NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

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Also there's rumor that her case might be covered on "Crime Watch Daily" this week but not too sure as to the details.
The crimewatch will be at 2 tomorrow. Linking an article saying there was a voicemail recorded of her pleading with a man to be let go? This is all new! This could bring us much closer to peace for Faith!

Wow, thanks for posting! Was anyone able to watch? Is it posted anywhere? All I could find online were teasers.

I'm a little suspicious of a lead uncovered by one small local station in Charlotte and not even hinted at elsewhere, but I HOPE it's real!!
Good lord, have any of you watched that show through? Did you hear the voicemail analysis?

What the hell more do the police need now???
Good lord, have any of you watched that show through? Did you hear the voicemail analysis?

What the hell more do the police need now???

I just watched. This guy in Portland Maine who did the voice analysis, Arlo West, had interesting input. I wonder if he's credible. The name "Rosie" makes me think of the roommate.

What IS the CHPD doing?

Here is a link to the News & Observer article from today (2/16/16) about it:
I just watched too. I was expecting new evidence, but, woah!!! that was a total bombshell! That is, provided this forensic sound analyst is credible. The whole thing made me sick to my stomach, I hope this leads to an arrest quickly. Can a tv show make such allegations without anything to back it? CHPD had to have some say in what was put on national tv? They pretty much pointed straight to her roommate (who's last name would definitely warrant "Rosie" as a nickname), her former boyfriend, and possibly a third male? It makes me think CHPD knows they did it and, whether they believe the voicemail analysis or not, they want them to be caught- they just don't have that third witness/source of dna? Ugh!
I'm curious to know what somebody like the FBI would find in an analysis of that voicemail. Not sure what to believe at this point. It could be a completely benign butt dial but I want to badly believe that it is what they say it is.
Can a tv show make such allegations without anything to back it? CHPD had to have some say in what was put on national tv?

Can't imagine what kind of say CHPD may have had in this story. Given how tight lipped CHPD has been about damn near everything, it seems like maybe Crime Watch got the voicemail from her dad or someone else who has a copy. The publicity over the past 2 weeks hasn't portrayed CHPD in the best light and a lot of us are really starting to wonder what they've actually been doing all this time.
I listened and it was very interesting, but I'm not totally convinced that the call wasn't dialed from The Thrill -- especially given the 1:23 AM timestamp, and especially since the timestamps on her texts were apparently accurate. I'm also not sure that I buy the theory that the rapping wasn't just someone rapping along with whatever was playing and what was being said was so unclear it's hard to know if it was people sort of horsing around. It sounds from all the comments like there were multiple people there, which is hard for me to believe was the case during her murder -- I would be surprised if she was attacked by more than one person or two at the most.

I guess her family has known about the VM for at least two years.
'I think she's dying' a nightclub?

a) I'm not convinced that anyone can know for absolute sure what's being said, and b) "dying" can mean a lot of things in casual conversation (e.g., striking out with the opposite sex, laughing her head off). I just don't see why the this supposed expert would so casually shrug off the timestamp, especially since there would have been timestamps on both her phone and the recipient's voicemail.

Why would someone who was killing or witnessing her killing comment that they thought she was dying? Wouldn't that have been the intent and quite obvious?
Why would someone who was killing or witnessing her killing comment that they thought she was dying? Wouldn't that have been the intent and quite obvious?
Not necessarily. Obviously we're speculating here, but if we assume that the audio was indeed recorded at the house, after they'd left the nightclub, then it may well be that the original intent was to humiliate and hurt (physically and otherwise) Faith, but not to kill her. We're talking about a group of people here, and it's very possible they all had very different ideas as to what was going to happen that night. In a situation like that things can escalate quickly, and particularly when alcohol, drugs and violent personalities are involved.

My theory is that something got out of hand and, as a result, Faith died. Not all of the people in the room at the time wanted or expected her to die, but she did, and at that point - and knowing what we do about a certain member of that group - at least one of the people present kept quiet for fear of the consequences, and others did so because they intended Faith to die - possibly beforehand, but certainly by the time it was too late to back down.

The 911 call also fits this scenario, as analysis of the transcript would suggest evasive behaviour, fear and deception on the part of the caller. I suspect she was present at the time of the crime, although we can argue to what extent she was a willing participant. That's the sort of thing that would come out in court, although I - and obviously others who have posted here - have a pretty good idea of who is responsible.
Not necessarily. Obviously we're speculating here, but if we assume that the audio was indeed recorded at the house, after they'd left the nightclub, then it may well be that the original intent was to humiliate and hurt (physically and otherwise) Faith, but not to kill her. We're talking about a group of people here, and it's very possible they all had very different ideas as to what was going to happen that night. In a situation like that things can escalate quickly, and particularly when alcohol, drugs and violent personalities are involved.

My theory is that something got out of hand and, as a result, Faith died. Not all of the people in the room at the time wanted or expected her to die, but she did, and at that point - and knowing what we do about a certain member of that group - at least one of the people present kept quiet for fear of the consequences, and others did so because they intended Faith to die - possibly beforehand, but certainly by the time it was too late to back down.

The 911 call also fits this scenario, as analysis of the transcript would suggest evasive behaviour, fear and deception on the part of the caller. I suspect she was present at the time of the crime, although we can argue to what extent she was a willing participant. That's the sort of thing that would come out in court, although I - and obviously others who have posted here - have a pretty good idea of who is responsible.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't think anyone can know what was going on from that VM. To me, it's consistent with the above theory, but also consistent with a group of drunk people horsing around at a night club. The timestamp seems pretty hard to ignore, as much as I want there to be new and meaningful evidence in the case. I personally think that the words "stupid *****" were written after "I'm not jealous" was written on the bag and have no idea what the significance is, but have never been convinced by any of the people who claim that the writing or word choice was female.

I want this case to be solved as much as anyone and I hope that LE has more than they've released, because nothing I've seen is very convincing other than that I think Rosario's ex had the motive, means and opportunity and exhibited behavior before and after that was very consistent with the crime.
I totally understand your lack of conviction here, and it would certainly be good to have more evidence. It is strange that the primary suspects were ruled out early on due to DNA testing (I believe), but I do not believe that eliminates them entirely.

Incidentally, the only time I hear music on that message is when someone is rapping, which I suspect may have been over music he played from his phone, which a lot of young people do. I do not think it was a nightclub, as I just don't find the behaviour and language (with what appears to be happening) plausible in such an environment. A group of people do not attack a young woman in a busy nightclub; they certainly can't stop her from being noticed, attracting help or running away. Yes, it is possible, but I do not think it likely.

Hopefully the police are able to analyze this themselves, and we hear something else. The fact that we hear 'Rosie' and 'Eriq' in the midst of this is - at the very least - a very good hint that they have probably lied to the police about Faith's movements in the hours prior to her death.
From the Chapel Hill News via The News & Observer:

Police, TV crime show dispute Faith Hedgepeth voicemail

Syndicated crime show says voicemail may have recorded the final moments of Faith Hedgepeth’s life
Chapel Hill police chief says recording came from earlier in the evening when Hedgepeth was in a club
Hedgepeth’s father, Roland, says he has listened to the audio recording “probably a couple hundred times”

One of the first sources of info was Faith's phone. They certainly would have checked who she made calls to, contacted those parties, and identified the whereabouts of the various phones involved throughout the night. I wonder where this person's (recipient of the vm) was located at the time the msg was received.

As much as I would like to believe this is a butt-dial during the murder (thus, more clues), I highly doubt it. I think it took place at 1:43am from The Thrill. But it's pretty shocking that the CHPD has not completed analyzing that vm.

From N&O:
Like Doran, Police Chief Chris Blue said investigators obtained the audio from one of Hedgepeth’s friends.

“We have done some analysis and actually will do some more analysis on it,” he said. “That has not been completed.”

Read more here:
just a couple of things I'll toss in (even though in the past I've not been a proponent of the roommate's involvement):

1) I don't recall anyone so far mentioning (unless I missed it) the downstairs neighbor being flabbergasted (from the CrimeWatch show) by the roommate's calm demeanor immediately following the murder discovery & 911 call (of course none of us really know how we might react outwardly if thrown into such shock, but still....)

2) The fact that the roommate returned to the apt. WITH a friend to 'discover' Faith's body -- IF I were involved in such a horrendous crime I would want to return to the scene only with another person who could witness my look of shock upon 'discovery' of the scene.

I'm also not sure that I buy the theory that the rapping wasn't just someone rapping along with whatever was playing and what was being said was so unclear it's hard to know if it was people sort of horsing around.

Yeah I think I'm leaning more towards The Thrill or a ride in a car or something.
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