GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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I was wondering could Sharon be charged with accessory or something else depending the outcome of the trial . She seems to be not talked about at all . Like she wasnt even in the house that night . What part did she have . How much does she know and most importantly is she their weakest link .
last i looked for sharon she was gone from fb. but on searching her sons it appears she was on holidays in Gibraltar with one of her sons. think he may live there?? so while others have passport taken she is free to do what she wants... is there a rift here? has she been seen in court supporting i wonder? or is he hoping people will forget she was there on the night?
What is the genesis of that hatred?

This has been a "journey" for the Corbetts, Fitzpatricks, and those who care about them. It starts with a phone call from Sharon Martens that says there has been "an accident"..."your brother is dead." Hang up.

Didn't they deserve more than that? If too emotional, there were certainly others who might have made the call.

Then, according to the Corbetts, there was a lie: Molly pushed Jason, he fell and died."

Maybe a priest could have been asked to break the news: there was a fight between the three of them. Everyone is devastated. The police are involved so this is complicated, but the Martens regret terribly that Jason has died."

Something like that.

Instead, the Sister takes a long journey only to find she is barred from seeing the children and that a custody suit has been filed and Molly and her Uncle are trying to breach Jason's office.

Then, there is a long and exhausting custody battle. Having to engage in this turmoil while processing grief...remember Jason MATTERED to her...if he was decaying dust to the Martens. He was beloved by HER.

That FB account was to send her moral support as she dealt with all those things. But even early on, MM supporters began to post that Jason may have murdered his first wife, enraging her family. They began denigrating Jasins memory and he wasn't even buried yet. The daughter of Uncle Mike posted her accusation that Jason was an abuser and asked her friends to like it and pass it on.

And never has one member of that Family said one word of regret for the Corbetts loss.

And we expect what kind of response to all the above, compounding each other? To defend Molly, it seemed that Jason's memory needed to be destroyed.

Since then, there has been MM's Facebook campaign with veiled swipes at Jason, the GreedGrab of the Household items in defiance of the Court, the smearing of the Judge, and now a seemingly slash-and-burn defense that includes even the Sherffs Department.

If there is anger or even hatred, it has been built on the actions of the Martens and their supporters. I truly believe that when taken together as a whole, they have damaged themselves greatly. They increasingly appear to extend their viciousness outward, smearing everyone they can.

That behavior does not create compassion it creates disgust...toward them. I'm amazed they have not been advised of this. They should view the J4J page as a sampling of how their multiple actions are affecting many people interested in this case....and THINK...perhaps a jury might become equally as angry and repulsed.

My opinion only.
My recent post stated an email address. I just realized I posted incorrectly. The email address I was referring to is It is a interesting search. I hope someone with better sleuthing abilities can use it to fill the many gaps.

I've sleuthed this a good bit, going back to early fall. I have screenshots of the yahoo postings from molshka as well, dated from Nov, in which she confirms her identity with her gmail address. In my opinion I cannot find any connection between MMC and Molly Gunnarsson, except that they both used molshka as a handle, I don't think they are the same person. If the prosecutor does get enough evidence to prove a history of lies it will discredit her with claiming SD/DV as the jury will doubt her authenticity. They will need to be able to do this as there was no witnesses to this crime (that we are aware of) besides the two that have been charged. Yes the autopsy speaks volumes but they need to be able to paint a picture of who T and M are and their past is very much a part of that. I do think IMO it is unusual that her internet footprint, the lost years as we've called them, is almost non-existent. It was mentioned earlier by someone that they could not find much about themselves on the internet. But I do believe that most people nowadays, especially those of us that attended college when the internet was alive and running, will leave a footprint. I'm 40, when I google myself, (outside of social media links) I get my university, my job, community events, and even past addresses dating as far back as 20 years ago. This leads me to believe that she lived at home during those years. Probably left Clemson during or after her first year.
Great work from you, well done!
I know she also had another gmail account because she made a query on google about locating it on May 12,
I wondered about it at the time, 3 months prior to her husband's murder!
Tried unsuccessfully to make link visible, its not possible..

Can I get back my email archive if my old username has been re-issued?


[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.541176)]Hi Gmail team, how long does an email address have to sit unused before it is allowed to be reassigned? If an email address has be ...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45098)]By Molly Martensupdated 12/5/15 by bkc56

2 posts
1 expert reply


I copypasted the text.
Wish had done it with other posts as well

My recent post stated an email address. I just realized I posted incorrectly. The email address I was referring to is It is a interesting search. I hope someone with better sleuthing abilities can use it to fill the many gaps.

I wonder if this is a lead to the suggestion that Molly had rekindled an old romance? It would make sense if she was back in touch with someone from her past that she may want to review old communications.
there is plenty of hatred on that facebook page...just sayin'...

I think it must be very hard for the Corbett's. The J4J page was originally set up to garner support to help them to get access to the children. They had just landed in a foreign country, with different rules and no help, I believe it was on a stopover in NY that Tracey received a phone call from DSS to say they would not be allowed to see the children once they got to NC. I cannot imagine what I would do in similar circumstances, imagine the panic. The people who joined the support page, sent letters, brought media attention to what was happening, all contributed to them getting access to the children, and I'm sure made them feel like they weren't fighting this battle alone. They must feel a certain sense of loyalty and gratitude to all of those people who helped them when they needed it the most.

Now as the case has gone on, more and more people have joined the page. Lots and lots of what is posted is full of love and support and exasperation....but there is also alot of negativity posted. So here is where I feel for their they constantly admonish all the people who cross a line? Do they ask the admin to take the page down? (but experience has shown them that without it, they are on their own fighting an exhausting battle with a tireless foe) Would that be seen as a betrayal by all of these followers who have only tried to support them?

I don't know what I would do if faced with the same situation, but I imagine it must be pretty exhausting dealing with the petty dramas that arise on a social media platform while at the same time trying to deal with everything else. Just my opinion!
I wonder if this is a lead to the suggestion that Molly had rekindled an old romance? It would make sense if she was back in touch with someone from her past that she may want to review old communications.

When I found it I was surprised.. less than 12 weeks later her husband was dead.
I know nothing of the phantom rekindling, I have seen it reported but I was never clear of the source of the story, the duration of the rekindling or when it had begun, if i were to hazard a guess I would have thought more like a year or more before the murder.
But I have no clear information and was treating it as a rumor..
I wonder whether the police found it when they did their search?
I think its relevant okay.. to something!
I've sleuthed this a good bit, going back to early fall. I have screenshots of the yahoo postings from molshka as well, dated from Nov, in which she confirms her identity with her gmail address. In my opinion I cannot find any connection between MMC and Molly Gunnarsson, except that they both used molshka as a handle, I don't think they are the same person. If the prosecutor does get enough evidence to prove a history of lies it will discredit her with claiming SD/DV as the jury will doubt her authenticity. They will need to be able to do this as there was no witnesses to this crime (that we are aware of) besides the two that have been charged. Yes the autopsy speaks volumes but they need to be able to paint a picture of who T and M are and their past is very much a part of that. I do think IMO it is unusual that her internet footprint, the lost years as we've called them, is almost non-existent. It was mentioned earlier by someone that they could not find much about themselves on the internet. But I do believe that most people nowadays, especially those of us that attended college when the internet was alive and running, will leave a footprint. I'm 40, when I google myself, (outside of social media links) I get my university, my job, community events, and even past addresses dating as far back as 20 years ago. This leads me to believe that she lived at home during those years. Probably left Clemson during or after her first year.

You make great points.
Did the yahoo screengrabs by any chance have dates on either the posts or the replies, particularly to her questions? I have been searching and even though I did locate earlier copies which had 10 answers they did not have the dates. Just the number of years. i saw a message too that yahoo did not preserve pages but I thought there would still be a way. I discovered they allow one to alter details or further clarify posts okay.

On one or two searches, which must have been free searches it gave access to all addresses she had occupied.. I'm not sure whether the discussion took place here though. There were , maybe 5 or 6.. but your theory makes much more sense.
It does not explain the absence of prom photos, normal incidental print photos.. the usual..
You know her father worked Oakridge, counter intelligence? It has been subject to various scandals over the years, not black-hat exactly but some articles I read left room for doubt. the kind of sense you get while watching horror movies about human genetic experiments going on in 'there'.. 'there' being some building that looks exactly like Oakridge does. Just my thoughts.
Its very frustrating to say the least.. wonder whether we should consider exploring it psychically at this stage..
Only half joking.
I don't know what I would do if faced with the same situation, but I imagine it must be pretty exhausting dealing with the petty dramas that arise on a social media platform while at the same time trying to deal with everything else. Just my opinion!][/QUOTE]

I agree fully
"The two defendants, along with their attorneys David Freedman and Walter Holton, Jr., appeared for an administrative hearing in Davidson County court Wednesday. In the hearing, Freedman and Holton claimed sheriff's deputies are not providing them with complete and timely information on the case and are harassing witnesses.

"This is not a game," Holton said. "It appears to be for some of these detectives like a game. Either they don't know what the rules of investigation are or they don't care. But either one is bad. You've got two people who are innocent whose lives are now on the line because these detectives want to make a case."

"Some of the witnesses that we provided the sheriff's office [with] were harassed by the sheriff's office," Freedman added. "Told them they didn't believe them."

FOX8 reached Davidson County Sheriff David Grice for comment. He said the claims by the attorneys are "absolutely false."

I'm very intriqued by the scorched earth policy that these lawyers are employing n this case. They have made serious claims about the integrity of the Clerk of Courts Shipwash who handled the custody case and are litigating that. Now they are attacking the investigating officiers. Is this the OJ Simpson defense? If facts are not on your side, attack the fact-finders?

Maybe the point is just to get the change of venue, where they can attack this investigation but not on its "home court." They may realize that the good people of Davidson County might be offended by their smears of their courts and police department. But if the trial s moved...then they are smearing LE from another county.

Attacking the investigation might be their primary defense tactic. The mantra being..."they should never have been charged."

It's evident that MM and TM do feel they did absolutely nothing wrong and that only Jason can be blamed for this entire predicament. They want to emerge from this as the real victims.
I think it must be very hard for the Corbett's. The J4J page was originally set up to garner support to help them to get access to the children. They had just landed in a foreign country, with different rules and no help, I believe it was on a stopover in NY that Tracey received a phone call from DSS to say they would not be allowed to see the children once they got to NC. I cannot imagine what I would do in similar circumstances, imagine the panic. The people who joined the support page, sent letters, brought media attention to what was happening, all contributed to them getting access to the children, and I'm sure made them feel like they weren't fighting this battle alone. They must feel a certain sense of loyalty and gratitude to all of those people who helped them when they needed it the most.

Now as the case has gone on, more and more people have joined the page. Lots and lots of what is posted is full of love and support and exasperation....but there is also alot of negativity posted. So here is where I feel for their they constantly admonish all the people who cross a line? Do they ask the admin to take the page down? (but experience has shown them that without it, they are on their own fighting an exhausting battle with a tireless foe) Would that be seen as a betrayal by all of these followers who have only tried to support them?

I don't know what I would do if faced with the same situation, but I imagine it must be pretty exhausting dealing with the petty dramas that arise on a social media platform while at the same time trying to deal with everything else. Just my opinion!
The only practical thing I could see that would be effective would for additional admins to be appointed and each post reviewed prior to posting. Thats a headache. But I fear it will become the Corbetts' problem if it is not stopped. They are already far too burdened..Thats the only practical solution I can think of.. but I dont even know who admins it. It does detract from the healing theme at the core of the page though.
I don't know what I would do if faced with the same situation, but I imagine it must be pretty exhausting dealing with the petty dramas that arise on a social media platform while at the same time trying to deal with everything else. Just my opinion!][/QUOTE]

I also agree and have every possible sympathy for the Corbetts. However, I think it would be a good idea perhaps for Tracy to post a clear request asking people to refrain from posting anything that might be used by the Defence as pointing to an alleged smear campaign, aggressive language, anything that could incite hatred or anything inflammatory - basically I mean anything that the Defence can use to their advantage. It would be a difficult request to actually word but at least the prosecution could then shoe that the family/genuine supporters are not behind anything subversive and do not condone any alleged threats to the defendants. Don't get me wrong - I totally understand the anger and the frustration felt by the supporters. The JFJ page is predominantly a beautiful and poignant memorial page but it is impossible control what is posted on a public page.
I don't know what I would do if faced with the same situation, but I imagine it must be pretty exhausting dealing with the petty dramas that arise on a social media platform while at the same time trying to deal with everything else. Just my opinion!]

I also agree and have every possible sympathy for the Corbetts. However, I think it would be a good idea perhaps for Tracy to post a clear request asking people to refrain from posting anything that might be used by the Defence as pointing to an alleged smear campaign, aggressive language, anything that could incite hatred or anything inflammatory - basically I mean anything that the Defence can use to their advantage. It would be a difficult request to actually word but at least the prosecution could then shoe that the family/genuine supporters are not behind anything subversive and do not condone any alleged threats to the defendants. Don't get me wrong - I totally understand the anger and the frustration felt by the supporters. The JFJ page is predominantly a beautiful and poignant memorial page but it is impossible control what is posted on a public page.[/QUOTE]

I think the Corbetts have in the past appealed for civility. It is possible to stop posts by others, i have a page and I dont allow posts by others. Other possibility is to change it into a public group where there is a function to put posts via admin
Sorry I didnt get fido's post fully in the quote box.
I suppose its better to put those suggestions to the page admins. They do reply really fast to questions. Not sure here is a forum to discuss it.
I wonder is it relevant in the context of the above, that Jasons brother advised for the two months prior to Jason's death Molly was putting pressure on him to allow her adopt the kids? If you are an abused partner wouldn't you be afraid to keep putting pressure on your alleged abuser? That seems a very specific timeframe too.

how very very strange.. That is indeed very specific..
"The two defendants, along with their attorneys David Freedman and Walter Holton, Jr., appeared for an administrative hearing in Davidson County court Wednesday. In the hearing, Freedman and Holton claimed sheriff's deputies are not providing them with complete and timely information on the case and are harassing witnesses.

"This is not a game," Holton said. "It appears to be for some of these detectives like a game. Either they don't know what the rules of investigation are or they don't care. But either one is bad. You've got two people who are innocent whose lives are now on the line because these detectives want to make a case."

"Some of the witnesses that we provided the sheriff's office [with] were harassed by the sheriff's office," Freedman added. "Told them they didn't believe them."

FOX8 reached Davidson County Sheriff David Grice for comment. He said the claims by the attorneys are "absolutely false."

I'm very intriqued by the scorched earth policy that these lawyers are employing n this case. They have made serious claims about the integrity of the Clerk of Courts Shipwash who handled the custody case and are litigating that. Now they are attacking the investigating officiers. Is this the OJ Simpson defense? If facts are not on your side, attack the fact-finders?

Maybe the point is just to get the change of venue, where they can attack this investigation but not on its "home court." They may realize that the good people of Davidson County might be offended by their smears of their courts and police department. But if the trial s moved...then they are smearing LE from another county.

Attacking the investigation might be their primary defense tactic. The mantra being..."they should never have been charged."

It's evident that MM and TM do feel they did absolutely nothing wrong and that only Jason can be blamed for this entire predicament. They want to emerge from this as the real victims.

I do find it funny that they reference the detectives telling their witnesses that they 'didn't believe them' has come up....surely the detectives role is to be impartial and to thoroughly investigate any claims made by a potential witness for their voracity, otherwise the Corbett's could also claim a botched investigation. Just because the investigators don't believe a version of events does that make them biased?
I wonder is it relevant in the context of the above, that Jasons brother advised for the two months prior to Jason's death Molly was putting pressure on him to allow her adopt the kids? If you are an abused partner wouldn't you be afraid to keep putting pressure on your alleged abuser? That seems a very specific timeframe too.

Assuming that JC knew that MM had seen a lawyer in the past about divorcing him, why would he allow her to adopt? That would just complicate (for him) any future divorce.

Certain testimony from the custody hearing, makes me wonder if JC did not also see a disparity in her affections between his two children. For me, that would be insurmountable.
I do find it funny that they reference the detectives telling their witnesses that they 'didn't believe them' has come up....surely the detectives role is to be impartial and to thoroughly investigate any claims made by a potential witness for their voracity, otherwise the Corbett's could also claim a botched investigation. Just because the investigators don't believe a version of events does that make them biased?

I got the impression her friends were phoning the DA wanting to make statement and he tired of their nonsense which quite possibly did not extend past hearsay. The same people were quite possibly involved in the smear campaign and it is likely he would have been aware of that too. Thats what I think.. I didnt know witnesses could offer hearsay evidence, off the cuff. Can they?
Assuming that JC knew that MM had seen a lawyer in the past about divorcing him, why would he allow her to adopt? That would just complicate (for him) any future divorce.

Certain testimony from the custody hearing, makes me wonder if JC did not also see a disparity in her affections between his two children. For me, that would be insurmountable.

I wonder at the intensification during the 2 months before his death though?
I wonder what else was going on at that time or preceded it?
I wonder is it relevant in the context of the above, that Jasons brother advised for the two months prior to Jason's death Molly was putting pressure on him to allow her adopt the kids? If you are an abused partner wouldn't you be afraid to keep putting pressure on your alleged abuser? That seems a very specific timeframe too.

Interesting comment from JC brother saying that MM was putting pressure on him to adopt the children in the two month prior to his death particularly so they could obtain US citizenship. In another article, he goes further into the residential status of JC saying that he had applied for residency but this was based on his employment rather than his wife being a US citizen. Wonder when this employer sponsored application was made? How long would his original work visa that he got when he first moved to the US in 2011 have lasted?

"Molly was trying to adopt the kids for the past two months but Jason always seemed reluctant and they did have rows about it," he said."She was trying to persuade Jason to adopt the kids so that they could get US citizenship," he added.

"You would think that would be a natural progression, but Jason did not want that.

"When my brother Wayne was in North Carolina a week before Jason died, she said that she would like to adopt the kids. Jason didn't even respond."

"Jack and Sarah's legal resident status or green card application was deliberately done through Jason's job specifically to protect the kids," he said."He could have easily done it through Molly's family and was under tremendous pressure from them all to agree," he added.

John said that Jason did not apply for residency with the Martens family because of concerns he held that his children would not be returned to Ireland in the event of something happening to him.

"Jason never entertained the idea of making his children dual American/Irish citizens as Mr Michael Earnest stated," added John.
Interesting comment from JC brother saying that MM was putting pressure on him to adopt the children in the two month prior to his death particularly so they could obtain US citizenship. In another article, he goes further into the residential status of JC saying that he had applied for residency but this was based on his employment rather than his wife being a US citizen. Wonder when this employer sponsored application was made? How long would his original work visa that he got when he first moved to the US in 2011 have lasted?

. Great post Mike lying again . Another lie Mike told . Here is another
Mike Earnest said his wife posted a photo on Facebook of herself and him with Jack and Sarah at Earnest’s daughter’s wedding. He said his wife’s employer got phone calls saying that she was participating in child abuse and child endangerment. The photo was subsequently removed.
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