GUILTY NC - Addison Lanham, 2, dies from abuse, neglect, Gaston County, 21 July 2011

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I think we need to give DSS more power to get into a house to check on a child. About all they can do is stand outside and talk to the family and family members IF the family allows it.

There is a thin line there though. It could create a monster for some parents too. Innocent ones.

I wish I had an answer. How can we protect innocent children and elderly adults from abuse and murder within the home? This seems to be the "Never Ending Question to the Never Ending Story of Abuse"
There are SMF's in this world. Hope they all are treated in the next life just like they treat children in this life.
This is beyond horrible. The 911 call was more then I could take.... hmmm a 2yo playing in the tub with a broken leg and boils on her head, that certainly must have been fun. What's wrong with people?
Transparency needed in 2-year-old's death
Public deserves answers in hopes of avoiding a next time.

Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2011
Police say a pattern of injury and neglect led to Addison Lanham's death at age 2. FACEBOOK

Addison Lanham, 2, is dead. The girl who would squeeze you tight with delight when you walked in the room was buried in a rose-colored casket on Saturday. There's nothing that can change that.

But this community cannot just throw up its hands in despair over the abuse that police say her mother and mother's boyfriend subjected her to. If Addison's death is to mean anything, it must serve to save the next child from a similar fate.

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Little Miss Beautiful....







Laid To Rest...






This precious little girl deserved a happy childhood and a long life. I feel a mix of sadness for her and anger over the situation she had to live in and great agony that many other little ones are living her same experiences right now and we aren’t able to get to many in time.
This precious little girl deserved a happy childhood and a long life. I feel a mix of sadness for her and anger over the situation she had to live in and great agony that many other little ones are living her same experiences right now and we aren’t able to get to many in time.


Gone too soon.....forever loved.
Oh my goodness, JeannieC! This poor little child!
She can't suffer anymore and this is a GOOD thing.

I was a victim of abuse and I was sexually abused. I know what this little girl went through. It is such a shame. I hope the parents have to go through what this child went through.

I have always wondered why parents have children when they're going to treat them like this. It is such a shame.
OMG...those pictures of Addison are heartbreaking. Except for the baby picture and the one with her momster holding her, her eyes seem so her soul has been destroyed. Too, too sad.
Oh my goodness, JeannieC! This poor little child!
She can't suffer anymore and this is a GOOD thing.

I was a victim of abuse and I was sexually abused. I know what this little girl went through. It is such a shame. I hope the parents have to go through what this child went through.

I have always wondered why parents have children when they're going to treat them like this. It is such a shame.

I'm so sorry you were abused. My prayers are with you. You are right, the parents have no idea what they put these children through.

People in prison don't think very highly of child abusers..........
Momster's mom and step dad speak out:

Too depressed after reading it to snip anything, but interesting comments from people who claim to know momster during her life.

:sick: :maddening: :sick:

This has to be terribly hard for the grandparents. They lost the first grandchild when Shanna gave her up for adoption and now this one to such a violent death.........and their daughter is one of the culprets!

God be with them all.
Momster's mom and step dad speak out:

Too depressed after reading it to snip anything, but interesting comments from people who claim to know momster during her life.

:sick: :maddening: :sick:

Ok, I know that this must be hard on the grandparents. I get that. But how can they even state that shanna was a good mother? I don't understand that one. I guess they were doing what most parents do when their kid has been convicted. Stick up for them no matter what. If she was such a good mother how come she did nothing to stop what was going on? Supposedly scared to take her to the hospital for fear of her being taken away? Wow. If she could take her daughter to the hospital for a scrape and not take her with a serious infection, broken leg and such then something was wrong. This tells me she knew there was something happening to her daughter but didn't want to get in trouble or didn't want to get someone else in trouble.
I'm so sorry you were abused. My prayers are with you. You are right, the parents have no idea what they put these children through.

People in prison don't think very highly of child abusers..........

First off, thank you JeannieC! This means a lot to me, :). I am doing fine these days but I still have bad days where I cry from it and get angry. I can't forget about what happened but I can heal from it day by day.

And yeah- like my parents they should have their parental license taken away or something. I've also heard that prisoners think very low of child abusers and rapists. Can't blame them on that. Children are so innocent, curious and they're the most loving little people on Earth-most of them. How could anyone hurt and innocent child so curious to the world and everything else? They're the closest to heaven so it is just very sad.
I don't understand why she was scared of having the child taken from her. She surely didn't love her or value her safety. I bet the "mom" got welfare because of the child. She just didn't want to lose her meal ticket. Trust me, I've seen it before. Parents don't want the kids, they want the government assistance that comes with them.

I once worked with a child who received a disability check. He went to live with his grandparents but his "father and stepmother" still got his check. I called social security and reported. The check is supposed to follow the child. I received death threats from the "stepmother" because of this. Boy were they ticked off. Eventually the boy went to live with his biological "mother". The first thing she asked when she came to pick him up was "how much is his check?".
Spurser, actually the mother works. Though knowing this area ( i live in the town) she most likely didn't make much. I think a part of her did love her child but unfortunately too many young women think they NEED a man to help take care of them. even if the guy doesn't work. and their minds get twisted into trying to hold on to that guy or the next because they're afraid to be alone. i tried to raise my kids on my own. for a bit i felt the same way but luckily woke up and smelled the coffee. i tried to teach them what i learned. that NO GUY is worth putting before your children. and its better to be on your own and struggling but making it than trying to depend on some guy that isn't doing anything but warming your bed for you. 2 learned it....unfortunately one didn't.

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