NC - Eve Carson, 22, UNC student, shot to death, Chapel Hill, 5 March 2008 - #1

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And, to PolkSaladAnnie:)
It's great to see you back! So glad you're ok!:blowkiss:
Hello Taxi, Sweetmop, Mrs. Mush, Jilly, raisin, close, ... list endless, so to all wonderful W/Sers: hugs and hi ... I'm all good: my old email address obsolete and, listening to advice, I changed all my passwords and couldn't remember them - then email crashed. ugh! Thank goodness I still had a poster-buddy's email address - chicoliving sorted me out. :woohoo: Taking Easter Break and coupling on to a bus trip from tonight - I depart after midnight & back 01 April :) Missed you guys - been reading regularly. Better not bore everyone else...

Yes, great photographs, sweetmop and indeed: RIP Eve Carson. As Truly says, (and hi Truly) expressing outrage-only is not enough - these crimes are absolutely horrendous. Love has to start when these thugs are babes. Discipline (not punishment or beatings) is required very early. The old saying goes - where there is a bad dog, there's an equally bad owner. If Lovett and his "mentor" were approached with warmth when their murderous adrenalin had kicked in, I believe all that would do is fuel the dark frenzy within.

How are children allowed to "drop out"? Don't schools report this and have social welfare call on the homes of these kids? Do teachers ever see "signs" of thuggery in adolescents? Funny, because the "insanity" pleas only come out after the commission of horrific crimes.

Maybe penalties for juvenile delinquency should be harsher and stronger first time around? Kids are terrorizing other kids; walking into their own schools and community shopping malls as unstoppable killing machines.

Lord - I know, I know ... if the answer was out there, it would have been implemented.

Do you think Lovett was wearing a wig? In the ATM photo, it looked to me as though he was lifting a mask, turtle-neck back - or something, aside from the obvious hooded jacket. There IS something in his right hand. He had gloves on, too: IMO, that demonstrates intention to cover-up ... clearly set out on a mission they knew should leave no evidence.

When I was "locked out" I did a search on "recent bank robberies Chapel Hill NC" and came across a CCTV image of a man (still at large a couple weeks ago) wanted for a Jan robbery. He looked similar to Atwater, IMO. Braided back hair, same forehead, large round sunglasses; dark jacket *exactly* like Atwater's in the services cctv images we saw. I was dying to post the images, but instead I looked up NC crime tips and posted my info there, lol. Ugh.

Too tragic :( There, but for the grace of God ...
PSA wrote:
When I was "locked out" I did a search on "recent bank robberies Chapel Hill NC" and came across a CCTV image of a man (still at large a couple weeks ago) wanted for a Jan robbery. He looked similar to Atwater, IMO. Braided back hair, same forehead, large round sunglasses; dark jacket *exactly* like Atwater's in the services cctv images we saw. I was dying to post the images, but instead I looked up NC crime tips and posted my info there, lol. Ugh.

Good for you! :clap: Hope it is him and another crime is solved. Will you hear back from them? We'll probably see it in the news if it is related....
Those mouth-breathing knuckle draggers showed up here (Reno) for Brianna Dennison's service. We dealt with them. They are worthless and weak.

How did y'all deal with them? I think other cities want to know in advance. Why can't officials just make ordinances against protests at funerals or memorial services? They have ordinances against all kinds of other things.

Article in Eve's hometown paper, reporting yesterday's memorial to Eve.

It also has some beautiful photos included.
RIP :blowkiss: Eve Marie Carson 1985-2008

thanks for the link; there is more coverage in the UNC student newspaper here for anyone interested:

(again, the eulogies from the students who roomed with her, dated her, worked with her, knew her, were especially touching).

(so far as I know there was no protest of the memorial, or if there was it got NO news coverage I'm aware of).

BTW, the Governor has upped the reward money for further info in the case especially leading to any other accessories in the crime.

And also, BTW, THANKS much for this 'websleuths' site, I accidentally stumbled upon, where folks impacted by such events, can vent, share, or just ponder, as needed; a wonderful source of support.
The "terrible, sad, poverty-stricken, druggie-parents background" plight is unacceptable. Such a background does not replace, nor give the right to another person's brutally-ended future! Leniency has not worked, does not work and will not work. Severance from society (permanently) will eliminate one more "", be it LWOP or Capital Punishment.

If these teens drop out - they should be tried as the adults their arrogance has them believe they are.

New gun laws? Is that not too little too late? It's a razor edged-dichotomy ... I mean the guns will be taken from people who look after and use them properly (i.e.: law-abiding, decent citizens purchasing weapons for self-defense because of growing crime) and not from -World. Those people will be left as defenseless as Eve was! There are too many gangs, too many stolen guns to bring in and eliminate Terror on the Streets. LE. police etc ... will have to travel in armored vehicles because they'll be targeted for their ordnance. That's just my opinion.

Harsher penalties!

Gosh... very, very sad: these deserve zero. Absolute Zero.

<<<dusts self down - regains>>>>

:clap: Ditto Ditto Ditto There is a reason PSA is one of my favs.
thanks for the link; there is more coverage in the UNC student newspaper here for anyone interested:

(again, the eulogies from the students who roomed with her, dated her, worked with her, knew her, were especially touching).

(so far as I know there was no protest of the memorial, or if there was it got NO news coverage I'm aware of).

BTW, the Governor has upped the reward money for further info in the case especially leading to any other accessories in the crime.

And also, BTW, THANKS much for this 'websleuths' site, I accidentally stumbled upon, where folks impacted by such events, can vent, share, or just ponder, as needed; a wonderful source of support.

Thank you for posting the university's paper, Webthrush!:blowkiss:

I love this site too. So glad you found it and joined here. You're right, the site is a wonderful support for so many!:clap: :) :clap:
And there are so many wonderful people here!
Easley offers reward in Carson investigation

Gov. Mike Easley today issued a proclamation offering at $10,000 reward for information in the death of UNC-Chapel Hill student body president Eve Carson. Carson was found shot to death Wednesday, March 5, in a neighborhood near the campus.Two men have been arrested in connection with the shooting. But according to Easley's proclamation, others may have been accessories after the fact, and the reward is designed to help investigators find those people.
The reward is conditional upon the information being given as a direct response to the proclamation. Law enforcement officials are not eligible. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Chapel Hill Police Department at (919) 968-2760 or the State Bureau of Investigation.

Easley offers reward in Carson investigation

Gov. Mike Easley today issued a proclamation offering at $10,000 reward for information in the death of UNC-Chapel Hill student body president Eve Carson.....But according to Easley's proclamation, others may have been accessories after the fact, and the reward is designed to help investigators find those people.......Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Chapel Hill Police Department at (919) 968-2760 or the State Bureau of Investigation.

Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Less0305 who first noticed that there was a cadillac in the ATM picture? Until proven otherwise, I am convicned that the cadillac is real - and these two were accompanied by others. The information was turned over to LE via the internet. I wonder if that is their source of information that there is possibly iinvolvement of others?
Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Less0305 who first noticed that there was a cadillac in the ATM picture? Until proven otherwise, I am convicned that the cadillac is real - and these two were accompanied by others. The information was turned over to LE via the internet. I wonder if that is their source of information that there is possibly iinvolvement of others?

the only possible "accessories" I've heard LE mention thus far are people who knowingly harbored the perps during the 6 days they were 'on the run.' It will certainly be interesting to find out if they think there are accessories to the crime commission itself. And surely by now, with photo enhancement techniques, LE has either ruled in or out the likelihood that that background imagery at the ATM is a second vehicle???
Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Less0305 who first noticed that there was a cadillac in the ATM picture? Until proven otherwise, I am convicned that the cadillac is real - and these two were accompanied by others. The information was turned over to LE via the internet. I wonder if that is their source of information that there is possibly iinvolvement of others?

Thanks for the kudos Reannan, but I'm not sure I was the first to see the car on the other side of the SUV... But I do think it was there and I do think it was a Cadillac. And I do think there are others who have knowledge of this crime that should be arrested.
For anyone local who hasn't already stopped by to see it, there is an exquisitely-done 'butterfly' chair (wrought-iron??) dedicated to Eve that was anonymously dropped off by her memorial site in Polk Place on campus (bless whoever did this!); very captivating and inspiring to see (along with the hand-scrawled memory boards that are right there as well). Everyone who has the opportunity should stop by for a look...
For anyone local who hasn't already stopped by to see it, there is an exquisitely-done 'butterfly' chair (wrought-iron??) dedicated to Eve that was anonymously dropped off by her memorial site in Polk Place on campus (bless whoever did this!); very captivating and inspiring to see (along with the hand-scrawled memory boards that are right there as well). Everyone who has the opportunity should stop by for a look...

That sounds beautiful, Webthrush.
I'll get to see it, I'm going down there next week end, to visit my daughter.

Eve left such a huge, positive impression on every single person she came into contact with.
I still just can not believe this beautiful person's life was snuffed out so senselessly by 2 lowlifes!

So tragic and so sad.:(

It breaks my heart!!!
Just FWIW, Sunday morning in Hillsborough (just north of Chapel Hill and west of Durham) a teenager on a motor scooter was shot in the leg from a passing car that was described as possibly being a Cadillac... probably just total coincidence, but who knows....
Probation Officer Never Met With Teen Charged in UNC Student President's Murder,2933,341608,00.html


RALEIGH, N.C. — Records show the probation officer ordered to monitor Laurence Alvin Lovette never met with the teen, now charged with killing two college students.
The News & Observer of Raleigh reported Wednesday that records show officer Chalita Thomas went by Lovette's mother's home in Durham once in late February, but he wasn't there.
I think all of us already knew the court/judicial system was broken, but it takes cases like this one to drive home just HOW broken it is!

A North Carolina judge says he will decide later whether to unseal the autopsy report of University of North Carolina student body president Eve Carson.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Allen Baddour heard brief arguments Wednesday from the News & Observer of Raleigh. The newspaper has filed a motion asking that the report be publicly released.,2933,357224,00.html
Eve Carson Autopsy Available Later This Month
The autopsy report on Eve Carson, the student body president at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found shot to death in March, will be released at the end of June, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall originally asked that the report on Carson's death remain under seal for 60 days, or until June 30. Woodall said he does not intend to ask that the report remain sealed after that, and neither do the lawyers for the two defendants charged in her death.

"These are public records," Woodall said. "I only requested 60 days so some final parts of the investigation can be completed."

The News & Observer of Raleigh had asked a judge to order the autopsy report released. The newspaper's attorney said Wednesday he had withdrawn that motion, and a hearing on the issue scheduled for Wednesday was canceled.
In light of Mr. Woodall's representations, however, and the imminent expiration of your order, we see no reason to take up the court's time and energy to deal with an issue that apparently will become moot in a few days," attorney Hugh Stevens wrote in a letter to Superior Court Judge Allen Baddour.

Authorities have charged Demario Atwater, 21, and Laurence Lovette, 17, both of Durham, with first-degree murder in Carson's death. Carson, 22, from Athens, Ga., was found March 5 lying in the middle of a residential street in Chapel Hill, about a mile from the university's campus. She had been shot several times, including once in the right temple.

Lovette also is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Abhijit Mahato, 29, a computational mechanics doctoral student at Duke University, originally from Tatangar, India.

Mahato was found dead Jan. 18 inside his apartment a few blocks south of Duke's campus. He had been shot in the forehead at point-blank range as a pillow was held tightly against his face. Authorities have also charged Stephen Oates, 19, of Durham, with murder in Mahato's death.

Also under seal are six search warrants. In April, Baddour declined to release those documents, saying they contained information that could jeopardize the case or threaten the safety of confidential informants. He also said making the documents public could hurt the defendants' right to a fair trial. The Herald-Sun of Durham had asked the court to unseal the warrants."
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