Nancy Grace - Wednesday, 1/7/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I thought I heard that a person that gets life or DP cannot profit off the case- Wasnt that stated when Scot Peterson got the DP? Maybe they can profit now but what about after shes convicted? maybe the laws differ from state to state?
There is a Florida statute someone has posted here that specifically says a defense attorney cannot take a case on contingency whereby he sells items related to the case.

If profits have been made by Casey regarding this case, that can be held on lien and payable to the state upon her conviction.

If Cindy and George get indicted for obstructing justice and concealing a crime and aiding and abetting, messing with a corpse, tampering with witnesses, then they may not be able to profit either. This is why they are begging and pleading for immunity imo. The profit and money will be held with a lien.

jmo. not a lawyer.


Great point! So they could lose $1.7 M if they don't get immunity and do get indicted. Hmmmm?

Seems a just financial penalty if their hands are dirty.
Has anyone broke down the time line after her remains were found? Like when did cindy and george request imunity, lee gets a lawyer, etc

I'm not sure of the exact date that the A's hired BC but it was right before or after Caylee's remains were discovered. LA's attorney TL appearred on the scene soon after. December 31st, JB requested a special master be appointed to sit in on interview of DC (PI) regarding the video tape of area where Caylee's remains were located and at the same time/day, BC, CA & GA's attorney made a statement that he wanted immunity for his clients before they spoke to LE again, Lee's attorney followed suit shortly soon after.
It might have been an upfront deal for access to KC if/when acquitted, although it is premature because the price could go up at that time. Either selling rights or seeking a retainer fee now.

The problem becomes, when she is convicted, while I have seen prisoners get interviewed in their orange suits -- can JB profit if KC is in jail LWOP?
Wouldn't attorney/client privilege still be in effect afterward? MOO
When KC was out of jail and she was going back and forth to JB's office for the day, didn't D. Casey, PI drive her to the attys sometimes? Could it be that KC herself told DC?

People said she was a motormouth.

Maybe talking about "if I did it" I would have buried Caylee on Surburban induced another "man" besides Baez to talk to her (despite Baez's rules forbidding P.I. DC to converse with Casey).
God forgive me for what I'm thinking. Could it possibly be that all the A's are in such financial straits, that they decided to sacrifice Caylee, knowing they could make a lot of money from it? I would bet if someone hadn't had loose lips, that little Caylee's body would never have been found and they could still insist the nanny took her. I can't even be rational right now, I'm absolutely sick.

I have to agree.

I can't forget CA's phone calls to police.

Caylee was NOT her priority, it seemed to me. the stolen MONEY & the car was.

Not CA or GA nor even one of Casey's "friend's" ever asked about or for Caylee in any meaningful way. No one demanded to see her or wonder why she was absent for an entire month. No one laid eyes on that child all that time, or spoke to her or pushed her mother for access to her.

Not even her own grandmother. This is why I believe Casey never expected to have to account for Caylee. She never expected anyone, not even CA to call the police on the baby's behalf. She was going to disappear with Caylee and their "beloved nanny" --with whom not one person ever questioned existed.

Anyone see the recent case of a 10yr old missing TEN YEARS without even one family reporting him missing?

This does happen, as disgusting and unimaginable, and had Casey left the Orlando area before CA finally went after HER (not Caylee--she didn't even look for her in AL's apt)

Why she asked for one more day.
It had to be CA, GA has no blls to hire a PI without CA permission nor is he allowed to touch money, so that leaves CA and LA. LA may have hired the PI but CA controls the checkbook IMHO. No way would she let her "child" have any control over "her" money. So any way you want to look at it CA IMO hired the PI and paid the PI. The PI reported to CA. CA is the ringmaster of this circus, GA and LA are the guys in tights doing cartwheels. JMO.

I truly believe that the A's have known since November 15th. Everything, looking back on it, fits. I think NJ knew something on the 20th when he quit. These people are pond scum.
I am not sure why the state has not appointed a guardian ad litum yet. They should. Nobody seems to give a darn about that poor childs funeral.
This is the sickest case I have ever seen. This money hungry scammers should all rot in HE&&!

IIRC..Wasn't that around the time Cindy was on camera everywhere looking so heavily medicated she didn't seem to know where she was?..Something is very evil about Casey that all those who come in contact are contaminated..I wonder if these same people would of acted in the same way if they had never met or come in contact with her.. or does she just bring to light what was already lurking within them..
Dr. Lee contradicted himself tonight. I waited and watched it on the re-run to make certain I heard correctly. At about the 10 minute mark, he said the defense was waiting on test results to return from the lab before there could be a funeral. At about the 27 minute mark NG asked "what lab is doing the testing?" Dr. Lee admitted that no "samples have been sent to a lab because the defense is waiting on the state to release the samples to the defense. He used the word "Samples", not CD's or discs. Unfortunately, a hardbreak interupted him in mid sentence, and NG didn't follow up after the break. The state has already released the remains. There are no more samples to release to the defense.
I don't like it when "paid experts", either for the prosecution or defense, make false statements to enhance their client's position.

Agreed. He was trying to obfuscate the fact that the Defense is basically doing nothing other than waiting for the prosecution's work, photos and x-rays so they can scrutinize the work and find fault -- to undermine the prosecution case at trial. They are holding onto Caylee's remains so that they can compare and find any errors or ommissions in the work. It is far, far, far easier to find fault and criticize but that's the Defense strategy. Poke holes in the prosecution.
Does anyone recall the day that the PIs were wanding the A house to check for bugs (listening devices)? This could explain their need for making sure their conversations (especially with PIs) weren't overheard. I always wondered about that.
I'm not sure of the exact date that the A's hired BC but it was right before or after Caylee's remains were discovered. LA's attorney TL appearred on the scene soon after. December 31st, JB requested a special master be appointed to sit in on interview of DC (PI) regarding the video tape of area where Caylee's remains were located and at the same time/day, BC, CA & GA's attorney made a statement that he wanted immunity for his clients before they spoke to LE again, Lee's attorney followed suit shortly soon after.

Time LE gets to these interview's with the A's--they've bought enough time.

They are allowing Caylee to stay in a BOX for cripe's sake %@#%$!:furious:

Poor Caylee NEVER had a chance.

Even in death, they are giving her NO dignity NO respect--it's all about saving a monster.
Another thing...DC said he visited KC in jail many many times. I had asked the question on another thread if his visits would have been in conjunction with JB's visits, and if they were also subject to privelege. He could have gotten the information during one of his 'many many' visits with KC at the jail if so.
Casey had taken money from her family and used them for YEARS.

If Cindy was worried about money or the car, she could have turned Casey in on a multitude of charges long before she did. She didn't have to allow Casey to have the car, ever.

Cindy could have cared less about the car or money. Cindy HAD the car already. Casey sure wasn't going to earn enough to ever repay her stolen damages. The money was gone for good.

There was no reason for Cindy to drag Casey out of Tony's EXCEPT to get Caylee back. If Cindy had left Casey where she was nobody would STILL know Caylee had been killed.

Except for Cindy's desperate 911 call nobody might EVER have known anything.
ive seen other cases of missing and murdered cases featured on lifetime . im sure those families were paid as well . there was one about diane downs i know of . and laci peterson and one about that scotts mistress amber frey ..that anne fahey lady .. i almost expect this to happen they usually do make movies about high profile cases .im not saying its right but i figured lifetime would be contacting them sooner or later.. im not suprised if they do it either . that is alot of money to turn down and if they are as horrible and evil as everyone says they are why be suprised .i doubt id watch it though would bother me too much ..caylee was such a precious little baby .

Same here..but I wouldn't mind though if it were only to tell Caylee's story in the hopes of helping another family who may need to see what can happen if families look the other way or are reluctant to act when faced with a similar situation..with all of the proceeds going to help missing or abused children.
that's ok, she can sit there and rot.
she has nothing better to do anyways and she's not going anywhere.

they were saying on NG that the trial probably won't go forward in March.i thought to myself---good, she can experience her first summer in the shorts and parties,,,no 4th of's endless all she won't experience ever again. :D:dance: let em delay. let em all rot.
:cow: moo

Bolded by me.

But wouldn't it be such poetic justice to have her found guilty and sentenced on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, which seems to be KC's favorite holiday????: lepsmilie:
Another thing...DC said he visited KC in jail many many times. I had asked the question on another thread if his visits would have been in conjunction with JB's visits, and if they were also subject to privelege. He could have gotten the information during one of his 'many many' visits with KC at the jail if so.

Anything DC learned about the case while under contract with the defense would fall under privilege. Protected under work product rules, and JB started screaming privilege and supervised questioning as soon as the topic of questioning DC came up. It will be very interesting to know what he knew and when.
I mentioned about 2 weeks ago that Roy was also the Anthonys meter reader- I even asked how often he reads the meters and someone answered every 3 months- Roy K stated that , that was his area. Whoever answered me can verify this because I asked if they read them every month and they answered every 3 months. I asked because I wondered if lee may have known this meter reader. Then Roy did mention he lived in the neighborhood or his supervisor did- cant recall if it was Roy or his boss- Then LP said Roy had a friend right around the corner he could of went to , to use the restroom-

Do you suppose LA and the meter reader thought the two of them would end up splitting the $250,000 reward? money?
IMO, LA moved CAYLEE for kc........the high five? means everything ok sis???IMO

I have always suspected that LA moved the remains to the area they were found in, I think it was before he played the disapearing act . I am glad to see one of the attorneys on todays NG show thinks the same way except he didnt mention any names. I think it was after the jail house visit when they were using code and he "caught" where she had left the remains. He acted too cagey to me , therefore i suspected him. When she said 'close to home " I think she was telling him where to put the remains. MOO

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