Found Safe NC - Emily Dowdle, 11, Catawaba County, 27 Sept 2016

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I read that bio mom passed last year.

I really feel for this little girl. There are problems in her life that need to be worked through. Please be okay Emily! There are people who care about you.
Agreed. How does she get away with skipping 9 days. Usually after 5 days, a parent is called and a meeting made. Especially since it's the beginning of the year.

And what about homework? Seems like she couldn't have been doing any.

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I don't understand this wording. Why would the child be in trouble for missing school? Certainly that would be an issue to take up with the parent.
It sounds like (to me anyway) that she probably had this planned in advance since there was such a short amount of time between her arrival home and the step-mom arriving home. I wonder how much time she spent in the woods behind her home? She could already have a placed already out there for her to hide at. I'm in agreement that when she is found, they need to get to the bottom of why she is missing so much school and get her the help she needs.
The other thing is why dont we hear from neighbors, friends etc anywhere? At least i didnt see in comments or articles, people saying they were a nice family, she was a good (or not so good) girl. They took walks around the neighborhood, etc. Nothing. Who knows, maybe they were a strange, severe family, a religious family, i dont know. But normally there are comments by those who know the people/ family; but maybe ive missed it ( very possible :))

There are a lot of comments from people who know her parents on the find Emily fb page. They are saying they are good parents and she is well loved.
I hope that is true. My parents' friends would have said the same thing but the truth is, they had no idea. I had a family of good actors.
Police said Wednesday that Emily had skipped school nine times and she was “in trouble,” so officials do not suspect foul play.

Emily’s father dropped her off at school Tuesday morning and her mother didn't get home until 3 p.m., nearly 20 minutes after Emily was dropped off at home, police say.


I wonder if her dad always took her to school in the morning or if he took her on Tuesday because they discovered she had been skipping? This is why I could see them saying she knew she was "in trouble" -if the school and her parents had just caught on that she was skipping and she knew that when she got home that day her punishment (grounding, extra chores, etc.) would start. This would explain why they knew right away she may have run away. The alert went out from the school to parents at 7:51 PM. People on fb are making it sound like that is a long time (abt 5 hours) but really it is short, IMO compared to a lot of cases like this. They had to check with the school, check all her friends houses, neighbor houses and any place she might normally hide. They had to contact LE and school officials to get that alert sent. She is 11 and that is very young but old enough to hide for a few hours and upset her parents. Once she didn't come home at dark that is when it became very serious. I hope we get an update with good news soon.
I hope that is true. My parents' friends would have said the same thing but the truth is, they had no idea. I had a family of good actors.

I am sorry big4dropout for what you must have endured growing up. I too lived in a family where all looked totally normal from the outside so I can empathize. (I had no idea we were dysfunctional until I went into therapy a few years ago and learned that what I considered a normal family unit was far, far from it.) Glad you are here to share.....we both made it and brighter days are ahead!
This is what I was going to post. I hope and pray that Emily is found safe and that instead of disappointment with punishment she receives the help she needs. Something was clearly not going well in her life to have missed 9 days in the first month of school.

One of the articles on fb said that her mother died. I don't know when that happened, but it seems to me that could cause some angst as a girl enters puberty.

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I don't think I have read where any belongings of Emily's are missing from the house? If she ran away or was hiding in the woods she surely would have taken items with her? Maybe she did and I just missed it or has not been reported as of yet? I hope she is safe. So very young and perhaps vulnerable since losing her Mom. IMO
I am sorry big4dropout for what you must have endured growing up. I too lived in a family where all looked totally normal from the outside so I can empathize. (I had no idea we were dysfunctional until I went into therapy a few years ago and learned that what I considered a normal family unit was far, far from it.) Glad you are here to share.....we both made it and brighter days are ahead!

The other thing is why dont we hear from neighbors, friends etc anywhere? At least i didnt see in comments or articles, people saying they were a nice family, she was a good (or not so good) girl. They took walks around the neighborhood, etc. Nothing. Who knows, maybe they were a strange, severe family, a religious family, i dont know. But normally there are comments by those who know the people/ family; but maybe ive missed it ( very possible :))

My limited experience of that area of the state is that people keep everything in house. I think they'd be unlikely to talk to reporters for the most part.

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I don't think I have read where any belongings of Emily's are missing from the house? If she ran away or was hiding in the woods she surely would have taken items with her? Maybe she did and I just missed it or has not been reported as of yet? I hope she is safe. So very young and perhaps vulnerable since losing her Mom. IMO

They have not revealed that yet. Those details may be what the FBI is keeping quiet right now as they interview her friends, teachers and family members. Perhaps she took something with her that only the person who helped her run away would know about? Or they have communications between her and someone else on the family computer or something...

The FBI was on the scene Wednesday morning, though authorities have said that they do not yet suspect foul play. The case is being handled as a missing person case.

“The investigation is geared towards her safety, and there’s some things we just can’t disclose at this time because we don’t want to jeopardize what we are concerned of at this time,” Catawba police Chief Dwane Coozen told the news station.
One of the articles on fb said that her mother died. I don't know when that happened, but it seems to me that could cause some angst as a girl enters puberty.

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Which could certainly make her extremely vulnerable and sad. Hopefully she didn't turn to the wrong person for comfort.... I hope and pray this child is found today. Where are you Emily?
Thanks Gardner. I cant get the thought out of my head of some online predator!!! Praying I am wrong.

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