Found Safe NC - Emily Dowdle, 11, Catawaba County, 27 Sept 2016

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Is this area near where clowns have been reported? I'm on the opposite coast so I'm not familiar with this area at all.
A post on the fb page says they found her. nothing confirmed yet.

ETA: others, including the page admin are saying that's not true...dang.

Darn it.

I wonder if she is in a relationship her father and stepmother don't approve of. It would explain the skipping school, being in trouble, and disappearing without phone or money. If the significant other has a car, they may have thought they could just disappear, and it's only a matter of time before people notice he is missing and put two and two together. And if he's under 18, it would not be an abduction, am I thinking of this correctly, or no? Just brain dump.
Is this area near where clowns have been reported? I'm on the opposite coast so I'm not familiar with this area at all.

No. The clowns I've heard about were in sc and Winston-Salem area here.

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The FBI Most Wanted Twitter account has tweeted out a poster of her and if you look at the comments there is another group that has an updated picture of her on their missing poster. She looks much older than 11. I have a feeling she may have run off with someone.


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This article has the info about her absences:

That article also says her house was on Hudson Chapel Road. That looks like a really long road with a lot of woods behind the houses.!8m2!3d35.6959212!4d-81.0386966

A lot of places to hide if she ran away into the woods.

We live in the woods. Four of our grandies live next door.... which is 4/10 mile away, literally "over the river (creek) and through the woods...." The 8 and 10 year old grandsons heard about the clowns in the woods at school yesterday and are now scared to death to walk up here. That poor little girl. I'm praying she is hiding safely in the woods, but she must be terrified all by herself. I'm thinking she skipped school due to being bullied, then got busted yesterday by school personnel and knew she was going to be in big trouble when she saw her parents (rightfully so) so she's simply hiding. (Personal experience. My friend and I did this in 7th grade. Packed a bunch of junk food from her parents' kitchen, then hid on top of hill behind her house. Laid on top of that hill til dark discussing what a wonderful life we were going to have up there with no parents to bug us). Oy vey

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The FBI Most Wanted Twitter account has tweeted out a poster of her and if you look at the comments there is another group that has an updated picture of her on their missing poster. She looks much older than 11. I have a feeling she may have run off with someone.


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so cute!

Flyer with more recent pictures. She looks quite different now.

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Yes much older looking than 11.
Has it been made known if her glasses were found at home? That picture that the FBI put out looks so different than the missing posters. I wonder why the FBI chose that photo to send out?

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Flyer with more recent pictures. She looks quite different now.

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In the top 2 pictures she does look so different & much older. Now I'm beginning to wonder if she really did run away on her own or if she went with someone she met online.

FB LIVE VIDEO from police. Emily had missed 9 days of school and had been in trouble. She went to school tuesday and got off the bus and hasnt been seen since. Police are treating this as a run away (endangered) case.

Agreed. How does she get away with skipping 9 days. Usually after 5 days, a parent is called and a meeting made. Especially since it's the beginning of the year.

Okay so I'm not trying to be judgmental towards the parents because I don't know them and no one is listening them as suspects. However the fact that she missed 9 days of school gives me a red flag and makes me wonder about bad home life. And that doesn't mean that the parents did anything but maybe her home life was bad so she ran off. On the other hand I don't know how the school works there but I know here that if a student doesn't show up they call home no matter what about them not being there. You would also think that after a total of 9 days the school would have checked up on it. Could the parents have been calling the school to make an excuse as to why she wasn't there? Very confusing,
Okay so I'm not trying to be judgmental towards the parents because I don't know them and no one is listening them as suspects. However the fact that she missed 9 days of school gives me a red flag and makes me wonder about bad home life. And that doesn't mean that the parents did anything but maybe her home life was bad so she ran off. On the other hand I don't know how the school works there but I know here that if a student doesn't show up they call home no matter what about them not being there. You would also think that after a total of 9 days the school would have checked up on it. Could the parents have been calling the school to make an excuse as to why she wasn't there? Very confusing,

I know things are different from state to state etc but my Bff's teenage daughter missed school quite a few times during her junior year, and not only was her father notified each time, but after she had missed a certain amount of days (I think it was five but I could be wrong. I'm positive it was less than nine) he was required to go to court to answer for her absences because she was a minor.

Then she turned eighteen just before her senior year and the school refused to contact him when she missed school because she was now an "adult".

It boggles my mind that an 11 year old could miss nine days, much less that much during the first month of school, without there being administrative intervention or legal intervention. Blows me away.

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The poor little girl either ran off with a predator or was taken by someone familiar with the family's schedule.
With makeup and some inappropriate clothing yes, maybe she might have an older appearance. But as a mother of a 12 year old boy who has discovered 12 year old girls and vice versa, she looks her age from my perspective.

I am really bothered by the skipping school. I wonder if there is a boy or a predator she has somehow met and was sneaking off to spend time with. The social media being public is a bit worrisome. But it has also been reported that she has no cell phone.

I recently caught my 12 year old son attempting to download Instagram to his father's home office PC. Silly me, I wasn't even really thinking that cell phone apps could be downloaded to other devices. There was a long talk and some re-clarifying of the rules about social media that night followed by some poking around said husband's computer. You don't know until you know. Now I know.

I hope the home devices are all being checked. So many ways for kids to get onto social media these days and meet heaven only knows who.

Where are you Emily?
I think she might take dance/theatre at the same studio as my daughter. I tried to find her in the recital pictures but it was too difficult with costumes and makeup. I'm going to ask tomorrow, but I'm surprised they haven't sent out a text or Facebook post if she is one of their students.
I wonder what truancy laws are in this county/school district. 9 days of missed schools is a HUGE red flag....especially if parents were unaware. Failure on the parents' part (sorry, but it is), and huge, huge, huge failure on the part of the school.
I hope she's found soon. Is it normal for the FBI to take such an active role in less than 24 hours?

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