NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #3

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"The FBI announced Friday afternoon it still needs help from the public to put together a timeline of when Erica disappeared"

How come some articles say Erica disappeared in Nov 2011 and some say Dec 2011 ???
IF Casey really did find a way to give away Erica, this would probably be the way to do it, IMO. The timing of these networks just starting to be noticed and subsequently shut down seems to be awfully close to the timing of Erica's disappearance as well. There are some crazy similarities to Casey's story about "Nan" here and the above children being given away so easily. I am not really one for the theory that Erica was given away though & I do not believe she is still alive unfortunately. This is just pure speculation in the case that CP did actually give Erica away to *someone*.

Scary stuff right there. For a minute, I actually thought that this could be a possibility with Erica. Then I remember that Casey's sister was willing to take care of her if it was about being a burden. Only reason she was picked up from there was fear if getting in trouble for continuing to cash checks.
How come some articles say Erica disappeared in Nov 2011 and some say Dec 2011 ???

I think that is because the son, Jamie, claims to have last seen her in November....while Casey's rendition alleges to have had dropped her off with "Nan", on or about December 17th.
Scary stuff right there. For a minute, I actually thought that this could be a possibility with Erica. Then I remember that Casey's sister was willing to take care of her if it was about being a burden. Only reason she was picked up from there was fear if getting in trouble for continuing to cash checks.

Youre right about the burden-only scenario but if she wanted to get rid of Erica by giving her away on a practically anonymous basis, without notifying the state or any courts and still be able to collect the checks designated for Erica, this would still be a plausible method IMO.
I think that is because the son, Jamie, claims to have last seen her in November....while Casey's rendition alleges to have had dropped her off with "Nan", on or about December 17th.

Thanks, well I would believe Jamie ... and LE must have confirmed that with the other siblings.
I've popped in & out here- has it ever come out the last person to actually have seen Erica? Besides anyone living in the family home? Has anyone said, yes, I absolutely saw her at ____ on such and such a day.....
I've popped in & out here- has it ever come out the last person to actually have seen Erica? Besides anyone living in the family home? Has anyone said, yes, I absolutely saw her at ____ on such and such a day.....

Not that I've heard.
that's somewhat disturbing- the way folks like to talk & such
...I sure wish someone outside of family could share about any interactions they had with her, be it school ( when she was there) or social functions, or just anything. It is so sad to think this little gal must have lived in isolation much of the time, or so it feels.
New article today, looks like FBI is searching for Erica while local LE is focusing on how to charge the Parsonses.

While talking with WBTV on Monday, Carlyle Sherrill said that Casey and Sandy Parsons feel federal investigators are working to find their missing daughter, while local investigators are focusing on filing charges.

Sherrill says the Parsons have been more comfortable talking with federal investigators about the case.

The attorney told WBTV that while federal agents stopped an interview with adoptive mom, Casey Parsons, to tell Sherrill to remind Parsons that it is a crime to lie to the feds. They agreed to stop the interview and start again the next day.

While local investigators were conducting the execution of a search warrant on the Parsons' home, an investigator reportedly put Erica's adoptive father, Sandy, in the back of a police car and asked accusatory questions, Sherrill told WBTV on Monday.

After that, Sandy reportedly called the FBI and said he and Casey will only talk with federal investigators.

I wonder why they agreed to stop the interview, could that be considered an admission of guilt for lying to a federal agent? Interesting but very limited information here, what do you guys think?

In addition, I guess we know now that we're not the only ones that haven't been buying their story. Sounds like local LE knew from the beginning they were lying their butts off.

ETA: More specific info in link below, looks like the interview discussed in the article was the one that happened on August 14th when LE & FBI searched their home.
I wonder why they agreed to stop the interview, could that be considered an admission of guilt for lying to a federal agent? Interesting but very limited information here, what do you guys think?

I think tomorrow will make for an interesting day. I read it as that they better get a new story and that story better make sense or it's obstruction time. My hunch is they will be stubborn and be arrested.
from link^^
"The attorney told WBTV that while federal agents stopped an interview with adoptive mom, Casey Parsons, to tell Sherrill to remind Parsons that it is a crime to lie to the feds. "

Who writes this stuff?? That sentence makes NO sense? While federal agents.... While? While then what??

geesh must be a typo or was something else happening, hence the 'while'

or I am picky

I think they (CP & SP) know they are in deep pookie and hip waders ain't gonna help, nor are other prevarications.

I personally am not buying the been 'duped' stuff.
from link^^
"The attorney told WBTV that while federal agents stopped an interview with adoptive mom, Casey Parsons, to tell Sherrill to remind Parsons that it is a crime to lie to the feds. "

Who writes this stuff?? That sentence makes NO sense? While federal agents.... While? While then what??

geesh must be a typo or was something else happening, hence the 'while'

or I am picky

I think they (CP & SP) know they are in deep pookie and hip waders ain't gonna help, nor are other prevarications.

I personally am not buying the been 'duped' stuff.

I agree the editor on 1st link was not very clear. From the 2nd link I added in, the following is stated, seems to be a bit more understandable:

The family attorney says an interview with Erica's mom Casey that day suddenly stopped.

The Parsonses’ attorney says a FBI agent asked for a break, and then told him, not Casey, but referring to Casey that lying to a federal agent is a crime.

That brought the August 14 interview with Casey at the house during the 12-hour search to a halt.

Furthermore, I can't believe the attorney would say this, I wonder if he said this back on August 14th or if he said that to MSM today...
Attorney Carlyle Sherrill told the FBI that Casey believed Erica was living with her biological grandmother, because that's who Casey thought she met and was introduced to Erica's biological mother Carolyn; if the facts weren't true, Sherrill says it's not because Casey was lying, but simply told federal agents what she'd been told.
Sorry I don't think Casey would ever have given Erica away. I think she would have sold her to the highest bidder, if Erica is alive at all.

If the FBI made that statement to the lawyer about reminding his clients about lying and stopped the interview I think they know a lot and have some kind of paper or internet trail. I think they are ready to drop the hammer and would just like to find Erica first. Put them in jail and see if that helps. Casey may have health problems but she can have them in jail.

I think the FBI has followed the money trail.
What an awful story. The whole Nan scenario reminds me so much of Casey Anthony's Zanny. The fact that someone posed as Erica on facebook and relayed stories about her life at home to her bio mother was very disturbing. I'd like to know if that family collected the monthly adoption welfare money from the state even after she was "gone to nan's" for years. There are so many stories out there of welfare fraud. People treated horribly in terrible conditions by caregivers, even already passed and not documented to be deceased still having checks mailed and outright stolen by caretakers. It's awfully suspicious it happened here. With the girl being homeschooled, isolated, apparently being suspected of abuse and neglect. No one seemingly interested in her welfare other than her bio Mom who was encouraged not to be involved with her. It seems to convenient to pawn Erica off on a fake relative when she could in fact be buried in the yard due to just too much abuse and neglect. It would only take her adoptive parents a few clicks on face book to find just enough information about this bio father's relatives to make the visiting Nan’s story believable with names and places and dates of relatives meeting up with them.
I also just wanted to share this. My ex and I adopted 2 beautiful wonderful children.

We received a subsidy. Every year we had to fill out legal forms continuing that subsidy. It was just a record keeping kinda thing but if your name was signed it was a binding legal document.

My children had Medicaid cards for 1 1/2 years while the adoption was being finalized.

Every 6 mos those cards had to be renewed. The adoption agency did that for us but once the adoption was finalized we put them on our health care insurance.

(If I remember correctly,they told us we could continue the Medicaid for one more year if needed in case it took a while for them to be eligible for coverage under our insurance but we would be responsible for renewing the cards and getting that info to the social worker in our county. If we had not had health insurance the kids could have continued to receive Medicaid till 18 but renewal would have been required every 6 mos at that time.)

If they have kept the Medicaid for Erica all this time they have had to fill out financial forms or renewal forms. Same way with the subsidy. My experience was in the late 80's so although things change I don't think they would change that much.

I can remember the statement above the signature line stating that by signing you swear the above is true. I think they have several charges they can bring against them. I hope they throw everything they have at them. Some of this should come from the States Attorney General's Office.

You know Casey is reminding me more and more of Elizabeth Baker, lies, lies, lies.I also think she is capable of all the EBaker did too.
assuming someone wanted to go to Asheville area from the home area where Erica is missing from, can any locals say if 70 would be a good alternate to the interstate, or is there a better, less traveled route?

CP seems so insistent that Erica is in Asheville, I find myself wondering IF she is...kind of like CP was trying to set the stage for Erica being found know , by hunters, hikers and the like? ( and I don't mean Erica having fun riding horses either)

That woman didn't sell, rent, lease or let anyone borrow Erica. A control freak isn't going to give anyone else control that easily.

/end my opinion
assuming someone wanted to go to Asheville area from the home area where Erica is missing from, can any locals say if 70 would be a good alternate to the interstate, or is there a better, less traveled route?

CP seems so insistent that Erica is in Asheville, I find myself wondering IF she is...kind of like CP was trying to set the stage for Erica being found know , by hunters, hikers and the like? ( and I don't mean Erica having fun riding horses either)

There are no good alternatives. You can take 70 through the foothills almost parallel to I-40 but you wouldn't even need to do that. Up the mountains, you really must take I-40. However, that doesn't matter. The drive from Mooresville to Asheville includes small cities and millions of acres of rural farmlands, forests, game lands, lakes, pastures, wilderness and beautiful Blueridge Mountains as interstates 77 and 40 pass right through.

Unfortunately, if an evil piece of #$*% wants to discard someone, there are plenty of rural quiet places to do it right off the interstates. After all, they scattered Zahra Baker through at least 3 counties at the base of the mountains where I-40 runs through that rural area on the way to Asheville and they still haven't found all of her.

That woman didn't sell, rent, lease or let anyone borrow Erica. A control freak isn't going to give anyone else control that easily.

/end my opinion

Start of my opinion :seeya:

And one of the reasons I believe there's some validity to your opinion is that Casey let her own sister take Erica for 8 months, and than apparently panicked at some point that the State would find out and that she'd lose Erica's State Aid. So Casey's sister said Casey took Erica back, and that was only for 8 months.

Now here we are 9 years later and the situation is basically the same as far as Casey claiming Erica is now living with another relative, the mysterious "Nan." Obviously 20 months is a lot longer than 8 months so why wasn't Casey panicking (prior to July of this year when the chit hit the fan) that the State would find out, and go get Erica and make her come back home?

And with her sister, she had complete contact information. But with "Nan" she seems to be totally confident that there are no worries that she has ZERO contact information.
There are no good alternatives. You can take 70 through the foothills almost parallel to I-40 but you wouldn't even need to do that. Up the mountains, you really must take I-40. However, that doesn't matter. The drive from Mooresville to Asheville includes small cities and millions of acres of rural farmlands, forests, game lands, lakes, pastures, wilderness and beautiful Blueridge Mountains as interstates 77 and 40 pass right through.

Unfortunately, if an evil piece of #$*% wants to discard someone, there are plenty of rural quiet places to do it right off the interstates. After all, they scattered Zahra Baker through at least 3 counties at the base of the mountains where I-40 runs through that rural area on the way to Asheville and they still haven't found all of her.

BBM Oh yes and Casey would have been very aware of that too in my opinion.
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