GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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There is a Mollie, but not the Molly. This is the 2006 Rally Cats.

ETA: idk if it's her or not.
There is a Mollie, but not the Molly. This is the 2006 Rally Cats.

Im at page 55 now
3 rows of guys, 6 in each row and underneath girls dressed in orange? is that the correct page?
Speaking for myself, I find this crime so horrific and the treatment of the Corbett family so exceedingly cruel by this Marten family, that blaming it on illness allows me to process it someway. I'd rather think that this is a family rallying around a mentally disturbed daughter of theirs...than believe that they could essentially kick Jason into his coffin and just greed-grab everything they want of his...because they feel entitled.

The part of this that really resonates as evil is the relentless determination to seize the children of their victim. There is little doubt this was a rage killing. One or both of the accused lost control in the most inhumane and savage way, By whose standards and whose morality does that make that person or people fit to raise their victim's children? Is there no one who would put those children's safety before Mollys demands for HERSELF?

Life is full of frustrations. People make us angry, treat us unfair. It's not solved by battering someone to death with a bat and brick. There was not a scratch or bruise on these ragekilers. In my opinion, I don't care if she was valedictorian of Clemson or Queen of the Nile, she is a brutal rage killer that is unfit to handle the frustrations that come with parenting even a much loved child. She should never be around anyone's child!

The fact that her family kept those children from the Corbetts...would not allow them a moment in the presence of the shocked and grieving family...wouldn't allow them at least the solace of being in each other's arms barbaric and selfish beyond comprehension. Don't you think children who loved their Dad would want to spend a few moments with other people who loved him...not kept apart by his KILLERS?

The fact that they immediately set about greed-grabbing money and filing for custody...lied that it was an "accident" and Jason fell down the stairs...this whole picture of this family flashing FBI badges to get Miss Molly everything she's sickening.

Now...they are setting about claiming every legal entity they encounter is corrupt, the custody judge, the bailiffs, the investigators...because only the Marten family...are humanity's finest specimens.

We don't need to point to her "witch-lies"...they would be minor details in this ugly, vile saga of the Marten conduct in the death of poor Jason Corbett,

My opinion only...
something else I don't think Molly was lying about is graduating from might recall this picture from the 2006 Clemson yearbook that would be her senior year... I mean this is more evidence that she telling the truth about that than anyone else has come up with proving she's a liar... and I think the key to finding out more about her life in Winston Salem is to find her sorority ... I noticed on the family service website where she is in a picture has a sponsor of a sorority-based service... but, I don't have access to sorority and fraternity databases (that track people for life), but if I did I might get more of a clue of her history... so far not a single poster has agreed much with me about anything but I know the difference between direct evidence and hearsay and I'm not willing to go along with the truth being a lie...

I understand your frustration, it would be great if we could discuss alternative theories openly without them being instantly dismissed or dragged down. I don't mean to be negative, and I do think the pic could easily be a young Molly, but each photo on that page has a list of names with who is pictured and Molly's name doesn't appear.
Speaking for myself, I find this crime so horrific and the treatment of the Corbett family so exceedingly cruel by this Marten family, that blaming it on illness allows me to process it someway. I'd rather think that this is a family rallying around a mentally disturbed daughter of theirs...than believe that they could essentially kick Jason into his coffin and just greed-grab everything they want of his...because they feel entitled.

The part of this that really resonates as evil is the relentless determination to seize the children of their victim. There is little doubt this was a rage killing. One or both of the accused lost control in the most inhumane and savage way, By whose standards and whose morality does that make that person or people fit to raise their victim's children? Is there no one who would put those children's safety before Mollys demands for HERSELF?

Life is full of frustrations. People make us angry, treat us unfair. It's not solved by battering someone to death with a bat and brick. There was not a scratch or bruise on these ragekilers. In my opinion, I don't care if she was valedictorian of Clemson or Queen of the Nile, she is a brutal rage killer that is unfit to handle the frustrations that come with parenting even a much loved child. She should never be around anyone's child!

The fact that her family kept those children from the Corbetts...would not allow them a moment in the presence of the shocked and grieving family...wouldn't allow them at least the solace of being in each other's arms barbaric and selfish beyond comprehension. Don't you think children who loved their Dad would want to spend a few moments with other people who loved him...not kept apart by his KILLERS?

The fact that they immediately set about greed-grabbing money and filing for custody...lied that it was an "accident" and Jason fell down the stairs...this whole picture of this family flashing FBI badges to get Miss Molly everything she's sickening.

Now...they are setting about claiming every legal entity they encounter is corrupt, the custody judge, the bailiffs, the investigators...because only the Marten family...are humanity's finest specimens.

We don't need to point to her "witch-lies"...they would be minor details in this ugly, vile saga of the Marten conduct in the death of poor Jason Corbett,

My opinion only...
Oppressor as victim..
Yes, I agree with all you have stated here.
I'm not a stranger to violent crimes, crimes against humanity, but this one shook me to my core and I'm still shaking and its not getting any easier as time goes on and we are forced to witness the dehumanisation of a man who was brutally murdered in the prime of his life. Our senses become daily and hourly assaulted with the insult they are. Its not like a guilty verdict will bring him back or make the slightest bit of difference to the way he died. It will not.. his suffering is soul searing.
I found a definition of evil that sits well with me.
'Its when the love in your heart is used as a weapon against you'
I think he loved her.
Thats the killer.
There's a preening here around MM....we are Perfect People. Whatever we acceptable...because it's us. Whatever we TAKE, is ours to seize because we want it. We don't need to wait on the law or follow judges orders...we GREED-GRAB,..because if we WANT should be ours without question.

That is the mindset that put bat and brick in the murderers hands. Jason WOULDNT yield his children. So with his hands up defending himself, never landing a blow against them,..he died in terrible pain.

And then, they set about treating the people who loved him like they were dirt under their feet. Never one word of regret or compassion on herFB page. Expensive travel, expensive clothes, lovely home, parties...Istanbul, Italy, Ireland...her family in tow.

Not one word of regret for the death of the Cash-Cow that funded all that. Not one cell of humanity.

I don't need to know if MM was a cheerleader at Clemson. I know her from her actions in that bedroom, her actions to the Corbetts, her GreedGrab of the house contents, her smearing of the legal entities, and the sick relentlessness of her FB page.

My opinion only.
I remember a prosecution lawyer who had observed another family stand by a killer, lying in court and denigrating the victim who had also once been a beloved member of the family... in an interview, he said he wished people realized they can support the family member who commits a crime without having to pretend he didn't do it, or that the crime was justified.
I have just been reading up on the latest set of news articles regarding yesterdays hearing. If you look at the accusations levelled by the defense critically, it is easy to see they are trying to establish a pattern of aggression/intimidation by supporters of Jason, particularly people close to him and his family, as this supports their theory that he was accustomed to this behaviour. It is then not such a leap that he would behave in this intimidating aggressive manner himself and so supports the DV defense to a potential jury pool. In fact we can already see that this method of casting doubt on his character is proving successful if you read some of the comment sections of the news articles posted previously.

I do however, find it strange that they are utilising supposed contact by Jack as part of their strategy....surely these calls would be easily traced? I would be very surprised if the Corbett's had decided to use this as a tactic to make her break her bail conditions, they seem to have played pretty much by the book from the start. It seems like a misnomer...I wonder what they are trying to divert attention away from? She seems adamant that her email and bank records stay private, I wonder what they could possibly reveal.
I have just been reading up on the latest set of news articles regarding yesterdays hearing. If you look at the accusations levelled by the defense critically, it is easy to see they are trying to establish a pattern of aggression/intimidation by supporters of Jason, particularly people close to him and his family, as this supports their theory that he was accustomed to this behaviour. It is then not such a leap that he would behave in this intimidating aggressive manner himself and so supports the DV defense to a potential jury pool. In fact we can already see that this method of casting doubt on his character is proving successful if you read some of the comment sections of the news articles posted previously.

I do however, find it strange that they are utilising supposed contact by Jack as part of their strategy....surely these calls would be easily traced? I would be very surprised if the Corbett's had decided to use this as a tactic to make her break her bail conditions, they seem to have played pretty much by the book from the start. It seems like a misnomer...I wonder what they are trying to divert attention away from? She seems adamant that her email and bank records stay private, I wonder what they could possibly reveal.

i fully agree with your point of making Jason look like an aggressor by associating with intimidating people . I put my hand up and say I have never been so drawn to a case or got involved in anything like this before so I definitely am a newbie and to be honest I don't think I will again because it's draining. But I am assuming That these type of cases attract lots of different people from all walks of life . Some genuinely care and are helping and supporting the family in their time of need but some like drama and to be involved in things that Jason himself probably wouldn't even associate with .They may think they are helping but we have been shown yesterday that are not. In saying that her own friends and people that supporters have made some horrible degrading remarks about Jason and his family. This hasn't been mentioned on American tv.

They told one easily provable lie in court if this article is accurate. The FB picture of the children is still visible on the Aunts page.

It has not been taken down.

The posts are still up on MM's FB page with her phone number and email...begging the children to call her. Now if the child really HAS called and certainly the caller ID would show a number MM would know...or she would know his voice, wouldn't she have asked her attorneys to return the call and check on the child?

There are certain things that seem like baiting going on on social media. The Uncle and Aunt that are mentioned in the article have a picture of the children on her FB page. She has not set the page to private so anyone can comment. Now, on the Internet, when I could claim here to be Queen Elizabeth in my real life, posting with my corgis at my feet, how can they say WHO are making comments or what their motivations are? If the Aunt is getting threats,set the page to private or take down the picture as the Corbett family (legal guardians) have repeatedly asked, or delete the account.

Being on Facebook and having an account open to the not a necessity of life. It is, in my opinion, there as bait.

Likewise, MM should take her phone number and email off her open account. Somehow her reaction to these calls is strange. "Oh if I only could hear your voices, my Sunshine and My Happy!" "OH, if I only knew you were alright,"

Then supposedly, the child calls her several times and she uses it just as a tactic against the family in court? What happened to all that oozing Mother Love that was her ruling passion?
i fully agree with your point of making Jason look an aggressor by associating with intimidating people . I put my hand up and say I have never been so drawn to a case or got involved in anything like this before so I definitely a newbie and to be honest I don't think I will again because it's draining. But I am assuming That these type of cases attract lots of different people from all walks of life . Some genuinely care and are helping and supporting the family in their time of need but some like drama and to be involved in things that Jason himself probably wouldn't even associate it. They may think they are helping but we have been shown yesterday that are not. In saying that her own friends and people that supporters have made some horrible degrading remarks about Jason and his family. This hasn't been mentioned on American tv.
might be worth looking into ownersip of fox8? Think I may have heard a rumor its not doing so well..
I dont actually see that it will reflect upon Jason but it will on the Irish.
There is only one pair of victims here. Thats Molly and Tom. They're the stars. Reality or factual evidence just does not figure in their thinking. Empathy, sympathy and remorse are negligible to missing entirely.
They need to present themselves as victims.
Everything helps.
Every word.
I do take your point Logic lady, and I think I understand what you mean.
I agree but my track leads to the chief victims as opposed to using abusive posts as weapons against Jason.
Either way the people making them are as shocked by the autopsy as we all are.. they are hurt by these prolonged and antagonistic defence strategies, lots of them do not really understand how the internet works and how far reaching it really is. They are gutted and they are lashing out because that is all they know to do right now. Every behaviour has a positive intention, NLP. It makes them feel better, less powerless, perhaps for a short time.
Thats the majority, I would say.
Then theres the manipulators, the drama queens and the narcissists.
I am constantly genuinely flabbergasted that the core themes of the killers are constantly reflected in every arena of the case.. down to the newspaper comments to which you referred.
It keeps getting played out, the drama that is molly.. and we all take up our various roles in the farce, like a call to arms, a surrender to a cause..and we dont move from our seemingly fixed positions.. entrenched, even.
What would happen if we did?
My 'OUTRAGE' pedal is flat to the floor constantly.. but the danger is of course that we become indifferent to the suffering we see inflicted upon the Corbett family.
Its simply not okay.
Thinking outside the box, for a change...
This family is employing a smear , burn, destroy tactic toward everyone who does not sanction their murder and applaud their greed-grab.

They have set about to destroy Jason's reputation. One can only imagine how the killers would savage him in the minds of his children if they could have those children in their clutches.

They have set out to smear his loving family...who were supposed to shrug off their loved ones brutal murder and say..."Here take his kids. We will go away and never contact them. Our old parents can just suck it up."

They have set out to smear the integrity of the Judge Shipwash in the custody and property greed-grab case and slime his reputation and that of the Corbett's attorney.

They have set out yesterday to defile the reputation of the Sheriff's department, the investigators, the baliffs and anyone who doesn't see the fabulousness of this entitled family.

They have set out to smear every one who posts a word of solace and support on the grieving family's FB page as threatening bands of hooligans.

Can everyone not see the pattern here?

This is all that two rage killers can benefit richly from their crime. And walk back into society living off their victims money and, if possible, teaching his children to despise him.

Vile beyond belief.

And,yes, my opinion only.
This family is employing a smear , burn, destroy tactic toward everyone who does not sanction their murder and applaud their greed-grab.

They have set about to destroy Jason's reputation. One can only imagine how the killers would savage him in the minds of his children if they could have those children in their clutches.

They have set out to smear his loving family...who were supposed to shrug off their loved ones brutal murder and say..."Here take his kids. We will go away and never contact them. Our old parents can just suck it up."

They have set out to smear the integrity of the Judge Shipwash in the custody and property greed-grab case and slime his reputation and that of the Corbett's attorney.

They have set out yesterday to defile the reputation of the Sheriff's department, the investigators, the baliffs and anyone who doesn't see the fabulousness of this entitled family.

They have set out to smear every one who posts a word of solace and support on the grieving family's FB page as threatening bands of hooligans.

Can everyone not see the pattern here?

This is all that two rage killers can benefit richly from their crime. And walk back into society living off their victims money and, if possible, teaching his children to despise him.

Vile beyond belief.

And,yes, my opinion only.
Brilliant post, thank you.
Be interesting whether the court records show the photographs had been removed. My golly.. black widow energy runs deep.
Thought she'd just throw that in there did she? Needed to have her lie included?
Was it in the fox8 bit or the paper? wins salem was it?
God Almighty, its a complete farce.. really contamminated energy. constant incitement. Lashed Shipman to the GOP candidates first then again today.. the arrogance is nauseating, the darkness palpable.
They were right though, they are not ordinary people. Not in the slightest.
IMO this will become completely vicious.
How we handle it will be with the grace of God, and i dont say that lightly at all.
I have just been reading up on the latest set of news articles regarding yesterdays hearing. If you look at the accusations levelled by the defense critically, it is easy to see they are trying to establish a pattern of aggression/intimidation by supporters of Jason, particularly people close to him and his family, as this supports their theory that he was accustomed to this behaviour. It is then not such a leap that he would behave in this intimidating aggressive manner himself and so supports the DV defense to a potential jury pool. In fact we can already see that this method of casting doubt on his character is proving successful if you read some of the comment sections of the news articles posted previously.

I do however, find it strange that they are utilising supposed contact by Jack as part of their strategy....surely these calls would be easily traced? I would be very surprised if the Corbett's had decided to use this as a tactic to make her break her bail conditions, they seem to have played pretty much by the book from the start. It seems like a misnomer...I wonder what they are trying to divert attention away from? She seems adamant that her email and bank records stay private, I wonder what they could possibly reveal.

Agreed, I have already felt that is the road they would take from the start and that is why I have been critical of the justice supporters and the media campaign at times, it was very easy to see what route the martens were going down from the very beginning and the social media aspect really has played right into their hands at times . Before anyone mentions mollys medias campaign, I am well aware of it but i do not care about mollys medias campaign. This is about the corbett family seeking justice but unfortunately, social media campaigns may not be necessary helpful. in terms of mona earnests page,it was obvious her fb page was left open deliberately to attract commentary and I was exasperrated to see people still leaving nasty comments on it up to very recently. That said, its up the lawyers to deal with such matters and if there were in fact threats etc made, they will be dealt with legally and not online.

I too, as mentioned yesterday would be interested to hear more of these alleged phone messages from Jack. Are they new messages or the previous crank one referred to some back ago. Not sure I can refer to a comment from the justice page here, if not, I will remove it.... but a comment was posted referring to the fact that it would seem the martens were not concerned that jack may be missing his stepmother and was trying to contact her but more that Jack was trying to get her break her bail conditions, didnt really make sense to me, does this mean he was actually trying to speak to her. These calls/messages can be easily traced anyway so hopefully more on this will be reported as this could be quite a development if true.

with regard to the emails, it was emails between the martens and their defence lawyers that were disclosed and included with discovery which imo was a serious mistake. Attorney-client privilege is there for a reason. the prosecution would have got an idea of the strategy they were taking, possibly what witnesses they would use and other details not known to them. Its a shame that happened, the defence are looking for anything at all to use to discredit the investigation.
Agreed, I have already felt that is the road they would take from the start and that is why I have been critical of the justice supporters and the media campaign at times, it was very easy to see what route the martens were going down from the very beginning and the social media aspect really has played right into their hands at times . Before anyone mentions mollys medias campaign, I am well aware of it but i do not care about mollys medias campaign. This is about the corbett family seeking justice but unfortunately, social media campaigns may not be necessary helpful. in terms of mona earnests page,it was obvious her fb page was left open deliberately to attract commentary and I was exasperrated to see people still leaving nasty comments on it up to very recently. That said, its up the lawyers to deal with such matters and if there were in fact threats etc made, they will be dealt with legally and not online.

I too, as mentioned yesterday would be interested to hear more of these alleged phone messages from Jack. Are they new messages or the previous crank one referred to some back ago. Not sure I can refer to a comment from the justice page here, if not, I will remove it.... but a comment was posted referring to the fact that it would seem the martens were not concerned that jack may be missing his stepmother and was trying to contact her but more that Jack was trying to get her break her bail conditions, didnt really make sense to me, does this mean he was actually trying to speak to her. These calls/messages can be easily traced anyway so hopefully more on this will be reported as this could be quite a development if true.

with regard to the emails, it was emails between the martens and their defence lawyers that were disclosed and included with discovery which imo was a serious mistake. Attorney-client privilege is there for a reason. the prosecution would have got an idea of the strategy they were taking, possibly what witnesses they would use and other details not known to them. Its a shame that happened, the defence are looking for anything at all to use to discredit the investigation.

Totally agree great post
Have spent a lot it time searching the Molska screen name. It is linked to a Hotmail account, I have searched that email. It is linked to a Twitter Molly Gun and also a Molly Gunnarsson. My spelling of the last name may be incorrect. I did check the spelling before posting. It may all just be a confidence. Or that could be a link to Molly's past.

I think you've done really well uncovering this link, I'm sure I've seen the Gunnarsson name somewhere before in relation to the case but I just can't place it. It is definitely worth exploring this more, I still think it is possible that Molly had a failed relationship out of college, that she invested much of herself in. If the 'stepdaughter' did exist, she would be 18 now and I would imagine both her and her father would be prime character witnesses for Molly during the trial. (Unless, of course, it ended particularly badly, in which case, they could be called as prosecution witnesses. Even how Molly related to the child's biological mother could go some way to supporting the Corbett's/Fitzpatrick's assertion of her behaviour towards them - she could definitely be classed as independent as they would have no way of influencing her attitude of Molly one way or the other.)
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