GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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some excerpts from Dispatch article heres the link .

Holton said that he has concern because Corbett has been subject to harassment and death threats. He requested the assistance of the court. Holton said any person involved in the case should refrain or be encouraged not to harass.

Davidson County Assistant District Attorney Alan Martin said the Davidson County District Attorney’s Office would do its part if prosecutors found someone doing the harassing. He said the DA’s office would “extinguish” the problem or let the harasser know they would be prosecuted. Judge Kevin Bridges said anyone associated with the case should refrain from taking part in the harassment.

Davidson County District Attorney Garry Frank said his office has turned over reports as it receives them. “It’s a mass of information,” he said. “The sheriff’s department worked on this for a long, long time. There were some personal issues, health issues relative to some of the officers working on the case, so there were some delays. We could have just held onto everything and given it at one time, but we gave it immediately as we got it.
“That led to the discrepancies. It’s our intention and duty to give everything. That’s what our goal and objective is. It’s a nonissue. We give it.”

Holton said part of the reason for a change of venue is the DCSO’s handling of turning over documents in the case. He said the DCSO ushers the jury in and out of the courtroom.
(I dont know what DCSO refers to??)

Holton claimed the investigation is “to try to get to an end. It’s not to find the truth,” he said. “It’s to produce a result. Everything they have done has been to produce a result. The result they want is a charge and a conviction of two innocent people. … This is not a fact-finding mission on their part. It is 'let’s get a charge and let’s try to convict somebody,' kind of at all costs.” (he's really insulting)

Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said that the purpose of the investigation is always to find out the facts. He said his investigators discussed information with the DA’s office in great detail.
“This case will be determined by evidence in the courtroom,” Grice said. “That’s where we are at. This is what we expect in a high-profile case for the other side to make claims like this. It’s no surprise.”
Frank said the DCSO bailiffs who usher jurors in and out of the courtroom do so in every case. He said that wasn’t a legitimate argument. Frank said the case has received international attention, but it was too premature to talk about a change of venue.
The next administrative court date is set for the week of May 30.
something else I don't think Molly was lying about is graduating from might recall this picture from the 2006 Clemson yearbook that would be her senior year... I mean this is more evidence that she telling the truth about that than anyone else has come up with proving she's a liar... and I think the key to finding out more about her life in Winston Salem is to find her sorority ... I noticed on the family service website where she is in a picture has a sponsor of a sorority-based service... but, I don't have access to sorority and fraternity databases (that track people for life), but if I did I might get more of a clue of her history... so far not a single poster has agreed much with me about anything but I know the difference between direct evidence and hearsay and I'm not willing to go along with the truth being a lie...

That photo is numbered No 1 and the cheerleader is named as Samantha Barnes. SB is referred to again in Photo No 5 but it doesn't look like the girl in photo 1. Photo 4 however, has another shot of Samantha Barnes and it looks like the same girl in No. 1. No mention of Molly Martens in the few names provided. She never claimed to have been a cheer leader as far as I know but I am open to correction there.

Hello Mollyanne...I appreciate this post because those children very well may know what happened...and those poor small souls lost both their parents in this tragedy ... of course they are grieving... but, they need to believe Molly is ok (even if she's not and nobody else wants them to know) ... I think they loved her and the Corbett family hating on her has got to be hard on them even if they are shielded from publicity... I'm sure they can feel the tension in the atmosphere ...

I have no doubt IMO the children are grieving. Their father was murdered, in their home, Molly and Tom are the responsible parties. As far as the Corbetts "hating" on Molly, I find that comment harsh. Molly's actions have consequences. Jason's family has every right to protect the children from her.
I went back and had a look at the search warrant for the email accounts. The search warrant was applied for the 2nd September and they requested all records from the date of the email accounts being opened up to the 2nd September... so they had an entire month of emails to and fro the defence and their client....... I expect there was quite a lot in there covering all aspects of the defence strategy from the custody hearing, estate matters and up to and after the children left the US..... Now I am wondering, where they entitled to look for these records up the 2nd September or should it have been up to the 2nd August only???? there were 14 different threads of emails seemingly covering different aspects of their cases, that is a lot of information. naturally, the investigators are going to read it but they could have covered themselves better in this respect. maybe admitting at the time they received them but had taken steps to destroy them appropriately and therefore covering their backs in the event that the defence would try find fault with the investigation.

Was it Voluntary Discovery or a Court Order I wonder? If on a voluntary basis did the Defence allow emails up to 2nd September or did they object and specify only up to 2nd August? If they allowed it, it seems like it is their mistake. Same goes for Court Order - surely Court Order would not have allowed post crime emails?
Was it Voluntary Discovery or a Court Order I wonder? If on a voluntary basis did the Defence allow emails up to 2nd September or did they object and specify only up to 2nd August? If they allowed it, it seems like it is their mistake. Same goes for Court Order - surely Court Order would not have allowed post crime emails?
would it not be open ended to a degree in a murder investigation?Actions were taken subsequent to the murder that affected the family estate, the withdrawals of 'substantial' sums of money by molly is one that comes first to mind.?
When does the crime end?
If for example the crime had been motivated for financial gain, it would not have come through until after the crime, insurance fraud, bank robberies etc? Is there a particularly quirky system in NC?
I would have imagined that once her records had been subpnoead or hijacked, she would have opened a new email address for post murder communications? It is strange that she apparently did not.
Was it a further attempt by her to thwart the course of justice, in full knowledge of how the discovery avalanche works in practice?

heres a link to the edited Irish Independant site article
"Hating on her."

Well, what feelings did they see over the years from this "Mother" toward the Father that they loved? The one she sought to divorce just two years in? The one whose body she shattered in her rage?

Were the Martens "hating on" their dead Dad, blaming him for his own murder in the two weeks after his death when MM kept them by her side?

Was Molly "hating on" the Corbetts to the children when she adamantly refused to let the Corbetts see the children?

Yesterday, I posted a link that said that the custody decison rested in part on the visitations and observations of the children with the Martens vs. with the Corbetts. It was said that weighed "heavily" as I recall.

I don't know what emotion we expect from the Corbetts but they seem like extremely sensitive and kind people who only want these children to heal. I'm not prepared to believe they are "hating on" Molly in front of those children.

To believe that, we must presume a negative image of this family, who are after all...victims as well.

I'm not criticizing the Corbetts as they are grieving too...I'm saying that the children have to be aware of their feelings and I don't believe it's good for them...
Hello Mollyanne...I appreciate this post because those children very well may know what happened...and those poor small souls lost both their parents in this tragedy ... of course they are grieving... but, they need to believe Molly is ok (even if she's not and nobody else wants them to know) ... I think they loved her and the Corbett family hating on her has got to be hard on them even if they are shielded from publicity... I'm sure they can feel the tension in the atmosphere ...

Im unsure how you can say they are hating on her. Anything regarding Molly that either of the guardians said was in court. There would be far less tension if Molly and co didn't constantly harass them. At least she has stopped posting now but we see from the latest JFJ post it is now being done indirectly.
I'm not criticizing the Corbetts as they are grieving too...I'm saying that the children have to be aware of their feelings and I don't believe it's good for them...

Hating on them is very critical and presumes knowledge?
Why would children be aware of the feeling of adults?
there is not a screed of evidence that the children are being ill treated, emotionally or mentally abused or deprived of any love or spiritual emotional wellbeing..
i believe they are really happy, really well loved and really well cared for but I dont want to be discussing the children here.
I have no doubt IMO the children are grieving. Their father was murdered, in their home, Molly and Tom are the responsible parties. As far as the Corbetts "hating" on Molly, I find that comment harsh. Molly's actions have consequences. Jason's family has every right to protect the children from her.
I agree that "hating" comment is unfounded. never have i seen evidence of that. even from the Fitzpatricks side when Molly came in and they moved to America. the family went to visit. they gave their blessing even though seeing their daughter being replaced must have been very difficult. as for Tracy Lynch she has conducted her business and that of J and S with such dignity... any hassle in this case IMO comes from MM and her team...... spokespersons, lawyers, aunt, uncles, cousins,..... they have used every turn to put up obstacles. if they are innocent and have such a good case let the trial continue. MM started all of this... her alone and since then has dragged in many people innocent or not... Again all MOO....

Stop the bickering!

If it's fact, post a link.

If it's "your" opinion, add IMO or JMO.

Please thank this post so I know you've read it.

I'm not criticizing the Corbetts as they are grieving too...I'm saying that the children have to be aware of their feelings and I don't believe it's good for them...

In my easy to look at others problems and criticize. The Corbetts didn't cause all this "not good" that has enveloped these kids!

It's hard to know what we expect the Corbetts to do. I know someone whose adult daughter was in an abusive situation. She was left with a child to raise. The Father has deserted the child, financially and otherwise. Absolutely no criticism against the Father is ever made in front of the child. Even friends know better than to break this rule.

Does the child sense a tension? I'm sure she does. Her questions are answered with platitudes and "truth" that is appropriate for his age. Can you or I expect more from this Corbett family? "Walk a mile in my shoes."

I can't say what I would do in the Corbetts terrible predicament. They are grieving. And it's not a natural death. The children are old enough and were in the home the night of the crime..and two weeks afterwards. Think of THAT situation. Father suddenly dead. Police. Attorneys. A horror circus. Why was it happening to the kids? Molly and Tom's rage.

I agree that none of this "is good" for the children. The Corbetts however are not the perpetrators of this. They are left to muddle through. Elderly parents wrenched with grief. Crazy expenses to fight for custody, attend trial, hire various attorneys. The stress must be horrific.

What would you do? What would I do? I'm sure they are doing their best. But the only people responsible for what is "not good" for these children are Molly and Tom Martens, who indulged their rage with no thought of how that would impact these children for the rest of their life.

The Corbetts are their victims too.
Im unsure how you can say they are hating on her. Anything regarding Molly that either of the guardians said was in court. There would be far less tension if Molly and co didn't constantly harass them. At least she has stopped posting now but we see from the latest JFJ post it is now being done indirectly.
there is plenty of hatred on that facebook page...just sayin'...
there is plenty of hatred on that facebook page...just sayin'...

Their guardians DO NOT admin the facebook page so its wrong to assume . In my opinion its filled with the grieve and fighting for justice for Jason that was murdered in his own home. It was originally set up by friends of both familes to get the children brought home which they succeeded in doing . You are criticising them . There is plenty of hatred on that page IN YOUR OPINION , again the children guardians are NOT responsible for what is posted there by admin or by people responding to posts
Their guardians DO NOT admin the facebook page so its wrong to assume . In my opinion its filled with the grieve and fighting for justice for Jason that was murdered in his own home. It was originally set up by friends of both familes to get the children brought home which they succeeded in doing . You are criticising them . There is plenty of hatred on that page IN YOUR OPINION , again the children guardians are NOT responsible for what is posted there by admin or by people responding to posts
I am not too concerned about the JFJ facebook page I would like to sleuth this crime...objectively... just sayin' (and that should indicate it's my opinion)...
there is plenty of hatred on that facebook page...just sayin'...

theres an awful lot of love, deep compassion and deep spiritual solace there too. The Corbetts dont run the page. i asked. I dont know who runs it, but needs a large admin team all the time, it must be a monumental task because every day new people come and they send in questions etc..
The central theme is grief, healing...providing facts for those who need updates and have been part of the campaign from the beginning. I was not part of that. I think they do a pretty good job, better than other pages and groups with 100 members and less. Like everything, it depends on one's agenda when one reads it or comments.
I usually acknowledge the centre post f it resonates with me on a daily basis. I rarely post. I dont have a single word that could pour solace on this atrocious cruel murder. Many feel helpless. That feels like a world condition right now.. an agenda to disempower all and sundry is full swing ahead. we are witnessing the rise of the third reich yet again and we simply do nothing at all.. Trained to believe in our own powerlessness. I'm just letting this sit here now, its not for argument sake.
I am not too concerned about the JFJ facebook page I would like to sleuth this crime...objectively... just sayin' (and that should indicate it's my opinion)...

That is fair enough and you have great points that I agree with . This is not one though , also you were the one that brought up hating by the guardians and on the jfj page not me.
I am not too concerned about the JFJ facebook page I would like to sleuth this crime...objectively... just sayin' (and that should indicate it's my opinion)...
great.. i think we need to recheck whether there was a previous marriage of mollys'? and a divorce.?
I trawled Clemson for hours last night and i could not find her anywhere.
We have practically no work at all done on tom. Tom does not like people 'working on him'. Feel it.
Its possible he had a bigger role to play than we know..
As for sharon.. mind boggles.. Can one be in a house where such a violent murder occurred and plead a migraine for a year afterwards? (i'm making the migraine up btw)
These things are best dismantled from the top.. any ideas where we can start w him?
I was wondering could Sharon be charged with accessory or something else depending the outcome of the trial . She seems to be not talked about at all . Like she wasnt even in the house that night . What part did she have . How much does she know and most importantly is she their weakest link .
I think you've done really well uncovering this link, I'm sure I've seen the Gunnarsson name somewhere before in relation to the case but I just can't place it. It is definitely worth exploring this more, I still think it is possible that Molly had a failed relationship out of college, that she invested much of herself in. If the 'stepdaughter' did exist, she would be 18 now and I would imagine both her and her father would be prime character witnesses for Molly during the trial. (Unless, of course, it ended particularly badly, in which case, they could be called as prosecution witnesses. Even how Molly related to the child's biological mother could go some way to supporting the Corbett's/Fitzpatrick's assertion of her behaviour towards them - she could definitely be classed as independent as they would have no way of influencing her attitude of Molly one way or the other.)
Ive seen that Gunnarsson name somewhere before too.... might be worth more research...
I was wondering could Sharon be charged with accessory or something depending the outcome of the trial . She seems to be not talked about at all . Like she wasnt even in the house that night . What part did she have .
How much does she know and most importantly is she their weakest link .
She was fully vocal on molly's nauseating campaign so none too exhausted by it all, I take it?
She can be charged as accessory after the fact if she has not disclosed information she had to the investigators.
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