GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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All we are bring told it that MM had "no visible injuries". That is all the police report says. Then everyone assumes, ok she wasn't injuried so this isn't sef defence. It is good practice to photograph the neck for a number of days afterwards to see if buising appears....they were interveiew once the following day and that was it. I am sure her legal team would have advised her that she get checked and if there was any markings at all they will have them as their defense. The police report, going on observations of that night and the following morning only....stated "no visible injuries", so redness ( which usually subside after a few minutes), hoarse voice, dizzyness, difficulty swallowing, headaches....none of these constitute a "visible injury". They want bruises and scratches. I really hope they did a fingerprint test on her neck. This would put to rest once and for all if the clamins of strangulation are tru or not. Whilst difficult to lift prints off live skin the technology is there to do it very effectively if done only a few hours afterwards.....surely they would have done this straight away after hearing her claims of strangulation? It could rule the claim in or out very quickly and end a lot of speculation. This is from a crime tecghnican journal about lifting prints from live skin. I have done this myself, if the person is used to it and applies the iodine carefully you can get a clear print easy enough. Again if done very soon after the event.

" Lifting fingerprints from human skin is one of the hardest tasks a crime scene technician can attempt. There are many factors that contribute to the rapid deterioration of the fingerprints on human skin. Heat, moisture, age of the fingerprint, condition of the skin, and environmental exposure all affect recovery. Most prints on human skin must be recovered within the first few hours of deposit. There are many chemical applications used to enhance fingerprints on human skin. Cyanoacrylate (superglue), fuming (then treated with a luminescent stain), iodine fuming, and ninhydrin are just a few of the chemicals used for enhancing fingerprints on dead bodies. The most common techniques for preserving prints off of “live” skin are the use of magneticpowders, lifting paper, and photography"

adding link to quoted citation:
Yes this occurred re bombarding the DAs office. I seen this referred to many times on the J4J where supporters were encouraged to email the DAs office on a daily basis to enquire about arrests and charges etc. Just looked online to see had the press picked up on it but guess they didn't as I couldn't find anything. I didn't think much of it at the time to be honest other than that the DA would be very annoyed at his inbox being clogged daily!. I know how frustrating it is to have to sift through a lot of emails daily to find the priority ones and if i received hoardes of emails of this nature the red mist would be descending. Other Urgent mail and emails containing important info can get swallowed up and missed v easily. If it were just the Corbett family contacting him with enquiries I don't see anything wrong with that, they are the victims family, he of course would communicate with them I'm sure and reassure them but a bit bizarre canvassing for the public at large to do it.
Thats not evidence Hotchips.
The only reference to 'pulled hair' that I'm aware of is in Jason's autopsy as items preserved. I assumed the medical examiner pulled it for testing.

The following items are released with the body
The following items are preserved as evidence
Pulled hair; blood card; ring

What is the blood card they refer to with his personal effects?? How could he have been carrying his blood card, which to me is the card detailing his blood type which would normally be kept in a wallet, if he were naked? Is this something molly provided the EMTs with or is this something entirely different?
I must admit I was baffled by your medical terminology which I suspect was intentional. I contacted a friend of mine that does have medical knowledge to go through it with me to see if your claims had any substance. Together we decided if you were taking the finger injuries and unexplained abrasions alone into consideration without any other autopsy facts or character analysis yo u may have a point Here are different areas of the skull....................................................

Wow, that is some post Steph, excellent.

Only deleted the text in my reply due to length.
What is the blood card they refer to with his personal effects?? How could he have been carrying his blood card, which to me is the card detailing his blood type which would normally be kept in a wallet, if he were naked? Is this something molly provided the EMTs with or is this something entirely different?

I suspect, but could be totally wrong as I have asked this question before, that it is a Blood Reference Card detailing samples they took during the autopsy.
have you ever found a grand jury that did not follow a prosecutors recommendation to indictment? That's why here there is debate on whether or not we need a Grand Jury as 99% of Grand Juries follow the prosecutors recommendations; they are a rubber stamp for the DA.

A lot of the defence will look at how this case was investigated to start with. They will ask why the persons of interest were only interviewed once, very unusual. I would want to hear their story then bring them back in to try catch them out and question more. Also the evidence gathered for search warrants were purely circumstantial. Did they finger print her neck? Read about a new laser light that certain LE are using that highlights fingerprints on a neck where there is no visible markings. This is open to debate as to whether it was said or not but a friend of MM ( not relative) made a claim saying a police officer said 'women who curl their hair in my experience rarely are victims of DV'....presume he meant if a victim of DV would not be a glamorous person. Could they claim a prejudice/bias towards taking her claims seriously? Also the bombarding of the DA's office, whilst the DA will of course claim they were impartial, there were even Irish politicians calling as well as thousands of emails demanding a charge being brought. Just thinking of Stephen Avery and claims made the DA was under pressure to bring a charge, also he met the victims family ( and rightly so) a lot more that the persons of interest so he was hearing their side of the story a lot. Just claims the defence will make to say there may have been an inherent bias in the investigation from the outset. I'm not saying there was....just thinking that is an angel a defence will use.

As an Irish person that has been interested in this case from the beginning I'd like to know where you found the information that Irish politicians were calling the DA's office. When I read your post I remembered there was news reports stating that the Irish Government were slow to get involved and help the Corbett family. It was in relation to the custody case. Now considering they were of the opinion that it was a matter for the Consulate and the Dept. of Foreign Affairs and that the process had to take place under US law, I'm wondering where you got the information that they put pressure on the DA to bring charges.
Wow, that is some post Steph, excellent.

Only deleted the text in my reply due to length.

Yes agreed, well done Stephen for the time you put into trying to dicipher the medicals. Not easily done unless in the medical field. I am totally lost on the majority of the terminology and therefore haven't offered any theory as such on this. Medical terminology is not my forte! I need to sit down and spend some time with a medical dictionary to hand.
I would like to know how long Molly's nails were and if they took scrapings from under her nails. Many strangulation victims scratch their own necks in a panic to release the attackers grip and breathe.

We know that somehow MM had no marks on her neck, showing anything like that. Did MM have any DNA from Jason under her nails? I can't picture her standing there limp, with her arms at her side, allowing hands to take her breath away.

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Ref post Stephendoddy
Thanks for making that post Steven.. its good to look at it again and contemplate the massive force that must have been required to cause such injuries. Dumbfounded made a post last night regarding the base of skull fracture.. that was enlightening but again, I wonder at the velocity and seemingly abnormal for a human, strength that must have been required the fracture the skull to such an extent.. I dont even see how a baseball bat could do this.
I have , however seen other refs to landscaping stones as being rock like, big heavy rocks..

Its most interesting that the Martens arrived at 20,30 Had the children left for their party at that time?
if so, why did TM state the reason he did not give the child the 'new bat' was that the child had been absent when they arrived as opposed to 'I forgot', or indeed that when the children were brought home at 23.30 that it was too late?

There is lots more to be learnt from this autopsy report.
Ref post Stephendoddy
Thanks for making that post Steven.. its good to look at it again and contemplate the massive force that must have been required to cause such injuries. Dumbfounded made a post last night regarding the base of skull fracture.. that was enlightening but again, I wonder at the velocity and seemingly abnormal for a human, strength that must have been required the fracture the skull to such an extent.. I dont even see how a baseball bat could do this.
I have , however seen other refs to landscaping stones as being rock like, big heavy rocks..

Its most interesting that the Martens arrived at 20,30 Had the children left for their party at that time?
if so, why did TM state the reason he did not give the child the 'new bat' was that the child had been absent when they arrived as opposed to 'I forgot', or indeed that when the children were brought home at 23.30 that it was too late?

There is lots more to be learnt from this autopsy report.

I had wondered what time they arrived . is this new information? It's possible they were present then when some of the neighbours where there for drinks. It will be interesting to know what they observed when they arrived as in was there a normal happy to see you greeting or a frosty one between Jason and the martens.
There was an attempt in Australia when a man went to trial for the murder of an Irish girl ( sorry her name is lost to me)....both prosecution abs defence applied to the judge for a Facebook media ban as the presumption of guilt and pre-trial bias could jeopardise both a prosecution and conviction. In some US states judges have issued pre-trial media bans due to the risk of tainting jury pool as well as presumption of guilt being spread far and wide before any trial even happened. Think it will happen more and more.

Would that be the Jill Meagher case? One of the issues there was identification - they did not want the suspect's photos and criminal background being circulated online between the arrest and the court case, as this could contaminate witness statements. Here we have Tom's 911 call being compared to the autopsy results. Eventually the jury will be comparing the same two items with the additional benefit of hearing from other witnesses, such as paramedics, the police who first viewed the crime scene, Sharon Martens, neighbors etc.
I had wondered what time they arrived . is this new information? It's possible they were present then when some of the neighbours where there for drinks. It will be interesting to know what they observed when they arrived as in was there a normal happy to see you greeting or a frosty one between Jason and the martens.
The point of my post was to throw a light on tM's amnesia.
Sorry the edit function doesnt work on my tablet. The mystery of the bat(s) won't become apparent until more info is released on this
Sorry the edit function doesnt work on my tablet. The mystery of the bat(s) won't become apparent until more info is released on this

He has claimed he 'forgot' to give it to the boy.
According to this timing, its quite possible the children had already left for the party when he arrived.
It was late when they arrived home.. were the martens already in bed? Or did they consider it to be too late to be giving presents?

Its not a memory lapse in that situation.. Is it?
He has claimed he 'forgot' to give it to the boy.
According to this timing, its quite possible the children had already left for the party when he arrived.
It was late when they arrived home.. were the martens already in bed? Or did they consider it to be too late to be giving presents?

Its not a memory lapse in that situation.. Is it?

In my experience of living in both countries, Americans tend to be much more "early to bed and early to rise" than Irish people. I would think that especially for older people, 11:30 PM would be considered pretty late. Very late for children, too.

In my experience of living in both countries, Americans tend to be much more "early to bed and early to rise" than Irish people. I would think that especially for older people, 11:30 PM would be considered pretty late. Very late for children, too.

okay, they arrived at 20.30.
We do not know whether jason was aware of their visit.
They probably had some food, small talk etc..
2- 2 and a half hours? Tired following drive?
Children brought home 23-23.30.
Assuming the bringing home of the children was unplanned, something must have sparked off, either after the parents arrival or after their retirement to bed..
if the latter, there was a relatively small window of time during which mother became suffficiently aggravated that she went to collect the children?
its possible they had been asleep in the other house and had to be awakened .
Is it likely they would go straight back to sleep , once home, or would it take 30-45 minutes to settle them?
(stupid questions due to fact I know nothing about childrens' habits)
Assuming it took 30 minutes to get them back in their own beds, without seeing grandma and grandpa and taking the guessed travel time and the sharing of niceties with the kids' hosts, could we say they were in bed by midnight?

That would give a full 3 hours.
kids in bed
grandparents in bed.

Is it likely the grandparents' visit in some way caused the fatal attack on Jason?
Woud it have happened if they had not been in the house?

What was Molly's relationship with each of her parents?
Assuming the bringing home of the children was unplanned, something must have sparked off, either after the parents arrival or after their retirement to bed..
if the latter, there was a relatively small window of time during which mother became suffficiently aggravated that she went to collect the children?
its possible they had been asleep in the other house and had to be awakened .

Interesting, maybe the children were supposed to be on a sleepover (speculation, due to the lateness of the hour) and MM just decided to go and fetch them. I can see how this would anger JC. I would doubt if he would express any displeasure in front of the children. He would have waited until the children were sound asleep in their beds before saying anything. There would definitely be tensions if this happened.
Interesting, maybe the children were supposed to be on a sleepover (speculation, due to the lateness of the hour) and MM just decided to go and fetch them. I can see how this would anger JC. I would doubt if he would express any displeasure in front of the children. He would have waited until the children were sound asleep in their beds before saying anything. There would definitely be tensions if this happened.
So either a sleepover or her parents arrived unexpectedly which delayed the collecting of the children at a reasonable hour?
What time do kids go to bed in August in USA?
Yes, its more likely it was a planned sleepover.

How far away was the house? Did it involve a car journey?
Was Molly fit to drive following social occasion earlier?
Could this be an explanation for the row that erupted?
Assuming he did indeed await their retirement, would that be more likely to be 1am or earlier?
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