Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #3

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Fraud is illegal. Lying on documents is illegal. Wire fraud is illegal. Corruption is illegal. Bribery is illegal. Not sure I'm following this logic.


He's saying there's no way to calculate the damage done by their actions to make a judgement on a fitting punishment. He's not saying they didn't break the law. I don't think anyway because that'd be very dumb.

Edit: Dan Abrams would be very dumb for saying that, not you scdiv just to be clear.
Oh I thought desperate housewives was reality tv. But either way never watched it.

I loved Desperate Housewives so it has been difficult to be critical of Felicity Huffman and separate her character Lynette from Felicity. In the final season of the show though her character was involved in covering up a murder of a child abuser. I don’t condone what Felicity has done and I’m pretty shocked by it. Hopefully she genuinely is remorseful and she becomes a better person.
I agree. I know better but I think we all do it--I see her as the overworked mom with all of the kids in that show lol. In fact I did not realize it was who this was in this scandal for some time--I knew I should know the name but I could not place it and one day it just clicked.

I have not watched it in some years--I would not mind doing so again lol. I was going to get the entire series and never did.

I remember the first show where her kids in dress clothes end up in the pool. Teri Hatcher was such the clutz. Eva Longoria mowing the lawn in high heels and evening dress at night with a push mower because Carlos would wonder what the young hot gardener was doing that day if it was not mowed... Lmao.

I generally do not think I will like shows that have basically no morals but it is so over the top and not real life that it is absolutely hilarious.

The episode where one of FH's children (character Lynette's child I mean) where he found the old lady neighbor's husband in the freezer and went home screaming his head off....

Yes, I liked FH and her character in that show--I am glad she owned up in this scandal.


ETA: I meant to quote the above post and apparently I did not...
Fraud is illegal. Lying on documents is illegal. Wire fraud is illegal. Corruption is illegal. Bribery is illegal. Not sure I'm following this logic.


He's saying there's no way to calculate the damage done by their actions to make a judgement on a fitting punishment. He's not saying they didn't break the law. I don't think anyway because that'd be very dumb.

Edit: Dan Abrams would be very dumb for saying that, not you scdiv just to be clear.
Oh yea, I was just trying to recap what Dan Abrams said on GMA, not that it was my opinion. And I think he got a lot of backlash for it as well.

Dan Abrams on Twitter
It seems many misunderstanding what I said @gma about #FelicityHuffman sentencing. It’s a financial crime and you have to show a financial victim with numbers. Prosecutors said universities were the victims except they didn’t lose $. That’s not saying it’s a “victimless crime.”
Oh yea, I was just trying to recap what Dan Abrams said on GMA, not that it was my opinion. And I think he got a lot of backlash for it as well.

Dan Abrams on Twitter
It seems many misunderstanding what I said @gma about #FelicityHuffman sentencing. It’s a financial crime and you have to show a financial victim with numbers. Prosecutors said universities were the victims except they didn’t lose $. That’s not saying it’s a “victimless crime.”

I might disagree with him. I'm sure there's some way to compute the impact of degree from let's say Harvard as opposed to CSUF.
I might disagree with him. I'm sure there's some way to compute the impact of degree from let's say Harvard as opposed to CSUF.
I 100% agree with you. But from a practical standpoint, is there a way to really go back and know which specific person lost their spot at that school because one of these privileged children got it instead? But does that even matter? Isn't breaking the law enough to be considered a crime?

For some reason, the ones who went the route of the fake athlete profiles bothers me even more than the ACT test score cheating. Which, is still totally wrong. I guess maybe because it seems more straightforward - like, okay, you crossed the line and decided you're cool with cheating on a test. And the universities in those cases got duped because they made real decisions based on what they thought was real information from the ACT tests.

The athlete stuff just feels even more egregious to me, maybe because it involves staging fake photos, actually posing on a rower for pictures, fake athlete profiles created, fake competitions, fake teams or elite overseas clubs that never existed, photo shopping, conspiring with people on the inside of these athletic departments, who were making a nice salary, accepting bribes and pushing these applications through under false pretenses. It just seems like so many more layers of fraud involved. And also, so many more chances where any ethical parent would stop and say, whoa, this is really, really shady.

I don't know - neither situation is cool. I don't even know if one of these is actually worse than the other, I was just thinking why the athlete one annoyed me more and I think maybe just because of all the extra effort that went into carrying out fraud.

I do feel bad for some of the kids who didn't know what their parents were up to. There was one mother in the affidavit who was so insistent on her daughter not knowing because the girl would so not be okay with it. That the older sister had been, but this younger daughter was going to wonder what was up and protest, and so she definitely could not find out.

From the affidavit with defendant Michelle Janavs:

She’s smart, she’s going to figure this out. Yeah, she’s going to say to me--she already thinks I’m up to, like, no good.

She’s totally different than [my older daughter]. Like she needs to really think she d-- [my older daughter] is like, “This test is such . I don’t really care. I don’t ever want to take it.” But [my younger daughter] is like actually studying to try and get a 34.

So it would-- it would actually be a great boost to her. And [my older daughter] came to me and she says, “You’re not going to tell [my sister], are you?” I was like, “No.” Weird-- weird family dynamics, but every kid is different.


Then there were the two schools in West Hollywood and Houston where Singer had a person running those testing sites. He was paying the guy in West Hollywood (Igor something) like double what he was giving the woman in Houston (Niki Williams). She was getting "only" $5,000 per kid. But in that case, she was an assistant teacher at a public school in Houston and ACT administrator -- accused of accepting bribes.

Not cool, but it's probably the only person in this scandal that I can see being *tempted* by taking bribes. Like definitely not okay and needing money doesn't make it okay to do so illegally - just that she probably made a salary as an assistant public school teacher where it would be tempting. And it's like they knew she was desperate and could get away with paying her barely anything (relative to the whole scheme - he was raking in six figures from the parents, then giving this Niki a paltry amount in comparison). Meanwhile he was giving the guy in West Hollywood double that, for the same thing. She had the least amount of restitution ordered in the affidavit. She was wrong, but I have less sympathy for these college coaches and administrators who were already earning a very nice living doing it for pure greed.

This case both disgusts and fascinates me.
Whatever happened to the work ethic in academics. Did that really disappear with the 1980's?

Proud to say I never once cheated in grade, junior high, high school or college (and I attended a prestigious women's college in my home state, CT) but I worked hard at my studies, worked part time, even had time to do volunteer work. Sure I had student loans but I also had a few grants and partial scholarships because I was on the dean's list at the high school (which was a private high school) I attended.

What I didn't do: party (which is illegal at the school I went to), skip class, waste time, you get the picture.

There is a reason higher education is getting more and more expensive every year. While students who get full scholarships from earning them won't get short changed too much, there will be some who do work hard and still have student loans to pay back.
I just have one question...Does anyone go to USC legitimately? My opinion...The school should just label itself a school for the Elite and children of celebrities and then we wouldn’t have this problem. I have no problem with those kids all going to that school and staying out of my own kids school.
They should just state in their prerequisite rich or famous. Problem solved. Moo

Sure - students legitimately matriculate at USC. Same with UCLA, any other major state university.

USC has a marvelous film archive (Hugh Hefner Moving Image Archive), and I personally know the head archivist there. He is in fact very proactive in the restoration of silent films.

It is unfortunate that some celebrities like Loughlin et al take part in illegal activities just to get their child into a school like USC. However - I suspect these are few and far between.

Whatever happened to the work ethic in academics. Did that really disappear with the 1980's?

Proud to say I never once cheated in grade, junior high, high school or college (and I attended a prestigious women's college in my home state, CT) but I worked hard at my studies, worked part time, even had time to do volunteer work. Sure I had student loans but I also had a few grants and partial scholarships because I was on the dean's list at the high school (which was a private high school) I attended.

What I didn't do: party (which is illegal at the school I went to), skip class, waste time, you get the picture.

There is a reason higher education is getting more and more expensive every year. While students who get full scholarships from earning them won't get short changed too much, there will be some who do work hard and still have student loans to pay back.

Me either! I wouldn't be close to tempted to do so. I take pride in my hard work and it's a manner of honor. And I enjoy competing with myself and improving.
What is the sentencing schedule for the next defendants? I think there are more this week.. correct?? Does anyone have a list? Thx.

Devin Sloane is next up on 9/24.

For a lot of the parents who pled guilty, the sentencing recommendation says, "Government Recommendation pursuant to the plea agreement: incarceration at the low end of the Guidelines sentencing range"

But then for a few parents who pled guilty, like the Abbotts, it says the recommendation is "one year and one day in prison" and for Huneeus it says the recommendation is, "15 months in prison," Semprevivo, "18 months in prison" and Sloane, "one year and one day in prison."

I don't know enough about the individual cases to know why these vary so much, even when the charges listed are the same. But I'd say it doesn't look good for Lori that the government is recommending a year for even some parents who pled guilty early and cooperated.
Fraud is illegal. Lying on documents is illegal. Wire fraud is illegal. Corruption is illegal. Bribery is illegal. Not sure I'm following this logic.


Exactly, shouldn’t be that hard, right?
But according to this law, there has to be a victim showing financial loss. Not sure why that is, but, ok, then go ahead and establish a financial loss... in damages. There are no doubt students who lost an opportunity as a result of this fraudulent activity. It was stolen from them.

All I can say is that it seems the law needs to be changed. Otherwise people like this..... con men / fraudsters / cheaters.... will always get away with everything. Must be too hard for all the corrupt politicians to figure out, eh?
Please forgive my cynicism.
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I went to a small Christian school and once we were taking a Bible test and I couldn't help but notice the kid sitting next to me and something didn't seem right. When I looked closer I realized he had his Bible study guide out and was using it to cheat. It was wrong of me to think it at the time but I nearly burst out laughing at the irony of the whole thing.
I don't know enough about the individual cases to know why these vary so much, even when the charges listed are the same. But I'd say it doesn't look good for Lori that the government is recommending a year for even some parents who pled guilty early and cooperated.

Yeah, the fit Mossimo threw with the guidance counselor won't bode well, IMO.

Of course, we're also assuming that the remaining defendants will get jail time anywhere remotely near 1 year, which has not yet been proven out by any example.
Thanks for status grid.

I get a kick out of reading tabloids that say that LL is following all the cases closely and taking notes, ;), as I can only think that she is looking at this same grid that we are looking at. Whose case sentences is she referring to;) ??? to take notes on..all this time/over the summer, as the Judge is just getting started.
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