NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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What can be proven in any of their story. It all leads to nowhere. Sounds like intent to sway investigation to me.
I only confirmed positively finding Billy Dean Goodman's mother, Cloie Goodman and all their children. That was found on the Mormon's LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) family research site. I followed that up with finding info then on, and then located the Obit for Cloie Goodman.

I never confirmed that I found "THE" Janice "Strawberry" Jackson person.

I recall posting that there were two people named Janice Jackson listed out on the NC Offender list and that one of them was around the age of Billy Dean Goodman (just a curiosity) but never confirmed that either was "The" Janice Jackson associated with the person in the story Casey Parsons is telling.

Just want to make that statement clear. :)


Thanks for the clarification, ACR! I have found that there is a Janice Jackson living in the Carolina Beach/Wilmington area that has ties to the area around Salisbury. There is no way to know if it is "THE" Janice Jackson. In fact the name is pretty common. Just as an example, Spokeo lists 240 people with the name in North Carolina.
Lying to keep investigators from finding a child is probably obstructing justice.

LE has to prove they are lying. Since Dr. Phil, it has been reported that the FBI has conducted two interviews with at least one of the Parsonses. If the feds thought the Parsons were being not helpful in finding Erica AND guilty of a federal offense, they would have taken action.

It is significant that after the Parsonses remain free after the search warrants and interviews.
LE has to prove they are lying. Since Dr. Phil, it has been reported that the FBI has conducted two interviews with at least one of the Parsonses. If the feds thought the Parsons were being not helpful in finding Erica AND guilty of a federal offense, they would have taken action.

It is significant that after the Parsonses remain free after the search warrants and interviews.

I don't find that significant since we are not privy to the investigation. We don't know what the FBI has as far as evidence or what questions may have been asked and answered. Of course, IMO.
I never confirmed that I found "THE" Janice "Strawberry" Jackson person. Just want to make that statement clear. :) ACR

I remembered someone mentioning the town & since you have done so much wonderful research for us here, I thought it was you. So sorry ACR, it was SWEN's message that I was recalling ...
apparently there in not a quote feature on old messages ???

message #466 2013/08/17 @08:09 PM by SWEN

As far as Strawberry, I have done a good amount of searching on her however cannot find anything definitive. Per the interview with CP, she stated they found Strawberry in Carolina Beach. I found one Janice Jackson with addresses in Carolina Beach as well as Harrisburg, Concord, and Kannapolis, the latter 3 all places where numerous Parsons live. This JJ is about 56 - and doesn't appear to be one of the many JJ on the NC DPS Offender site.
Your wonderful post made me think of something else:

After the Parsones were unable to contact Nan by phone they launched their search for Erica/Nan with a thorough FB investigation (lawls). Beyond that....nothing. Oh wellz, life goes on!

It would seem logical to at least attempt to contact the person who introduced Nan into their lives, wouldn't it? The person who also knows Nan (according the CP)... Carolyn. And yet, they never did that. I wonder why they never did that?

(I don't really wonder why they never did that. I have a pretty good idea of why they never did that.)

Exactly !! If Carolyn is the one who gave Casey the contact info for "Nan" or if it was Carolyn who contacted "Nan" and gave her Casey's info, then obviously Carolyn would be the first person to ask.

But then there's that the big ole elephant in the room, those e-mails and/or Facebook postings that Carolyn saved where Casey was lying through her teeth that Erica was fine and everywhere BUT with somebody named "Nan."

Otherwise, Casey would have just redirected Carolyn back to "Nan" and told her to contact them to see how Erica was.

You gotta love it when somebody you never expect saves chit that come back and bites somebody else in the butt !! :floorlaugh:
I thought casey said Kelly and strawberry had been found but not "nan" that was in the doctor phil interview?

Key word there is that CASEY says that LE found Strawberry. I don't believe anything Casey says. LE and MSM have not confirmed that Strawberry or Kelly have been found IIRC

Recognizing Child Neglect

The Child:

Begs or steals food or money from classmates;
Lacks needed medical or dental care;
Lacks age appropriate adult supervision ;
Lacks clothing appropriate for the weather;
Reports family violence in the home;
Reports use of illegal substances or excessive use of alcohol by parents or caregivers (for example, to the point the parent passes out);
Abuses alcohol or other drugs; or
States there is no one at home to provide care.
The Parent or Other Adult Caregiver:

Appears to be indifferent to the child;
Seems apathetic or depressed;
Is involved in an abusive domestic relationship;
Behaves irrationally or in a bizarre manner; or
Is abusing alcohol, prescription drugs or illegal drugs.
Really? Casey Anthony was charged with murder October 2008. Caylee's body was not found until December 2008.

True. Can I change the word "charged" to "convicted"?

Also, how did that charge work out for LE? :jail:
I also believe that BDG, JJ, and Kelly have also been questioned by investigators. Given that these three people are not imaginary, and two of them have been lately incarcerated

Could you please clarify WHO has been incarcerated lately ...
I only know of BDG.
Folks: do NOT discuss other members. If you have an issue with a post hit the alert button. As for Strawberry and any other names mentioned in this case: you can discuss them insofar as has been reported. That means no sleuthing them beyond what is known at this time.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-322.1 (2006)
§ 14-322.1. Abandonment of child or children for six months
Any man or woman who, without just cause or provocation, willfully abandons his or her child
or children for six months and who willfully fails or refuses to provide adequate means of
support for his or her child or children during the six months' period, and who attempts to
conceal his or her whereabouts from his or her child or children with the intent of escaping his
lawful obligation for the support of said child or children, shall be punished as a Class I felon.
True. Can I change the word "charged" to "convicted"?

Also, how did that charge work out for LE? :jail:

OT, The more important question is how did that work out for Caylee? I find it disgusting that she received no justice.
True. Can I change the word "charged" to "convicted"?

Also, how did that charge work out for LE? :jail:

Here you can find some examples of convictions for murder, without the body.
No need to apologize for disagreeing.

But, could anyone on here find a law that the Parsonses have broken? Please provide a link or cut and paste the statute.

There is an article where FBI consultant said that they have committed fraud by cashing the checks while Erica was not in their custody and that this could be used as a bartering chip to get them to continue to cooperate with LE/FBI. The link is posted in the thread above somewhere.

Also, there is a child neglect law. No I'm not going to go look through all the legalese to try and find/cite/link to it, I leave that to an attorneys paralegal to dig up if they need it. However, it would be the same law that is enforced when leaving a 2 yr old unattended at home, or locked in a hot car in mid summer...common sense here.
also: in her interview the adoptive mother claimed that Erica received medical treatment at a hospital while at "nan's" but she could not get the information because of privacy laws.

This is also not possible and not true.

North Carolina
In North Carolina, a person under age 18 is considered a minor. Generally, minors cannot consent to medical or surgical treatment without authorization from a parent, guardian or custodian or any person standing in loco parentis to the minor. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-21.1
In an emergency situation where the parent, guardian or any person standing in loco parentis to the minor cannot give timely consent, treatment* may be rendered to minors without consent. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-21.1(1)-(3)
In an emergency situation where parents refuse to consent to a procedure, a physician may treat a minor; but unless the physician is in a rural community, he must first obtain the opinion of another North Carolina physician that such procedure is necessary to prevent immediate harm to the child. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-21.3.

When Minors May Consent
Situations in which minors may consent to medical treatment for themselves or others in North Carolina include the following:

• An emancipated minor, who is a minor that is married, has been emancipated by an order of court, or is serving in the armed forces, may consent to treatment for himself/herself. N.C. gen. Stat. § 90- 21.5(b).
• A minor parent may consent to treatment for his/her own minor child. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-21.5(b).
• A minor may consent to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of (1) venereal diseases and other like diseases, (2) pregnancy, (3) abuse of controlled substances or alcohol, or (4) emotional disturbance. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-21.5(a).

There are specific North Carolina laws which determine what is valid consent for sterilization and abortion procedures

if it was an emergency situation she "could" have received treatment but the parents would have been notified. She repeatedly said in interviews that she did nothing legal re: nan and Erica.

I am sure LE has already checked into that allegation however, with that being said.
also: in her interview the adoptive mother claimed that Erica received medical treatment at a hospital while at "nan's" but she could not get the information because of privacy laws.

This is also not possible and not true.

if it was an emergency situation she "could" have received treatment but the parents would have been notified. She repeatedly said in interviews that she did nothing legal re: nan and Erica.

I am sure LE has already checked into that allegation however, with that being said.

Thanks Nurse, I knew that was the case in my state but wasn't sure about NC.
Thanks Nurse, I knew that was the case in my state but wasn't sure about NC.

I want to bump up all the transcriptions of those interviews and give some kudos to the member who did them! I need to go back and find them however. (thank you to the member that did that transcription!)

The adoptive mother even gave the name of the hospital. I was reading the info at the time from my phone so could not map out the location of the alleged hospital.

Yes, absolutely the parents would be able to call and get information on their child's medical treatment if said treatment even happened in this case. As far as I know Erica is not an emancipated minor or we would have heard about that and there would be legal record of it.
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