NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sep 2012 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't think this guy wrote the note. I think he may have handled it. The first 3 words are different from the second two as far as writing style. The second two words are an answer to the comment of the first 3 words. The words jealous comes up in a list of 201 most commonly misspelled words. My guess is it was Karena who the first part and Faith responded with the other two words.

This guy didn't finish high school according to his mother so I doubt he even knew how to spell that good in his own language. I'd say almost a zero chance he could spell in English. I've also seen the word misspelled bich many times by people who should know better.

I always thought that the guy who killed her would be someone she was involved with in the Native American clubs she belonged to since Parabon Labs said

“You can be very confident that this is not a white person. This is not a person of African descent. This is a person who is very strongly Native American and European mixed ancestry or Latino," said Ellen Greytak, director of Bioinformatics at Parabon NanoLabs.

When I say involved I just mean as a common denominator not necessarily a physical one. This guy is from Guatemala correct? They do have a strong Native background from what I can tell. That's a huge coincidence. It does make me wonder if he was a member of a tribal club or knew someone who was and was trying to find some Latino people to fit in with and saw Faith.
I don't think this guy wrote the note. I think he may have handled it. The first 3 words are different from the second two as far as writing style. The second two words are an answer to the comment of the first 3 words. The words jealous comes up in a list of 201 most commonly misspelled words. My guess is it was Karena who the first part and Faith responded with the other two words.

This guy didn't finish high school according to his mother so I doubt he even knew how to spell that good in his own language. I'd say almost a zero chance he could spell in English. I've also seen the word ***** misspelled bich many times by people who should know better.

I always thought that the guy who killed her would be someone she was involved with in the Native American clubs she belonged to since Parabon Labs said

“You can be very confident that this is not a white person. This is not a person of African descent. This is a person who is very strongly Native American and European mixed ancestry or Latino," said Ellen Greytak, director of Bioinformatics at Parabon NanoLabs.

When I say involved I just mean as a common denominator not necessarily a physical one. This guy is from Guatemala correct? They do have a strong Native background from what I can tell. That's a huge coincidence. It does make me wonder if he was a member of a tribal club or knew someone who was and was trying to find some Latino people to fit in with and saw Faith.

interesting points... but what we don’t know about the bag is what KR told the police about it? surely they asked her about it — i.e. was it lying around the apt. as a blank bag, or did it already have writing on it (and was simply tossed onto the bed after-the-fact)? So, IF she told them the truth then they already know if it had prior writing or if the perp wrote all (or some of) those words, as they've always implied. IF KR lied to police about the bag’s wording then that would be another element casting suspicion her way, but I suspect she told them the truth, and so they already hold the answer to what we can only guess at.
interesting points... but what we don’t know about the bag is what KR told the police about it? surely they asked her about it — i.e. was it lying around the apt. as a blank bag, or did it already have writing on it (and was simply tossed onto the bed after-the-fact)? So, IF she told them the truth then they already know if it had prior writing or if the perp wrote all (or some of) those words, as they've always implied. IF KR lied to police about the bag’s wording then that would be another element casting suspicion her way, but I suspect she told them the truth, and so they already hold the answer to what we can only guess at.

I don't discount that she was lying. If they did get into a fight it's possible she didn't want to implicate herself. By the time LE asked her about the bag she most likely was already being called a suspect. Even a majority on here think she had something to do with it and still do. It's not likely she will ever admit to it now.
I don't discount that she was lying. If they did get into a fight it's possible she didn't want to implicate herself. By the time LE asked her about the bag she most likely was already being called a suspect. Even a majority on here think she had something to do with it and still do. It's not likely she will ever admit to it now.

I know a lot of people who've been following this case are still weirdly hoping that it will turn out Karena hired MESO to kill Faith or something like that. But so far, nobody has been able to establish that Karena even knew MESO or had any contact with him whatsoever prior to the murder.

There is really no reason to believe at this point that MESO didn't do this himself, acting alone.
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I really think too much is getting read into the note vis-a-vis the suspect's language ability. We're talking about five words. Assuming he wrote all of them, he even managed to mess that up, grammatically.
I don't discount that she was lying. If they did get into a fight it's possible she didn't want to implicate herself. By the time LE asked her about the bag she most likely was already being called a suspect. Even a majority on here think she had something to do with it and still do. It's not likely she will ever admit to it now.
I don't know about a "majority" believing that she had something to do with it. I certainly don't believe that. I've always thought that the so-called "evidence" for her involvement was beyond flimsy.
I don't know about a "majority" believing that she had something to do with it. I certainly don't believe that. I've always thought that the so-called "evidence" for her involvement was beyond flimsy.

Totally agree. All the evidence points to her being targeted by a lone sexual predator but some people can't accept reality.
Totally agree. All the evidence points to her being targeted by a lone sexual predator but some people can't accept reality.

From the very beginning, the physical evidence always strongly indicated that this crime was committed by a male perpetrator. There was never any valid reason why Karena ever should have been considered a suspect in light of that.

But nearly every documentary or podcast about this murder pushed the narrative that somehow, this HAD to be a murder-for-hire orchestrated by Karena; even though there was never any evidence that this was a murder-for-hire.
I think Cadwest is probably right by calling the note meaningless. At this point, it seems that it may have been a big red herring in this case. Probably just drunken scribble written by Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares. The fact that he spelled jealus correctly wouldn't nessesarly make him a genius. It may have been that those were the only few words that he did know how to spell.

I said a ways back that I would have bought Cadwest's burglar theory if it wasn't for the note.

As I look at it now, I've come to the conclusion that Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares was probably prowling the area searching for an apartment to rob when he saw KR leaving for her early morning fling.

At some point, Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares entered the apartment. He may have saw the Bacardi's bottle on the counter and maybe there was still something in it; he grabbed it and started drinking it while staggering around the apartment looking for stuff to steal. He then encountered Faith in the bedroom.

I highly doubt Faith and Karina played a roll in writing the note. The writing was too sloppy.
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One thing that I always did find odd about the note is how the author made a "c" and put a line in the middle to make an "e". I found it strange.
I think Cadwest is probably right by calling the note meaningless. At this point, it seems that it may have been a big red herring in this case. Probably just drunken scribble written by Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares. The fact that he spelled jealus correctly wouldn't nessesarly make him a genius. It may have been that those were the only few words that he did know how to spell.

I said a ways back that I would have bought Cadwest's burglar theory if it wasn't for the note.

As I look at it now, I've come to the conclusion that Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares was probably prowling the area searching for an apartment to rob when he saw KR leaving for her early morning fling.

At some point, Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares entered the apartment. He may have saw the Bacardi's bottle on the counter and maybe there was still something in it; he grabbed it and started drinking it while staggering around the apartment looking for stuff to steal. He then encountered Faith in the bedroom.

I highly doubt Faith and Karina played a roll in writing the note. The writing was too sloppy.

The note’s a head-scratcher, to be sure. If everything is as it seems, he wrote the note to make it seem like the person who killed her knew and had some kind of quarrel with her, pointing cops away from a “stranger crime.”
However, in discussing this case with other people (not on here), whenever I suggest that, the response is always “Why would the killer need to do that? If he’s not connected to her, he wouldn’t come on their radar anyway. He doesn’t need to direct attention away from himself.” I never really had a good answer to that.
But I think the “drunken scribbling” is probably right. He wouldn’t have sat down and debated the pros and cons of doing it, it probably just occurred to him as an idea and he did it.
Ironically, if he hadn’t done that, and also cleaned the bottle and just took it and threw it away somewhere, that would have eliminated 3 of the 4 sources of his DNA. Semen’s hard to explain away, but not impossible; having a matching DNA signature on the murder weapon AND the pen and bag are pretty damning.
Anyone heard anything lately? I keep looking but no new news, the last update I could find was three weeks ago when they said they weren’t going to charge him with the death penalty. I’m seriously starting to worry something isn’t right. Could it be possible that they have his DNA to connect him to the murder but can’t find anything else? Wouldn’t it be pretty risky to try and take to trial with only the DNA as evidence? I worry that with the amount of time now passed law enforcement will be at a loss for getting more evidence besides the DNA.
Anyone heard anything lately? I keep looking but no new news, the last update I could find was three weeks ago when they said they weren’t going to charge him with the death penalty. I’m seriously starting to worry something isn’t right. Could it be possible that they have his DNA to connect him to the murder but can’t find anything else? Wouldn’t it be pretty risky to try and take to trial with only the DNA as evidence? I worry that with the amount of time now passed law enforcement will be at a loss for getting more evidence besides the DNA.

I don't think they actually need any evidence besides the DNA, though. As CADwrest pointed out in his recent post, the DNA isn't just from semen. They've got DNA on from the semen, but also from the bag, the pen, and the bottle which was used as the murder weapon. It's impossible to explain all of that.

I am, however, also irritated by the lack of updates, so you're not alone in that.
I don't know about a "majority" believing that she had something to do with it. I certainly don't believe that. I've always thought that the so-called "evidence" for her involvement was beyond flimsy.

I think a lot of people following this case have suspected Karena had something to do with it based on how extremely quiet she has been over the years and how she has stayed out of the public eye all this time. I may be wrong but I don’t recall her giving any interviews after Faith was murdered, many of Faith’s other friends did but not Karena, which seems odd given they were supposedly best friends, living together and Karena was one of the people that found her. Maybe law enforcement told her not to, who knows.

One thing that has always bothered me but maybe it’s because I’m far passed my college years now but Faith and Karena supposedly came home from the club a little after 2 am because Karena wasn’t feeling well. They go home, Faith goes to bed and Karena stays up due to the fact she is feeling ill. Then at around 4:30 am Karena leaves for what we basically assume is a booty call. Now a late night booty call isn’t anything unusual for college students but at 4:30 am? After you’ve been home for a couple of hours supposedly puking? Is it just me or is that a little later than a normal booty call? And after going home from the club because you’re sick and then puking for a few hours? I don’t know, maybe it’s perfectly normal but it seems a little odd to me and also a great excuse for why you weren’t home when your friend was murdered…
Anyone heard anything lately? I keep looking but no new news, the last update I could find was three weeks ago when they said they weren’t going to charge him with the death penalty. I’m seriously starting to worry something isn’t right. Could it be possible that they have his DNA to connect him to the murder but can’t find anything else? Wouldn’t it be pretty risky to try and take to trial with only the DNA as evidence? I worry that with the amount of time now passed law enforcement will be at a loss for getting more evidence besides the DNA.

Totally agree... find this utterly strange... cancel an arraignment, and no sign it's even re-scheduled??? and the press isn't hounding for explanations? sure seems abnormal to me. Also agree, that if LE has NO other evidence except DNA, a smart lawyer can get a hung jury out of this -- I don't want to explain how, but complicated (even if unlikely) arguments can sway juries.
Anyway, anxious to see if there's some simple explanation to it all, or is it as fishy as it seems.
I don't think they actually need any evidence besides the DNA, though. As CADwrest pointed out in his recent post, the DNA isn't just from semen. They've got DNA on from the semen, but also from the bag, the pen, and the bottle which was used as the murder weapon. It's impossible to explain all of that.

I am, however, also irritated by the lack of updates, so you're not alone in that.

Yeah but is a jury really going to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt if the prosecutor says "we have DNA linking this guy but have no other proof or anything that links him to Faith or the apartment?" That's a hard sell especially when it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I think jurors would have a hard time with that.
Yeah but is a jury really going to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt if the prosecutor says "we have DNA linking this guy but have no other proof or anything that links him to Faith or the apartment?" That's a hard sell especially when it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I think jurors would have a hard time with that.

Like what are they going to do? Say that DNA isn't real? I don't see what the defense could even possibly argue in this case; it might be like the Samantha Josephson case where the defense basically can't argue anything and so they don't call a single witness.
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Yeah but is a jury really going to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt if the prosecutor says "we have DNA linking this guy but have no other proof or anything that links him to Faith or the apartment?" That's a hard sell especially when it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I think jurors would have a hard time with that.

I think you’re sorta half right here. I think the DNA is the clincher tying him to the crime scene and murder, and juries are very trusting of scientific evidence like that. I think they’d probably find beyond reasonable doubt on the DNA alone.
But I think you’re right in that juries also want multiple types of evidence that tell them a full story. Something like a witness who saw him that night drunk and just wandering around, or a coworker who saw a big change in his demeanor afterwards. Honestly, those are way less useful than the DNA and far more subjective, but they’d definitely seal the deal.
Unfortunately after all this time, it’s harder to find witnesses like that, but that’s what the prosecution and LE need to do now. I think that’s what they’re doing and Chief Blue asked for patience probably specifically for that reason. But even if they can’t, I think the DNA will be enough.
I’m a bit perplexed at the lack of updates too, but I don’t think there’s a need to panic yet. It’s not like a judge ordered him released or anything.
I think you’re sorta half right here. I think the DNA is the clincher tying him to the crime scene and murder, and juries are very trusting of scientific evidence like that. I think they’d probably find beyond reasonable doubt on the DNA alone.
But I think you’re right in that juries also want multiple types of evidence that tell them a full story. Something like a witness who saw him that night drunk and just wandering around, or a coworker who saw a big change in his demeanor afterwards. Honestly, those are way less useful than the DNA and far more subjective, but they’d definitely seal the deal.
Unfortunately after all this time, it’s harder to find witnesses like that, but that’s what the prosecution and LE need to do now. I think that’s what they’re doing and Chief Blue asked for patience probably specifically for that reason. But even if they can’t, I think the DNA will be enough.
I’m a bit perplexed at the lack of updates too, but I don’t think there’s a need to panic yet. It’s not like a judge ordered him released or anything.

Yes, you are way better at explaining what I was thinking than I am myself. While I hope that the DNA evidence would be enough to convince a jury I still worry that without other evidence, witnesses, etc. that even one juror may just not be convinced enough to vote convict him. We are in a strange time where people are choosing not to believe science as fact and many people do not trust law enforcement so I’m weary of just having faith that the jurors in a trial would convict solely on DNA if the prosecution can’t bring anything else to the table. I will say that I’ve heard a lot of people commend Chapel Hill law enforcement on their diligence in handling this case including Faith’s family so I really hope all this silent is them working hard to make sure this guy is prosecuted to the fullest extent for this horrible crime.
I think a lot of people following this case have suspected Karena had something to do with it based on how extremely quiet she has been over the years and how she has stayed out of the public eye all this time. I may be wrong but I don’t recall her giving any interviews after Faith was murdered, many of Faith’s other friends did but not Karena, which seems odd given they were supposedly best friends, living together and Karena was one of the people that found her. Maybe law enforcement told her not to, who knows.

One thing that has always bothered me but maybe it’s because I’m far passed my college years now but Faith and Karena supposedly came home from the club a little after 2 am because Karena wasn’t feeling well. They go home, Faith goes to bed and Karena stays up due to the fact she is feeling ill. Then at around 4:30 am Karena leaves for what we basically assume is a booty call. Now a late night booty call isn’t anything unusual for college students but at 4:30 am? After you’ve been home for a couple of hours supposedly puking? Is it just me or is that a little later than a normal booty call? And after going home from the club because you’re sick and then puking for a few hours? I don’t know, maybe it’s perfectly normal but it seems a little odd to me and also a great excuse for why you weren’t home when your friend was murdered…

People want to attack her for not doing interviews? If she did, people would just call her a famewhore and say she wants attention. People can't admit they were wrong about her so they'll look for anything to use against her. Just like Amanda Knox.

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