NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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Didn't CP claim that CarP is the one who introduced her to bio grandma Nan? If that were true, why the bold faced lies to CarP about how Erica is doing and where she is going when CP told everyone else that EP was with Nan? CarP could have already known that EP was with Nan at that point, since she also knew Nan. I don't understand why she would lie. Grr!

What was CP going to say to Carolyn? Hey, I sent her to the imaginanny you told me about?
this family will implode. i cant wait. give erica to her real mom for a proper burial.
What was CP going to say to Carolyn? Hey, I sent her to the imaginanny you told me about?

Brilliant. :)

(Did you come up with it, or is that vintage Casey Anthony-era? Either way it's perfect.)
Brilliant. :)

(Did you come up with it, or is that vintage Casey Anthony-era? Either way it's perfect.)

Ohhh, yeah shades of Casey Anthony! Except this Casey didn't report Erica missing cause she's having fun with her imaginanny.
And for child that claims (in the "faux" e-mails signed by Erica), that she wants nothing to do with her bio Mom Carolyn, she sure is going out of her way to continue to e-mail her bio Mom so she can rub it in that she doesn't want to see her!!

She thanks Carolyn for giving her birth but then rubs it in that Casey is going to help her find her bio father. Gee, so much for Sandy being her Dad, who she says she wants to stay with if her Mom Casey gets sick.

And in February 2011, Erica would have recently turned age 13, but according to Casey, Erica was had a learning disability, and Casey even said Erica was like three years behind.

So are we to believe that Casey's home school language arts class was so good for Erica to compose an e-mail with such clarity and punctuation (not counting her typing and spelling ability) who was at age 10 scholastic level?

Casey must have come up with the name "Nan" after Erica allegedly wrote these e-mails since Erica references a grandparent as "Maw Maw" and not, "Nan."


In a set messages reportedly written on Casey's account, but signed by Erica in February 2011, the teenager told Carolyn that is was nice to meet her, but that she didn't want to come to her house.

"These are my mom and dad and I don't think as you being my mom. Maybe in a long time I will see you again," the message stated. "Please stop writing my mom because I don't like her talking to you a lot. I don't mean to be mean because I am not a mean person I just want my mom and me to be close and we can't with you around."

She went on to say that she loved Casey and thanked Carolyn for giving birth to her.

Several days later, in reference to Casey being sick, Erica reportedly told Carolyn if Casey didn't get better, she'd say with Sandy, her adoptive father.

"I also stay with my Maw Maw when Mom is feeling bad," Erica wrote. "My Mom said she would help me find my birth father. I don't want but one mom and Casey is my Mom and the only one I want. I love her very much."

I'm wondering who gave the TV station access to these messages and how many more are to come.;) I'm sure LE has a lot more information that we won't be privy to for some time.
Here is the time line for CP pregnancies. I was confused about her giving birth while her tubes were tied,
but then read that even though the tubes are not working, the uterus is still available for carrying a fetus.

1991/05/08 SWP, Jr. born in NC,Concord
c1993 JP born
c1995 BP born in NC,Cabarrus-Co,Kannapolis

1995/11/15 CP tubal ligation

1998/02/24 Erica PARSONS born (adopted out)
2002/late surrogate son born through in-vitro fertilization

2003/03/01 CP tubal reversal in Mexico

2004/08/20 @4:02am SMP born
2005/08 CP miscarriage lost baby
c2006/06/10 due date for TP birth

I never would have even thought of that :/ thanks :)
And for child that claims (in the "faux" e-mails signed by Erica), that she wants nothing to do with her bio Mom Carolyn, she sure is going out of her way to continue to e-mail her bio Mom so she can rub it in that she doesn't want to see her!!

She thanks Carolyn for giving her birth but then rubs it in that Casey is going to help her find her bio father. Gee, so much for Sandy being her Dad, who she says she wants to stay with if her Mom Casey gets sick.

And in February 2011, Erica would have recently turned age 13, but according to Casey, Erica was had a learning disability, and Casey even said Erica was like three years behind.

So are we to believe that Casey's home school language arts class was so good for Erica to compose an e-mail with such clarity and punctuation (not counting her typing and spelling ability) who was at age 10 scholastic level?

Casey must have come up with the name "Nan" after Erica allegedly wrote these e-mails since Erica references a grandparent as "Maw Maw" and not, "Nan."


In a set messages reportedly written on Casey's account, but signed by Erica in February 2011, the teenager told Carolyn that is was nice to meet her, but that she didn't want to come to her house.

"These are my mom and dad and I don't think as you being my mom. Maybe in a long time I will see you again," the message stated. "Please stop writing my mom because I don't like her talking to you a lot. I don't mean to be mean because I am not a mean person I just want my mom and me to be close and we can't with you around."

She went on to say that she loved Casey and thanked Carolyn for giving birth to her.

Several days later, in reference to Casey being sick, Erica reportedly told Carolyn if Casey didn't get better, she'd say with Sandy, her adoptive father.

"I also stay with my Maw Maw when Mom is feeling bad," Erica wrote. "My Mom said she would help me find my birth father. I don't want but one mom and Casey is my Mom and the only one I want. I love her very much."


I thought the. Exact same thing myself. Also how she says not to be mean... Casey wrote that same sentence in an email to carolyn too :/
The more and more I read the messages that supposedly came from EP, the more it sounds like there's a hidden agenda behind them. If my hinky meter is going off the charts with these messages, I know LE's has to be as well.

There's just no realistic chance these articulate, well pronounced, perfectly-spelled messages came from a girl who was more than 3 years behind in home schooling, all while there's an adoption mother who has already told other family members she has had a disdain for the bio mom in the past. It all just seems too coincidental IMO.

And all of a sudden CP states she does NOT hate CarolP?? So it seems apparent now that CP's hatred toward CarolP (and EP, subsequently) was not known by CarolP, but was only known to CP's family.
Now I feel like crud for referring to fictional Nan as "Mee Maw". It gives me chills now. :(

Question. Who initiated contact in 2010? Cause if Casey contacted CarP.....she appears to do nothing without hidden agendas. Even still, if CarP initiated contact, why did CP agree if she were always so insecure? CarP must have had something, knew something, or was a means of access to something for CP to allow Erica and CarP to meet.
Didn't CP claim that CarP is the one who introduced her to bio grandma Nan? If that were true, why the bold faced lies to CarP about how Erica is doing and where she is going when CP told everyone else that EP was with Nan? CarP could have already known that EP was with Nan at that point, since she also knew Nan. I don't understand why she would lie. Grr!

I wonder if casey was meaning her mother as she said mawmaw in that Convo didn't she?
Didn't it say in a news article that she stayed with someone sometimes when casey was in the hospital?
I'm wondering who gave the TV station access to these messages and how many more are to come.;) I'm sure LE has a lot more information that we won't be privy to for some time.

I assume it was Carolyn.

Actually I'm amazed that Carolyn saved all her e-mails from that long ago.

I hope we get to read more. :seeya:
Now I feel like crud for referring to fictional Nan as "Mee Maw". It gives me chills now. :(

Question. Who initiated contact in 2010? Cause if Casey contacted CarP.....she appears to do nothing without hidden agendas. Even still, if CarP initiated contact, why did CP agree if she were always so insecure? CarP must have had somehing, knew something, or was a means of access to something for CP to allow Erica and CarP to meet.

The story said "The conversations started in May 2010." but did not specify who started them. There was a total of 8 months between the beginning of the conversations and the first meeting in person in January 2011. There were probably a lot more messages exchanged during that time period. We know CarolP was looking for her own biological family online in 2007 so perhaps this coincides with her seeking EP out a few years later? There may be a chance based on this that CarolP initiated the conversations.
I wonder if casey was meaning her mother as she said mawmaw in that Convo didn't she?
Didn't it say in a news article that she stayed with someone sometimes when casey was in the hospital?

Casey said when she was in and out of the hospital that her son, James/Jamie took over and watched the younger kids.

I take the "Maw Maw" as reference to a grandmother since the e-mails that Erica was suppose to have written use the word Mom.

She then goes on to say that one day Erica will want to meet Carolyn. She also asks Carolyn not to tell "big Sandy" that she's giving her updates about Erica.

This tells us that CP was presumably concealing her communications with Carolyn from SP. It sounds to me like CP was setting up a way to get rid of Erica for some time before November 2011.
So, when did SP find out his wife had been communicating with Carolyn?
The story said "The conversations started in May 2010." but did not specify who started them. There was a total of 8 months between the beginning of the conversations and the first meeting in person in January 2011. There were probably a lot more messages exchanged during that time period. We know CarolP was looking for her own biological family online in 2007 so perhaps this coincides with her seeking EP out a few years later? There may be a chance based on this that CarolP initiated the conversations.

Just my opinion, but I would say the meeting Casey arranged for Carolyn and Erica to met at the restaurant in Mooresville in January 2011 was probably to ask Carolyn for names of Erica's bio father's family, since the Erica e-mails reference that Casey is going to help her find her bio father. That's probably how Casey got the Goodman name but perhaps Carolyn couldn't remember Billy Dean Goodman's mother's first name at that time.

And you're right, Carolyn was looking for her own bio family so between being dazzled that she got to met Erica that day, she was probably babbling on and on about finding her own bio family. So it probably didn't dawn on her what Casey was really up to.

Then the e-mails that followed that meeting, Casey then makes it a point to tell Carolyn that Erica is not sure if she really wants a relationship with her Bio Mom, and to secure that, she then rams that issue home by making it look like Erica herself is sending e-mails telling Carolyn to hit the road.

In my opinion, these are all early premeditation e-mails with Casey planted the seeds to get information and then to get Carolyn out of the picture. We have to remember that no matter what happened to Erica, that Casey was after the money, or she wouldn't have kept cashing those checks.
Acandyrose - that makes a lot of sense.

I'm not sure if this was brought up but it probably has, just bored and mind is wandering,
Has anyone thought of the possibility that she made a mistake and trusted someone to leave Erica with and it went VERY bad? I just sort of wonder why she is so defensive in that last letter and writes "We are, as parents, can allow our children to spend the night or even week with anyone who we see fit. Erica is still OUR daughter."

I wonder if CP was worried Erica was going to try and reach out to her bio-mom and so she made the initiative but only so she could throw it in Erica's and CarP's faces that CP is the mom and CarP and Erica both were in this mind game with CP to make sure both of them knew this. ?
I'm not sure if this was brought up but it probably has, just bored and mind is wandering,
Has anyone thought of the possibility that she made a mistake and trusted someone to leave Erica with and it went VERY bad? I just sort of wonder why she is so defensive in that last letter and writes "We are, as parents, can allow our children to spend the night or even week with anyone who we see fit. Erica is still OUR daughter."

Now why would CP even address Erica's going to stay with someone unless Carolyn was somehow questioning her about that? Makes me wonder what Carolyn had been told.
Acandyrose - that makes a lot of sense.

I'm not sure if this was brought up but it probably has, just bored and mind is wandering,
Has anyone thought of the possibility that she made a mistake and trusted someone to leave Erica with and it went VERY bad? I just sort of wonder why she is so defensive in that last letter and writes "We are, as parents, can allow our children to spend the night or even week with anyone who we see fit. Erica is still OUR daughter."

I wonder if CP was worried Erica was going to try and reach out to her bio-mom and so she made the initiative but only so she could throw it in Erica's and CarP's faces that CP is the mom and CarP and Erica both were in this mind game with CP to make sure both of them knew this. ?

I think CP was defensive because extended family members were beginning to question her replies when they inquired as to Erica's whereabouts.

I also think David Whisenant had better stand waaay back off the road if SP comes driving that big U-Haul back to Salisbury. SP might not put his foot on the brake pedal this time.
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