NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #3

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I haven't seen this mentioned yet but maybe I missed have to reapply for Medicaid periodically (every few months I think). So cp kept filling out the applications and receiving new cards.
Esquire, I don't care if Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny introduced some person called "Nan" to Casey and Sandy Parsons. The Parsons attorney can point fingers all he wants to try and deflect the blame elsewhere.

Your passion to play devils advocate, or to defend them, or their attorney is acknowledged.

Casey and Sandy Parsons are the two people who legally adopted Erica and therefore are legally and morally responsible for her welfare, her whereabouts, her education, her health, her very being.

So they can play the game they've obviously played for a long time, in my opinion, and that's the "Blame Game."

Bottom line is Casey and Sandy Parsons claim they handed off Erica to somebody named "Nan" who they claim was Erica's paternal biological grandmother. They admitted they have no address, no phone number, no e-mail address, no facebook link, no photos, and they never visited when they claim they were invited to the farm, no nothing to maintain contact with their daughter, or this invisible person they call "Nan" and/or her buddies, "Strawberry" and "Kelly."

And as far as I can tell neither Casey nor Sandy have never even given a full description of "Nan" (not even an artist sketch) other than she's so nice, such a sweet lady and Casey said she's "about late 70's, maybe 80, 81," drives an SUV, lives on a farm with horses near the Biltmore, and knows where McDonalds is in Mooresville. Oh, and Strawberry has "red hairs" and Kelly has a cute baby with earrings.

Geeze, can't even send out a BOLO on that description !!

And their excuse about the phone not working anymore is just another one of their "blame games." If "Nan's Phone" was disconnected because of non-payment, or if the battery went dead because they forgot to charge it, or if they ran out of minutes, or if it was a throw away phone, whatever the excuse was, according to Casey, that should have been a major RED FLAG for Casey and Sandy Parsons to call 911 and report they lost all contact with somebody they passed their daughter off to.

Did they do that? No, they didn't do it day one and they never did it period!! And LE wouldn't know about it now if Jamie hadn't spoke up and said something didn't seem right with Erica missing. God bless Jamie for speaking up.

Maybe you haven't been following my posts very well. I started calling to hear from birth mom in post #824 on Aug. 21, almost 4 weeks ago. I've also had James and Billy Goodman in my radar.

I'm not as quick to judge people as others seem to be. I'd rather take in all of the facts before deciding someone's guilt. I think the story here is the entire family. None of them seem quite right.
This case in general and this family with all of their stories make me feel like I'm crazy...
I apologise. I did see it. It was a very valuable clip also. Person interviewed said that Erica was always seen as sad, yet reports from Casey say she was boy crazy. Again, sorry Esquire and thanks for directing me to additional info.
I don't think Happy Imaginanny is on any card I've seen and there's no address to send a card to, and Casey can't communicate by phone since it's been disconnected or something, and she can't find her on Facebook, so unless she can channel Nan telepathically or something I guess not.:floorlaugh:

With the cases lately, maybe Hallmark better jump on that idea quickly! :twocents:
It's my opinion that Erica is no longer with us and she died at the hands of at least one of her adopted parents.

I thought she'd be found pretty quickly when they started digging up yards and such. I'm beginning to wonder though if she was disposed of in a place that will be very difficult to find, and that is the reason for Casey's apparent ease and comfort at spinning these stories and sticking to them. Kind of like, confuse them long enough and this whole thing will go away - even if I say some things that seem inconsistent, it's not like they can pin a body on me or anything.

Either that or she's just a person who believes she's smarter than everyone and can't get caught. (Or she's telling the truth, which is a very unlikely prospect, imo).

All MOO.
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I just don't understand the thought and reasoning behind the excuses the adoptive parent are throwing out there. To paraphrase some of the information that has been given: "nan" sought medical treatment for erica, but adoptive parents do not know exactly where. They had to look up the name of the hospital in Asheville, but are not sure that she went to the hospital...she could have gone to a clinic. However, the hospital would not release information over the telephone regarding this visit. The child was on medicaid. Do I have the correct information?

I live approx. 35 minutes west of Asheville and work in the medical field. A lot of this story is just to unreal to comprehend. I just can't get past the lack of concern that is being displayed by the adoptive parents. One if the hospital would not release information over the phone ( which is standard hippa practice) why didn't the adoptive parents go to Mission hospital and request the information in person. They could release information to the legal guardian. It is only a 2 hr drive one way. Also, if it had been a fx, there would have been follow up visits to a physician regarding the healing process.

The adoptive parents could have had erica's primary care provider request the medical records. In NC, medicaid recipients must list a primary care provider on their cards.

All post submittedby me are in my opinion.
Things that I feel are "red flags" that the truth is not being told. Please feel free to add to the list. Once again, all things posted by me are just my own opinion.

1: no facebook for nan ( although this is how "nan" contacted adoptive parent)
2: no pictures ( even though nan allegedly sent pics of the farm)
3: no saved messages- wouldn't there be a digital trail somewhere?
4: no proof of doctor visit ( lack of concern for injured daughter (and I use that term lightly))
5: the cashed checks ( where is that money now)
6: medicaid recertifications (if so concerned over erica not having insursnce, why didn't they make sure that she had her cards).
7: no contact ( even if rebellious, contact should have been maintained with nan)
8: biological grandparents not alive.
There is more... but when was the last time anyone laid eyes on this child other than the adoptive parents? Why would the adoptive brother say that she is dead and buried in the back yard? Also, did I read some where that adoptive dad used to be a butcher?
re:#6 it might have been a card good til she was 18, etc. my daughter had pregnancy medicaid and she just had it until aftrr baby was born. due to ep being adopted, which is my understandi.g of how she qualified, it might not fall under normal medicaid rules... food for thought.
I still want to see a record of Erica being treated for those injuries she had when she met Carolyn!!! I doubt this child has seen a doctor in many years, but JMO

Nc has an immunization registry...makes you wonder if she had her 6th grade ( evven if she was home schooled) tdap immunization is due when the child is 11 or 12.
re:#6 it might have been a card good til she was 18, etc. my daughter had pregnancy medicaid and she just had it until aftrr baby was born. due to ep being adopted, which is my understandi.g of how she qualified, it might not fall under normal medicaid rules... food for thought.

I see you point floridamomma. Thanks. I do know that there are different programs that nc medicaid bases certification criteria...elderly, pregnancy, juvenile, etc. I will ask one of my friends at social services how it works.

But...another question. My daughter received social security as child support because her biological father was disable. My good friend received it too because her son had medical disabilities. Each year, we had to fill out paper work letting social security know how we spent the living expenses for the child, etc, or if we saved any...if we saved any...we had to provide the checking/savings acct it was in. If it wasn't done, the money stopped. I wonder if this was done for erica AND how if and how the money was listed as being spent.
I see you point floridamomma. Thanks. I do know that there are different programs that nc medicaid bases certification criteria...elderly, pregnancy, juvenile, etc. I will ask one of my friends at social services how it works.

But...another question. My daughter received social security as child support because her biological father was disable. My good friend received it too because her son had medical disabilities. Each year, we had to fill out paper work letting social security know how we spent the living expenses for the child, etc, or if we saved any...if we saved any...we had to provide the checking/savings acct it was in. If it wasn't done, the money stopped. I wonder if this was done for erica AND how if and how the money was listed as being spent.

the only sure thing here, they most certainly committed several levels of fraud!
I've been following this case since it aired on Dr. Phil and I hate to think that this poor girl is dead at the hands of these idiots, I've been racking my brain trying to think of other possibilities.

One thing that jumped out at me and has been in the back of my mind is that on the FB page that has been set up for Erica, a person on there has commented a couple of times that they are sure they have seen her, I think they said in one of the neighboring counties, on the streets looking like she was strung out on drugs. They commented on the age progression photo that it looked just like her only a lot thinner. I have seen people speculating that maybe she ran away. I suppose this could be a possibility and her so called "parents" didn't bother to report her missing, figuring she would eventually come home but the more time that went by as they continued to cash her checks they decided they couldn't go to the police because it would look bad for them not reporting her in the beginning. So Casey concocted this "Nan" story to tell the relatives and then the authorities. The only problem with this would be someone would have to had known/seen her after all this publicity and the reward $$ and would come forward. Also, from the reports and interviews, it sounds like this girl wasn't very mature or the type that would runaway, so IDK.
Another possibility that crossed my mind is what if this "Strawberry" person, who has been rumored to be Billy Goodman's significant other, is behind this, was trying to get back at Carolyn Parsons for having an affair with her man, and has always resented the child he had with her. Seems like a pretty elaborate scheme to get back at someone for cheating on you but people can be so crazy, who knows? I would like to know how far the authorities are going as far as investigating the Goodman clan. Seems fishy to me that BG would deny to the authorities that he even has a kid, if that's even the truth.

I know the most logical and probable truth is that CP and SP are ultimately responsible for whatever happened to her, whether it be they killed her (intentionally or accidentally) or they sold her to human traffickers. CP has told so many lies now, maybe she is pulling a Casey Anthony and thinks the more she lies and changes her story, the more confused people will be, not knowing the truth, and she'll get away with it like CA did.
When my kids were younger they went to Lutheridge in NC. Parents had to sign a waiver to allow a child to be treated at an off site health care facility, if it was determined the child needed more treatment than was available by staff on site.
Maybe not exactly the same situation, but seems to me the adoptive parents would have had to be called.

I don't live in NC but have experienced the treatment problem with my now adopted daughter. She has always been special needs (like Erica) and my doctor noticed it immediately so when she was sick and her mother was on one of her 'drugcations' the doctor would treat her without the permission of the mother. I signed as the responsible party and paid the bill. This went on for 5 years before CPS became involved. I still take her to the same doctor.
Maybe you haven't been following my posts very well. I started calling to hear from birth mom in post #824 on Aug. 21, almost 4 weeks ago. I've also had James and Billy Goodman in my radar.

I'm not as quick to judge people as others seem to be. I'd rather take in all of the facts before deciding someone's guilt. I think the story here is the entire family. None of them seem quite right.

Sorry, I did miss your post back on August 21st. I'm bringing over your post #824 since it's two thread behind and difficult to attach as a quote being brought forward as reference.

Post #824 on Websleuths thread #1, page 34:

08-21-2013, 10:58 PM
Esquire Esquire is online now
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Regarding James Parsons, take a look at this older clip.

Even though the reporter refers to "family members", it is clear from the clip that only one person is interviewed. I suspect it is James Parsons for many reasons.

I would like to hear more from the birth mom. She did not dispute that she assisted taking Erica from her adoptive parents, she just pointed out that the real Nan had been dead. If SP and CP are better options to parent this child than Carolyn, what does that say about her?


First, can you clarify that the "James" you are referencing is "James 'Jamie' Parsons" (the Parsons' son) and not somebody named James Goodman as your current post here implies where you're showing it as "I've also had James and Billy Goodman in my radar." Or is there a James Goodman we don't know about?

I went back and listened and watched the video you referenced in your link.

Granted there is only one person (referenced in the video as a family member) speaking out in the video, in a distorted voice so they wouldn't be identified. If the news station interviewed more than one family member, they obviously didn't show nor include them in this video.

I'm "assuming" that you're suggesting that the distorted voice family member is "James 'Jamie" Parsons" and not another family member, or that it's confusing that the news reporter stated they talked with "Family member(S)" and not just one family member who requested to be anonymous?

My take on the family member who spoke anonymously is that it wasn't "James 'Jamie' Parsons" talking but another unknown family member. Jamie lived in the same house, with the same family for the whole 12-13 years that Erica lived there so I would think he was a absolute primary witness to any abuse of Erica over the years by anybody in that house.

The video news clip states, "Tonight family members of Erica Parsons sat down only with eyewitness news to express their hurt, sorrow and disgust of the disappearance of a young girl nearly two years ago. They say they found out a week ago today that Erica was missing, but since 2011, family members say they were told the adopted girl was living in Asheville with her birth family."

Jamie stated to LE that the last time he saw Erica was November or December 2011 so he knew she was missing a lot longer than a week ago. That kind of narrows it down that the anonymous family member speaking was not Jamie Parsons.

Regarding Billy Dean Goodman, yeah, he's on my radar also, but other than knowing about his mile long criminal record, we know very little about him. According to Casey Parsons, he claims he's not Erica's father. Well, with a criminal record like his, I don't think I'd volunteer fatherhood and child support payments either!! But hey, if you know more about him and are willing to share, that would be cool.

Regarding Carolyn.... You are implying that Carolyn "assisted taking Erica from her adoptive parents."

Did Carolyn push Casey Parsons fingers on the keyboard to talk to somebody she claimed was named Irene Goodman aka "Nan" on Facebook?

Did Carolyn accompany Casey and Sandy Parsons to Mooresville to meet "Nan" and "Strawberry" and "Kelly" in September, November and December 2011?

Did Carolyn send herself those Facebook postings from Casey Parsons Facebook account in March 2013 pretending that Erica was fine, going camping, taking driving lessons, and that Erica, and Brook were in Asheville with Casey’s aunt, a complete YEAR after Erica was missing?

And speaking of others, who... "when you get called out and can talk directly into a big ole news camera?" There is video and transcripts of Casey and Sandy Parsons talking hours and hours directly to the big ole news camera(S). So it's not like many are not seeing and hearing both sides of the story.

And as far as your quote, "If SP and CP are better options to parent this child than Carolyn, what does that say about her?" It says about her, that back in 1998 that Carolyn felt she couldn't take care of Erica, for whatever reasons, and she decided to give her up for adoption hoping for a better life than what she felt she could have given her.

So now the question is, did Erica get a better life and where is Erica now, and why don't those trusting adopted parents that Carolyn thought she believed in have one iota of anything to know where their daughter is 24/7 to contact her directly?

No, I don't know everything, and this is a complicated case with a lot of side players, but I'm more than willing to learn more. My eyes and ears are open.

I'm for the victim, the one that can't speak for herself, Erica Parsons, where are you?

ACR :seeya:
I am in nc and worked in pediatric medicine for 15 years. We have to tell the parents/guardians if the patient is under 18. The parent/guardian has to sign a form that the patient can be treated. IF she was actually seen at mission then they would have given them info and also asked for the Medicaid information. Which is why I think this is just another one of CP's lies.

It seems to me, all a person would have to do is take the papers out of sight, sign a name, then turn in the papers and say they did not have insurance. I never had to show a birth certificate for a child nor have I had to show ID. The health care workers would have no way of knowing if the child is who the 'parent' says.
Another possibility that crossed my mind is what if this "Strawberry" person, who has been rumored to be Billy Goodman's significant other, is behind this, was trying to get back at Carolyn Parsons for having an affair with her man, and has always resented the child he had with her. Seems like a pretty elaborate scheme to get back at someone for cheating on you but people can be so crazy, who knows? I would like to know how far the authorities are going as far as investigating the Goodman clan. Seems fishy to me that BG would deny to the authorities that he even has a kid, if that's even the truth.

I agree with this being a scenario. I also think that we feel this way because this was the point of the lie that Casey was trying to pass along
I apologise. I did see it. It was a very valuable clip also. Person interviewed said that Erica was always seen as sad, yet reports from Casey say she was boy crazy. Again, sorry Esquire and thanks for directing me to additional info.

Here's the transcript below from that video for reference.
And yes, thank you also Esquire for directing us to this additional information.


Family members say missing 15-year-old had painful life
(Date not shown on news web page with video but it had to be the first week of August 2013)

Trish Williford (Reporter): A dark, tortured life, all new tonight, relatives of this missing 15 year old are coming forward revealing the agony she went through everyday.

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "I don't think I've ever seen Erica not scared."

Trish Williford (Reporter): Now, family members tell only channel 9 that the worst may have already happened.

Trish Williford (Reporter to unknown family member): Do you think Erica is alive?

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "No, I do not."

Erica Bryant (In News Studio): The FBI and the SBI have now joined in the effort to find Erica Parsons. She vanished 20 months ago but was only reported missing less than a week ago.

Blair Miller (In News Studio): And now today, the Rowan County Sheriff's Office said everything her adopted parents have told them are lies. The sheriff's office sent us information today, saying Casey and Sandy Parsons have become increasingly uncooperative. They said investigators checked out the story they told that Erica ran off to visit a grandmother in Asheville, but determined that the information the parents provided was not true.

Erica Bryant (In News Studio): New, tonight, we wanted to know more about this little girl that everybody is now searching for.

Blair Miller (In News Studio): Family members told eyewitness news reporter Trish Williford about the life Erica Parsons lived and Tricia, the picture they painted was such a sad one.

Trish Williford (Reporter): It sure is Blair. Now Erica's family ask that we not reveal their identity but they told me they believe the 15 year old is dead, and that she suffered through years of abuse.

Trish Williford (Reporter to unknown family member): Do you think Erica is alive?

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "No, I do not."

Tonight family members of Erica Parsons sat down only with eyewitness news to express their hurt, sorrow and disgust of the disappearance of a young girl nearly two years ago. They say they found out a week ago today that Erica was missing, but since 2011, family members say they were told the adopted girl was living in Ashville with her birth family.

Trish Williford (Reporter to unknown family member): Maybe she went to visit other family members? Is that far fetched?

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "Yes. Very far fetched. First of all, I don't know of any family member she could go and visit. Never been made aware of any family member that ever existed."

Trish Williford (Reporter): Family members say Erica has had a painful life for as long as they can remember.

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "I don't think I've ever seen Erica not scared." - "You couldn't look at her she couldn't look at you. She couldn't speak to you. It was always like that."

Trish Williford (Reporter to unknown family member): You believe she was abused?

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "I have witnessed some of the abuse myself. Yeah I know she was abused."

Trish Williford (Reporter): Family members say although it pains them to think that Erica is no longer alive, tonight they do have some sense of peace.

Distorted voice: (and words printed on screen) "Sad but at the same time I feel like that Erica, where she's at now is a much better place than what she had here on earth."

Trish Williford (Reporter): Well, family members told me their only fear now is that someone will get away with hurting Erica. They're hoping police will solve this mystery quickly. Reporting live from Rowan County, Trish Williford, reporter, channel 9 eyewitness news.

My take on the family member who spoke anonymously is that it wasn't "James 'Jamie' Parsons

My guess was that it was Casey's sister. Only because an accent coming through the distortion sounded feminine. Just my first guess though.

Also, thank you ACR for bringing everything back into perspective. I also want to understand all perspectives, but I am not going to reinvent the wheel to do it.
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