NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

DNA Solves
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I totally understand your lack of conviction here, and it would certainly be good to have more evidence. It is strange that the primary suspects were ruled out early on due to DNA testing (I believe), but I do not believe that eliminates them entirely.

Incidentally, the only time I hear music on that message is when someone is rapping, which I suspect may have been over music he played from his phone, which a lot of young people do. I do not think it was a nightclub, as I just don't find the behaviour and language (with what appears to be happening) plausible in such an environment. A group of people do not attack a young woman in a busy nightclub; they certainly can't stop her from being noticed, attracting help or running away. Yes, it is possible, but I do not think it likely.

Hopefully the police are able to analyze this themselves, and we hear something else. The fact that we hear 'Rosie' and 'Eriq' in the midst of this is - at the very least - a very good hint that they have probably lied to the police about Faith's movements in the hours prior to her death.

FWIW, I did not mean to suggest at all that she was attacked in the nightclub. What I'm questioning is whether or not (leaning not) that the phone message captured an attack at all. Seems likely to me that it was just incidental stuff that people were saying casually that no one can fully ungarble and I think knowing what happened to her has lead this expert to hear things that may not even be there and/or are being taken so totally out of context that they don't mean what he thinks they mean.

Like Boodles, the new neighbor account (which I also thought was interesting and very important...if her memory is accurate...), together with what we've seen/heard about her roommate's 911 call, I am becoming increasingly suspicious that KR she knows much more than she is saying.
What I'm questioning is whether or not (leaning not) that the phone message captured an attack at all. Seems likely to me that it was just incidental stuff that people were saying casually that no one can fully ungarble and I think knowing what happened to her has lead this expert to hear things that may not even be there and/or are being taken so totally out of context that they don't mean what he thinks they mean.

I agree with this. I might be more convinced the vm was significant had all of this Eriq/Rosie stuff been identified by the analyst prior to their being publicly mentioned so many times as people of interest.
I am torn between so badly wanting the voicemail analysis to be accurate and wanting it to be from their time at the Thrill, just so Faith didn't have to suffer it the hands of her so called friends. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say LE wants to believe it too but I have feeling nothing will come of it(didn't they ask for the analysts transcript?). If my memory serves correctly the friend that was on the receiving end of the VM was located in Lumberton (I'm pretty sure it was on the screen grab of the call logs). Wouldnt it be easy for the right technician to figure out the validity of the time stamp?!

If we take a step back from Rosie and Eriq, even though I feel as though the roommate (and probably Eriq-from what I know about him, but let's play devils advocate) has everything to do with it, a piece of evidence that has NEVER sat well with me is that the Karena (roommate of faith) was picked up by the roommate of a boy name Jacob Beatley (i believe his name is redacted at some points in the doc.) However, JB's phone was pinged near Faiths apartment near the time of her death? I believe he refused the swab at first. Have the group of boys that Karena supposedly was with that morning been part of any further investigation? I think we have all been introduced to the killer(s) already and LE just has to pinpoint the key piece of evidence that PROVES it beyond resonable doubt and isn't circumstantial. LE either has so much evidence that they can't put it together in an order that makes sense with the people they suspect or they botched the DNA evidence from the get go and are trying to backpedal and save face.

Edit: I also wanted to say that no 20 year old in such a serious situation would order someone to do something by saying "do it anyhow." With the way this age group speaks- they wouldn't decide to use the word anyhow. I know that it's trivial and doesn't necessarily disprove the voicemail...but I think some of the phrases and sounds are definitely a stretch. also was marisol with the group of boys and karena that morning or did she pick KR up to take her back to the apartment? Why have they not made Karena come back to NC from out of state even if it's just to clarify her timeline that night?! It's just all so frustrating.
Many of the key figures in this case, including Beatley and Rosario, have scattered and now live in other states. I've wondered for some time how practical/costly it is for LE to even reach such folks for further questioning (do they keep up with their current location/contact information?). Municipal budgets are under constraints everywhere. If local police want to ask someone further questions, based only on circumstantial evidence, how easy is it for them to accomplish that (or does it require a court order)? Anyone know the legal/practical answers?
Although I think whoever did this very well could have left the state, a lot of the key players in this case still live in the RDU area.
I am torn between so badly wanting the voicemail analysis to be accurate and wanting it to be from their time at the Thrill, just so Faith didn't have to suffer it the hands of her so called friends. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say LE wants to believe it too but I have feeling nothing will come of it(didn't they ask for the analysts transcript?). If my memory serves correctly the friend that was on the receiving end of the VM was located in Lumberton (I'm pretty sure it was on the screen grab of the call logs). Wouldnt it be easy for the right technician to figure out the validity of the time stamp?!

If we take a step back from Rosie and Eriq, even though I feel as though the roommate (and probably Eriq-from what I know about him, but let's play devils advocate) has everything to do with it, a piece of evidence that has NEVER sat well with me is that the Karena (roommate of faith) was picked up by the roommate of a boy name Jacob Beatley (i believe his name is redacted at some points in the doc.) However, JB's phone was pinged near Faiths apartment near the time of her death? I believe he refused the swab at first. Have the group of boys that Karena supposedly was with that morning been part of any further investigation? I think we have all been introduced to the killer(s) already and LE just has to pinpoint the key piece of evidence that PROVES it beyond resonable doubt and isn't circumstantial. LE either has so much evidence that they can't put it together in an order that makes sense with the people they suspect or they botched the DNA evidence from the get go and are trying to backpedal and save face.

Edit: I also wanted to say that no 20 year old in such a serious situation would order someone to do something by saying "do it anyhow." With the way this age group speaks- they wouldn't decide to use the word anyhow. I know that it's trivial and doesn't necessarily disprove the voicemail...but I think some of the phrases and sounds are definitely a stretch. also was marisol with the group of boys and karena that morning or did she pick KR up to take her back to the apartment? Why have they not made Karena come back to NC from out of state even if it's just to clarify her timeline that night?! It's just all so frustrating.

Karena returned to Chapel Hill and resumed studies at UNC. I don't know whether she finally graduated, but she did return, and may still live here. Even if I was attending school on a scholarship and it was the only school offerring, if I FOUND my roommate murdered in MY bed in MY apartment and the murderer was still at large, you wouldn't catch me returning from NJ to UNC CH. I'd be scared ****less. She's still FB friends with ETJ, too (at least until recently when she disappeared from FB).
Karena returned to Chapel Hill and resumed studies at UNC. I don't know whether she finally graduated, but she did return, and may still live here. Even if I was attending school on a scholarship and it was the only school offerring, if I FOUND my roommate murdered in MY bed in MY apartment and the murderer was still at large, you wouldn't catch me returning from NJ to UNC CH. I'd be scared ****less. She's still FB friends with ETJ, too (at least until recently when she disappeared from FB).

Thanks for that info... I never heard about her returning to UNC. She seems to have scrubbed her Web presence (which can be interpreted different ways), and her name is still currently listed in N.J., but I find no listing for it anywhere in N.C. (unless she's changed her name).
Nah she's def around

Can I assume by that you mean in the RDU area (and you know that for sure)? If you're not at liberty to give details (like she's at UNC, working full-time, living under a changed name, etc.) I'll understand that.
Mind you, my own suspicions have never involved KR in the past, but gone toward 3 males (2 of whom are no longer in area), but I understand why others would like to hear KR's answers to a slew of questions.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I think she's probably still in the RDU area and just keeping a low profile. I agree with everything Boodles just said above.
why in the world wasn't the "note" released earlier!? duhhh ...appears to include several possible tell-tale letters... this case just seems to have been botched from the first 72 hrs. on (and now the Chapel Hill Police are in a no-win situation -- if the case isn't solved they look like idiots, and if it IS solved at last, due to community input, they'll look like incompetents for taking so long).

It's February 23, 2016 and we're still waiting......
Tom Gasporali has a new article up reviewing the verrrry troublesome voicemail recently divulged (everyone will want to read his piece):

One thing I don't recall is if Faith's cellphone was found at the murder scene, and if so where (since theoretically this voicemail is a 'butt-dial' right from the scene)... does anyone recall?

If my memory serves me correctly, her phone was seized from the apartment on 9/7/2012.
Has anyone seen an approximate time-of-death released (I don't recall it it, but could've missed it -- the gap from 3am in the morning to 11am is pretty wide, and surely they have it more pinpointed)? I ask because I'm still trying to comprehend how the assault could be so brutal and yet neighbors not seem to hear anything unusual (unless I've missed something there as well?). I would think either Faith was drugged, or knocked unconscious very early on, or she was killed much closer to the 11am time when perhaps neighbors would've long left for work/school -- but that would be broad daylight, wouldn't someone have seen something noteworthy??? (and LE has long implied that the death occurred during earlier hrs.)

Anyway, LOTS of info in the released files (and even a lot of the redacted parts can be pretty easily filled in now).

As Borndem says, quite "a tangle of people."

Seems like LE is really focused on about 2 people, but, short of a DNA match, hard to imagine what further evidence they hope to get at this late date… doubtful any further "hard" evidence will be uncovered, and anything in the way of memories or verbal reports is essentially hearsay at this point.

BTW, my earlier question of where the fast-food bag came from appears likely to be Wendy's, though I'm still not sure how that fits in the timeline.

And thanks to all who are posting links.

Has there been any mention of local Wendy's drive thru's cameras being searched/viewed?
This is always the first case I look for updates on whenever I sign in to WS these days. Breaks my heart. From poking around the web it seems that some civilians closer to the case believe that the roommate might have more information than she has shared to this point. When I think of the message left on the fast food bag, it had to be placed there by the killer after the murder. It was placed on the roomate's bed. To me this looks like a message intended for the roommate. A threat perhaps.

I think the bag was placed after the fact, IMO, I've read there were blood splatter and from what I've seen no blood on this bag.
Bumping for Faith! Just a tiny bit of insight about BE- I seem to remember seeing on his instagram that his reply to Faiths text ("Whos this?) wasn't because he didn't have her number saved, but because the text message came through to his phone the afternoon following her death (around 4 PM and he had already heard of her passing), prompting him to think someone used her phone to ask him to console Karena, the roomie. He knew Faith couldn't have texted him...but it seems to have been a cell service issue, I don't think he received those text messages that early morning. Unless he said that because he's trying to throw someone off of his trail...
Was there really a cell service issues......this recent voicemail that has serviced supposedly could have an incorrect time stamp. Weird!
so if LE has the cell phone, then surely they can tell the order of calls on it? -- the voicemail theoretically being the FINAL call made if it came from the murder scene; there were 2 text messages (to BE) later in morning than the voicemail timestamp -- do they indeed show up on phone after the voicemail -- if so that indicates either the voicemail indeed came from the nightclub OR someone other than Faith was sending the texts, which would clearly throw suspicion in a certain direction.
sidenote -- have you all seen the breaking news of an indictment in the 14-month-old Jessica Chambers (burned alive) case tonight (Mississippi)! Let's hope same for Faith.
I have a really hard time believing a woman was attacked and killed, and a voicemail where it sounds like she's being attacked and killed..ISN'T her being attacked and killed. We're to believe that all these people acted out something that sounds extremely similar to someone being killed the night this gal got killed? But in reality it's just them goofing off and she was killed during unrelated activities later that night? Implausible.

Eta: the fact that Faith's dad thinks the VM is from the apartment says it all. The police dept needs to be relieved of its duties so justice can be served by a competent agency, IMO.
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