NC - Eve Carson, 22, UNC student, shot to death, Chapel Hill, 5 March 2008 - #1

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I was just thinking about how broke I was in college. I would have been killed for nothing. Half the time my account was overdrawn. You would have never known looking at me though.

You know, this is a really good point. It shows me that this was more of a sport to them than about money. How pathetic.
3 million bond on Lovette and a judge with and agenda (not sure why he felt compelled to speak of the Carson murder though):

"We absolutely positively need to have anti-gang legislation passed by the General Assembly," Brown said. "I respectfully and sincerely ask the governor to call a special session of the legislature."

"From the bench, Brown also chided the media, saying they were focusing on the case because one of the victims was a young, white woman. Black crime victims, he said, don't get nearly as much attention."
I was really sad about the youth of the perps. A 17-year-old with such a lengthy criminal history and no regard for human life - what sort of background does such a person come from? And - as others have pointed out - so often the amount of money taken is negligible. I would give anyone $26 if it would spare someone's life.

My prayers for these families
3 million bond on Lovette and a judge with and agenda (not sure why he felt compelled to speak of the Carson murder though):

"We absolutely positively need to have anti-gang legislation passed by the General Assembly," Brown said. "I respectfully and sincerely ask the governor to call a special session of the legislature."

"From the bench, Brown also chided the media, saying they were focusing on the case because one of the victims was a young, white woman. Black crime victims, he said, don't get nearly as much attention."

I am appalled at Judge Craig Brown's ignorant statements! I believe he missed the boat entirely here.

I believe this case was widespread not because Eve was a young white woman. Eve Carson was a Morehead-Cain scholar, a very prestigious honor! She was the student body president, for God's sake! Plus multiple other accomplishments. She had already accomplished more in her young life than some do in a life time!!!

If this had been a young black male, with the exact same resume as Eve Carson had, I feel the same media attention would be given.

District Court Judge Craig Brown's statements infuriate me!:furious: A really bad thing for him to say in this particular case!!!
I was waiting for someone to make a comment like that ignorant judge did. And to him I say.. SHUT UP!

I am appalled at Judge Craig Brown's ignorant

statements! I believe he missed the boat entirely here.

I believe this case was widespread not because Eve was a young white woman. Eve Carson was a Morehead-Kain scholar, a very prestigious honor! She was the student body president, for God's sake! Plus multiple other accomplishments. She had already accomplished more in her young life than some do in a life time!!!

If this had been a young black male, with the exact same resume as Eve Carson had, I feel the same media attention would be given.

District Court Judge Craig Brown's statements infuriate me!:furious: A really bad thing for him to say in this particular case!!!
Honestly, I don't think it would have. Case in point: the Duke student, middle eastern, Ph.d, very accomplished. Some people on here knew of his murder, (I can't think of the poor guy's name) but it did not get the anywhere near national attention that the image of the all-American girl garnered. They discussed Eve's killing on ESPN for crying out loud! I think the media is trying to be more cognizant of reporting crime victims of different races, & economic backgrounds but human nature just seems to respond more to the pretty blond, perfect teeth, abercrombie poster girl images. The person seeming most unlikely to fall victim to the streets creates the most interest. IMO
Honestly, I don't think it would have. Case in point: the Duke student, middle eastern, Ph.d, very accomplished. Some people on here knew of his murder, (I can't think of the poor guy's name) but it did not get the anywhere near national attention that the image of the all-American girl garnered. They discussed Eve's killing on ESPN for crying out loud! I think the media is trying to be more cognizant of reporting crime victims of different races, & economic backgrounds but human nature just seems to respond more to the pretty blond, perfect teeth, abercrombie poster girl images. The person seeming most unlikely to fall victim to the streets creates the most interest. IMO

i must agree with you, HJ....
Three people served life sentences (min. 20 years) for killing my husband's grandfather and all they got was $26. He died for $26 and they spent 20 years in prison for that same $26 divided by 3. They're all out now.

I'm so sorry.
Honestly, I don't think it would have. Case in point: the Duke student, middle eastern, Ph.d, very accomplished. Some people on here knew of his murder, (I can't think of the poor guy's name) but it did not get the anywhere near national attention that the image of the all-American girl garnered. They discussed Eve's killing on ESPN for crying out loud! I think the media is trying to be more cognizant of reporting crime victims of different races, & economic backgrounds but human nature just seems to respond more to the pretty blond, perfect teeth, abercrombie poster girl images. The person seeming most unlikely to fall victim to the streets creates the most interest. IMO

Well said . . . it's sad, but I agree with you.
Honestly, I don't think it would have. Case in point: the Duke student, middle eastern, Ph.d, very accomplished. Some people on here knew of his murder, (I can't think of the poor guy's name) but it did not get the anywhere near national attention that the image of the all-American girl garnered. They discussed Eve's killing on ESPN for crying out loud! I think the media is trying to be more cognizant of reporting crime victims of different races, & economic backgrounds but human nature just seems to respond more to the pretty blond, perfect teeth, abercrombie poster girl images. The person seeming most unlikely to fall victim to the streets creates the most interest. IMO

While in some cases I would agree with this judge - in this case I do not. What brought this case into the public and to a national scale was the clear photographs of two men suspected of being involved. The Chapel Hill PD went to the media with those photo's and literally begged for help.

In the case of Mr. Mahato - did Durham LE have such photo's - did they corner the media and ask for help ? I think the circumstances are different enough tp show there is a dramatic difference between the cases irrespective that one was a young Indian student ( Mahato) and one was a pretty white girl.

I also question why this judge feels the need to state this - the bond hearing was about the death of Mr. Mahato, which it seems even this judge can't be bothered to think about judging by his own comments since he never mentioned his name. Next neither Durham PD nor Chapel Hill PD have ever said this was a gang related murder so what is he blathering about ? If he has been watching the news then he should be very much aware of the fact that the only darned thing the media was concerned with for the past week has been a governor who dropped his drawers and paid to do so.

IMO Judge Brown is way out of line, not to mention out of his jurisdiction.
Killers pics did not make Sportscenter.

Maybe not, but UNC is also playing for a national title, in March. I can see the reason for the mention from a sports stand point just as the murders at Va Tech is referenced on sportscenter, even on NASCAR, even to this day.
Honestly, I don't think it would have. Case in point: the Duke student, middle eastern, Ph.d, very accomplished. Some people on here knew of his murder, (I can't think of the poor guy's name) but it did not get the anywhere near national attention that the image of the all-American girl garnered. They discussed Eve's killing on ESPN for crying out loud! I think the media is trying to be more cognizant of reporting crime victims of different races, & economic backgrounds but human nature just seems to respond more to the pretty blond, perfect teeth, abercrombie poster girl images. The person seeming most unlikely to fall victim to the streets creates the most interest. IMO

I agree, I live in NC and did not read about his murder and I asked friends who live in Raleigh about it and they remembered reading maybe one article about it. I don't think he was off the mark on his comments. And yes, I am a white female.
I don't come to this thread to read about people lamenting the fact so much was made of Eve Carson's death. Do you people go to funerals that are well attended and belittle the people for not attending funerals without many in attendance?

The reason her death was mentioned on Sportscenter was because she was killed shortly before a Duke/North Carolina basketball game. These are two powerhouse basketball programs and it is one of the biggest rivalries in all of college basketball. I live half way across the continent and have never been to North Carolina and I know about the hated rivalry.

At the same time, ESPN was covering a story how a highly recruited kid from Oregon chose to play basketball out of state and when his team came to Oregon he received death threats and intense hate.

At the Dukle/North Carolina game, Duke fans paid homage to Eve Carson. That is a story.
just heard on the news that autopsy of the Duke victim in Jan. (with which Lovett is also charged) showed that he was shot "execution style" with a bullet between the eyes shot through a pillow -- how sick is that, and how sadly ironic that Duke fans paying homage to Eve should find out that their own student was a victim of the very same 17-yr. old (there's a 2nd person charged with that murder as well, so don't know who pulled the trigger).
While in some cases I would agree with this judge - in this case I do not. What brought this case into the public and to a national scale was the clear photographs of two men suspected of being involved. The Chapel Hill PD went to the media with those photo's and literally begged for help.

In the case of Mr. Mahato - did Durham LE have such photo's - did they corner the media and ask for help ? I think the circumstances are different enough tp show there is a dramatic difference between the cases irrespective that one was a young Indian student ( Mahato) and one was a pretty white girl.

I also question why this judge feels the need to state this - the bond hearing was about the death of Mr. Mahato, which it seems even this judge can't be bothered to think about judging by his own comments since he never mentioned his name. Next neither Durham PD nor Chapel Hill PD have ever said this was a gang related murder so what is he blathering about ? If he has been watching the news then he should be very much aware of the fact that the only darned thing the media was concerned with for the past week has been a governor who dropped his drawers and paid to do so.

IMO Judge Brown is way out of line, not to mention out of his jurisdiction.

Great point; the guys is doing exactly what he scourged the media over!

Seems even he can’t resist hijacking the moment which belongs to Mr Mahato, basically ignoring him in favor of the more widely covered hot-button murder of Eve.

I don't come to this thread to read about people lamenting the fact so much was made of Eve Carson's death. Do you people go to funerals that are well attended and belittle the people for not attending funerals without many in attendance?

The reason her death was mentioned on Sportscenter was because she was killed shortly before a Duke/North Carolina basketball game. These are two powerhouse basketball programs and it is one of the biggest rivalries in all of college basketball. I live half way across the continent and have never been to North Carolina and I know about the hated rivalry.

At the same time, ESPN was covering a story how a highly recruited kid from Oregon chose to play basketball out of state and when his team came to Oregon he received death threats and intense hate.

At the Dukle/North Carolina game, Duke fans paid homage to Eve Carson. That is a story.

Reframe please so I can understand more fully. What I read here is a cogent discussion dissecting the hows and whys of such differential coverage, by necessity mentioning it. Some simply take the opportunity to state their objections to the practice.

Exactly.. and maybe Judge Brown should have a little better control over his jurisdiction and these two murderer's wouldn't of been out running the streets in the first place! Their rap sheets were a mile long...

While in some cases I would agree with this judge - in this case I do not. What brought this case into the public and to a national scale was the clear photographs of two men suspected of being involved. The Chapel Hill PD went to the media with those photo's and literally begged for help.

In the case of Mr. Mahato - did Durham LE have such photo's - did they corner the media and ask for help ? I think the circumstances are different enough tp show there is a dramatic difference between the cases irrespective that one was a young Indian student ( Mahato) and one was a pretty white girl.

I also question why this judge feels the need to state this - the bond hearing was about the death of Mr. Mahato, which it seems even this judge can't be bothered to think about judging by his own comments since he never mentioned his name. Next neither Durham PD nor Chapel Hill PD have ever said this was a gang related murder so what is he blathering about ? If he has been watching the news then he should be very much aware of the fact that the only darned thing the media was concerned with for the past week has been a governor who dropped his drawers and paid to do so.

IMO Judge Brown is way out of line, not to mention out of his jurisdiction.
Exactly.. and maybe Judge Brown should have a little better control over his jurisdiction and these two murderer's wouldn't of been out running the streets in the first place! Their rap sheets were a mile long...

Excellent point especially considering one of those charges involved illegal possession of a handgun. Just a little common sense and any average Joe knows that eventually it will lead to the killing of someone. Instead they wait until they do kill someone. Many, Many lives wasted here including the perps. They're getting the message that what they did wasn't so bad and they can get away with it.

Then to make things worse we find out the "errors" in the system that allowed Atwater to be free when he should of been put away 2 days before. The story I expect from the probation officer will be the same as the ones we constantly see from the CPS. They are overworked, have too many cases, blah, blah, blah. Fema isn't the only government agency broke imo.
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