Gosh, bogart64, I'm so sorry your cousin and her daughter are missing. Thank you so much for sharing that a window was broken in back and that their cells and things were left behind.
Thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family that they are found soon and return safely.
My first thoughts are if they were abducted, could the perp who took them have been parked at the Sheldon's Woodworks and Craft place or been noticed at Crossroads Convenient Store. So possibly taken from the back then through the woods and away.
Have scent dogs been used yet? Does it seem like they were driven away?
If driven away toward Rt 46, could surveillence cams at Roanoke Tar Cotton picked them up, or any of the homes along the way?
Sorry, bogart64, to throw all this out, considering you may be in no position to have answers. I can think of so many questions, but you'll have a better idea what questions to ask.
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