NC - Eve Carson, 22, UNC student, shot to death, Chapel Hill, 5 March 2008 - #1

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Yeah, the only thing to do with those freaks is to ignore them. I refuse to spell the name out and give them any attention, but when their leader dies, we all might just have to go and 'protest' his funeral. :crazy: :)

Truly, you are right on the money with your words of wisdom to ignore this idiot. He is a megalomaniac who has inbred a group of people that are damaged goods. The only way they are going to find out the error of their ways is to start to feel the fire burning in the Hell they have forecast....which I believe they will. Sort of makes me want to be there to watch them start to singe. I would like to see a thousand or more people show up and stare them down for 10 seconds, and then simply turn their backs on them and walk away. They are scum they do not matter in this world. They are insignificant fools.
Not sure if anyone is interested but here is the court dates for both suspects.

Laurence Alvin Lovette AKA Lawrence Lyle Lovette 3/27/08 AM Durham District court. For crime charges that took place in Durham

Demario James Atwater 3/24/08 AM Orange District Court for crime charges that took place in Chapel Hill.
Is it known yet whether the suspects broke into Eve's apartment, or did they attack while she was getting into the vehicle, or was it a carjack while she was driving? I know she was found around 5 a.m. but I'm wondering if they think that's about the time the crime occurred, or whether it was sometime earlier and she spent time with the two suspects before she died.
Thanks for the info. I am shocked by these weirdos and their protest.
Why would they protest Eve's service?
Because she's a female?
An intelligent female?
An intelligent American female?

We had a local soldier get killed in Iraq and this psycho group came here to protest his funeral. I was so proud to be from here....half the town went out and formed a human shield between these nuts and the church where the funeral was being held, and they would not let these people get anywhere near the soldier's family or disrupt anything...the townspeople all carried American flags and linked arms and this group never even saw what they were protesting. :woohoo:
We had a local soldier get killed in Iraq and this psycho group came here to protest his funeral. I was so proud to be from here....half the town went out and formed a human shield between these nuts and the church where the funeral was being held, and they would not let these people get anywhere near the soldier's family or disrupt anything...the townspeople all carried American flags and linked arms and this group never even saw what they were protesting. :woohoo:

Oh Englishleigh, what your town did was so wonderful!! These people have been harassing all troops funerals for some time. They are so sick!
RIP Eve. Her murder was senseless, her life was remarkable and beautiful.
That is what I am going to think of.
Is it known yet whether the suspects broke into Eve's apartment, or did they attack while she was getting into the vehicle, or was it a carjack while she was driving? I know she was found around 5 a.m. but I'm wondering if they think that's about the time the crime occurred, or whether it was sometime earlier and she spent time with the two suspects before she died.

LE isn't divulging any of that info so as not to "compromise" the "integrity" of an ongoing investigation. I have hunches what the answers are, but without more details of the timeline it's speculative. At least some of what the police had originally said on camera (prior to capture) has already proved to be wrong, and until they release details to show otherwise I'm guessing Eve was in the vehicle at the ATM machine in contrast to what LE implied.
Also, perturbed that the Durham police chief has said he doesn't want to talk about gang connections because that would only serve to glorify gangs -- IF there are gang connections that CERTAINLY needs to be explored, publicized, and dissected, NOT hidden away for fear that the pristine, idyllic images of our communities might be tarnished for the business, education, and other interests, which frankly is what he's saying.
(again, I AM grateful for the good job LE DID do, just still feel they withheld too many details while yet begging the public for info; luckily they got the tip they needed; if these perps had had any brains, money, or contacts they could've been 1000 miles away by the end of a few days).

Have heard no more news about the Phelps group, so either they didn't get their permit or the media has made the collective decision to ignore them and not lend them any publicity -- now THAT would be a withholding of info that makes sense. The campus memorial is tomorrow; I'm sure it will be beautiful, moving, and all of you will be there in spirit...
We had a local soldier get killed in Iraq and this psycho group came here to protest his funeral. I was so proud to be from here....half the town went out and formed a human shield between these nuts and the church where the funeral was being held, and they would not let these people get anywhere near the soldier's family or disrupt anything...the townspeople all carried American flags and linked arms and this group never even saw what they were protesting. :woohoo:
Kudos to you and your town. :woohoo: :clap:
I don't know much about that particular hate group and I'm glad I don't.
Noid: You may have covered this before, but how did you guys deal with them?? (Yeah, very effectively. Gimme more details)


This is what Planned Parenthood does, and I think it's pretty brilliant. When they know they are going to be picketed, they launch a campaign called "Protest a Protester." The idea is to get people who will donate $X for every minute or hour each protester stands in front of the building. Then, periodically throughout the day, they will take a sign outside that says "Thanks to your efforts, we have raised $*advertiser censored* to support our mission. Keep up the good work!" This could be done the same way when groups plan to picket funerals; the money raised could be donated to a memorial fund, the family, Eve's favorite charity, etc. I think it's a great way to take all the hatred and negativity of these groups and turn it into something positive.
This is what Planned Parenthood does, and I think it's pretty brilliant. When they know they are going to be picketed, they launch a campaign called "Protest a Protester." The idea is to get people who will donate $X for every minute or hour each protester stands in front of the building. Then, periodically throughout the day, they will take a sign outside that says "Thanks to your efforts, we have raised $*advertiser censored* to support our mission. Keep up the good work!" This could be done the same way when groups plan to picket funerals; the money raised could be donated to a memorial fund, the family, Eve's favorite charity, etc. I think it's a great way to take all the hatred and negativity of these groups and turn it into something positive.

The memorial service (actually billed as a "celebration" of her life) was of course wonderful and moving; the student presentations were especially powerful and diverse (and even humorous) -- I'm so impressed with them at that age just getting through such presentations without breaking down (Eve had some great friends!). And I'm sure the family drew much comfort from it as well. She clearly not only had an amazing life of accomplishments, but an amazing effect on everyone she came in contact with... and now on people who never even knew her.
Webthrush, thank you so much for your reports and updates! I SO wish I could have been there tonight. I truly think any memorial service or funeral should be a celebration of the person's life. Personally, I want to hear I'll Fly Away blended into Lynyrd Skynard's Free Bird at my own funeral!!! From your description of Eve's memorial, it is something SHE would have approved of. May the good on the Earth triumph over the evil! Thanks again Webthrush. :blowkiss:
The memorial service (actually billed as a "celebration" of her life) was of course wonderful and moving; the student presentations were especially powerful and diverse (and even humorous) -- I'm so impressed with them at that age just getting through such presentations without breaking down (Eve had some great friends!). And I'm sure the family drew much comfort from it as well. She clearly not only had an amazing life of accomplishments, but an amazing effect on everyone she came in contact with... and now on people who never even knew her.

Yes, she touched so many people in her short life.

Thank you Webthrush!:)
If we can all in some small way live the rest of her life for her, we can create a very beautiful world. If we all can do one thing that she would have done, I really think her life and dreams will be fulfilled. And so will ours. Peace.
If we can all in some small way live the rest of her life for her, we can create a very beautiful world. If we all can do one thing that she would have done, I really think her life and dreams will be fulfilled. And so will ours. Peace.

you haven't posted a lot here Truly, and I sincerely hope you were properly welcomed to WS's. Your sentiments are well received, and they are taken to heart. God bless YOU....and all of the victims associated with WS's and the users here. If the world would take it's collective head out of the sand and stand up for the victims of the world, it would be a better place!:blowkiss:
Thank you Reannan. I have found the people at websleuths to be very caring about victims of crime and their families. I was welcomed when I first found this site a couple of months ago, and I have had some very personal and enlightening experiences before then dealing with surviving violent crimes. I am really glad to know that people care about people who are attacked so violently and senselessly. Now we have to figure out what causes it, and how to stop it. Being outraged or 'shocked and awed' is not enough, I'm afraid. I care about why we as a society failed the kids who are accused of killing Eve, even though my most personal and vivid memories of Eve are when she was a little girl being carried in her dad's backpack everywhere in Athens, GA, back in the day. We must take all of that love and carry it forward. Maybe if we give love to kids who never got enough love, they will share it, too. You know, maybe if we ask ourselves... what would Eve do in this situation, and then try to act a little more loving ourselves.
O/T: Thank you Tricia, for enabling my new email address after my lap top crashed and my old email address became obsolete! :clap:

& thanks, close ... :blowkiss:

Hi all - quick note as I am going to Cape Town tonight - yep - can't wait. Missed most of you guys - and welcome to new posters! Have read every post here (and many elsewhere). Was frustrating being isolated, lol !

I send my heart's thoughts and prayers to the loved ones in this community for the senseless, brutal and horrific end to a talented life; also to Lauren's community and every other family, home, school, community where beloved youth (students, children, educators, innocent people) have been gunned down by chronic anti-social thugs.

The "terrible, sad, poverty-stricken, druggie-parents background" plight is unacceptable. Such a background does not replace, nor give the right to another person's brutally-ended future! Leniency has not worked, does not work and will not work. Severance from society (permanently) will eliminate one more "", be it LWOP or Capital Punishment.

If these teens drop out - they should be tried as the adults their arrogance has them believe they are.

New gun laws? Is that not too little too late? It's a razor edged-dichotomy ... I mean the guns will be taken from people who look after and use them properly (i.e.: law-abiding, decent citizens purchasing weapons for self-defense because of growing crime) and not from -World. Those people will be left as defenseless as Eve was! There are too many gangs, too many stolen guns to bring in and eliminate Terror on the Streets. LE. police etc ... will have to travel in armored vehicles because they'll be targeted for their ordnance. That's just my opinion.

Harsher penalties!

Gosh... very, very sad: these deserve zero. Absolute Zero.

<<<dusts self down - regains>>>>
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