NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #4

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Question for those following more closely than me. Is there any type of definitive time frame that Erica was LAST seen by someone other than family ? It would sure help in her search . I realize shes' been missing for 2 yrs, but I wonder if anyone back 2 years and 3 months ago remembers specifically seeing her at a store, a doctor , a neighbor, anything. Watching these missing kids with parents who don't report them for even a few weeks leaves so many options for where they might be. It is my understanding that there is no for sure sighting of her 2 yrs ago or so, so LE is really working with almost nothing concrete. tia :(
Seems like Wade married on the rebound ... broke up with his fiancee in April 2011
& was married to someone else in August 2011.

Yeah it did look like he jumped into another relationship rather quick, but sometimes love happens that way. Maybe he started getting interested in this other girl when he was still with this Julie person and that could be what broke that relationship up.

What grabbed my attention was that she was talking about the last time she saw Erica. On Facebook, it's not like you can just ask somebody a question unless their account is set to public, otherwise you have to ask them to "be their friend" and then get accepted or declined. Once you become a "friend" on Facebook then that person can also have access to all your own personal information on your Facebook, so it's not necessarily an option to just go "friend" everybody and anybody on Facebook, especially if your own Facebook is set to private.

I did check out his Facebook because I was trying to match up times and dates to determine if he was living in the grandparents basement apartment those couple months before the family moved to Miller Chapel Rd, or if after he got married if his wife was living there also. Basically trying to get a head count !!
Might be asking to much, but any chance LE did a head count of kids in the house? With a knife being used, dog choked, etc, it was kind of a major/memorable crime scene. Maybe LE can remember now if Erica was seen in the house. If Jamie saw something or suspected something his parents did to Erica, he may have lost it with a feeling of all those family memories come crashing down. Jamie could be in fear because he helped his parents dispose of the body. I think Casey thinks her family loves her wayyyy more than they really do. Even her kids that were educated at the Parsons School can read through all of her BS. Anyway, for whatever reason, Erica wasn't a victim of the attack on August, 2011. I've even read comments that Jamie would hit Erica in a bullying kind if way. Why wouldn't that frustration carry to Erica on that day?

You right that Erica apparently wasn't mention in this incident report, because if she was, when the media got hold of it, they would have been on that like flies on ...... considering this incident appears to be a major, and the media exposed it because Erica was missing.

That tells me that either Erica wasn't there during the incident, or that Jamie was perhaps defending Erica. And this incident happened early in the morning because the time stamp on the charge is 7:20 AM.
Might be asking to much, but any chance LE did a head count of kids in the house? With a knife being used, dog choked, etc, it was kind of a major/memorable crime scene. Maybe LE can remember now if Erica was seen in the house. If Jamie saw something or suspected something his parents did to Erica, he may have lost it with a feeling of all those family memories come crashing down. Jamie could be in fear because he helped his parents dispose of the body. I think Casey thinks her family loves her wayyyy more than they really do. Even her kids that were educated at the Parsons School can read through all of her BS. Anyway, for whatever reason, Erica wasn't a victim of the attack on August, 2011. I've even read comments that Jamie would hit Erica in a bullying kind if way. Why wouldn't that frustration carry to Erica on that day?

Maybe...because Casey didn't care if he hit Erica. She only reported the incident when he attacked her or one of the other children. :mad:
The warrants describe a troubled childhood and home for Erica. Family members told investigators they often saw bruises on her that the adoptive parents said were caused by other children.

The Parsonses adopted Erica early in her life. The teen’s biological mother, Carolyn Parsons, was married to Sandy Parsons’ brother.

The family members cited in the warrants, who are not named, said “Erica was small for her age and rarely interacted with family or extended family,” and that she was often harshly disciplined by Casey Parsons.

“Family members stated another child in the home told this family member that Casey took a toy gun and broke it while hitting Erica with the toy. Erica was upset because it was her favorite toy,” the warrants say.

At one point, a family member told investigators Erica was sent to live outside the home by Casey Parsons, the warrants say.

“One witness said they took custody of Erica for about eight months after Casey contacted them and said she could not stand to look at Erica. This witness said Casey had brought Erica to their house. They said Erica had bruises on her bottom and Casey said she lost control and beat Erica.

“This witness said that after about eight months, Casey resumed custody of Erica and she was afraid DSS would find out she did not have her and was still getting money for her.”

Casey Parsons also told family members she disliked Erica because she reminded her of the girls’ biological mother.

“They said she could not stand to look at the daughter because she reminded her of Carolyn and she hates Carolyn,” the warrants say.

MOO Erica's relatives owe us and the media nothing. It sounds to me as if they shared what is important with who is important - LE. I would expect nothing less.

So while I wish Brittany and Brooke, and any others who have been named as potential witnesses by Casey Parsons, would say publicly once and for all whether they back her statements, I am satisfied as long as they are providing that info to LE.
After telling a story many times, people can be manipulated to think what they heard somewhere is what happened. Not because they want to lie, because they themselfes remember it was told repeatedly and came to believe it after awhile.

I understand your point but I respectfully disagree. I believe the PARSONS children know whether Erica went away on weekends & came back talking about riding horses & whether or not they engaged in conversation with Erica about that ... they would have their own memories separate from what Casey said & conversations that Casey knows nothing about ... it was less than 2 years ago.
I understand your point but I respectfully disagree. I believe the PARSONS children know whether Erica went away on weekends & came back talking about riding horses & whether or not they engaged in conversation with Erica about that ... they would have their own memories separate from what Casey said & conversations that Casey knows nothing about ... it was less than 2 years ago.

Indeed it looks like we have to respectfully agree to disagree. I've seen parents manipulating children plenty of times. Almost 2 years IMO is more than enough time to confuse someone's memories, especially children's and young adults'.
I understand your point but I respectfully disagree. I believe the PARSONS children know whether Erica went away on weekends & came back talking about riding horses & whether or not they engaged in conversation with Erica about that ... they would have their own memories separate from what Casey said & conversations that Casey knows nothing about ... it was less than 2 years ago.

I don't think anyone can really say whether or not they remember certain things...especially when growing up in a volatile and toxic environment.

there are very specific detailed things that I remember that happened in my childhood that my brothers were witness too and even part of and they swear up and down those things never happened since shortly after they happened to this day as adults.

denial? lack of memory? just lying?
Indeed it looks like we have to respectfully agree to disagree. I've seen parents manipulating children plenty of times. Almost 2 years IMO is more than enough time to confuse someone's memories, especially children's and young adults'.

ABSOLUTELY. children are easily influenced and manipulated especially by adults who appear powerful and even mean. you could teach some children (depending on various factors) the sky is green when they sit there and see it is really blue.......easily. the power of persuasion and manipulation is a commonly used tool with kids.
Indeed it looks like we have to respectfully agree to disagree. I've seen parents manipulating children plenty of times. Almost 2 years IMO is more than enough time to confuse someone's memories, especially children's and young adults'.

Jamie is a 20 year old & I don't consider Brook a young child easily subject to manipulation because she is a married woman.
For the record, I DON'T believe CP did in fact have any Facebook communication with a "Nan" or Irene Goodman. But of course that is just my opinion based on LE stating that there is no such person.

For the record, it was the GOODMAN family who said that "there is no such person".
LE never said that ... LE made a general statement that the PARSONS couple lied to them ... but LE did not really state the details of those lies ... so there are just public speculations that are not considered facts ... certainly nothing that could be used to charge the PARSONS with a crime or useful in a trial.
For the record, it was the GOODMAN family who said that "there is no such person".
LE never said that ... LE made a general statement that the PARSONS couple lied to them ... but LE did not really state the details of those lies ... so there are just public speculations that are not considered facts ... certainly nothing that could be used to charge the PARSONS with a crime or useful in a trial.

A quote from the article..."Rowan investigators and family members have said Irene Goodman does not exist."

I'll have to go back and find where LE actually stated this, rather than the journalist of course, but it's a start.
For the record, it was the GOODMAN family who said that "there is no such person".
LE never said that ... LE made a general statement that the PARSONS couple lied to them ... but LE did not really state the details of those lies ... so there are just public speculations that are not considered facts ... certainly nothing that could be used to charge the PARSONS with a crime or useful in a trial.

And here is a quote from the article: "Investigators, which include state and federal authorities, have said Goodman does not exist." (bolded by me for emphasis.
MOO Erica's relatives owe us and the media nothing. It sounds to me as if they shared what is important with who is important - LE. I would expect nothing less.

So while I wish Brittany and Brooke, and any others who have been named as potential witnesses by Casey Parsons, would say publicly once and for all whether they back her statements, I am satisfied as long as they are providing that info to LE.

I understand your point about the relatives not having to explain anything to the public.
I was thinking more about the media & how it relates to this forum.
The media have told us information that has ONLY filled in half the picture.
Unfortunately some Websleuthers take that half picture & speculate upon it as though they know what is really going on. But in reality, the other half of the picture is needed to fully understand the meaning of the whole scene. I am just trying to point out that IF the public wants to talk about the case, it is important to remember that there are soooo many facts that the public is unaware of. I was trying to point out that there ARE relatives that do have some useful info to contribute ... BUT we have to remember that we have NOT heard their input yet. So the public should take caution before judging somebody guilty of a crime.
Only those who know ALL the pertinent facts should be proclaiming someone guilty.
That is how the American judicial system works as I understand it.
Jamie is a 20 year old & I don't consider Brook a young child easily subject to manipulation because she is a married woman.

They are now young adults. Being married does not make people forget previous manipulation and doesn't erease any conditioning. What is imprinted is imprinted. Otherwise marriage would be a great therapy to forget previous traumas, but that's not the case. Wouldn't that be great?
I do believe the only family member who was growing up questioning CP and SP was Jamie. But because of his temper, he wasn't taken seriously until he moved out and met with an adult who in place of making him out to be the bad guy because questioning the parents, listened to him, believed him and took the necessary steps to get the case out into the open to finnaly get to the bottom of this. If the one questioning is made out to be the bad guy, the rest of the children are usually not jumping to support him and IMO will grow up to be hesitant to take that person's opinion as the truth.
How I see this, the whole manipulation wasn't just beginning when Erica disappeared, it was a strange dynamic before that already. If it's true that CP lied about the surrogate baby, I can only imagine what sort of morals she was showing to her children and what sort of manipulation was going on in that household while they were growing up. IMO the supposed manipulation of the reality about Erica moving in with Disney Nan was just an added factor to the whole family dynamic after something happened to her.
They are now young adults.

So we have both agreed to respectfully disagree :)
We have different opinions on the subject and can take it no further.
If the relatives never speak to the subject, then our opinions fade away.
It is ONLY if the relatives ever speak up, that we will get any more insight.
And that is all I was saying before ... for further clarity on the missing case of Erica,
we need to get more input from those who were directly involved.
So far all we have is the input of the suspect Casey ... and that is not enough to bring resolution to this case. Erica will not be found with only one person's rendition of the facts ... in my opinion, the public should not be rushing to judgement before all the facts are revealed. LE knows a lot more than us & they haven't charged anybody yet. So in my opinion, the public should wait until more true facts are brought forth & then the public will be able to make a better informed decision about what truly happened to Erica. We just don't know enough yet.
Here the author states that LE have found "no evidence" that Nan exists...

That is not the same thing as saying Nan is a figment of someone's imagination.
If you meet an old woman named "Mary SMITH" (or whatever) & she lies & tells you that her name is Irene GOODMAN, that doesn't mean that you didn't meet a REAL person ... and it is obvious that LE would have trouble finding ANY documentation for a FAKE name that matches that REAL person that you met.

The quotes you have taken are what the journalist says & is his or her interpretation of the facts ...
but a journalist is someone who can be biased by what they have previously heard the GOODMAN family say. LE deals in facts on a daily basis & thus are used to being more careful with the legal implications of what they say.

Here are some quotes about what LE has stated ...
Sheriff's Capt. John SIFFORD said the parents initially provided some information and possible leads to the location of Erica Parsons, saying she may be in Asheville with relatives, but investigators “have determined that the information the parents provided was not true”.

“... So far, none of the information provided by Casey and Sandy Parsons has been found to be factual, and none of the leads that have been received by the Sheriff's Office have provided the location of Erica Parsons”, SIFFORD wrote in a news release.

Investigators have followed up on possible locations of Erica Parsons across the state, but so far none of the leads has led to the teen, SIFFORD said.
Sheriff's Capt. John SIFFORD said the parents initially provided some
information & possible leads to the location of Erica PARSONS, saying she may
be in Asheville with relatives, but investigators "have determined that the information the parents provided was not true".

"... So far, none of the information provided by Casey & Sandy PARSONS has
been found to be factual & none of the leads that have been received by the
Sheriff's Office have provided the location of Erica PARSONS", SIFFORD wrote in a news release.

Investigators have followed up on possible locations of Erica PARSONS across
the state, but so far none of the leads has led to the teen, SIFFORD said.
Update: "The home of Erica Lynn PARSONS' adoptive parents in Salisbury is being searched today as the FBI join the hunt to find the 15 year old who went missing 2 years ago."

"Rowan County Sheriff's Office spokesman John SIFFORD confirmed the search, but said it was standard with such a case. He said people shouldn't read too much into it."
Sheriff's Capt. John SIFFORD has said the parents initially provided some information
& possible leads to the location of Erica, but investigators determined the information
the parents provided was not true.
Capt. John SIFFORD, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Office, said Erica lived at the home on Miller Chapel Road with Casey & Sandy PARSONS & their biological son James, now 20.

SIFFORD said Casey & Sandy PARSONS initially cooperated with investigators,
but he said they "became increasingly uncooperative."

SIFFORD cautioned people against reading too much into Wednesday's search.

"A search of this type is one of many investigative tools in our efforts to
find Erica", he said in a statement.

When Rowan County authorities investigated the claim that Erica had moved in with her grandmother, they "determined that the information the parents
provided was not true", SIFFORD said.'-receive-summons.html
The NC,Rowan-Co Sheriff's Office didn't provide additional information about the summons. A message left with a spokesman, Capt. John SIFFORD, was not returned.

Her adoptive parents have been questioned several times by authorities.
They have told investigators & reporters that Erica went to stay with her
grandmother in Asheville in 2011.

But investigators say they found nothing to back up those claims

This particular article makes it pretty clear that it is
not LE but the MEDIA who are saying Irene GOODMAN doesn't exist ...

Monday afternoon, a spokesperson for the Rowan County Sheriff's Office said, "The Rowan County Sheriff's Office is part of a law enforcement team, which includes our office, NC SBI & the FBI, which continues to work daily committing many resources in an effort to solve the Erica PARSONS missing persons investigation."

Captain John SIFFORD said "specific details of the investigation will not be
released to protect the integrity of this ongoing investigation."

Casey & Sandy PARSONS reportedly told investigators that Erica had gone to
live with a woman they refer to as "Nan."

Her real name was Irene GOODMAN, according to the PARSONS, but
an investigation by WBTV revealed that Irene GOODMAN did not actually exist.

The woman was supposed to be Erica's biological grandmother, but records pulled by WBTV show Erica's biological grandmother's real name was Cloie GOODMAN, who died in 2005 - 6 years before Erica was last seen.

WBTV is not law enforcement & it does not speak for LE.

I tried searching unsuccessfully for LE's press release ... maybe ACR can find it ?
It could hurt a lot of things if the investigation is into a murder rather than a missing person IMO.

I believe the two types of cases would be handled and investigated in very different manners with very different objectives. A murder investigation would involve building a good case for a prosecution. A missing person investigation would involve spreading the word far and wide to attempt to locate said missing individual.

Point being, I think LE is investigating a possible homicide. IF they are indeed asking folks to not speak to the press as they investigate it would be an indicator to me that they believe there is a homicide and not a live child who is missing.

:seeya: Wise words and experience as always.
Might be asking to much, but any chance LE did a head count of kids in the house? With a knife being used, dog choked, etc, it was kind of a major/memorable crime scene. Maybe LE can remember now if Erica was seen in the house. If Jamie saw something or suspected something his parents did to Erica, he may have lost it with a feeling of all those family memories come crashing down. Jamie could be in fear because he helped his parents dispose of the body. I think Casey thinks her family loves her wayyyy more than they really do. Even her kids that were educated at the Parsons School can read through all of her BS. Anyway, for whatever reason, Erica wasn't a victim of the attack on August, 2011. I've even read comments that Jamie would hit Erica in a bullying kind if way. Why wouldn't that frustration carry to Erica on that day?

I suspect Erica was probably already put in a closet or put in the corner out of his way. just my opinion
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