fund - you know make their house payments for them. There is not reason that Cindy cannot go back to work. She is not out looking for Caylee. I am sure the police would let her know when they find the chilkd. Casey is not talking to them - heck, Casey is never home to talk to anyone.

WHAT??? Are you serious:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I hope that they include that in their income for their taxes or they all might be sharing a cell in the big house. That ticks me off. The DUMB people have yet to get off their A$$ and look for this child, instead they hang out at the house, maybe drive the billboard around, make a cameo appearance for the media then go and suck up to KC,hammer more stakes with crime tape, do the yard etx:mad::mad::mad:

The sad part of this is there are people that sent money to that fund to help search forher and they probably did not even have it to send. I swear people like this just make you shake your head and wish back in the day you could have gave them a condom to save them a life of hell.
Cayklee's bond was NOT revoked. She just had an additional charge to bond out on.

I know I was just responding to another poster who said that in some states once your charged with another crime while out on bond the original bond is automatically revoked.

I know that is true in some states but I think it just opens the door for LE to play games with charges - Basically what I'm saying is that I don't think LE should be allowed to with hold charges until a person makes bond then add "NEW charges to get that persons Bond revoked

Does any of this make any sense?
I agree that it's more than bouncing checks but she will never do any serious time on these charges.

Is'nt the total amount around $400?

I am not sure, because I have collected the amounts from other blogs and news websites, but I believe they now are around $2,100 and there are more coming according to some sites.

The one which is going to get her some real jail time is the IDENTITY THEFT.
Maybe someone needs to tell Nancy what has been found out about the fund to help find Caylee. It was closed. So the money anyone donates would not be going to help find Caylee - I'll be the've funneled it into a Casey defense fund or a "support the family" fund - you know make their house payments for them. There is not reason that Cindy cannot go back to work. She is not out looking for Caylee. I am sure the police would let her know when they find the chilkd. Casey is not talking to them - heck, Casey is never home to talk to anyone.

I agree- I wish someone would alert her producers to this fact, but G*d love her, I don't think she would say anything about it until it was past the breaking news stage. As much as I love to watch her, her show is more about sensationalism (sorry, guys) with a little law and outrage thrown in. She is not an investigative journalist. Greta's team is more investigative and would probably get boots on the ground to look into it (they did a lot in Drewpy's case), but they are distracted by the election now IMO
IMO If Casey was so "petrified" that she would never see Caylee again then she would have called police the very first day REGARDLESS!!! That's what a REAL MOTHER does! jmo
Yeah...I'm confused as well.

And didn't Amy say that when Casey cleaned out her account it was around $1,000.00 ?

From the affadavit here is what I tally..

Target- 3 checks totalling 404.25

Winn Dixie 92.62

Bank of America- 250.00


Grand total...1320.87..more than I thought but I think the ATT didn't go through b/c of lack of funds. Also I don't know if there are more that came about after the affadavit was posted? I'm still confused LOL.
She is probably thinking what most of us are thinking....why can't they keep her sorry butt in jail where she belongs. i can tell you this, if she were in the miltary she would be in pretrial confinment....period.

And if you want to argue go somewhere else.

When Casey is charged in connection with Caylee's death, she might remain in jail pending her trial.

I suppose that if she was accused of committing a crime while in the military, she wouldn't have even the relatively slim freedom she currently enjoys. What's that saying about balls and queens?
the bond is not being denied. She is meeting the man for each charge as the paperwork is completed imhoo

I'm not talking about Casey - I was responding to another poster who said that in some states "Bond" is automatically revoked when there is a new charge
She wasn't "petrified" she wouldn't see Caylee again. She was petrified of her mother's reaction.

Casey: "I saw my mom's reaction right off the bat and it would have been the same from the get go."

Allen: So wait a minute. So, you're more afraid of your mom's reaction then you are if you ever see your daughter?

Casey: No I'm absolutely petrified. Absolutely petrified. I know my mom will never forgive me. I'm never gonna forgive myself because there's that chance that I might not see Caylee again and I don't want to think about that.
I am not sure, because I have collected the amounts from other blogs and news websites, but I believe they now are around $2,100 and there are more coming according to some sites.

The one which is going to get her some real jail time is the IDENTITY THEFT.

I'm curious about the ATT..I think that one is going to get her some time..b/c it was electronic.

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