NC NC - Asha Degree, 9, Shelby, 14 Feb 2000

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I know the universe can deal out some tragic fates, and sometimes people just are in the wrong place at the wrong time -- but it just seems like such a weird coincidence that Asha ran into some roving pedophile/murderer in the middle of the night in such a rural area. Granted, one only has to turn on the news to see how prevalent these monsters have become, it just seems hard to believe that this crime was completely random and involved a chance meeting between Asha and a total stranger. Which is why I'm so curious to know about the sightings of her, and if witnesses are positive that she was alone.

It's hard for me to imagine a child of that age deciding to run away in the middle of the night without any apparent provocation. I really am starting to think she was either lured out of the house, or abducted from it, by someone she knew.

I totaly agree that someone she knew may have lured her out. It could have been a neighbour, a worker in the area or a family friend. I hope they were all thoroughly interviewed but you can just never be sure; people lie, and without a body... well, it would be difficult to make an arrest. So, for all we know, LE has a suspect. They just need to find Asha to make an arrest.

Praying for that sweet little angel.
Living near Shelby, we are always reminded of Asha's disappearance by billboards and ribbons that residents keep up. Her parents still live in the same home and they were interviewed by a local journalist not long ago. They have always stated that Asha was very fearful of the dark and they doubt she would have ventured out on her own.

The fact that the hairbow and candy wrappers were found in the shed speak to me of someone keeping her there, either temporarily or for several days. I remember the uneasy feeling I experienced when they announced they had found her bookbag, double wrapped in black trashbags and buried.

I know her parents have been through so much and would feel some closure in knowing what happened to their little girl. God bless them....
Here's another thought:

Apparently her hair ribbon was found approximately a mile from her house, while her book bag was found buried twenty-six miles away. Why the two different locations? Where are the other items (clothing, shoes) that would have been with her? Is her abductor a seasoned criminal who knew it was better to scatter evidence many miles apart?

Charley Project notes that the ribbon along with a pencil and marker were found in the shed of a Turner's Upholstery. Seen on Google Maps, here:

Perhaps that is where the initial attack took place? If so, where did the abductor take Asha from there? I think that somewhere in between that shed and the location where her bag was later found, lies more clues and/or answers. While the abductor may have wanted to scatter the evidence a bit, you'd also think he'd be mindful to not hold onto it for too long, should he get stopped by the police. Just some speculation.
What if Asha did run away, and she ran into the woods and found the little shed? It was just a mile from her home, right? She goes into the shed as it provides a bit of shelter. She eats candy bars she's brought along. Then she's found, maybe by someone who works at Turner's Upholstery? Or someone who lives nearby? Maybe the bookbag was hidden until the perpetrator, afraid of discovery, had an opportunity to bury it. He probably never thought it would be found.
EDIT: Looks like there is more than one Turner Upholstery in North Carolina! This one is in Shelby, NC. The former (and incorrect one, above, was in Prospect Hill )The map has been fixed in this post, but I was unable to edit my previous one. Sorry about that!

Google Maps
Hi, new to the forums. Actually via google search I've come upon the Websleuths forums for years but recently was compelled to join to give my opinion regarding this case. Also I only learned of this case late last year.

I do not believe that a mentally well 9 yr old child would both solely and willingly leave out of their home at 4 am. Beside it being dark, at the time there was or had been a storm and her dad has stated she was deathly afraid of dogs. Having grown up in a rural area, I know personally dogs are not always kept indoors, inside of a fence or on a leash and this appears to be a rural area.

I believe that she walked out of the home with someone she trusted or that somone she trusted lured her out of her home.The motorists that claim to have saw Asha play such an important role in this case becase they alone established the alleged approximate time of when she was outside of the home. Witnesses are not always right or trueful. It seems very illogical that 2, 3 or more motorists would see a small child walking alone, along side a highway, at 4 am and not stop or call police at the very least.

As goes the witnesses so does the timeline and without a timeline a much harder look would have to be given to those with access to the home and those having last saw Asha alive. Also regarding the bookbag I believe only someone that knew Asha personally would take the time to wrap it inside of two trashbags before discarding it. Previous to reading this thread I assumed her bookbag was simply tossed onto the side of the highway but if her bookbag was buried that bolsters my belief that someone she knew is responsible for her disappearence.
I was in the Shelby area last night and their is still a HUGE missing poster of her on one of the highways. I can't believe it has been this long and there are no strong leads. I prayed that soon something will be discovered to give her family peace.
Hi, new to the forums. Actually via google search I've come upon the Websleuths forums for years but recently was compelled to join to give my opinion regarding this case. Also I only learned of this case late last year.

I do not believe that a mentally well 9 yr old child would both solely and willingly leave out of their home at 4 am. Beside it being dark, at the time there was or had been a storm and her dad has stated she was deathly afraid of dogs. Having grown up in a rural area, I know personally dogs are not always kept indoors, inside of a fence or on a leash and this appears to be a rural area.

I believe that she walked out of the home with someone she trusted or that somone she trusted lured her out of her home.The motorists that claim to have saw Asha play such an important role in this case becase they alone established the alleged approximate time of when she was outside of the home. Witnesses are not always right or trueful. It seems very illogical that 2, 3 or more motorists would see a small child walking alone, along side a highway, at 4 am and not stop or call police at the very least.

As goes the witnesses so does the timeline and without a timeline a much harder look would have to be given to those with access to the home and those having last saw Asha alive. Also regarding the bookbag I believe only someone that knew Asha personally would take the time to wrap it inside of two trashbags before discarding it. Previous to reading this thread I assumed her bookbag was simply tossed onto the side of the highway but if her bookbag was buried that bolsters my belief that someone she knew is responsible for her disappearence.

Welcome, LawAbidingCitizen! This case continues to haunt me. I have daughters Asha's age and we lived in the area where she went missing. We still live in a nearby county and often pass the billboards with her photo on them. What could have happened? Very sad.
Asha's disappearance haunts so many of us here in NC. I never quit praying that she is found alive. I don't understand why there are no leads. Someone, somewhere knows something and maybe doesn't even realize it. Hope is all we have and without that we have nothing so we HOPE!
I first read about Asha's disappearance over a year ago on the Internet and have kept her in my prayers. I search for updates now and then, but this is the first I've read about Asha on the WS forum. Some of the ideas expressed here are similar to mine. I, too, felt that someone had arranged to meet Asha at a certain place and time, and sworn her to secrecy. This is especially believable since it was Valentine's Day, which could have supplied a pretext for a secret "rendezvous."

Asha was very active in community activities, including softball and basketball, so there were many adults and even teenagers acquainted with her, of whom one may have been a predator. I had not previously thought, though, of the predator being someone who worked at the school, as Madeabecbec suggested. That would certainly be a possibility and account for why Asha took her bookbag along - perhaps she was expecting her mysterious companion to take her to school afterwards. Alas, she never made it.

I suppose LE has questioned many of Asha's friends and acquaintances? And, I wonder, have her parents verified that the candy eaten in the tool shed (evidenced by the empty wrappers) came from their house? Or, could the candy wrappers be evidence of some covert Valentine's Day party shared between Asha and her abductor? Asha probably wouldn't have been so timid walking in the dark if she knew she would soon be meeting up with someone familiar.

Where was Asha's school in relation to her house and the tool shed?
Her house is about 5 miles from the school.
6 miles between school and tool shed.
Tool shed was about a mile from her house....

A contractor uncovered Degree's book bag, which has her name and telephone number written on it, approximately 50 yards from Highway 18 in August 2001, 18 months after she disappeared. The item had been double-wrapped in black plastic bags and was found more than 26 miles from her family's home.
Asha....we will always be looking for you. You are missed.
I found this on, of all places SNOPES but I saw something interesting that I don't remember reading before. When they found Asha's Bookbag and purse they also found a pair of men's pants and some animal bones.
An inmate of Cleveland County Jail gave LE a tip but the search came up with animal bones.

Wow...I knew about the book bag but not the men's pants. Didn't know about those animal bones either.
I hope and pray that Asha is alive somewhere. I pray for Asha to be found alive and come home.
Me too and cases like Jaycee keep me hoping. I pray for her often.

I know. I just feel like she is alive and always have. Maybe because I want her to be but either way I still look for her in every face and still hope that if I ever see her I'll know her.

I believe in prayer. Asha we love you.
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