NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

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Tornado warning here - stay safe Durham peeps.
I have a really hard time believing a woman was attacked and killed, and a voicemail where it sounds like she's being attacked and killed..ISN'T her being attacked and killed. We're to believe that all these people acted out something that sounds extremely similar to someone being killed the night this gal got killed? But in reality it's just them goofing off and she was killed during unrelated activities later that night? Implausible.

Eta: the fact that Faith's dad thinks the VM is from the apartment says it all. The police dept needs to be relieved of its duties so justice can be served by a competent agency, IMO.

Err, we don't know that it sounds like she's being attacked and killed. We know that some people who've heard an enhanced version of who-knows-what-quality think so, but we also know that her family hasn't been jumping up and down saying it's her being murdered for the two years they've known about the VM. We also know she wasn't killed at the nightclub because there's video.
Tom Gasporali has a new article up reviewing the verrrry troublesome voicemail recently divulged (everyone will want to read his piece):

One thing I don't recall is if Faith's cellphone was found at the murder scene, and if so where (since theoretically this voicemail is a 'butt-dial' right from the scene)... does anyone recall?

So why aren't the Durham Co. LEO's getting their act together and finding out to whom these voices belong? Why isn't someone typing a Probable Cause report to obtain arrest warrants? Dayam.

Or am I missing something? Where is the phone that contains this conversation? Does it still exist? A young woman was murdered. Grrrrr.
Well we know that dad thought it was his daughter screaming and saying help before it was enhanced, so to me that says it all.
If the call came from Faith's phone, then the cops have known the entire time when it was placed and there would be no disputing that information.

Having read some of the transcript (I haven't listened to it) I do find what is contained pretty disturbing, and if the transcript is remotely accurate it would be difficult to believe that it was unrelated to what happened later that night. Unless they talked like that all the time.
I agree with you, it was horrifying! Whether it was from earlier in the night or not, LE should be taking the voicemail seriously. There has to be a reason her exact time of death has yet to be released. I think the cops know what happened, they just can't find all of the missing pieces to make it valid. If there were really three or four people involved, imagine the menagerie of fingerprints and DNA. I guarantee all of those people have been to her apartment before and therefore, could it be circumstantial? Also, if Faith was in fact "messing around" with "Rosie's" boyfriend, wouldn't there be evidence on Faith's phone or Facebook messages? I think if they know Karena left the apartment at 4:27 AM (how? From text from who picked her up saying he was there?) that morning...then they should be able to figure out the time Faith passed away...right?!
I have been driving myself crazy wondering what the "throw it in the river" comment is about on the VoiceMail transcripts. Was something thrown in a river? A murder weapon? A phone? Gloves?......What?
I have been driving myself crazy wondering what the "throw it in the river" comment is about on the VoiceMail transcripts. Was something thrown in a river? A murder weapon? A phone? Gloves?......What?

And what river? The Eno is pretty far away from location of The Thill and her apartment, and the Haw is even farther.
And what river? The Eno is pretty far away from location of The Thill and her apartment, and the Haw is even farther.

That's exactly where I was taking issue with the transcript of this voicemail! There's not really easy access to any rivers from there so it just seems out of place compared to the rest of the transcript.

In fact this whole section just doesn't make any sense to me at all:

"Female: Really?

Male: To our next victim. {inaudible}

Female: Alright.

Male: Just throw it in the river."
Just realized there are a few lakes here and there tho. So maybe river isn't so literal, idk.
Just realized there are a few lakes here and there tho. So maybe river isn't so literal, idk.

I live nearby -- there really aren't any bodies of water except very tiny ponds and Bolin Creek near downtown Chapel Hill (where The Thrill was located) or her apartment just over the Durham line, which was located near a major highway. If I were going to take "throw it in the river" to mean that they were going to throw some evidence it in the water, the only place I'd really think might come close would be Bolin Creek which is near one of the possible routes between her apartment and The Thrill, downtown. That said, people are generally pretty unaware that the creek is even there because it's tiny (except when we're having flooding) and mostly hidden by brush. I don't think it would be a convenient or good place to throw anything that one hoped would sink or wash away. Most of the time, something would sink to the bottom and be still partially uncovered and totally visible and would stay there until a very good rain -- probably many months. But I guess if I believed that they were really going to throw something in a "river," that's where I'd look.

Seems like there are plenty of places to throw things, so why reference a river? There are woods right near the apartment complex and all over the place. That's one of the reasons I question whether the expert really has untangled what was being said, and even if what was said is what he says was being said, whether it really referenced the events around her murder.

I do believe that the butt dial may have uncovered a motive, though, since I think it's possible that she and Rosario may have been arguing over Rosario's suspicion that Faith was somehow involved with a guy with whom Rosario had a relationship with or interest in. I just don't think it recorded the murder. Too many things point away from it, IMHO.
Right - there are some creeks, but do some people call them rivers?

I've never heard anyone around here call a "creek" a "river" and Bolin Creek is labeled with a sign.
I'm not convinced the "throw it in the river" line is even an accurate interpretation of the tape (it's all so garbled), BUT IF it is, I too suspect it may just be a catchall phrase for throwing something in water, and if some of the 'suspects' were headed back to Durham or Raleigh it opens up the possibility of many more ponds & creeks than the few nearby the apt. complex.
On a different matter, I've never been clear why there is no 'estimated time of death' on the autopsy report... wouldn't that be an absolute standard part of any such crime autopsy? Is all we have, the police pieced-together timeline (based on what individuals told them) to go on? (I've forgotten, were there any live-voice phone calls from Faith after midnight on her final night, or only text messages, which could've been typed by someone else?)
Eno River isn't too far, if you go down sage rd to Erwin, it's right at the end of a very short walk into duke forest on a trail, especially if anyone was going back to Durham- a shortcut through the back of Erwin road goes straight to downtown Durham (nccu area). The river deep and moves fast right there, but I think I agree with Skigirl- throw it in the river sounds like a phrase they've heard said just like "and to our next victim". I don't know if those phrases have intention or if they were imitating what people say in movie (if the VM analysis is accurate). And webthrush- I believe they have video of Faith walking out of the club with KR and three or four boys (the ones KR called to pick her up if I'm not mistaken). And messages sent to BE (was he at the Thrill that night?) From FH phone at 3:45ish. There's no telling who typed the messages though. The time of death is what puzzles me so much, I feel like it has something BIG to do with who did it, and LE doesn't want the public to know...possibly for conviction/alibi purposes? I feel like it would answer lots of questions.
I'm not convinced the "throw it in the river" line is even an accurate interpretation of the tape (it's all so garbled), BUT IF it is, I too suspect it may just be a catchall phrase for throwing something in water, and if some of the 'suspects' were headed back to Durham or Raleigh it opens up the possibility of many more ponds & creeks than the few nearby the apt. complex.
On a different matter, I've never been clear why there is no 'estimated time of death' on the autopsy report... wouldn't that be an absolute standard part of any such crime autopsy? Is all we have, the police pieced-together timeline (based on what individuals told them) to go on? (I've forgotten, were there any live-voice phone calls from Faith after midnight on her final night, or only text messages, which could've been typed by someone else?)

I don't remember about live calls, but there was video from The Thrill, so we at least know she was alive when she left there at 2:38 AM. Last text from her phone was at 3:43 AM.
Wondering why the segment of the Thrill video was never made public for the public's help in identifying who they left the Thrill with?

I think the police know who all the individuals she was seen with in footage are.
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