I often wonder was the murder carried out, staging done and then clothes changed perps washed as tm would have known blood spatter on clothing would incriminate one more than the other.I've wondered about the clothes too. Why isn't there more blood on those clothes? That picture of MM holding her hands out at the police station looks like she just came from a disappointing pajama party not the scene of a rage killing. The small amount they found could have been picked up as they staged the scene or moved the vacuum.
Another puzzle.
Clothes changed, scene set, the postmortem hits, causing the brain matter on mm and the splatter on inner side of tm shorts, that's why imo no arterial blood was found on either tm or mm, their victims heart had ceased to beat before they had changed and carried out the staging hits postmortem.
He was so ignorant really, he was fbi but thought he could outwit the blood spatter expert also imo,
Didn't work !
Third party disposes of wet wipes, clothes, Jason's clothes????? ....civil suit??
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