NC - Eve Carson, 22, UNC student, shot to death, Chapel Hill, 5 March 2008 - #1

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I agree and, I also heard last night that some of the people that messed up could even lose their jobs over it. They need to make sure everyone who did wrong pays for how they handled his cases. He shouldn't been in jail and not out hitting the streets. That's the problem with the system these days. Kids can do what they want and they know that nothing will be done about it. Now thats sad that innocent people has to die because of things like this.
That's right and it blows my mind! One of the teenage boys over here where I live is 17 and got caught breaking into one of our neighbors home because he knew the neighbor were away on vacation..Long story short he got caught and the first thing he said the following week to my daughter at school when she asked him about it was ''they can't do nothing to me anyway because i'm a minor''.. I was like oooh how I would love to be that little SOB's mother! :furious:

I agree and, I also heard last night that some of the people that messed up could even lose their jobs over it. They need to make sure everyone who did wrong pays for how they handled his cases. He shouldn't been in jail and not out hitting the streets. That's the problem with the system these days. Kids can do what they want and they know that nothing will be done about it. Now thats sad that innocent people has to die because of things like this.
That's right and it blows my mind! One of the teenage boys over here where I live is 17 and got caught breaking into one of our neighbors home because he knew the neighbor were away on vacation..Long story short he got caught and the first thing he said the following week to my daughter at school when she asked him about it was ''they can't do nothing to me anyway because i'm a minor''.. I was like oooh how I would love to be that little SOB's mother! :furious:

" They can't do anything to me anyway because I'm a minor ." What a little ****!!!:mad:
That is part of the problem, they commit a crime and get their hand smacked! If a " big boy "crime is committed, there should be an adult consequence!
Maybe they need to put all of these gangsta' wannabes in a " scared straight " type program! If I was a little punk *advertiser censored** doing crimes for kicks, that would do it for me!
Not sure what the answers are!
I'm not sure what the answers are either but, something has to change or they win.

I know that there's this one kid who everyone likes at my son's school. He has a MySpace account and, has a picture of him making gang signs with his fingers. We'll I did what I thought was right and reported it to the schools SRO. They knew exactly who I was taking about because, he said "oh his sister hangs out with gang members and, we're trying to determine if she's one".. The pictures is still on MySpace and, the school! Grrr!!!! Sometimes I wonder what we pay them to do? :furious:
I'm not sure what the answers are either but, something has to change or they win.

I know that there's this one kid who everyone likes at my son's school. He has a MySpace account and, has a picture of him making gang signs with his fingers. We'll I did what I thought was right and reported it to the schools SRO. They knew exactly who I was taking about because, he said "oh his sister hangs out with gang members and, we're trying to determine if she's one".. The pictures is still on MySpace and, the school! Grrr!!!! Sometimes I wonder what we pay them to do? :furious:

I think you did the right thing, Momof2. You took a " pro active " stance and tryed your best to put a bug in someone's ear.
Sometimes school authorities don't move fast enough, or maybe they're just covered up with things to take care of. But you know you tryed!

It's hard to tell if these kids are for real or wanna bes, pretending to be " tough ", or what they perceive to be tough.

I believe that not enough parents want to help or get involved these days, and that's not a good thing. Every person who has a child in any school should always keep their eyes open and listen and be available for the kids to come to, you never know how you have helped someone, or may have halted something tragic from occurring.
I have heard, (just in a private conversation; I haven't seen media reports), that in addition to Abhijit Mahato, there have been several other Indian graduate students murdered recently.

I was wondering if anyone here knew more about this, and if there have been news articles or threads here at WS about Mr. Mahato or other murders of students. TIA
Maybe Eve was targetted and murdered because she was a young white woman. The other male victim, Mahato, was also a different race. Of course, murdered Black women should get coverage and their cases solved, but why should a judge get involved in such issues. The cases that usually get lots of coverage also have videos that need to be shown. Many cases don't even have much evidence.
IIRC, Abhijit Mahato was the third murder of an Indian doctoral student in one month at a Souther state university.

The other 2 murders occurred at Louisiana State University, however.
grrrrrr I cannot believe this.
I'm trying to figure out why they would protest the memorial service for Eve. Makes no sense to me.

UNC Chapel Hill officials are responding to a controversial group's request to picket a campus memorial for slain student body president Eve Carson on Tuesday.

A controversial church in Kansas known for picketing the funerals of soldiers has posted plans on its Web site and contacted UNC Chapel Hill officials about picketing Carson's memorial.
grrrrrr I cannot believe this.
I'm trying to figure out why they would protest the memorial service for Eve. Makes no sense to me.

UNC Chapel Hill officials are responding to a controversial group's request to picket a campus memorial for slain student body president Eve Carson on Tuesday.

This is the first I've heard of this... thanks for the info... UNBELIEVABLE!! Chapel Hill is a very liberal, peace-loving town, but I can almost imagine a riot and lynching (figuratively) if these folks show up...
Let's hope and pray the protesters don't interrupt Eve's memorial service.
I am a true believer in freedom of speech and freedom to assemble. BUT not at a memorial service for someone who was murdered like Eve.
Let's hope and the protesters don't interrupt Eve' memorial service.
I am a true believer in freedom of speech and freedom to assemble. BUT not at a memorial service for someone who was murdered like Eve.

My understanding is that they (Phelps group) may be allowed to hold a 'peaceful protest' on the front quad of campus (McCorkle Place) which is next to downtown and a long distance from the 'Dean Smith Center' where the memorial service will be held, but where they will still no doubt draw much attention and news coverage. If they fill out the proper forms I'm not clear if there is any way to prevent them from holding a gathering -- how injust is that -- I can't cry 'fire' in a crowded theatre, but they can spew venom on the public square however they wish for publicity. Another disgusting indignity -- Eve forever gone, and these creeps meandering around the country protesting funerals and somber events with impunity. (their website will make ya sick, if you haven't already seen it... and they call themselves a "church"). How much more UNBELIEVABLE can this become!!
Those mouth-breathing knuckle draggers showed up here (Reno) for Brianna Dennison's service. We dealt with them. They are worthless and weak.

Worthless and weak are a couple of descriptive words for him and his group of haters!!!:furious:

Is this the same hate filled old man that brings his groups of haters to the funeral/memorial services of gay people? And how has he now moved on to protest at soldier's and college student's services?

I don't understand the mentality of his way of thinking! And that I am thankful for.
He and his groups of protesters should be banned from all funeral and memorial services! They are an embarrassment to the human race!:furious: :mad: :confused:

He is worshipping a different god from the God I worship!
Those mouth-breathing knuckle draggers showed up here (Reno) for Brianna Dennison's service. We dealt with them. They are worthless and weak.

Noid: You may have covered this before, but how did you guys deal with them?? (Yeah, very effectively. Gimme more details)

Yeah, the only thing to do with those freaks is to ignore them. I refuse to spell the name out and give them any attention, but when their leader dies, we all might just have to go and 'protest' his funeral. :crazy: :)
My understanding is that they (Phelps group) may be allowed to hold a 'peaceful protest' on the front quad of campus (McCorkle Place) which is next to downtown and a long distance from the 'Dean Smith Center' where the memorial service will be held, but where they will still no doubt draw much attention and news coverage. If they fill out the proper forms I'm not clear if there is any way to prevent them ......
Thanks for the info. I am shocked by these weirdos and their protest.
Why would they protest Eve's service?
Because she's a female?
An intelligent female?
An intelligent American female?
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