NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #4

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Her lies are so beyond belief i have trouble believing they are all lies. She is far from an intelligent woman from what i can tell and yet the story makes some sort of bizarre sense for someone who doesn't care, doesn't like the child and wants to be able to keep funds without the hassle of the child being around.

I somehow have no trouble beliving she gave Erica to someone. Even a stranger.

IMO this is a simple example of telling a lie big enough and often enough and people will start to believe it.

I can't believe it. Why? Because if I remember correctly, when Erica was living with somebody else, CP went to retrieve her after awhile, because she was afraid the checks were in jeopardy if it came out Erica wasn't living with them. So I can't imagine she was going to do it again. IMO the only reason Erica wasn't living with them is because something happened to her and it became physically impossible. IMO if it was possible CP would have further showcased Erica to keep receive the checks, to make sure there are no problems with it. IMO after something happened to Erica, the best she could hope for was that no one will notice she is missing and the close family and children will fall for her story about Disney Nan. I don't think CP deliberately would have jeopardized the checks. This is why I also think what happened to Erica happened in a sudden rage or she died because her body could not take the abuse anymore (maybe being underfed).
Sorry to everyone who believes she is still alive somewhere. I would be very happy to be proven wrong.

All the above is IMHO
IMO this is a simple example of telling a lie big enough and often enough and people will start to believe it.

I can't believe it. Why? Because if I remember correctly, when Erica was living with somebody else, CP went to retrieve her after awhile, because she was afraid the checks were in jeopardy if it came out Erica wasn't living with them. So I can't imagine she was going to do it again. IMO the only reason Erica wasn't living with them is because something happened to her and it became physically impossible. IMO if it was possible CP would have further showcased Erica to keep receive the checks, to make sure there are no problems with it. IMO after something happened to Erica, the best she could hope for was that no one will notice she is missing and the close family and children will fall for her story about Disney Nan. I don't think CP deliberately would have jeopardized the checks. This is why I also think what happened to Erica happened in a sudden rage or she died because her body could not take the abuse anymore (maybe being underfed).
Sorry to everyone who believes she is still alive somewhere. I would be very happy to be proven wrong.

All the above is IMHO

I actually don't believe she is still alive, im pretty sure that whoever she was given to (if she was)used and killed her then.
I actually don't believe she is still alive, im pretty sure that whoever she was given to (if she was)used and killed her then.

I figured as much, that's why that sentence wasn't addressed to you, but to "everyone who".
I can't see CP giving up her golden goose, though.
IMO this is a simple example of telling a lie big enough and often enough and people will start to believe it.

Well if this were true, we should be able to get someone (besides Casey) to say so ???
Casey says that all her children left at home can confirm that Erica came back from weekends talking about the horses she rode. So why can't we get Jamie or Brook to say that they either did or did not hear about those weekend horses. Even Casey's grandparents could confirm or deny if the 2 youngest children remember whether they did or did not talk about the weekend horses with Erica.

she was afraid the checks were in jeopardy if it came out Erica wasn't living with them.
So I can't imagine she was going to do it again.

That might be true if the 2 incidents happened close together - meaning months.
BUT the 2 incidents were almost 10 years apart. Time changes the way people think.
Over 10 years Casey would have become very sure of the DSS process & confident that
she was never going to get caught. Complacency is common among criminals over time.

Why can't we get Carolyn's daughter Brittany to confirm or deny
whether she talked to Erica online months later ...

quotes from

Casey PARSONS: Well, actually, her half-sister actually told the detectives that she had talked to her just earlier this year on Facebook & asked her, "How are you doing?" & she replied, "I'm fine." & that was her step - it's her half-sister, Carolyn's biological daughter, Brittany CLINE. And we was told that during the 2 days of questioning, that Brittany had contacted her & said she's doing fine.

Casey PARSONS: She said, "Earlier this year, I talked to Erica on Facebook". She had a Facebook page & she talked to her & asked her, "How are you doing?" & she replied, "I'm fine."

Casey PARSONS: I cannot find no Facebook. Brittany said though that she had it under a different name. Um, Brooke is gone, isn't she? Brooke remembers the day that Brittany said - we actually even have pictures of where Brittany wrote Brooke where the Facebook thing was - my daughter, Brooke - pictures of her saying where she talked to her & Erica replied, "I'm fine."

Reporter: I guess, obviously this could be a law enforcement question too but they don't - they're not answering questions. With cell phone technology, internet technology, court records, you know, where people live, things of that nature, um - search warrants, they can come see your phone records, cell phone records, whatever - you know, why can't they find a 15 year old girl?

Casey PARSONS: To my knowledge, they've never even looked at none of that stuff yet. And why,
I don't know. 'Cause I've asked myself the same thing. We've welcomed them to come here & do whatever they have to do. Anything. & they're welcome right this minute. They are. We've told them to dig the yard up, look in our house, look at anything. They're more than welcome to do that. More than welcome.

Casey PARSONS: That's what Brittany - Brittany said.
Do you remember the name that Brittany said she was going under on the Facebook?
When she wrote, "Are you okay?" & she wrote back, "I'm okay."?
You don't remember that? Have you got that still on your thing?

Female off camera: She just told me about how she just wrote her about a few months back
and all she got from Erica was, "I'm fine."
Well if this were true, we should be able to get someone (besides Casey) to say so ???
Casey says that all her children left at home can confirm that Erica came back from weekends talking about the horses she rode. So why can't we get Jamie or Brook to say that they either did or did not hear about those weekend horses. Even Casey's grandparents could confirm or deny if the 2 youngest children remember whether they did or did not talk about the weekend horses with Erica.

That might be true if the 2 incidents happened close together - meaning months.
BUT the 2 incidents were almost 10 years apart. Time changes the way people think.
Over 10 years Casey would have become very sure of the DSS process & confident that
she was never going to get caught. Complacency is common among criminals over time.

Why can't we get Carolyn's daughter Brittany to confirm or deny
whether she talked to Erica online months later ...

quotes from

Casey PARSONS: I cannot find no Facebook. Brittany said though that she had it under a different name. Um, Brooke is gone, isn't she? Brooke remembers the day that Brittany said - we actually even have pictures of where Brittany wrote Brooke where the Facebook thing was - my daughter, Brooke - pictures of her saying where she talked to her & Erica replied, "I'm fine."

I found it interesting to note that Casey goes into this story about how Brook was told (and apparently photographed this conversation? not sure I follow that but mmmmkay) by Brittany that Brittany had spoken via FB with Erica ONLY AFTER Casey confirms that Brooke is not present.

Casey seems to throw Brooke into the mix quite a bit (ie. Brooke went with them to drop Erica with invisiNan at the McDonalds) and then Brooke refuses to substantiate the version told by her mother.

I am betting Brooke also has not substantiated this little fairy tale, nor has Brittany. Had EITHER of these young ladies done so, I believe Casey, Sandy and their attorney would all be running to inform the press of that little fact. And since they have all been notably silent on the issue of Erica FB with Brittany, I tend to believe it was simply more storytelling by a very unusual woman I refuse to honor by referring to as mother.
With no computers & no house & a bunch of legal problems,
I don't think the PARSONS are doing any dog breeding right now.
They will just let the website go for now. We have seen them have a lot of different dog websites,
so if they ever get back to dog breeding, they would just create a new website.

BTW her attorney hasn't even corrected the error on his own blog yet,
so I don't think he is going to be concerned about the dog website at all.

who says they don't have computers or phones? you can pick up a track phone with unlimited internet at walmart. if they are at a hotel/motel, most hotels have a computer for guests to use. if they are staying w/ someone, again, most have internet access. pretty sure they have phones, as how else would LE and their attorney contact them?

I have zero doubts that CP is cruising online this world, it is near impossible to not have access to a computer.
It has been 3 months since this story broke & the small town Salisbury media have not really done a story on the subjects of whether Erica went away on any weekend trips. They have just told us that Casey & Sandy PARSONS say that Erica did so.

But the other people in the PARSONS house & possibly other family members, would also have personal knowledge of that & could confirm or deny that simple fact ... but Salisbury media have not covered that aspect.

There was one small snippet I linked to before, about Carolyn's daughter, Brittany confirming that the married PARSONS daughter Brook, told her Erica went away on weekend trips.

Do people here think Brook & Brittany are lying too ???

If Erica DID go away on weekend trips, then there was some other adult involved
... which would debunk the "imaginanny" stand that some people take here.

was the married brooke living at home during this passing on of information? or was brooke told by casey that Erica was going away on weekend trips. seems all "stories" come back to originating w/ casey.
Well if this were true, we should be able to get someone (besides Casey) to say so ???
Casey says that all her children left at home can confirm that Erica came back from weekends talking about the horses she rode. So why can't we get Jamie or Brook to say that they either did or did not hear about those weekend horses. Even Casey's grandparents could confirm or deny if the 2 youngest children remember whether they did or did not talk about the weekend horses with Erica.

That might be true if the 2 incidents happened close together - meaning months.
BUT the 2 incidents were almost 10 years apart. Time changes the way people think.
Over 10 years Casey would have become very sure of the DSS process & confident that
she was never going to get caught. Complacency is common among criminals over time.

Why can't we get Carolyn's daughter Brittany to confirm or deny
whether she talked to Erica online months later ...

quotes from

see. there it is: CASEY SAYS. if casey thinks she could get her kids to say something well the remaining children are YOUNG and easily influenced especially by an adult who is more than likely mean and controlling. you can get a little kid to say and do anything if you work on them enough!

however, I imagine the kids have been talked to and it is possible their stories may not match up with what casey claims her kids would say. and who knows what their memory is like.

I can see it now..... casey: "now remember when Erica was away for the weekends? you remember that, right?" kids: "um yes mom, sure we remember". power of persuasion is possible.

however, investigators have said nothing casey and sandy claim have panned out. so anytime "casey says" anything, IMO, that should be taken either as a lie (based on history thus far) or a grain of salt (for those that think there may be a little bit of truth in everything).

it is possible the other kids have talked which is partly what resulted in investigators saying that the stories casey tells don't pan out.
If LE got Brittany computer or into her facebook they would be able to tell if this is true and where it came from.
What has me baffled is Erica is gone and they hear from her under a different name but NOBODY remembers what that name was. JMO
I can't see CP giving up her golden goose, though.

I totally agree. But I CAN see her losing her temper... they would hit/abuse her, I think things probably just got out of control... in a bad way. And then the frantic story of Nan began to emerge...
When I analyze a case I try to look at the facts.
The opinions of Websleuth readers who are strangers to Erica are not admissable in a court of law.

Presumbly a statement by an extended relative like Brittany who knew Erica will be admissable for a jury to consider it's validity ... and whether it creates any reasonable doubt in their mind.

Casey PARSONS: Well, actually, her half-sister actually told the detectives that she had talked to her just earlier this year on Facebook & asked her, "How are you doing?" & she replied, "I'm fine." & that was her step - it's her half-sister, Carolyn's biological daughter, Brittany CLINE. And we was told that during the 2 days of questioning, that Brittany had contacted her & said she's doing fine.

Look NOBODY here know what Brittany is going to say ... including me.
But I am smart enough to wonder about what she will say ...
and then consider her answer as another fact in this case.

So I go back to my original question, why doesn't MSM try to get an answer from Brittany ... or ANY other relative ... did they hear Erica talk about living with someone else on weekends or whenever ?

I am not trying to pin the crime on anyone. I am just asking intelligent questions that need to be answered & will help us get closer to getting all the info in this case and hopefully a solution.

If you don't believe Casey, then that is even MORE of a reason to listen to what other relatives have to say about the case.
Well if this were true, we should be able to get someone (besides Casey) to say so ???
Casey says that all her children left at home can confirm that Erica came back from weekends talking about the horses she rode. So why can't we get Jamie or Brook to say that they either did or did not hear about those weekend horses. Even Casey's grandparents could confirm or deny if the 2 youngest children remember whether they did or did not talk about the weekend horses with Erica.
Oh, that was not what I meant, sorry. I'm talking about when Erica went to live for real with CP's sister or whoever took her in the first time when CP stated she can't stand the poor child. According to that person CP took Erica back because she was afraid the checks would stop.

That might be true if the 2 incidents happened close together - meaning months.
BUT the 2 incidents were almost 10 years apart. Time changes the way people think.
Over 10 years Casey would have become very sure of the DSS process & confident that
she was never going to get caught. Complacency is common among criminals over time.

Once being afraid of loosing payments, I don't believe she would risk it no matter how many years apart.
Also she knew the children will grow and could say something about her missing. I believe she would only take that risk if it was necessary, like there was no other way.
Why can't we get Carolyn's daughter Brittany to confirm or deny
whether she talked to Erica online months later ...
I'm sure LE knows what the truth is about that
I found it interesting to note that Casey goes into this story about how Brook was told (and apparently photographed this conversation? not sure I follow that but mmmmkay)

It is called a screen capture & really easy to do.
Look at the upper right corner of your computer keyboard & there is a key which says "Print screen".
If you click on that it takes a picture of your computer screen ...
all you have to do is paste it into any graphic program and voila ... you have your photograph.

by Brittany that Brittany had spoken via FB with Erica ONLY AFTER Casey confirms that Brooke is not present.

So why don't we find out what she really has to say ???
Shouldn't we be trying to get all our questions answered ...
I mean it has been 3 months & no body will answer a simple questions like
... did Erica go or not go away for any weekends ???

The solution is so easy, that I am flabbergasted that so much time has gone by
and we still don't know the answer to such a simple question.

An answer from somebody that is directly involved in the case would have a lot more weight
than a stranger's opinion here on Websleluth.
was the married brooke living at home during this passing on of information? or was brooke told by casey that Erica was going away on weekend trips. seems all "stories" come back to originating w/ casey.

Brook got married on 02 Jul 2013 ... and Erica was reported missing on 30 Jul 2013.
So Brook was in Casey's home during the entire 2 years that are in question for Erica
... and supposedly going on weekend trips ...
so she & Jamie have first hand knowledge about whether Erica did so or not.
If LE got Brittany computer or into her facebook they would be able to tell if this is true and where it came from. What has me baffled is Erica is gone and they hear from her under a different name but NOBODY remembers what that name was. JMO

Yea I don't understand that ... nobody can remember any details about Erica ...
no facebook ... no phone number ... no address ... very strange!
Oh, that was not what I meant, sorry. I'm talking about when Erica went to live for real with CP's sister or whoever took her in the first time when CP stated she can't stand the poor child. According to that person CP took Erica back because she was afraid the checks would stop.

Yes I correctly understood your meaning.
Casey's sister Robin took in Erica when she was only 5 years old.
After some months Casey took Erica back to her own home again.

Erica was born in Feb 1998 so she would have 5 years old in 2003. MSM tells us
that the teen Erica apparently left the PARSONS home around Nov or Dec 2012.
2003 to 2012 is almost the 10 years that I said.

Dr. Phil asked Casey about search warrants that indicated her sister, Robin,
briefly took Erica when she was around 5 years old.
Casey PARSONS: I cannot find no Facebook. Brittany said though that she had it under a different name. Um, Brooke is gone, isn't she? Brooke remembers the day that Brittany said - we actually even have pictures of where Brittany wrote Brooke where the Facebook thing was - my daughter, Brooke - pictures of her saying where she talked to her & Erica replied, "I'm fine."

I found it interesting to note that Casey goes into this story about how Brook was told (and apparently photographed this conversation? not sure I follow that but mmmmkay) by Brittany that Brittany had spoken via FB with Erica ONLY AFTER Casey confirms that Brooke is not present.

Casey seems to throw Brooke into the mix quite a bit (ie. Brooke went with them to drop Erica with invisiNan at the McDonalds) and then Brooke refuses to substantiate the version told by her mother.

I am betting Brooke also has not substantiated this little fairy tale, nor has Brittany. Had EITHER of these young ladies done so, I believe Casey, Sandy and their attorney would all be running to inform the press of that little fact. And since they have all been notably silent on the issue of Erica FB with Brittany, I tend to believe it was simply more storytelling by a very unusual woman I refuse to honor by referring to as mother.

I agree completely on this. Heck if somebody sent me a message on Facebook and asked "How are you?" I might answer "I'm fine," too with not knowing who is asking. Of course I would probably follow that up with, "Who is this?"

Point being is that even if they got a screen capture of "a conversation", according to Casey saying that Brooke told her that Brittney said Erica was under a different name. A different name !! What name? So why would Brittney even think it was Erica? And if Brittney did have a screen capture, then how about showing it so everybody knows what Facebook name that Brittney was asking the question to?

But no, Casey grabbed onto that as her proof that Erica is alive and somewhere on Facebook. And what's this "WE" chit when Casey said, "we actually even have pictures." If they had pictures then show the pictures!!

This conversation in the interview doesn't prove anything, and if they did have a "picture" (screen capture) of "the conversation" then why didn't Casey whip it out when she got to the next interview on Dr. Phil? I mean if I'm going to be called a liar, I'm bring all my proof with me.
if Brittney did have a screen capture, then how about showing it so everybody knows what Facebook name that Brittney was asking the question to?

This goes back to my original question today. I asked why we can't get ANY relative
involved in this case to confirm whether Erica went away on weekends ...
I happened to mention "answers" but I don't care if that proof comes in the form of words or pictures.
I just want to hear what OTHER relatives besides Casey have to say.
And let the chips fall where they may ... confirm or deny.
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