GUILTY NC - Addison Lanham, 2, dies from abuse, neglect, Gaston County, 21 July 2011

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Ok, I know that this must be hard on the grandparents. I get that. But how can they even state that shanna was a good mother? I don't understand that one. I guess they were doing what most parents do when their kid has been convicted. Stick up for them no matter what. If she was such a good mother how come she did nothing to stop what was going on? Supposedly scared to take her to the hospital for fear of her being taken away? Wow. If she could take her daughter to the hospital for a scrape and not take her with a serious infection, broken leg and such then something was wrong. This tells me she knew there was something happening to her daughter but didn't want to get in trouble or didn't want to get someone else in trouble.

I totally agree!
I don't understand why she was scared of having the child taken from her. She surely didn't love her or value her safety. I bet the "mom" got welfare because of the child. She just didn't want to lose her meal ticket. Trust me, I've seen it before. Parents don't want the kids, they want the government assistance that comes with them.

I once worked with a child who received a disability check. He went to live with his grandparents but his "father and stepmother" still got his check. I called social security and reported. The check is supposed to follow the child. I received death threats from the "stepmother" because of this. Boy were they ticked off. Eventually the boy went to live with his biological "mother". The first thing she asked when she came to pick him up was "how much is his check?".

That makes me SICK! I would take in a child in a heartbeat, without money if I could. Children are a gift...not a burden!
Spurser, actually the mother works. Though knowing this area ( i live in the town) she most likely didn't make much. I think a part of her did love her child but unfortunately too many young women think they NEED a man to help take care of them. even if the guy doesn't work. and their minds get twisted into trying to hold on to that guy or the next because they're afraid to be alone. i tried to raise my kids on my own. for a bit i felt the same way but luckily woke up and smelled the coffee. i tried to teach them what i learned. that NO GUY is worth putting before your children. and its better to be on your own and struggling but making it than trying to depend on some guy that isn't doing anything but warming your bed for you. 2 learned it....unfortunately one didn't.

You are so right. So many women feel any man is better than no man and it can be lonely not having another adult in your life. I understand that.

I don't doubt that she loved her child. I do think she put her need for a man ahead of the needs of her child. She knew if she took her to the hospital they would take her child.

Her mother said she had allowed her first child to be adopted. That was after her first child was taken from her.
Keigher defends DSS in Addison Lanham case

Lanham has come under investigation by DSS at least three times, according to Capt. J.W. Human with Gaston County Police.

She first became a blip on the radar of DSS with the birth of her first son five years ago. The baby boy was born addicted to drugs, according to the child’s adoptive mother.

Lanham has no contact with her first born.

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There is a Facebook Page RIP Addison. They are trying to get the laws changed on child abuse. I think we all need to see that changes are made!

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn's rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds circled flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die.

- Robert Hepburn (In Memory of Norbert C. Gessner)

Thanks, JeannieC. That is one of my favorite poems/songs about death and eternal life. And you've made me cry.

The first time I heard the piece sung was by a British Boys Choir, and of course, they sounded like angels, especially when one of the boys sang a solo part. So now I'm thinking of angels again. Oh this poor sweet innocent little girl. So full of life, love and promise. Now she's sharing it in heaven where every spirit will return it back to her -- something she should have, but did not, receive here on earth in her brief little life.

It looks bad for the mother and the boyfriend. I hope they can press even more significant charges against them before this goes to court. Heinous.
The comments below the article ...if true....say a lot!

They just watched her die in a hotel room and her sex offender boyfriend.

Just wow........:(
The comments below the article ...if true....say a lot!

They just watched her die in a hotel room and her sex offender boyfriend.

Just wow........:(

So true and DSS did nothing wrong.......they did nothing RIGHT either!
I just found this case and I listened to the 911 call. I am now sick to my stomach. I hope these two rot in hell. What horrible human beings. Rodents treat their babies better than she did.
I just found this case and I listened to the 911 call. I am now sick to my stomach. I hope these two rot in hell. What horrible human beings. Rodents treat their babies better than she did.

I sure to do understand how you feel. I still cry everytime I think of her and what she endured. So many people would have loved that baby and protected her. I would have taken her in a heartbeat.

We as a society need to find a better way to protect these children. We're loosing the war on drugs and these little ones are the victims.

May Little Miss Beautiful, Addison rest in peace. Those of us who have read about her, looked at her pictures, heard about her life and her death will never forget her.
I'm so sorry you were abused. My prayers are with you. You are right, the parents have no idea what they put these children through.

People in prison don't think very highly of child abusers..........


Such a pity!!!
Between this case and Jori's, it's been a rough day on Websleuths. Horrors.
Hopeful -

Who is Jori? IDK that case. Is it here on WS?

Probation officer resigns one month after investigation into Addison's death
September 01, 2011 10:36 AM


A Gaston County probation officer resigned Wednesday afternoon, exactly one month after Department of Corrections officials began investigating whether he ignored pleas for help from the relatives of a 2-year-old child who died in a motel room.

Probation Officer Carlton Whit Ogg tendered his resignation before DOC investigators could hand down any punishment.
Same article as above:

Both Shanna Lanham and Jason Wells are charged with involuntary manslaughter and felony child abuse.

Shanna Lanham will have a court hearing in Gaston County on Friday for a probation violation. Jason Wells was recently transferred to a prison in Raleigh. Family members said that's because he was receiving death threats and officers feared for his safety.

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Same article as above:

Both Shanna Lanham and Jason Wells are charged with involuntary manslaughter and felony child abuse.

Shanna Lanham will have a court hearing in Gaston County on Friday for a probation violation. Jason Wells was recently transferred to a prison in Raleigh. Family members said that's because he was receiving death threats and officers feared for his safety.

Read more:

WTH Who gives a damn about his safety:maddening: Child killer should have no right to be transferred,let the coward take his chances.Too bad no one looked out for Addison's right to life,but they will protect this :banghead:.Please everyone sign that petition,it only takes a minute and we all know changes desperately need to be made.
Probation officer resigns one month after investigation into Addison's death
September 01, 2011 10:36 AM


A Gaston County probation officer resigned Wednesday afternoon, exactly one month after Department of Corrections officials began investigating whether he ignored pleas for help from the relatives of a 2-year-old child who died in a motel room.

Probation Officer Carlton Whit Ogg tendered his resignation before DOC investigators could hand down any punishment.

That is digusting. He should be ashamed of himself. It's SO obvious that he had information to work with about Addison and he did NOTHING!!!
Probation officer resigns one month after investigation into Addison's death
September 01, 2011 10:36 AM


A Gaston County probation officer resigned Wednesday afternoon, exactly one month after Department of Corrections officials began investigating whether he ignored pleas for help from the relatives of a 2-year-old child who died in a motel room.

Probation Officer Carlton Whit Ogg tendered his resignation before DOC investigators could hand down any punishment.

Thanks, JeannieC -- Well, you know, P.O. Ogg was just too busy -- plus, it didn't sound like this little 2 y/o girl was in imminent danger. So, he probably could look into it in a month or two -- maybe he thought he'd have more time. People sure can exaggerate this kind of stuff, you know...

So, IDK, looks like little Addison died from a case of "probable exaggeration estimation" to me.

And, by the way, what's with the charge of "Manslaughter" for those two? Voluntary Manslaughter, a Class D Felony, is nothing -- it can be as little as 38 months, and as much as 13 years, but the 13 years is for "aggravated" with maximum prior felony points which neither has -- and Involuntary Manslaughter, a Class F Felony, is less than nothing -- from 10 to 41 months (not years). Maddening.

Just a bump in the road. Call the next case. Grrrrrrrrrrr.


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