NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #6 *Parents chgd w/Murder*

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I hope we get actual information during the press conference.

The private investigator contacted Channel 9 several weeks ago to say he was focused on the property in Pageland, South Carolina, where Erica was ultimately recovered.

Marshburn said a property search linked Sandy Parsons to the land through his mother.
Marshburn planned to conduct a grid search of the property with 200 people, but said when he notified investigators they told him to wait.

It's still unclear to me how the property relates to Sandy Parsons. I've read that the property where Erica was found does not belong to Sandy's mother and stepfather but another reported that they were renting the property and yet another said it was near property that they owned. I hope that gets cleared up.

Also, at the end of July this year LE scheduled a briefing regarding the case then abruptly cancelled it and instead released an email statement to the press about how they were making progress but had no reported sightings of Erica yadayada.

So maybe something started to pull together during the summer. It's all JMO for now but it seems like investigators were getting closer to finding Erica.

I think the Salisbury Sheriff understands how invested the public is in learning what happened to poor Erica and therefore I think they will share as much information as they can without jeopardizing the case. I live nearly 3000 miles from Salisbury and I'm burning for information and justice for Erica - I can only imagine how (some of) her family and the community feels.

Mostly though, I'm hoping to hear that murder charges have been or are about to be filed - for both of those rodent droppings. :liar: :liar: ===> :jail:
I too think that Casey was the ruler of that household, but I don't excuse Sandy one bit for his involvement..How dare he cry NOW!! Just saw a clip of him from the Dr. Phil show and he was so glib in his lies. But for whatever the reason at least he did reveal where she was. I just hope he didn't get too good of a deal for it. I saw where the PI that had been working for the family said that they had planned a grid search of that very area and that they would have probably found her..He hoped that they didn't give him a deal when they could have found her without him...probably.

I bet Sandy found out that the area was going to be searched and decided he would "cash in" while he could...Don't believe for a minute that he did it out of the goodness of his heart...!!

That is the ONLY reason Sandy spilled IMO. Those types never repent.
In NC here. Press conference in approximately 30 minutes. I wonder if there will be any bombshells. I really hope they are both charged and that he doesn't get any benefit from this.
I spent the last few days reading all the threads on this case and as much msm as I could (really disappointed in some news has only been 3 years yet many of the links from 2013 are dead already).

It was heartbreaking to read all of the optimistic posts and statements from those of you following so actively over time and her mother and family, knowing what we know now. I am thankful for the diligent work by the FBI, Marshburn (he is really one of the absolute best) and Erica's family to finally find her and wring the truth out of Sandy.

Jaime Parsons has made a tremendously transformative journey to becoming a man and likely still has a lot of recovery to do. I work with young people like him often and coming from a home purported to be as hellish as the Parsons' takes an enormous toll on a kid's psyche, sense of self and understanding of normal behavior. Both he and Erica (and the other kids) are so fortunate that Scott and Tammy Parsons had their **** together enough to help him open everyone's eyes to the truth. It is really a miracle, considering the most common outcome in these situations is a kid that ends up in the prison system himself.

Casey is an absolute sociopath and should never be allowed to re-enter society. She may have murdered Erica, but she has also done irreparable damage to her entire family. There have been a lot of disgusting perps in cases I've followed here (Judy Compton comes to mind) but this is the first time I have felt a sickening hatred for someone. I hope she rots in hell, whatever that is for her.
this is old video but it shows that Sandy has a temper. I think they are equally guilty in abusing Erica and covering up her murder.

Wow, that's an eye opening reminder. If he was willing to do that on camera, no telling what happened to Little Erica behind closed doors :anguish:

May the forensic evidence be enough to put him and his :censored: partner in crime away - FOREVER!

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I'm relieved to hear that there is no deal, but wonder what Sandy's motivation could be. He could still be plotting to make himself look good and blame it all on Casey.
The sheriff said an info flyer will be given to media after pc. I only caught parts of it:

Sheriff speaking. Thankful for help received in case...
FBI, SBI, US Attorney, DA, Chesterfiedld Cty Sheriff, SLED, NCMEC, etc.

Started inves. 2013. Several stories surfaced. Started following up. Shortly after DSS removed othe kids, Sandy and Casey hire attorney.
After, LE organized plan - FBI handle fraud, LE handle missing child case.

2013 Dr. Phil appearance. Sandy failed polygraph, Casey refused one.
Aug 14, search warrant executed
Aug 16 neighbor alerts that Parsonses moving
Oct 21, 22 - hrd (cadaver dog) used, no alerts
Another search.

March 4 2014, checked on any activity Erica may have made - none
July 30 2014 S & C arrested fraud

June 3 2015. Lt. Det. M(?) took over
Moved to homicide investigation

Nov 2 2015 animal bones found

Feb 2016 - May 2016 Det. M(?) reviewed file, interviewed people again.

July and August of this year established a communication line with Sandy. Several searches conducted - nothing.

September - took S temporarily into custody. Erica located. Not on any property owned or rented by any Parsons family.

Sept. 30 - remains confirmed.

Believe Erica dead long before reported missing. No pleas, agreements or promises to anyone.

When will somebody be arrested? ME will soon lead us on what charges will be appropriate.

Erica's funeral and money... Local funeral home and cemetary have donated funeral and plot. Donations being taken for gravestone.

Difficult for officers present when Erica was found.

We will see this case through.
WBTV News Retweeted
David Whisenant WBTV ‏@DavidWhisenant 8m8 minutes ago
Sheriff: Lyerly Funeral Home donating funeral, Westlawn Park to donate plot, seeking donations for "Erica's Angel" monument. #EricaParsons

WBTV News ‏@WBTV_News 8m8 minutes ago
Sheriff: No plea agreements have been made to anyone involved in the case

WBTV News ‏@WBTV_News 9m9 minutes ago
Sheriff: We believe Erica died long before she was reported missing

I watched it live. Yea!! No plea deal was made according to Sheriff Autin!
In one of the youtube videos the Parsons did for local reporter Casey stated that "nan's" farm was 15 minutes away from Biltmore house. Is this close to where Erica was actually located?
I'm on the west coast and not at all familiar with this area. TIA
In one of the youtube videos the Parsons did for local reporter Casey stated that "nan's" farm was 15 minutes away from Biltmore house. Is this close to where Erica was actually located?
I'm on the west coast and not at all familiar with this area. TIA

No. Biltmore House is in Asheville, NC - about 180 miles NW of where Erica was found. Salisbury, where she went missing, is about 75 miles north of the spot.
No. Biltmore House is in Asheville, NC - about 180 miles NW of where Erica was found. Salisbury, where she went missing, is about 75 miles north of the spot.

I'm trying to figure out why they chose the spot they did to bury Erica. It has to be somewhat of an awareness space for one or both of them, right? or am I trying to hard to make sense of the insane? UGH
I'm trying to figure out why they chose the spot they did to bury Erica. It has to be somewhat of an awareness space for one or both of them, right? or am I trying to hard to make sense of the insane? UGH

Sandy Parsons’ mother and step-father live within two miles of the crime scene. WBTV contacted Parsons’ step-father Friday, who said he and Parsons’ mother’s nerves were shocked.

He told WBTV that they did not own the land where Erica Parsons' body was found, but said they rent a house nearby. Sandy Parsons’ step-father said his stepson would visit a couple of times a year, particularly for holidays.

Occasionally, he said, Erica Parsons was with him. He said he had not seen the girl since 2008 or 2009.

So it seems the family doesn't own the land but it's still a familiar area.
I drove by the road where she was found the other day while driving up to NC to run errands. On the way out (west), I couldn't bear to look. On the way back, I was on the same side of the highway as the road's entrance, so I looked over and felt such sadness. It is a very narrow, isolated dirt/sand road. If you didn't know the name of it, you'd miss it. All I could think of was that long drive down from Salisbury with poor departed Erica in the car and then that final, lonely stretch of road. She deserved so much better out of life; every child does.

I feel for everyone who lives around there because of the pall that must hang over the road and the area. I certainly hope there are no morbid sightseers heading down that road. I wish them all peace.

I am struggling to wish peace upon those monsters that called themselves "parents," but they live in a hell they created and I am positive more is on the way -- no one who behaves in the way they did/do is healthy or happy and for that I try (generally unsuccessfully) to have compassion.

Sorry for the babbling. I am still rattled by this. I think it is also a lesson to us all to speak up and take action when we see children in potentially dangerous environments. Too many people turned a blind eye to the misery Erica lived.

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