NC - 12-year-old dies at Trails Carolina wilderness therapy camp, Lake Toxaway, February 2024

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"Det. Gonee and Shook attempted to gain information on the other four juveniles that were in the bunk house along with CJH when he died. Trails Carolina staff refused to allow us to speak with any juveniles on sight, as well as see them. They also refused to give out any of the juveniles' names or date of births, or any other information as well," says the warrant.

Trails Carolina also declined a request from the Transylvania County Department of Social Services to "check on the welfare of the children as well," according to the affidavit.
"Trails has conducted an internal investigation of this incident, and the Trails facility has been investigated by outside professionals who are subject-matter experts. Both investigations have concluded that there is no evidence that Trails failed to properly supervise, no evidence that Trails caused harm, and no evidence that conditions at Trails were unsafe or unhealthy," said Trails. "Speculation of any kind is inappropriate and disrespectful the family."
Staff Watched Boy, 12, Suffer Panic Attacks Before Death at Camp: Cops

So there were four other minors in the bunkhouse with CJH and the camp refused to allow LE to speak to or even set eyes any of them. Makes the fact that CJH was nude from waist down even more suspect IMO. No 12 year old is gonna be sleeping with his bottom half nude while he is wearing a t-shirt AND hoodie in an environment he doesn't want to be in with a bunch of strangers, including peers. PERIOD. JMO MOO

as to the statement by Trails that not only is their own internal investigation concluded but LE's is as well. I call BULL. I will wait to hear that from LE. IMO there is absolutely no way LE ahs concluded its investigation since they were hampered in even speaking to many of the persons who were present or have knowledge about the circumstances prior to CJH's death.

The more they CYA the more suspicious it makes me. They'd have been better off without issuing this sad attempt to rehab the optics they themselves have created in this situation.
This is standard for any and all healthcare facilities, even when a death is involved. All information is protected under HIPAA, HIPAA is so complex, facilities require a warrant, the old CMA.
LE wouldn't think of walking into a hospital and asking for patient information, even in a shooting without a warrant. This is no different, same rules. They are licensed as a treatment center, not a camp.

In the 6yo Richneck classroom school shooting in VA, the COP spoke to the child briefly. It was months before LE was allowed to speak with the child. Then it was through psychologist/psychiatrist.
Statements/interviews with students witnessing the shooting, were handled the same. Some parents refused to speak with LE.
There was much a do, in the press, about LE talking with all adolescents involved.
This rocked this community, it rocked the nation to the core, parents and citizens wanted answers. COP was constantly stating I'm unable to speak with the shooter at this time, as the Press hammered him for information.

When "how did this happen" was released, in the indictments.
NEVER in million years could I have imagined.

I support the camp, until which time, they are arrested, closed or proved they did not cause the death of this child.

So, I'm following up on @Dotta 's direction.

I think we can all notice in the warrant that the counselor-witness makes no sense when he's asked about how the zipper-alarm worked. What if we pay attention to the bivy language for a moment? The child was not actually in the bivy. He wasn't in a sleeping bag. Here's how he was found.

"Upon entering the structure they observed CJH laying in the floor of the bunk house on a mat."
The counselor describes the normal set up. Note: this is not a straightforward LE description. It is a witness description, at least in part. And, since the counselor is dodge-y about the lock, he might very well be dodge-y about the bivy.
Mr. Hunt then explained CJH's sleeping arrangements. He describe that CJH would have to sleep on the floor of the bunk house, the base layer of it is a heavy duty plastic that is cut approximately 6 feet and tied on each end with a string, on top of this is a sleeping Bivvy which is considered a small tent. One side is collapsed and the other side is held up by a flex pole.

Inside of this bivvy is where the sleeping bag is placed, and CJH would have to sleep like this on the first night per protocol of Trails Carolina.

LE does seem to have had a good look at the lock, but nowhere does it say he saw the bivy set up.

Note: none of any "bivy" examples posted or discussed so far are designed to be thrashed around in, e.g. if you're having a panic attack or being contrary. This would include a tent with one pole.

Also: I am open to the idea of @Dotta 's 2-pole bivy, if LE basically saw the stuff in a heap, rather than set up, which now seems kinda likely.
Based on everything, especially the death of a 12-year-old child, I hope a very thorough investigation is done, especially on all materials presented as being used by the child. Every inch of every piece needs to be checked for the child's DNA. The camp's actions appear so focused on self-protection, I'm wondering how much clean up and substitution might have been done before LE's arrival. However, because LE appears to already be suspicious of camp's activities, I suspect those tests have been ordered and hopefully more we can't even know about.
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I also wonder if the camp has temporary power of attorney while the kids are there? Not sure how that would work.
I don't think they would have POA, maybe a Authorization to Treat in an Emergency.

The facility would provide the same protection to privacy, and care, as a Hospital, Nursing Home, Asst Living.

This is a licensed Residential Treatment Center. Their treatment plan, incorporates camping, nature and various activities.
This is standard for any and all healthcare facilities, even when a death is involved. All information is protected under HIPAA, HIPAA is so complex, facilities require a warrant, the old CMA.
LE wouldn't think of walking into a hospital and asking for patient information, even in a shooting without a warrant. This is no different, same rules. They are licensed as a treatment center, not a camp.

In the 6yo Richneck classroom school shooting in VA, the COP spoke to the child briefly. It was months before LE was allowed to speak with the child. Then it was through psychologist/psychiatrist.
Statements/interviews with students witnessing the shooting, were handled the same. Some parents refused to speak with LE.
There was much a do, in the press, about LE talking with all adolescents involved.
This rocked this community, it rocked the nation to the core, parents and citizens wanted answers. COP was constantly stating I'm unable to speak with the shooter at this time, as the Press hammered him for information.

When "how did this happen" was released, in the indictments.
NEVER in million years could I have imagined.

I support the camp, until which time, they are arrested, closed or proved they did not cause the death of this child.

I understand your position on this case. I feel differently. I do not stand with a camp that releases a statement that the investigation is over, and implies that of law enforcement (outside professionals who are subject-matter experts) is over and that they have been found blameless and people should just go away and move on. I will believe LE when they tell me that. MOO
The facility would provide the same protection to privacy, and care, as a Hospital, Nursing Home, Asst Living.
I'm trying to think of any hospitals, nursing homes or assisted living institutions that force their patients, against their will, to sleep on the floor.

ETA, they don't even do that in prisons

I understand your position on this case. I feel differently. I do not stand with a camp that releases a statement that the investigation is over, and implies that of law enforcement (outside professionals who are subject-matter experts) is over and that they have been found blameless and people should just go away and move on. I will believe LE when they tell me that. MOO
I thought I'd read all the statements but I missed this one.
I did read the release stating, they were told it was accidental.

It's extremely hard not to defend your facility, when the media is blaming, accusing of wrongful death
When you may know or have information not yet official, released in the media.
I speak from experience, involved with three deaths, all highly publicized.
One death was legionnaires contracted in another city, w/7 others. No fault of my facility - unclean hot tub/national retailer.

Then the two, elder ladies that died (yrs apart) at home, again our not our fault. Family caregiver, slept through alarms. Neither wanted to be blamed for "Mama"s death, so they "fudged the truth".
I knew the truth, had CDC/FDA sitting in my office for weeks, couldn't say a word. Had to wait on the official FDA and CDC reports, while the media made us out to be murderers.
I was so ashamed, upset, couldn't look people in the eye. Couldn't even go to church.
I wanted to shout as all the media, we're not murders.
So, based on my traumatic experience, I'll wait for the official medical examiners report. I do hope this is accidental or an underlying health condition, for the parents sake. If determined to be a "wrongful" death, they may never forgive themselves.

If wrongful, I know this will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. No doubt.

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I'm trying to think of any hospitals, nursing homes or assisted living institutions that force their patients, against their will, to sleep on the floor.

ETA, they don't even do that in prisons

Especially in juvenile prisons. In those, there are certain details that HAVE to be provided, because without them, the child can become psychotic. Evidently, children are particularly susceptible to certain deprivations, as I imagine would be very likely, given that their brains aren't fully developed. I learnt this from the Brown University expert on juvies who testified in the Ferriter case. His name is Dr. Wade C Myers.
If wrongful, I know this will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. No doubt.

Not necessarily. This happens at these "facilities" more often than you might think. A facility in Utah closed last year after a young woman died there. No one was 'prosecuted to the full extent of the law' - the facility was ordered to close, and AFAIK no one was charged.
A multi-agency is underway after a 12-year-old boy died at a western North Carolina wilderness therapy camp.
Door plugs and missing bolts? The Boeing 737 Max 9 investigation explained

I can only assume the word 'investigation' was inadvertently left out of this story which posted today.
*The Feb. 3, 2024 call between the dispatcher and field instructor lasted just a minute and a half, with the instructor hanging up before answering all of the dispatcher's questions.
According to a statement from Trails Carolina, released Feb. 8, 2024, “Trails staff-initiated life-saving efforts and called EMS and the sheriff, and **our staff have fully cooperated with the local law enforcement’s investigation, voluntarily presenting themselves for interviews with law enforcement and other related public agencies. Any assertion to the contrary is false, reckless, and defamatory. ***No other students were involved in any way, and all students were moved immediately so as to minimize the impact on them. Our students have cooperated to the extent authorized by their parents.”
Transcript of 911 call in boy's death at wilderness camp released by sheriff's office

all MOO
* instructor hung up on 911 dispatcher despite being told to stay on the line. Why? Surely they know better, have they never watched tv or read a book involving a 911 call? Are they not trained in what to do if an emergency needs reported in the course of their job?

** per LE, that is patently untrue as there are still at least two staffers who were present that night in or near the bunkhouse who have not made themselves available and moreover have not been named to LE per LE's statement I posted yesterday.

*** They cannot make a determination that no other students were involved as we don't know what happened to CJH yet but we do know four other "students" were present with him in the bunkhouse where he died.
A multi-agency is underway after a 12-year-old boy died at a western North Carolina wilderness therapy camp.
Door plugs and missing bolts? The Boeing 737 Max 9 investigation explained

I can only assume the word 'investigation' was inadvertently left out of this story which posted today.
*The Feb. 3, 2024 call between the dispatcher and field instructor lasted just a minute and a half, with the instructor hanging up before answering all of the dispatcher's questions.
According to a statement from Trails Carolina, released Feb. 8, 2024, “Trails staff-initiated life-saving efforts and called EMS and the sheriff, and **our staff have fully cooperated with the local law enforcement’s investigation, voluntarily presenting themselves for interviews with law enforcement and other related public agencies. Any assertion to the contrary is false, reckless, and defamatory. ***No other students were involved in any way, and all students were moved immediately so as to minimize the impact on them. Our students have cooperated to the extent authorized by their parents.”
Transcript of 911 call in boy's death at wilderness camp released by sheriff's office

all MOO
* instructor hung up on 911 dispatcher despite being told to stay on the line. Why? Surely they know better, have they never watched tv or read a book involving a 911 call? Are they not trained in what to do if an emergency needs reported in the course of their job?

** per LE, that is patently untrue as there are still at least two staffers who were present that night in or near the bunkhouse who have not made themselves available and moreover have not been named to LE per LE's statement I posted yesterday.

*** They cannot make a determination that no other students were involved as we don't know what happened to CJH yet but we do know four other "students" were present with him in the bunkhouse where he died.
Ick that they call them "students". Why would they not just call them "campers"?
Just catching up this morning.

So he had been there less than 24 hours and it was his first night. We know that it has been said to be common for these kids to be "gooned" at night and brought to the facilities. I wonder how he was taken there. He came from NY so did they fly? Drive? Was he gooned? Did his parents drop him off? Did someone medicate him? If he was gooned, did he come in high, and then they gave him more meds causing him to OD?

If he was high you would think since these are troubled kids coming in, that one of the first things they would do is drug test them.

From some of the rabbit holes I have kind of gone down with these stories, parents do sign over pretty much all the children's rights. They need to be able to "treat" these kids, and cross state lines with them legally. So I don't think this place moving the remaining kids was because their parents said no. They had all the rights to give LE the approval to talk to them. They chose not to.

As far as the staff doing life-saving measures? I call BS. How did they do that when he had his knees to his chest in rigor? If they call using just the oxygen mask as life-saving, they all need to re take their training classes for "life-saving measures". 911 call came in at 8am, the warrant says he was found at 7:45am. This is a wilderness camp, where kids are supposed to be being taught structure. Anything past 5am in those living situations seems like sleeping in. I think they found him closer to 4 or 5 and took time to try to cover things up, maybe even make a plan, to move all the other kids quickly. The pants and underwear may have been brought to try to cover up sending him to bed naked or half naked. For all we know they somehow managed to dress him with the hoodie & shirt.

Or maybe they did let him sleep with the hoodie and shirt and he had pulled his naked legs up under the hoodie to get warm?

These camps have been known to take away necessities as punishment, the staff said he refused to eat dinner, so maybe they took his clothes as punishment and then sent him to bed. They said he later had snacks but I wonder if we will find out he had nothing in his stomach. It was his first night so they probably go into it hard and start making sure these kids know who the real boss is. Take away clothes, and sleep on the floor, in this locked-up bag, you have no control, we do and there is nothing you can do about it.

They need to close this place down and work on getting any kids there, better help.
I wonder if his pants and underwear came off when he was pulled out of the bivy head first?
Why was he sleeping in pants? Why wasn't he given pajamas to sleep in? Pants are very uncomfortable to sleep in, try it.


Just catching up this morning.

So he had been there less than 24 hours and it was his first night. We know that it has been said to be common for these kids to be "gooned" at night and brought to the facilities. I wonder how he was taken there. He came from NY so did they fly? Drive? Was he gooned? Did his parents drop him off? Did someone medicate him? If he was gooned, did he come in high, and then they gave him more meds causing him to OD?

If he was high you would think since these are troubled kids coming in, that one of the first things they would do is drug test them.

From some of the rabbit holes I have kind of gone down with these stories, parents do sign over pretty much all the children's rights. They need to be able to "treat" these kids, and cross state lines with them legally. So I don't think this place moving the remaining kids was because their parents said no. They had all the rights to give LE the approval to talk to them. They chose not to.

As far as the staff doing life-saving measures? I call BS. How did they do that when he had his knees to his chest in rigor? If they call using just the oxygen mask as life-saving, they all need to re take their training classes for "life-saving measures". 911 call came in at 8am, the warrant says he was found at 7:45am. This is a wilderness camp, where kids are supposed to be being taught structure. Anything past 5am in those living situations seems like sleeping in. I think they found him closer to 4 or 5 and took time to try to cover things up, maybe even make a plan, to move all the other kids quickly. The pants and underwear may have been brought to try to cover up sending him to bed naked or half naked. For all we know they somehow managed to dress him with the hoodie & shirt.

Or maybe they did let him sleep with the hoodie and shirt and he had pulled his naked legs up under the hoodie to get warm?

These camps have been known to take away necessities as punishment, the staff said he refused to eat dinner, so maybe they took his clothes as punishment and then sent him to bed. They said he later had snacks but I wonder if we will find out he had nothing in his stomach. It was his first night so they probably go into it hard and start making sure these kids know who the real boss is. Take away clothes, and sleep on the floor, in this locked-up bag, you have no control, we do and there is nothing you can do about it.

They need to close this place down and work on getting any kids there, better help.
'' The boy was transported by two men from New York to Trails Carolina on Feb. 2 and assigned to a cabin with other minors and four adult staffers were assigned to the cabin, the sheriff’s office said.'


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