GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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the 'tendancy' to portray Molly as a monster suggests a homogenous view.
Molly does that to Molly by her words and deeds following the murder of her husband.
StMaryMead made a very good point a little earlier re the 'mothers in ireland on mothers day' in the full knowledge that the mother of the man killed would be celebrating her first mother's day without her much loved son. It struck me in the pit of my stomach in the way certain truths do. You just have a knowing and a terrible awareness reaches one's conscious mind that, yet again humanity has reached a new level of hell. Lets call it, shall we?
The victim's name is Jason Corbett. He was savagely murdered in cold blood in a particularly cruel and callous manner, this is suggestive of a long slow death where help was witheld- Source- 'heinous atrocious and cruel.
3 damning adjectives.
used with cold deliberation.
Quite simply, victim blaming has no part in this.
Nor is it any of anyone's business, apart from gossip mongering how and why he decided to move to the USA.
I suspect he was young and in love.
He was brave. He was one of life's givers. Theres not many around.
I think it would be extraordinarily unwise of the defence to try to assassinate his character.
They have however shown everything except wisdom and professionalism to date..
.. still reeling from the press release about the 'expert' who is going to testify that Jason's blood c2h5oh level went from rocket high to just a single beer in the 7 hours since his death.
I often consider and meditate upon what spiritual plane these beings are taking guidance. Its pretty creepy
I don't think the issue of how Molly became an au pair has been brought up, because I don't think people foresaw it as relevant to the case. Molly was the fourth au pair that Jason had tried prior to returning to work full time, so one could reason that he had used an agency so he could choose from a number of suitable candidates to get the right fit. I also believe it was stated on social media, that they had spoken both on the phone and via e-mail numerous times before she accepted the position. It seems as though it was all above board....I'm not sure digging this far into the past is benefitting the case. If there was the potential to uncover something sinister from Molly's past then it would make sense, but alot of sleuthing has happened over the two threads and no-one seems to be able to shed any light on Molly's 'missing years', or indeed anything concrete to suggest that this murder was pre-meditated.
premeditation is a loose term.
who stood to benefit from Jason's death?
If one were to 'club' a person with a rock or a bat, and lay in wait for them, maybe standing on a chair inside the door and whacked them when they came into the room.. that would pre-meditative, would it not? It would have required a degree of organisation, thought, pre-planning etc.
Before one makes a cake one collects the ingredients.
Its possible she had inordinate fixations with bats and rocks and slept with them every night but theres nothing 'concrete' to suggest that might have been the case. Reasonable doubt? Statistics on bat/rock fetishes/ ? Expert opinions?
I think pre-meditative certainly does arise in the scenario as described by Stevendoddy.. a point is always reached where a decision needs making on whether to proceed or not.
She possibly did proceed and that is possibly because she had already decided she wanted him out of her life.
BTW who is footing the bill for #GoodGollyMissMolly's experts?
Is it being funded by monies taken by her from the family estate in the days and weeks following his death?
the ultimate betrayal.
the 'tendancy' to portray Molly as a monster suggests a homogenous view.
Molly does that to Molly by her words and deeds following the murder of her husband.
StMaryMead made a very good point a little earlier re the 'mothers in ireland on mothers day' in the full knowledge that the mother of the man killed would be celebrating her first mother's day without her much loved son. It struck me in the pit of my stomach in the way certain truths do. You just have a knowing and a terrible awareness reaches one's conscious mind that, yet again humanity has reached a new level of hell. Lets call it, shall we?
The victim's name is Jason Corbett. He was savagely murdered in cold blood in a particularly cruel and callous manner, this is suggestive of a long slow death where help was witheld- Source- 'heinous atrocious and cruel.
3 damning adjectives.
used with cold deliberation.
Quite simply, victim blaming has no part in this.
Nor is it any of anyone's business, apart from gossip mongering how and why he decided to move to the USA.
I suspect he was young and in love.
He was brave. He was one of life's givers. Theres not many around.
I think it would be extraordinarily unwise of the defence to try to assassinate his character.
They have however shown everything except wisdom and professionalism to date..
.. still reeling from the press release about the 'expert' who is going to testify that Jason's blood c2h5oh level went from rocket high to just a single beer in the 7 hours since his death.
I often consider and meditate upon what spiritual plane these beings are taking guidance. Its pretty creepy

Thank you, Kitty, for such a powerful post.

Here is what Molly wrote...knowing that somewhere in Ireland, the elderly woman she called Mother-in-law was spending her first Mothers Day without her murdered son.

And so she, the murderer, posts this:

Molly Martens Corbett
March 6 at 6:53pm ·
Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers I know in Ireland today. I hope you had a beautiful day, full of cards, flowers, breakfasts in bed and love, love, love.
I believe there was some speculation in the beginning from MM supporters, that Jason was abusing Molly, but it was put forward that the basis of this was that he was controlling and emotionally abusive, rather than physically abusive. I believe a member of the family implied that he was in fact using the children as a weapon to force Molly to remain with him....however, I think there has been plenty of information posted here previously on the options available to Molly should that have been the case, particularly her rights to the children should there be a perceived threat to them. Again I think the prosecution would have a strong case to dismiss this theory as a possible defense.

I think there will be plenty of character witnesses in this case, called on both sides, but I think ultimately it will come down to what happened that night. From the information we actually have, the level of overkill applied in this situation is excessive regardless of the personalities involved.
do you have new evidence that he was controlling or emotionally abusive or just 'throwing it in there'?
Electric Sheep, Jason's wife was a woman named Mags . She was an extraordinarily successful and well regarded business woman.
She ran wonderful creche facilities, people were queuing to place their children in one of her creches.
She was dynamic, she had a brilliant mind, she was witty and she was bright.
She was known to be a genius at child care, ahead of her time.
People still speak of her work.
She was the kind of woman who would know your soul just be looking at you. I knew her to see and we shared many smiles (I had a massive dog and my mother hated to see me coming to visit with dog in tow he was huge but an eternal puppy, which was awkward, for many/most people)
Mags would often be in the garden when I would arrive with trepidition, with his nibs and she would just throw back her head and roar laughing.
She was a beautiful light.
My big dog died the same night Mags Corbett died. I was devastated and the local community were stricken and grief struck for a very long time afterwards.
That is not usual in rural Ireland.

The anecdote is by way of explaining context. She was in the business of child care, she was highly experienced and highly qualified. Finding a suitable nanny is never an easy business but its easier when one is in the business.
I actually worked for an agency that placed nurses doctors and nannys in the USA and the middle east several years ago. And yes, nannys were allowed to apply for Green Cards after a period of either a year or 18 months in the uSA.
The process of obtaining Green Cards is much more complex since 9/11, but still San Bernadino happened just some months ago.. and flawed visa processes is being bandied around as one of the contributory factors.
Ireland's laws are far more lax.. its much easier for an American to live and even work here.
If Jason had advertised and an experienced and reputable agency presented her or even if she replied directly and produced good character references and a glossy CV she could have been hired.
This is a beautiful post...I'm so sorry for your loss...
Thank you, Kitty, for such a powerful post.

Here is what Molly wrote...knowing that somewhere in Ireland, the elderly woman she called Mother-in-law was spending her first Mothers Day without her murdered son.

And so she, the murderer, posts this:

Molly Martens Corbett
March 6 at 6:53pm ·
Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers I know in Ireland today. I hope you had a beautiful day, full of cards, flowers, breakfasts in bed and love, love, love.
I am perceiving a barb at Tracey in this as well.
Because Tracey has what she wants.

It creeps me out completely.
i have wondered about this too however if the passports were in fact kept in his office, why was this...... if he were in fact afriad of mollys behaviour towards his children, he locked them away, but then again he was happy enough for her to care for them on a daily basis while he was at work so this does not add up for me. i have always had a niggle about this, no matter what behaviours molly expressed towards him or the children, he still was happy for her to care for the children over a period of several years while this alleged behaviour was going on. he could have made subtle steps to limit her time with the chidlren like encouraging her to seek work outside the home and sourcing other child care arrangements. she most likely was volitile but has descriptions of her character been exagerrated?? we are not sure. However, on the flip side, as mentioned IF the passports and other items belonging to the children such as perhaps birth certs etc were indeed locked in his office, the defence could use this to their advantage too.....having items locked away from you etc could be exhibited as controlling behaviour towards her. Just saying.... my opinion only! depends on the individual looking from the outside in.

There could be a simple explanation such as a fire-proof safe at work, so he felt they were more secure locked up at work; or he had taken them there for some reason because of the upcoming trip. Or maybe he found out that she was talking to divorce lawyers about getting custody of the children and he decided the documents were safer at his work than in the home. I agree though, there is an inconsistency between allowing her to keep caring for the children and not trusting her with their passports. Maybe it was one of those marriages where he could tell himself she loves the children, she'd never do anything to hurt them - this would indicate he hadn't seen any of the incidents mentioned by his sister. If he thought Molly was cruel to the children, it would have been easier for him to walk away.
This is a beautiful post...I'm so sorry for your loss...

Electric Sheep, Jason's wife was a woman named Mags . She was an extraordinarily successful and well regarded business woman.
She ran wonderful creche facilities, people were queuing to place their children in one of her creches.
She was dynamic, she had a brilliant mind, she was witty and she was bright.
She was known to be a genius at child care, ahead of her time.
People still speak of her work.
She was the kind of woman who would know your soul just be looking at you. I knew her to see and we shared many smiles (I had a massive dog and my mother hated to see me coming to visit with dog in tow he was huge but an eternal puppy, which was awkward, for many/most people)
Mags would often be in the garden when I would arrive with trepidition, with his nibs and she would just throw back her head and roar laughing.
She was a beautiful light.
My big dog died the same night Mags Corbett died. I was devastated and the local community were stricken and grief struck for a very long time afterwards.
That is not usual in rural Ireland.

The anecdote is by way of explaining context. She was in the business of child care, she was highly experienced and highly qualified. Finding a suitable nanny is never an easy business but its easier when one is in the business.
I actually worked for an agency that placed nurses doctors and nannys in the USA and the middle east several years ago. And yes, nannys were allowed to apply for Green Cards after a period of either a year or 18 months in the uSA.
The process of obtaining Green Cards is much more complex since 9/11, but still San Bernadino happened just some months ago.. and flawed visa processes is being bandied around as one of the contributory factors.
Ireland's laws are far more lax.. its much easier for an American to live and even work here.
If Jason had advertised and an experienced and reputable agency presented her or even if she replied directly and produced good character references and a glossy CV she could have been hired.

Mags sounds like she was just a lovely person in all regards. IIRC, JC mourned her deeply and paid his respects to her, on a very regular basis, after her untimely and tragic death. From all accounts, JC and Mags were soul mates in all aspects of their lives.
Please understand what I am about to say: I wholeheartedly think MM went totally off the deep end on the night of the murder; TM assisted her in planning a "exit" strategy. There is no excuse for MM's social media "campaigns" and other stunts she has pulled since JC's murder.
But- I can see how MM might feel she would never live up to Mags insofar as her role as JC's wife, especially while living in Ireland, hence thinking a move to the US might take some of the pressure of comparing her to Mags. I don't doubt missing her family, etc played a role in her wanting to move as well.
I don't think anyone could have lived up to Mags, and maybe that is okay.... maybe that is fairly common when a young mother of a devoted husbands suffers such a tragedy. I've never been in that situation- married or in a relationship with a widower.
It seems to me there must be a balance between respecting JC's love of Mags and the commitment he made to MM as her husband. I wonder if that balance was ever reached with MM and JC? How much of it was based upon MM's seemingly emotional/mental unbalance? Was the insecurity MM very well had plant the seeds of discord between the two?
The autopsy showed rage and overkill, I agree. But I can't help but wonder if just a little of MM's frustration came from not being Mags.
I can understand why JC didn't want MM to formally adopt the children. Mags was their Mom and out of respect for Mags, I probably would have made the same decision as JC. This, in and of itself, should not have threatened MM. In a healthy family system, she would have been, for all practical purposes, their Mom, whether or not there had been a legal adoption.
I suppose what I am trying to say is Mags was larger than life and I have a feeling JC didn't take the proper time to grieve so he could love another woman properly. I do not think, from what I've read here, there was DV on the part of JC but I do wonder if MM sensed he was still in love with Mags, to the point he was unable to love MM (or any other woman) at that point in his life.
Just an observation from a total outsider... And MOO.
I agree there comes a point you are no longer just protecting yourself you have made a conciseness decision to murder . We can assume Jason hadn't hit them with the bat because neither have any marks. So the first slap across the head would have done the job in the self defence side of things. He was continuously beaten till there was no chance of him surviving. Accidents do happen but in my humble opinion Jasons death was not . If it had been one blow to the head and not multiple then I could believe the self defence not with overkill. In my eyes it is murder maybe there was no premeditation in the days or weeks before but they did want him dead

I completely agree.
do you have new evidence that he was controlling or emotionally abusive or just 'throwing it in there'?

I'm simply referring to something the defense have already put into the public realm. My understanding of Websleuths is that it is an opportunity for amateur sleuthers to review the evidence of a case, to pick it apart and to try to establish facts that an overburdened police force may miss by examining and re-examining the main suspects and evidence of a case. Whether it is hurtful or not, part of that process is surely to examine the theories that the defense will potentially use? If you read my post, I actually agree with your following point that what took Jason to America or how she became the au pair has little relevence to the events of that night.

I don't understand the agression on this page sometimes, and I don't feel it's helpful. Understanding where the defense will go with regards to their defense of Molly is helpful, not only in that it gives us an opportunity to come up with credible arguments against those theories, but also, it gives the Corbett's the advantage of hearing these theories in public prior to a very public trial so they can try to mentally prepare themselves for what they are about to face. Jason is the victim here, the Corbett's need all the help they can get to ensure justice is served for him. Jumping down the throat of anyone who puts forward a new slant/different opinion is helping nobody. IMO
You are correct that it does not preclude her from using rape as a defense. She can float any defense...she can say Jason was levitating in the air and she hit him in utter shock and amazement. My point it believable by a jury? I think in the first questioning in ones panic to save oneself...that would be crucial to say. Very weird NOT to say. After all, she's assassinating her husband's reputation anyway. She already is saying he's dead because he is a attempted murderer.

The questions about her veracity are not based on being unable to find any record of her graduation. But it does become interesting when internet postings of hers say she went to both Clemson and Emory. More problems were cited at the custody hearing, where there was sworn testimony that she claimed to have been a close friend of the dead first wife, a champion swimmer, etc. There is sworn testimony that she says she is bipolar.

When the authorities executed a search warrant to search her house and took pictures of the boy with the bat, she write a sob story days later that it was the Irish relatives who broke into her house and stole pictures. I find it incredible that neither the authorities nor her attorneys gave her paperwork for that search warrant.

How will a jury see her? They will see a FB record of a young woman provided with a lovely home, expensive clothes, expensive travel...her parents along for the ride much of the time. Perhaps they will ask, if she was being raped and beaten, why her FBI father didn't have a legal solution for her, or a safe refuge for her, or lawyers for her...but murder was their only option? If they FLEW down there to help her...why not get her out of there and WHY bring the kids back into that mess at 11PM when they are safely someplace else?

Because if she could pick them up alone to take them back to the Murder House, she could have kept going and called her parents to tell them to help her.

My opinion only.

Sorry if I may have missed this part, been meaning to ask for awhile. But how do we know the kids were brought back home at 11pm and that it wasn't a planned thing?
Sorry if I may have missed this part, been meaning to ask for awhile. But how do we know the kids were brought back home at 11pm and that it wasn't a planned thing?

It was reported in some of the early media. If you read the full two threads here on WS you can find it.
I completely agree.

Im just thinking of the emotional abuse that the defence is probably going to use . I would think that the prosecution would be able discredit it on the basis of the whole picture of a typical abusive partner . Most emotional abusers especially an abuser that is the sole earner uses finical control . We know that Molly had a credit card in her own name which she made purchases with, that is was named on the joint accounts and had access to the money from the bank. Emotional abusers like to isolate their victim from family friends and cut them off social activities etc it seems from what Molly has shown on her FB and Instagram accounts this is not the case either she even claimed "he didn't take any of the pictures" . She spent a lot of time with her family , was very involved in school activities, was the teachers aide in Sarah's class , was the swim coach , went baseball games , held parties at their home and attended social events . Some emotional abusers especially men dictate what their victim wears because they are jealous of the fact other men would find them attractive. Molly doesn't dress overly conservatively not suggesting she dresses overly sexually either but she definitely isnt covered from head to toe. She also teaches swim where she would be wearing a swim suit or bikini. I am not suggesting she isn't entitled to do that what I'm suggesting is what she is trying to claim and the image she portrays are contradicting each other . Regarding the divorce lawyer she consulted about custody of the children . We looked into that and found some reasons why a step parent may get sole custody of step children and found DV was one and anther was that the step parent was the sole care giver of the children. If for instances she started doing all of these activities after her consulting the divorce lawyer and maybe started volunteering at abused wives centres , she could have made friends with people specialising in the DV sector. She may have been doing those things in order to gain custody but the prosecution could argue these were steps taken by her in order to back up her claims of abused wife . I myself was thinking about premeditated between parties but maybe the lesser charge was put there because they found evidence that there were plans made just not by both of them. This is purely speculation on my part
Im just thinking of the emotional abuse that the defence is probably going to use . I would think that the prosecution would be able discredit it on the basis of the whole picture of a typical abusive partner . Most emotional abusers especially an abuser that is the sole earner uses finical control . We know that Molly had a credit card in her own name which she made purchases with, that is was named on the joint accounts and had access to the money from the bank. Emotional abusers like to isolate their victim from family friends and cut them off social activities etc it seems from what Molly has shown on her FB and Instagram accounts this is not the case either she even claimed "he didn't take any of the pictures" . She spent a lot of time with her family , was very involved in school activities, was the teachers aide in Sarah's class , was the swim coach , went baseball games , held parties at their home and attended social events . Some emotional abusers especially men dictate what their victim wears because they are jealous of the fact other men would find them attractive. Molly doesn't dress overly conservatively not suggesting she dresses overly sexually either but she definitely isnt covered from head to toe. She also teaches swim where she would be wearing a swim suit or bikini. I am not suggesting she isn't entitled to do that what I'm suggesting is what she is trying to claim and the image she portrays are contradicting each other . Regarding the divorce lawyer she consulted about custody of the children . We looked into that and found some reasons why a step parent may get sole custody of step children and found DV was one and anther was that the step parent was the sole care giver of the children. If for instances she started doing all of these activities after her consulting the divorce lawyer and maybe started volunteering at abused wives centres , she could have made friends with people specialising in the DV sector. She may have been doing those things in order to gain custody but the prosecution could argue these were steps taken by her in order to back up her claims of abused wife . I myself was thinking about premeditated between parties but maybe the lesser charge was put there because they found evidence that there were plans made just not by both of them. This is purely speculation on my part

That's a really good point! It would seem that Jason tried his hardest to provide Molly with the life that she desired. She chose the house, he sent money to pay for it, she coached the swim team, he sponsored it....she would have had no basis to keep the children if her desire was to leave him (and rekindle an old romance?!) I wonder if there is a way we could establish how long she had volunteered with the refuge and if in fact this did coincide with the visit to the divorce lawyer?

Also, just looked into the definition of premeditation as cited under NC law...

In NC the law with regard to self defense has recently changed to redefine the terms of self defense -

The main point of interest to us is the following ;

'New G.S. 14-51.3 addresses the right to use deadly and nondeadly force to defend oneself and others... For example, the statute states that a person is justified in using deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat in any place he or she has the lawful right to be if the person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself, herself, or others.' It appears from further reading that sexual assault is the slam dunk of self defense claims, it therefore becomes clear why the rumours of domestic violence, subtle hints of something darker etc were so quick to be put in the public realm by the Martens. Rather than a 'heat of the moment' argument referred to in the 911 call (which would have probably resulted in a quilty for the Voluntary Manslaughter charge) if they can prove that they were defending themselves against an immediate threat to life (or even defending against a sexual assault) they could BOTH walk away free and clear.

Another interesting point - 'New G.S. 14-51.4 describes the circumstances in which a person is not entitled to rely on the defenses in new G.S. 14-51.2 and G.S. 14-51.3—for example, when a person is the aggressor by initially provoking the use of force against himself or herself' ....this may prove interesting if the statements by those having dinner with Molly and Jason on the Friday night are taken into consideration, and perhaps why she was so concerned about the children's recollections of the nights events?
Wudnt Jason have requested references and expected her to have experience with children? Assuming this to be true, what experience did she have with children other than babysitting for family which is completely different to caring full time for v young babies/toddlers.Who gave references? Did she have any background in childcare.. I really would like to know that.
If you go through the old posts you will find a reference to a Yahoo account Molly owned in 2006. In that account she claimed she was a teacher. In the same account she posted 2 questions, They were both posted in the same year and each concerned queries regarding a stepchild she claimed was hers. The posts either referred to 2 different children or one child who managed to age by 2 years or three in the course of a single year!One of these queries requested ideas for a birthday party, the other requested advice for a Disney email address for a young child who was her stepchild too. This suggests a serial behaviour.
She also responded to a query regarding public university education vs private in which she stated she was a teacher and had attended Clemson university.
The post was made months ago, I'm not sure how to find it, perhaps somebody more proficient with the workings can find it quickly?
If you go through the old posts you will find a reference to a Yahoo account Molly owned in 2006. In that account she claimed she was a teacher. In the same account she posted 2 questions, They were both posted in the same year and each concerned queries regarding a stepchild she claimed was hers. The posts either referred to 2 different children or one child who managed to age by 2 years or three in the course of a single year!One of these queries requested ideas for a birthday party, the other requested advice for a Disney email address for a young child who was her stepchild too. This suggests a serial behaviour.
She also responded to a query regarding public university education vs private in which she stated she was a teacher and had attended Clemson university.
The post was made months ago, I'm not sure how to find it, perhaps somebody more proficient with the workings can find it quickly?

heres a link

Is there a possibility that there was some truth to the postings Molly made on the yahoo forum? Could it be that she was married out of college and that's why there is no record of a Molly Martens during this time as she would have gone by her married name? I think it can be quite common to keep active e-mail accounts etc in your maiden name even once you're married (as Molly obviously did despite being married to Jason) If it ended badly, Molly may have chosen to keep the details to herself, especially if she chose to embark on a new life in Ireland. It's possible very few people would have known about it.
Is there a possibility that there was some truth to the postings Molly made on the yahoo forum? Could it be that she was married out of college and that's why there is no record of a Molly Martens during this time as she would have gone by her married name? I think it can be quite common to keep active e-mail accounts etc in your maiden name even once you're married (as Molly obviously did despite being married to Jason) If it ended badly, Molly may have chosen to keep the details to herself, especially if she chose to embark on a new life in Ireland. It's possible very few people would have known about it.

Anything is possible. But she did the BIG white wedding to Jason. Many would consider that bad taste for a second wedding when the bride has been married before. Among my friends, it would be an embarrassment and a huge social gaffe for the family to host such an event.

But who knows with these people.

I very much doubt it though.
Is there a possibility that there was some truth to the postings Molly made on the yahoo forum? Could it be that she was married out of college and that's why there is no record of a Molly Martens during this time as she would have gone by her married name? I think it can be quite common to keep active e-mail accounts etc in your maiden name even once you're married (as Molly obviously did despite being married to Jason) If it ended badly, Molly may have chosen to keep the details to herself, especially if she chose to embark on a new life in Ireland. It's possible very few people would have known about it.
Its possible. But even that would not explain the 2 different ages of the children she referred to, unless of course the 2 were of same father..
Would there not exist a record of such a marriage in some register?
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