NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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I think one would have to be 16 to be emancipated, not 100% sure though
My opinion?? This child is no longer alive , period. Hopefully they will be getting test results back soon from the search of the home.
also: in her interview the adoptive mother claimed that Erica received medical treatment at a hospital while at "nan's" but she could not get the information because of privacy laws.
This is also not possible and not true.

I am not arguing this point because I do believe it is the law.
However I have heard that in reality, there have been some cases (such as with immigrants)
where somebody else's medical card was used to get hospital aid under a false name.
And this whole situation with Erica's whereabouts is shady.
That statement makes it sound like you are an emotionally invested reader
who wants to prove that the adoptive parents are guilty ... whether it is true or not.

LE cannot be biased like that ...
because the family of Erica's bio father has confirmed that Strawberry DOES exist.

The front page of the "Salisbury Post" newspaper
of Saturday, August 24, 2013 @1:09am Shavonne POTTS reported this ...

I tried to use this link where the article was before, but the link has expired, so I don't know where the article is now ... however I kept a complete copy of the article & can send it to anyone who asks for it.

Remember that bio mom had a brief affair with bio dad ...
it is not like ANYONE in the PARSONS family were ever friends with the paternal bio family.

So where is CP's info on that G family coming from ?
How would CP have ever heard of bio dad's girlfriend "Strawberry"
& her daughter & the last one's baby ... all happening over a span of many years ?

I agree that CP has told some lies ... but that doesn't mean she lies about everything.
CP said that LE told her Strawberry (or JJ) was living in Carolina Beach.
I also remember that ACR mentioned that he found a JJ in Carolina Beach
and I was able to confirm that also.

I agree that it's strange that Casey would know names of people on the bio father's side of the family without somebody talking about them. But I would imagine that when Carolyn's marriage broke up with Casey's brother-in-law, and the news hit the family grapevine of the affair with Billy Dean Goodman that tongues were waggin' behind the doors of the family circle.

But if I had to guess where and how Casey got more info on the Goodman family was probably because Carolyn's excitement about finding her bio family and babbling about it when Casey brought Erica to that restaurant in Mooresville. Plus in the February 2011 Facebook/e-mails that were reportedly written and signed by Erica to Carolyn, she says, "My Mom said she would help me find my birth father."

Why would that even be brought up at that time unless Erica's bio father's name came up during that January visit? So it wouldn't surprise me if Carolyn did inadvertently talk about Erica's bio father while they were at the restaurant, giving his name, and whatever else she may have known about the Goodman family, which I suspect would be whatever Billy told her.

On a side note, thanks for the article link, I missed that one !!
And by the way, "ACR" is a "SHE" not a HE. :)
People confuse that a lot and I get e-mails all the time with folks saying that and "ACR" is run by some big university database group, but I am the sole owner, and it's maintained by just little ole me. :)
And since I'm quoting your previous post, a friendly reminder to those reading that (since I know you corrected that later), No, I did not find Janice "Strawberry" Jackson anywhere.
ACR :seeya:
If Casey didn't know much about bio dads family, how did she know that what nan was telling her was true?
I want to bump up all the transcriptions of those interviews and give some kudos to the member who did them! I need to go back and find them however. (thank you to the member that did that transcription!)

I think there were just bumped a few days ago by SamanthaR.

The adoptive mother even gave the name of the hospital. I was reading the info at the time from my phone so could not map out the location of the alleged hospital.

I looked this up for you.
There is now a Mission Children's Hospital but it did not open till June 2013.
So it must be Mission Hospital 509 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, NC 28801

This sounds about right because "Nan" was supposed to have lived
about 15 minutes from the famous Biltmore House.
Could you please clarify WHO has been incarcerated lately ...
I only know of BDG.

The second person was rumored to have been arrested. So sorry, my mistake.
The larger point to me remains that with all of these people being mentioned by the adoptive mom as being involved in Erica's disappearance one would think that LE has gone to much greater lengths to determine if these people are real or imaginary. If they are real people I cannot believe that LE has not contacted them in an attempt to confirm adoptive mom's story.
Again, to me it stretches credibility to believe that so many people would lie about the adoptive parents.
I want to bump up all the transcriptions of those interviews and give some kudos to the member who did them! I need to go back and find them however. (thank you to the member that did that transcription!)

The adoptive mother even gave the name of the hospital. I was reading the info at the time from my phone so could not map out the location of the alleged hospital.

Yes, absolutely the parents would be able to call and get information on their child's medical treatment if said treatment even happened in this case. As far as I know Erica is not an emancipated minor or we would have heard about that and there would be legal record of it.

The transcript of the full 6 part interview with the Salisbury Post was done here on Websleuths by member, "askfornina" and she posted it on the threads here on the Erica forum so you should be able to find those easy.

The actual video of the Salisbury Post interview is here at this link below: (click on crime):


The transcript of the Dr. Phil Show Part 1 was done by me and is here on the link below in a .pdf file. The .pdf file is not a protected file so you can copy the text directly from the .pdf file if that would help, or just include the link, whichever is easier for you.

I'm still working on the transcript for the Dr. Phil show Part 2..
I know I said that a week ago but I've been busy !!

However, I did transcribe the part regarding the surrogate story from Dr. Phil Part 2 on a separate .pdf file here:

My transcripts were done directly from the YouTubes posted on "poizyn1" YouTube channel. I don't know who that is but was very grateful they saved the videos. :)

I agree that it's strange that Casey would know names of people on the bio father's side of the family without somebody talking about them. But I would imagine that when Carolyn's marriage broke up with Casey's brother-in-law, and the news hit the family grapevine of the affair with Billy Dean Goodman that tongues were waggin' behind the doors of the family circle.

Yes some good points you made ... but the fling would have been in 1997
(since Erica was born in Feb 1998), so I am not sure that anyone in the
PARSONS family would remember any details a dozen years later.

CarP may have even been separated from her husband when that fling happened with BDG
... if so it wouldn't have been as big a deal to the PARSONS family.
i put all of askforninas transcripts together, i believe on pg 17.
Again, Casey stated that Nan fed her information about everybody. This made Casey comfortable that Nan was the real deal. If we say that Casey couldn't have known what was happening in 1997, how does she know that any information that Nan was spitting out was accurate. So, Nan was just saying names and birthdays of random people and Casey never checked it out?
Again, Casey stated that Nan fed her information about everybody. This made Casey comfortable that Nan was the real deal. If we say that Casey couldn't have known what was happening in 1997, how does she know that any information that Nan was spitting out was accurate. So, Nan was just saying names and birthdays of random people and Casey never checked it out?

I think that Casey is computer savvy enough that she could have easily found BDGs info all by herself. Has anyone looked at ancestry site to see if a family tree was done for Erica? All it would take for Casey to find info on BDG would be to find him on FB. From there she could have learned of 'strawberry' and Kelly & baby's existence. If they have any sketchy past at all she may have just added them to her story to get the heat off of herself. Jmo
I think that Casey is computer savvy enough that she could have easily found BDGs info all by herself. Has anyone looked at ancestry site to see if a family tree was done for Erica? All it would take for Casey to find info on BDG would be to find him on FB. From there she could have learned of 'strawberry' and Kelly & baby's existence. If they have any sketchy past at all she may have just added them to her story to get the heat off of herself. Jmo

Thank you. Exactly!!!!!
Here you can find some examples of convictions for murder, without the body.
I think that Casey is computer savvy enough that she could have easily found BDGs info all by herself. Has anyone looked at ancestry site to see if a family tree was done for Erica?

I pay almost $200 a year for my subsciption.
I just don't see CP forking out that much money.

On family trees have NO INFO displayed for LIVING people.
All their names dates & places are blanked out.
Only the info on deceased people in family trees is available for subscibers to see.

Paid subscribers CAN choose to give access to their relatives.
But from experience I can tell you, that access is not given out easily to strangers
because people are worried about identity theft.

So I just searched the family trees for the oldest PARSONS grandfather
& there wasn't even one living in North Carolina.

I don't know the oldest GOODMAN grandfather's name so I could only look for BDG &
there were none. Only a Billie Darrell & Billie Joe & Paul Dean & Lonny Dean & Mitchell Dean, etc.

I looked for the GOODMAN grandmother because she is deceased & zilch, nada, nothing even close.

As for FB, people here have been unable to find Strawberry there, so I doubt CP could.
I wonder if it would be just as to procure a dog from the family kennel as it was for Nan to get Erica, no-questions-asked. Literally, no questions. Let's see, I facebook CP, tell her everything I know about her other dogs, meet her in a fast food parking lot, and disappear off the face of the earth with no indication whatsoever that the defenseless animal I just bought will be provided for. I'll even tell her she can keep the AKC papers—why, I'm rich enough to just re-register them myself as needed, and CP is nice enough to take my word for it with no proof of income, no curiosity regarding my intent.. Maybe I'll send her some stock photos of a big, sunny yard—make it so they self-destruct after a few days.

According to the kennel website, though, it's allegedly a bit more involved when it comes to the non-human family members.

...that breeder needs to make sure they know that new puppy or baby hedgehog will have a forever loving home to go to when ready.

They will have to sign a consent form. If I didn't do this then I would be getting calls from parents that wants to return pets. That's not good for my pets. I don't mean to sound mean to some, but I just care about the welfare of my pets. I'm a mom and I would be very upset if someone sold my kid a pet without asking me.

If only that sentence ended where I bolded it, just for the slightest suggestion that CP was capable of any empathy whatsoever.
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