GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Something else that I'm curious about - I'm fairly sure Molly has siblings, and I assume/ speculate that they are accustomed to her being a high maintenance member of the family, demanding more than her fair share of attention from the parents. Siblings are typically more clear-sighted and less tolerant than indulgent parents... so I wonder how they feel about Molly entangling their father in this situation? He WILL GO TO JAIL. Even if they didn't think so on the first day, it must be dawning on them that this is inevitable... Tom Martens is doing jail time for this.
They will lose their father, their own children will lose their grandfather and their mother will lose her life partner and probably have a huge blow to her comfortable lifestyle. And why? Because Molly had a violent tantrum about her husband leaving her. The Earnest family are related to Molly's mother - maybe Mike Earnest doesn't care much more about Tom than he cared about Jason, but it's extraordinary that none of Tom's other children or any other family members are bothered that he was prepared to completely shelter Molly from the consequences of her own violent behavior. The man is a complete puppet. [In my opinion!]

I would like to throw something else into the mix here. Lawyers dont like losing - it is bad for business. Tom and Molly have a lawyer each. Now lets assume the trial is in progress and the self defence angle is shot to hell, will Tom's lawyer look to hang Molly out to dry and vice versa? Now THAT would be interesting IMO.
Reports say that they often argued about custody and about money.

But something bigger was added into that mix on that Saturday. Her parents would not have run down there to interfere in the same-old same-old argument. They must have heard some of these things from Molly hundreds of times.

Considering that Jason had left Molly at that dinner where she humiliated him in front of others, I think he had made up his mind to leave her.

It had to be something big and out of the ordinary for them to drop everything and drive hours to get to Molly.
Maybe Jason advised her he would also be requiring repayment of the 'loan' of $80,000 to her father, and that is what spurned her parents' visit. He may well have emailed tm and requested the money to be paid in full now. He may have refused to discuss it by email and so they had to come to the house.
His twin brother had only left a few days before his death. It has been reported that Jason was homesick and frequently returned to Ireland. Maybe he discussed his plans to leave with his brother as it was reported that he was looking for work in Ireland and the UK. This is just my theory but maybe his brother assured him that the family would give him their full support and help him move back home. The night MM humiliated him might have been the final straw and he may have told her he wouldn't be returning to the US in August after his trip home. She panics and phones her parents and stews on it all day till she explodes.

I didn't realise that his twin had been over there with him in the days prior to the event. Do you have any details, dates, etc?
I just found something else that puzzles me. It is said that Molly's given reason to adopt the children was to somehow expedite their citizenship, yet this document states step children my not acquire citizenship in this way. I may be misreading it.

I think it means that the children could only get citizenship through Molly if she adopted them - the step relationship was not enough to qualify them for citizenship.
I just found something else that puzzles me. It is said that Molly's given reason to adopt the children was to somehow expedite their citizenship, yet this document states step children my not acquire citizenship in this way. I may be misreading it.

Acquiring US citizenship can be quite complex. My reading of this is that step children of a US citizen cannot acquire citizenship when they are simply step children. They would have to be adopted first by a US citizen before being eligible to apply. However I don't understand her hurry to have them made US citizens if she had succeeded in adopting them. They were already permanent legal residents. It can take several years for the citizenship process to be completed. It took three years for my husband to become a citizen and he couldn't apply until after he had five years legal residence. Perhaps it's different for children. However there is v little difference between a permanent resident and a citizen. However in mollys case, if she had a deep down fear that there was a possibility that Jason would take the children away from her, adopting them would not only have gave her the recognition she wanted as a mother but also legal protection in the event he wanted to leave the country with them. I'm not sure if adoption certs in the US wipe the name of the birth mother. In the UK both the birth mothers name and the adoptive mothers name is on the document, does anyone know if this is in case in the US??? My husband was adopted and his adoption certificate states he was legally adopted by.....but no reference to birth parents. All that was hidden here in the dark days of the laundries. If he had allowed her to adopt the children I don't think they would have been given new birth certificates. You can only have one , perhaps jason didnt know this. They would most likely have received an additional adoption certificate. My husband's original birth certificate is buried somewhere in the national archives office in dublin however he has no details other than his date of birth to go look for it. Needle in a haystack.
it says shortly before no dates and also said Molly had been trying to adopt them for months prior to Jason's death he didn't consent but the case was dissolved in light of the judges ruling . Hadn't read that before .
The day after Jason’s killing, for which both Molly Martens and her father Thomas are said to be “persons of interest’, Ms Martens went to court to apply for guardianship, custody and adoption approval.

Good God, the day after!!
Acquiring US citizenship can be quite complex. My reading of this is that step children of a US citizen cannot acquire citizenship when they are simply step children. They would have to be adopted first by a US citizen before being eligible to apply. However I don't understand her hurry to have them made US citizens if she had succeeded in adopting them. They were already permanent legal residents. It can take several years for the citizenship process to be completed. It took three years for my husband to become a citizen and he couldn't apply until after he had five years legal residence. Perhaps it's different for children. However there is v little difference between a permanent resident and a citizen. However in mollys case, if she had a deep down fear that there was a possibility that Jason would take the children away from her, adopting them would not only have gave her the recognition she wanted as a mother but also legal protection in the event he wanted to leave the country with them. I'm not sure if adoption certs in the US wipe the name of the birth mother. In the UK both the birth mothers name and the adoptive mothers name is on the document, does anyone know if this is in case in the US??? My husband was adopted and his adoption certificate states he was legally adopted by.....but no reference to birth parents. All that was hidden here in the dark days of the laundries. If he had allowed her to adopt the children I don't think they would have been given new birth certificates. You can only have one , perhaps jason didnt know this. They would most likely have received an additional adoption certificate. My husband's original birth certificate is buried somewhere in the national archives office in dublin however he has no details other than his date of birth to go look for it. Needle in a haystack.

I found these not sure if it answers your question
Says the original is sealed and a new one is issued with adoptive parents name
Maybe Jason advised her he would also be requiring repayment of the 'loan' of $80,000 to her father, and that is what spurned her parents' visit. He may well have emailed tm and requested the money to be paid in full now. He may have refused to discuss it by email and so they had to come to the house.

I agree that Tom's interest might have been tied to that loan, but usually if people are being pressured to pay back a loan they tend to disappear and become impossible to contact?!
I'm guessing it was one of those volatile Judge Judy style arguments, where the Martens were saying "It wasn't a loan, it was a gift..." with nothing in writing because "we're all family."
It would be unusual for someone to be that confrontational about a loan/ gift - coming to his home to tell him to his face they weren't paying the money back. Maybe they just "happened to be driving by" because Molly was telling them Jason was talking about the money and threatening to leave. So they had a vested interest in smoothing things over and reminding Jason that the money as a gift or his contribution to wedding expenses.

Do we know if they will be tried separately or together?
Thank you for that. Answers my query on whether mags name would have been removed on adoption. It differs from country to country then.

In North Carolina, as in most states, the new birth certificate makes no reference to the adoption, and the names of the adoptive parents are shown as though they were the birth parents of the child. The original certificate is placed under seal which may not be broken except as provided in [snip]

Separate from the tragedy of Jason's death, this is so sad. Jason had good reason not to want ANYONE to adopt Mag's children if it meant her name would be removed from their birth certificates. How could any widowed parent bear to do this?
The day after Jason’s killing, for which both Molly Martens and her father Thomas are said to be “persons of interest’, Ms Martens went to court to apply for guardianship, custody and adoption approval.

Good God, the day after!!

Indirectly, her laser focus on getting custody SOOO immediately after she murdered her husband gives us the motive. What I mean is this...suppose you loaned me a bracelet and I didn't return it. We fight over the bracelet and you knock me down. What's the first thing you grab? The bracelet that we are fighting over.

But if we are in an intense fight over something else, you might get home and say..."Oh no! She still has my bracelet."

You would think that blood and gore and murder would be so "new" to her, that she'd be in shock.
Indirectly, her laser focus on getting custody SOOO immediately after she murdered her husband gives us the motive. What I mean is this...suppose you loaned me a bracelet and I didn't return it. We fight over the bracelet and you knock me down. What's the first thing you grab? The bracelet that we are fighting over.

But if we are in an intense fight over something else, you might get home and say..."Oh no! She still has my bracelet."

You would think that blood and gore and murder would be so "new" to her, that she'd be in shock.
I think you're right.
I cannot understand why she was not in a catatonic type shock.. it would have been a terrible sight.
It also shows that those around her supported her actions.
Indirectly, her laser focus on getting custody SOOO immediately after she murdered her husband gives us the motive. What I mean is this...suppose you loaned me a bracelet and I didn't return it. We fight over the bracelet and you knock me down. What's the first thing you grab? The bracelet that we are fighting over.

But if we are in an intense fight over something else, you might get home and say..."Oh no! She still has my bracelet."

You would think that blood and gore and murder would be so "new" to her, that she'd be in shock.

The murder she just committed didn't seem to faze her. Was it the very next day she was asking for help obtaining the children's birth certificates? Maybe she felt relief that Jason was out of the picture??? I don't know, but found her actions cold and heartless, and how she never mentioned his name again. Like he never existed...So sad.

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