GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #10

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I'm interested in how MM will be covering legal costs in this action? Does she have similar type insurance?

The way that I read the comment about the insurance is that it is home insurance. My home insurance and car insurance gives me the option, should I choose to take it & pay the additional premium, to cover me for legal expenses for other claims against me, it is very restrictive if you read the small print but it is also very cheap. It covers civil cases but in general it is only civil cases resulting in an action that the initial policy covered or was likely to cover. It does give me legal advice for all cases but it does not cover costs in the event of a suit. Insurance companies are always doing these add-on's but in general they are limited when you read the small print.
The way that I read the comment about the insurance is that it is home insurance. My home insurance and car insurance gives me the option, should I choose to take it & pay the additional premium, to cover me for legal expenses for other claims against me, it is very restrictive if you read the small print but it is also very cheap. It covers civil cases but in general it is only civil cases resulting in an action that the initial policy covered or was likely to cover. It does give me legal advice for all cases but it does not cover costs in the event of a suit. Insurance companies are always doing these add-on's but in general they are limited when you read the small print.

Looks like you are spot on Frizby

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company was formed in 1935 to provide property insurance for State Farm customers in the United States. The product lines written by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company include homeowners, boat owners and many commercial lines. The company has been the largest insurer of homes in the U.S. since 1964.

...oh the irony if TM is using his boat insurance to cover his civil suit while simultaneously GoFunding $300,000 for his defense - maybe try selling the boat first!
Well well, they are not having a good time of it lately. It would appear that the Judge has put the kibosh on MM & TM defence claim of Jury misconduct.

Motion has been denied, Judgement will not be set aside, there will be no new trial.

(as reported on WXII Mallory Lane)
BREAKING: Per Davidson Co District Attorney - Judge denies Motion for Appropriate Relief in Corbett murder case. Defense claimed juror misconduct. Judge denied that motion and an evidentiary hearing.

Also reported on WSJournal

[FONT=&amp]A judge has denied a motion alleging jury misconduct in the high-profile trial of Molly Corbett and Thomas Martens, who were convicted of murdering Irish businessman Jason Corbett two years ago, according to their attorneys[/FONT]
I’m thinkimg tonight, that many of us have spent years acquiring as much information and evidence about this case that we could find...from many sources and with much intelligent discussion.

So I’d be interested to know...what is your theory of this case now? Was it MM alone? Was it both of them, acting like a murderous tag team? How did the killing commence?

Anyone want to share?
I've been following from the start, as I'm only about an hour away. I think it was premeditated by Molly. She was enraged, yes, but still premeditated. I'm not so sure about Tom being involved in the planning, except for them coming unexpectedly that day and all the phone conversations. On the fence about that.

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I think MM knew that JC was leaving, she saw the writing on the wall. She was mad, she phoned her parents numerous times, they realised that she was border-lining flipping out and jumped in their car to drive up. I believe that the arrival of TM & SM was a bit of a surprise to JC that day but took it in his stride. TM & SM had numerous conversations with MM that evening to try to calm the situation, all the while putting the blame on JC as him not being good enough for MM.

JC went off to bed for a peace while MM stayed up with her parents for a while, they eventually went to bed but MM, being agitated, was not able to sleep and started pacing around the property. She comes across the paver while she was pacing, the paver was in a pile by the back door which would be just outside where her parents were sleeping. She was mad with rage, realising that he was leaving and taking the children, the conversations that she had had earlier that night with her parents had dashed any hope, effectively they dismissed any fantasy she had. But during these conversations, I believe that they both placated her in a way they have always done, she was the little princess, he was the nasty Irish man, she was better than him. Making her feel important had worked with them in the past but a totally wrong tactic to take in this scenario. The conversations had got around to the domestic violence issues and the false case that she had been trying to establish. She knew that she did not have a leg to stand on and her parents would have confirmed this. She would have been bubbling up with anger inside. I believe she grabbed the brick and charged up to the room, found JC in bed and attacked him. I believe that, from that point at the least, it was all intentional.

She was a strong girl and with all that adrenalin, she would have been a force to be reckoned with, particular if you are being caught by surprise in your sleep. JC got out of bed, staggered and made his way to the bathroom, MM then goes to the garage, which is on the same level as their bedroom, grabs the baseball bat and further attacks JC as he emerges from the bathroom. At this point, I think that TM came up from the basement to a horrifying scene. SM also came up, they started assessing the scene and calming down. TM knew that he had to pick one, save JC or save MM. He choose wrong. He instructed SM to go back to bed, she could not be involved, hard enough two people sticking to a lie, but three. In the story they concocted, TM had to have some element of truth so he hit JC with the bat. Once he did this, he was up to it to his neck. This all happened well over an hour before they phoned 911.

TM thought, foolishly and arrogantly, that he was going to pull the wool over the eyes of local law enforcement. He lost, and he and the rest of his family will pay the price for the rest of their lives for his foolishness and arrogance.
I agree with all you wrote Frizby,From day one I had always thought it was Molly who did the all the damage and that TM was covering for her..
I think MM knew that JC was leaving, she saw the writing on the wall. She was mad, she phoned her parents numerous times, they realised that she was border-lining flipping out and jumped in their car to drive up. I believe that the arrival of TM & SM was a bit of a surprise to JC that day but took it in his stride. TM & SM had numerous conversations with MM that evening to try to calm the situation, all the while putting the blame on JC as him not being good enough for MM.

JC went off to bed for a peace while MM stayed up with her parents for a while, they eventually went to bed but MM, being agitated, was not able to sleep and started pacing around the property. She comes across the paver while she was pacing, the paver was in a pile by the back door which would be just outside where her parents were sleeping. She was mad with rage, realising that he was leaving and taking the children, the conversations that she had had earlier that night with her parents had dashed any hope, effectively they dismissed any fantasy she had. But during these conversations, I believe that they both placated her in a way they have always done, she was the little princess, he was the nasty Irish man, she was better than him. Making her feel important had worked with them in the past but a totally wrong tactic to take in this scenario. The conversations had got around to the domestic violence issues and the false case that she had been trying to establish. She knew that she did not have a leg to stand on and her parents would have confirmed this. She would have been bubbling up with anger inside. I believe she grabbed the brick and charged up to the room, found JC in bed and attacked him. I believe that, from that point at the least, it was all intentional.

She was a strong girl and with all that adrenalin, she would have been a force to be reckoned with, particular if you are being caught by surprise in your sleep. JC got out of bed, staggered and made his way to the bathroom, MM then goes to the garage, which is on the same level as their bedroom, grabs the baseball bat and further attacks JC as he emerges from the bathroom. At this point, I think that TM came up from the basement to a horrifying scene. SM also came up, they started assessing the scene and calming down. TM knew that he had to pick one, save JC or save MM. He choose wrong. He instructed SM to go back to bed, she could not be involved, hard enough two people sticking to a lie, but three. In the story they concocted, TM had to have some element of truth so he hit JC with the bat. Once he did this, he was up to it to his neck. This all happened well over an hour before they phoned 911.

TM thought, foolishly and arrogantly, that he was going to pull the wool over the eyes of local law enforcement. He lost, and he and the rest of his family will pay the price for the rest of their lives for his foolishness and arrogance.

I agree with a few differences. I think the bat was MM’s first weapon. I think it was in the garage, next to the Master Bedroom and not a new gift. MM began the carnage with that bat.

I think TM came upstairs and disarmed her....and she ran outside still in a fury. Tm and SM then tried to plan how to save their murderous daughter...and while they were distracted, MM returned with a new weapon...the landscape rock. She got in a few+more blows before they could restrain her again.

I suspect that SM played a larger part in this tragedy. I think she was also very attached to those beautiful children. SC was the beautiful healthy daughter she was denied. I think she insisted that TM drive down there. I think she got her brother involved. This is just speculation now....but the civil trial will reveal ßome bombshells IMO.
I agree with a few differences. I think the bat was MM’s first weapon. I think it was in the garage, next to the Master Bedroom and not a new gift. MM began the carnage with that bat.

I think TM came upstairs and disarmed her....and she ran outside still in a fury. Tm and SM then tried to plan how to save their murderous daughter...and while they were distracted, MM returned with a new weapon...the landscape rock. She got in a few+more blows before they could restrain her again.

I suspect that SM played a larger part in this tragedy. I think she was also very attached to those beautiful children. SC was the beautiful healthy daughter she was denied. I think she insisted that TM drive down there. I think she got her brother involved. This is just speculation now....but the civil trial will reveal ßome bombshells IMO.

Yeah I do think that SM played a much greater role in this and as you say, she was very attached to the children, particularly little SC. My reasoning for the brick being the first weapon is that it came from the back where the remaining bricks were after they got the landscaping work done, the exit to the back is in the basement. If it was a paver from the front I suspect it would have been identified by Law Enforcement as it would have been clear as missing. Whichever way it was, I do think that MM was in control of both.

The bat definitely was no present brought by them on their trip. Law Enforcement had pictures of little JC playing with it. Their story on this one was so lame but it sort of re-enforces their expectations of putting one over on local country cops. Expecting these photos to be entered into evidence in the Civil case and also the fact that the rest of the baseball gear was missing. They had to get rid of it to use the story that they brought the bat with them. Looks like the only thing they kept was the bat cover which MM crudely placed on top of little JC's clothes when posting a picture on her FB page. That was an awful thing to do, sickened me when I saw it.
i think mm drugged jc in the hope mixed with alcohol would make him aggressive she had her witness to the abuse daddy would rescue her and she would get custody of the children job done, it didnt work jc went to bed mm was running out of time went and got the paver bashed his head while he slept , he woke stumbled out of bed put his hand to his head stumbled to the bathroom switched on light transferring blood to light switch on his return from bathroom mm or sm strikes him with the bat im not convinced she was downstairs all the time. tm wakes goes upstairs jc is in a bad way on the floor they cant ring 911 as jc might survive and mm will be done for attempted murder tm takes control finishes of bashing jc until hes dead gets the story straight before dialling 911 he knew nothing of the paver when questioned thats why he didnt mention it in the 911 call i think if he knew about it he would have brought it in to play or got rid of it lighting in room was very dim is that why he didnt spot it

this is only my opinions and imaginative thoughts
I think MM called her parents in a panic that day because she knew JC was taking the kids away, and she already knew she didn't have any legal rights to custody unless JC was generous about giving her access. If he was concerned about issues in her relationship/ interaction with the kids, then she would know he wouldn't consider shared custody. Or shared custody wasn't enough, she wanted the kids to herself. So she rang her mother in a raging panic and her mother saw the situation in the same light. No idea what kind of interaction they had with Jason that night - if they argued it out with him openly or if they just acted like perfectly pleasant guests, but I'm guessing the latter, as he went to bed calmly, believing he was safe in his own home while his wife and in-laws were secretly fuming.
Someone suggested that maybe Molly's next plan was to get her parents to help her abduct the children (she picked them up from a friend/ neighbor late at night on her own, so there was something strange about that) but her father would have refused to be involved in a scheme so obviously illegal and impossible to justify (yes, I see the irony!) He goes to bed, maybe the mother does too, or maybe she stays up and supports Molly's fury. Now Molly is trapped with no way out. Her parents won't help her keep the kids and Jason is taking them away. She knows she can't stand up to him in a custody hearing, because she's already done her homework and she knows Jason has his own story to tell. Her only option is to wipe him out of the picture. I think she takes the paving stone into the bedroom alone, and starts beating him to death while he is asleep. The parents come running, they are aghast, but the father takes control of the situation, gets a baseball bat out of the toy area, and comes up with the idea that Jason started the fight with Molly and TM finished it.
I don't think TM realized how badly Molly had beaten JC - he didn't know how many injuries there were or how serious each one was individually. If he'd known, he would have concocted a different story and placed himself in a different role. His story would have held if Molly had only hit Jason once or twice and if Jason hadn't had so many defensive wounds and so many injuries that could only have happened after he was lying on the floor unconscious.
i think mm drugged jc in the hope mixed with alcohol would make him aggressive she had her witness to the abuse daddy would rescue her and she would get custody of the children job done, it didnt work jc went to bed mm was running out of time went and got the paver bashed his head while he slept , he woke stumbled out of bed put his hand to his head stumbled to the bathroom switched on light transferring blood to light switch on his return from bathroom mm or sm strikes him with the bat im not convinced she was downstairs all the time. tm wakes goes upstairs jc is in a bad way on the floor they cant ring 911 as jc might survive and mm will be done for attempted murder tm takes control finishes of bashing jc until hes dead gets the story straight before dialling 911 he knew nothing of the paver when questioned thats why he didnt mention it in the 911 call i think if he knew about it he would have brought it in to play or got rid of it lighting in room was very dim is that why he didnt spot it

this is only my opinions and imaginative thoughts

The brick did not fit into his story in any shape or form although I cannot understand how he did not see it when you look at the photos of the crime scene, it was right inside the door by the dresser. As to the medication, I don't personally think she gave it to him to make him aggressive as this is only a very slim side affect and it was only a small amount found in his system, you could not guarantee that it would affect someone in that manner, especially given that JC was supposedly so placid. I do think she gave them to him though, whether this was the beginning of her plan I don't know. Maybe she just wanted him out of the way while she did her princess meltdown to her parents.
While I have very little sympathy for TM, I think it's a tough call that his lawyers have withdrawn their services because his insurance can't cover their fee. The family sold a house valued at $700,000 plus recently, plus they have made $21,000 on their fundraising site. Sharon has a lawyer, Molly has a lawyer but Tom might have to represent himself? How quickly they have forgotten the family patriarch. It's karma for how Tom conspired to erase Jason from his family... now Tom has been erased from his own family, while Jason is loved, honored and remembered.
While I have very little sympathy for TM, I think it's a tough call that his lawyers have withdrawn their services because his insurance can't cover their fee. The family sold a house valued at $700,000 plus recently, plus they have made $21,000 on their fundraising site. Sharon has a lawyer, Molly has a lawyer but Tom might have to represent himself? How quickly they have forgotten the family patriarch. It's karma for how Tom conspired to erase Jason from his family... now Tom has been erased from his own family, while Jason is loved, honored and remembered.

The need for lawyers at this point is all of their own doing. Remember the Greed Grab...where, against Shipwash’s orders, they absconded with every material thing they could get their hands on....well, now they need lawyers to represent them in the estate case.

They could serve out their sentences instead of appealing, denying and lying. But they have appealed. That requires lawyers to handle the appeals.

They killed a good man, slandered his memory, defamed his former Father-in-law, tried to force his children to live with his murderess...never has a family been more tormented by crass and evil actions than the Corbetts. So now they need lawyers to handle a civil suit which will no doubt strip them of everything materially.

I feel no sympathy for any of them.
The way that I read the comment about the insurance is that it is home insurance. My home insurance and car insurance gives me the option, should I choose to take it & pay the additional premium, to cover me for legal expenses for other claims against me, it is very restrictive if you read the small print but it is also very cheap. It covers civil cases but in general it is only civil cases resulting in an action that the initial policy covered or was likely to cover. It does give me legal advice for all cases but it does not cover costs in the event of a suit. Insurance companies are always doing these add-on's but in general they are limited when you read the small print.

Ok - I get that but what 'house' or other insurance is MM relying on to cover further trial costs? She is apparently without financial means if the news reports are accurate.
The brick did not fit into his story in any shape or form although I cannot understand how he did not see it when you look at the photos of the crime scene, it was right inside the door by the dresser. As to the medication, I don't personally think she gave it to him to make him aggressive as this is only a very slim side affect and it was only a small amount found in his system, you could not guarantee that it would affect someone in that manner, especially given that JC was supposedly so placid. I do think she gave them to him though, whether this was the beginning of her plan I don't know. Maybe she just wanted him out of the way while she did her princess meltdown to her parents.

My take on this is that they fell out on the Friday night, she had pushed him too far. He told her he was leaving with the kids and so began all the frantic calls to her parents. MM hastily came up with a plan to keep the kids. She tried to placate Jason on the Saturday by playing the attentive wife, serving him drinks laced with the Trazadone, making small talk with the neighbours as though nothing had happened. I assumed she had intended to leave in the night with the kids while JC was in an ensured deep sleep, hence why she had collected the kids from the sleepover abrubtly. We know JC was already a heavy sleeper (as he had sought help for excessive snoring) so it wouldn't have taken alot of the drug to sedate him further.

There are a few possibilities for what happened next. I found it odd that MM was in her pyjamas suggesting that she and JC went to bed as normal that night, but yet TM was fully clothed. That could imply that both SM & TM were in on the plan and waiting for JC to fall asleep so they could whisk the kids and MM off into the night, hence no need to go to bed/get undressed. I will be interested to hear what SM was wearing during the civil trial.

Secondly, JC's passport on the bedside locker always implied to me that MM had been searching for the kids passports but couldn't find them. This could have been enough to spark violence in MM, her adrenaline would already have been high once her plan was in motion, her frustration that it was going wrong could have turned to violence quite quickly.

Where I'm stumped is the weapons. The fact that the paving brick most logically came from the pile outside the basement door, implicates SM & TM to a far greater degree IMO. If MM flashed with anger or temper the most logical thing she would use to beat JC would be something close to hand, the bedside lamp or something similar. The use of the paving brick and the fact the the majority of the phones in the home were found in the basement with SM, implies to me at least that they were in conference in the basement, possibly once MM had tried and failed to find the kids passports.

So then they were left with two options, go back to sleep and try to convince JC not to leave in the morning. Or go with the back up plan MM had been developing all along, the abusive husband theory. They already had a recording of him shouting, if they could just get something more substantial that would be enough to prevent JC taking the kids and leaving, they would be able to get a temp order giving her custody of the kids until they had time to figure something else out. Perhaps if MM hit him with something hard in his sleep he would lash out, injure her and they would be able to phone 911? What could they use that would be hard enough to startle him awake from his induced sleep? Enter brick. However, JC is a big man, TM had to have considered that it may go wrong and he would need to intervene, his training would have told him to have a back up. Enter bat.

I don't think the murder was pre-meditated per se, but I do believe there was a plan to provoke JC into a reaction that would result in them gaining custody of the kids. I just don't think the Martens had anticipated that JC would not react, would not lash out, and so they were left with no choice but to finish the job. They had lost the kids and were going to jail either way, for aggravated assault and battery, or with the opportunity to convince people that they had no choice and the chance they would walk free and keep the kids. Enter closed door so they could finish the job and JC had no chance of escape. Arrogance and anger won that night IMO and all three perpetrators were equally complicit in what happened.

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