Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019

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Loughlin is described as “a competitive parent that liked to show off”.

Between her and her husband, I have no doubt that they will try a redemption come-back with some sort of media venue- like a series like (shudder) the Kardashians.

They live for the publicity, the money, the connections with famous people.

I mean it’s not like the’re going to move to an organic farm in Oregon and have the two Hollywood-raised daughters discussing vintage broccoli strains.

If they can avoid prison, that is. But they’ll have to time this well. The issue is hot right now, but in 18 months no one will care and pop culture will be on to some other pseudo-celebrity issue.
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Which honestly, IMO she has every right to be (mad at her folks). Her parents pushed their wishes for her to go to college on her when Olivia was very clear she couldn't care less about going. She was fine doing her YouTube thing. And now because of her parents' pushiness she has lost her dream career.

Sure she may have gotten that career due to dad's money and connections, but there is nothing illegal about that. Lots of parents would spend any money they can on their kids this way, and pull some strings with business buddies if there were strings to pull. That doesn't just happen for the uber rich - I know someone who became a mail carrier because of strings her dad pulled.

Loughlin/Giannulli raised their daughters to become what many would consider spoiled brats. The thing is, that honestly doesn't matter, because there's nothing illegal about turning your kids into spoiled brats.

What bugs me is that no matter how spoiled Olivia may be, she had her YouTube dream and was doing well with it apparently (I'd never heard of her, but that doesn't mean much LOL) and she could have easily built it up over the years and become a brand in her own right. Which is what she seemed to want to do.
Her parents not just forced their wants ('go to college') on her, they ruined all of that for her. Now what the heck is she going to do? She's not going to get into any colleges even if she wanted to, and the rest of it has vaporized. And she's only 19, with a lot of years left to go.

All MOO and JMO

Very good insight. Great post!
Which honestly, IMO she has every right to be (mad at her folks). Her parents pushed their wishes for her to go to college on her when Olivia was very clear she couldn't care less about going. She was fine doing her YouTube thing. And now because of her parents' pushiness she has lost her dream career.

Sure she may have gotten that career due to dad's money and connections, but there is nothing illegal about that. Lots of parents would spend any money they can on their kids this way, and pull some strings with business buddies if there were strings to pull. That doesn't just happen for the uber rich - I know someone who became a mail carrier because of strings her dad pulled.

Loughlin/Giannulli raised their daughters to become what many would consider spoiled brats. The thing is, that honestly doesn't matter, because there's nothing illegal about turning your kids into spoiled brats.

What bugs me is that no matter how spoiled Olivia may be, she had her YouTube dream and was doing well with it apparently (I'd never heard of her, but that doesn't mean much LOL) and she could have easily built it up over the years and become a brand in her own right. Which is what she seemed to want to do.
Her parents not just forced their wants ('go to college') on her, they ruined all of that for her. Now what the heck is she going to do? She's not going to get into any colleges even if she wanted to, and the rest of it has vaporized. And she's only 19, with a lot of years left to go.

All MOO and JMO

Maybe she can get a job as a style-c0nsultant-vlogger-boat girl on the billionaire’s yacht
I don't think Olivia can make a comeback. The millenials were pretty harsh in their comments on her social media platforms, in the comments section of MSM articles and on the company Instagram pages that used her for promotions (Sephora, Treseme, etc.). Sephora invested a lot of money, producing products with her name.

She's been called a fraud and a spoiled brat. I don't think any company will touch her again.
It will be interesting to see how she fairs. The problem that she faces as a model/influencer, is that she is totally replaceable. There are a thousand other young women that are lining up to take her place. Sure, these companies will have to do some rearranging and rebranding, but that isn't a big deal. Companies have to do that increasingly frequently anyway. The Loughlin/Mossimo/Olivia part of this story is getting probably more attention than the others, in part, because of how stupid it was. They had money and fame, Olivia had a good situation going as it was, had no interest in college (and no need), and yet, they did it anyway. It sounds like this wasn't about Olivia at all, but just about Mom and Dad wanting to have bragging rights to a kid at USC, AND to use her to get access to USC affiliated big-wigs.
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Lori has more to lose. Her money-making ability comes from being the incredibly likeable sweet pretty character she’s played for 20 years. Sounds like the person underneath is less attractive and probably not so employable as an “arrogant” driven criminal
That is exactly correct. She had that wholesome persona that made her so successful. Now she has totally destroyed that. Honestly, I don't know if she can ever recover, as an actress, from this. I was always a big fan of hers, so this is all so disappointing to me.
School Scam Kingpin's Penalty May Be Lighter Than Parents'

Singer may get off easier than the parents because he knew and spilled all of the secrets. (Sickening!)

But not for Singer these parents may not have ever become involved in college cheating scheme. IMO
I don’t frequently like pleas, but in this case, I’m fine if Singer gets off with community service & some restrictive conditions (banned from any education related field?) for exposing this corruption. These parents took no persuading. They were actively looking for an illegal solution to a problem. Singer’s consulting company is one of thousands like it nationwide. I’m sure some of them are honest. The follow-the-money idea applies. The question is what consulting companies are strong competitors of Singer’s. I want all the companies/ consultants/ clients held fully accountable.
Sounds like Felicity will come off far better than Lori.

The press will be relentless on this family as their high-flying daughter’s vblogging presence makes it so easy to expose her as the careless spoiled child flying in the face of earnest students kids of lesser means and non-famous parents.

It’s amazing she didn’t have enough social savy, nor did her parent’s - apparently, to reflect on the garish optics of this. I guess they were busy planning the spring break on a billionaire’s yacht.

Well Lori and Mossimo: Your grab at MORE wealth, fame, and influence through your children has just exploded all over the media in a very ugly foul-smelling rotting mess.

You are going to be dogged for years and years, even after the trials, the criminal disclosures, the IRS investigation.

This is gonna BURN for a very long time.
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