GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Just wondering if anyone has been able to lay their hands on the documents released in relation to the custody battle? I note that various news outlets commented on MM's behaviour as outlined in these papers - the wedding incident, holding J's head under water and her obsession with S etc. I am just wondering what else they may have said which wasn't reported.
Just wondering if anyone has been able to lay their hands on the documents released in relation to the custody battle? I note that various news outlets commented on MM's behaviour as outlined in these papers - the wedding incident, holding J's head under water and her obsession with S etc. I am just wondering what else they may have said which wasn't reported.

i have searched and searched for these but cannot find them. THe newspapers only reported on remarks made by Tracey and her sister and the friend Lynn. There must be loads of testimony in there including from the Martens side. Where they released to the press in their entirety or where did this information come from i wonder?
Something else that I'm curious about - I'm fairly sure Molly has siblings, and I assume/ speculate that they are accustomed to her being a high maintenance member of the family, demanding more than her fair share of attention from the parents. Siblings are typically more clear-sighted and less tolerant than indulgent parents... so I wonder how they feel about Molly entangling their father in this situation? He WILL GO TO JAIL. Even if they didn't think so on the first day, it must be dawning on them that this is inevitable... Tom Martens is doing jail time for this.
They will lose their father, their own children will lose their grandfather and their mother will lose her life partner and probably have a huge blow to her comfortable lifestyle. And why? Because Molly had a violent tantrum about her husband leaving her. The Earnest family are related to Molly's mother - maybe Mike Earnest doesn't care much more about Tom than he cared about Jason, but it's extraordinary that none of Tom's other children or any other family members are bothered that he was prepared to completely shelter Molly from the consequences of her own violent behavior. The man is a complete puppet. [In my opinion!]

That is an excellent point. Especially as the details have been emerging and as you say he will have to go to jail .He is quoted as saying he was protecting his daughter . Question is how far would he be willing to go in protecting her . Would that include lying for her ? I don't believe he could have heard an argument from the basement so the scenario of either Molly going to get him or of him passing the master bedroom for some reason is probable . Do we know if the master bedroom is on the main floor or upstairs? I assumed it was upstairs but it may not be
What I keep coming back my doubt that either one of the weapons was in the interior of the house. Someone had to run to the garage and/or run outside to get them.

Even if somehow the bat had not been put away properly that night, it would not have been in either the guest bedroom or the master bedroom.

So if TM hears his daughter screaming, does it make sense that he takes time to run around first and get weapons?

He tried to cover this by lying that the bat was a gift. Why? Because his story is dependent on him reacting to an emergency. But the gathering of weapons shows he did not react to the "scene" of his daughter being choked and grab something handy to defend her.

No, he took time to arm himself first. To gather weapons BEFORE running to the room.

Who does that? Molly could have been choked to death while he was running around gathering weapons.

I still believe it was Molly who collected the weapons and hit Jason first while he was sleeping.

Yes the bat is puzzling. my theories on this:

1. If TM's story is to be believed and it was in fact a gift, he could have left it sitting out for jack to find when he got up the following morning and TM simply grabbed it enroute.

2. If it was a gift .. the second bat should have been located unless he bought the bat as a replacement for one that had perhaps got lost, stolen, damaged etc. If it was a gift, im sure he will have to provide a receipt or proof of purchase for it......

3. What bat did the bat cover that was left behind belong to? Why was this not removed in the search? If it belonged to the old bat TMs finger prints would have been on it when he picked it up. Did the police not think this was relevant to even check and take it away for fingerprinting when they went to the house to search it specifically for another bat and didnt retrieve one?

4. It just puzzles me as i would be very surprised at TM telling an outright lie that he could easily be tripped up with given his stellar career with Law enforcement. The man should have the knowledge of how to get out of any situation regardless of it being criminal or otherwise and also know how LE would go about looking for evidence either to support his claim or discount it.
If TM is telling the truth thenwhere is the previous bat ? LE did not retrieve it or indeed a gear bag but left the bat cover behind? was the gear bag there with no bat so they didnt bother taking it?

Or if he is lying and there is only one bat, why did the police not take the cover? The fact that the cover was left behind in the police search is strange and thats why I cannot think my way around this. I do believe that TM entered the room with the bat, he picked it up somewhere enroute to the room.
If you look on the Facebook pages, it seems to me that Molly has two brothers. They seem to be very supportive of her.

Jason's murder is never mentioned by them. It is like it never happened. The "wrong" done to Molly is all they cry about. Oh, Molly is such a victim! How can the crime be completely excluded from the story? It is bizarre.

I think the family is in solidarity. The children "belong" to THEIR family and a small detail like the murder their sister, niece, cousin committed is beside the point.
Tread carefully here, when discussing Molly's family members that have not been named suspects in Jason's murder. Websleuths is victim friendly and they are considered victims, as well. We can discuss statements they've made to the press or information published in the documents and/or press, but their social media and personal info is off-limits.

I wonder if it is sinking in to the Martens that no matter the outcome of the criminal trial, if a civil wrongful death suit is filed, this notoriety will continue on for years. Jason's death can not be pushed aside as they wish.
Something just isn't sitting right with the scenario given by MM and TM.
It's just a thought but if my husband was choking me, wouldn't I be struggling to stop him? Wouldn't my survival instinct kick in? Considering Jason was unclothed, he would have been vulnerable. Wouldn't a swift knee into the privates cause him enough discomfort to let go?
Wouldn't that give enough of a chance to get out of the room and call 911?
If you look on the Facebook pages, it seems to me that Molly has two brothers. They seem to be very supportive of her.

Jason's murder is never mentioned by them. It is like it never happened. The "wrong" done to Molly is all they cry about. Oh, Molly is such a victim! How can the crime be completely excluded from the story? It is bizarre.

I think the family is in solidarity. The children "belong" to THEIR family and a small detail like the murder their sister, niece, cousin committed is beside the point.

IMO family will always support family and even if they dont agree with what they did, they wont speak out publicly against her either and that is their perogative. I would be loathe to publicly speak out against any family member of mine regardless of what they did. Sometimes its best to say nothing at all. What they say to eachother behind closed doors is a different story and a story we will never hear. Unfortunately you cant choose your relatives!
Excellent challenge to all if us. Thank you.

I ask myself, who gained from JC's death? Molly is undoubtly the one with most to gain.
Opinion only.

Molly actually gained nothing from the murder of Jason. It seems to me that she lost her husband, the kids and her home all due to an act of uncontrolled unpremeditated rage. Nobody gained anything from this act, it's a losing situation for absolutely everyone involved.

I do think it was Molly's act, and Tom was trying to "clean up her mess".
If there are two bats, my guess is that the cover belongs to the "old" bat. It has Jack's name on it - surely if the "new" bat had not yet been given to Jack then it would not yet have been marked with his name.
Molly actually gained nothing from the murder of Jason. It seems to me that she lost her husband, the kids and her home all due to an act of uncontrolled unpremeditated rage. Nobody gained anything from this act, it's a losing situation for absolutely everyone involved.

I do think it was Molly's act, and Tom was trying to "clean up her mess".

That's how it has turned out so far. But the rush to file for custody and move Jason's money into her accounts shows she had hopes immediately after the murder of just moving on with possession of the money and the children. Her lawyer even made a comment to that effect.

Perhaps she thought that her chances of getting custody were better with him dead than with him alive, divorced from her, with a new job back in Ireland. And she'd have all the money...not just alimoney with no child support.
Since day 1, all MM ever wanted was the children. She feels very comfortable around children and relates to them well. She had pushed and pushed for the adoption, to no avail. On the night of Aug. 2, perhaps JC told her once and for all, she wasn't getting the children. Then...her rage ensued.

If there are two bats, my guess is that the cover belongs to the "old" bat. It has Jack's name on it - surely if the "new" bat had not yet been given to Jack then it would not yet have been marked with his name.

Agreed. Mystery surrounds where the bat belonging to this cover is. If there was only one "old" bat (the one TM used), its odd the cover was left behind in the search unless the police had enough evidence from the bat itself. seems sloppy of the police though.
Since day 1, all MM ever wanted was the children. She feels very comfortable around children and relates to them well. She had pushed and pushed for the adoption, to no avail. On the night of Aug. 2, perhaps JC told her once and for all, she wasn't getting the children. Then...her rage ensued.


This is my theory as well. She has shown no remorse for Jason's death. While continuing to paint a picture of perfection on her Facebook page. Her latest post in regards to kindness, shows again she has no remorse. Killing is not an act of kindness.
Molly actually gained nothing from the murder of Jason. It seems to me that she lost her husband, the kids and her home all due to an act of uncontrolled unpremeditated rage. Nobody gained anything from this act, it's a losing situation for absolutely everyone involved.

I do think it was Molly's act, and Tom was trying to "clean up her mess".

I agree with you. She has gained nothing. None of them have. She tried to cling onto the children but that was never going to pan out for her in the long term. in terms of the money I think she withdrew funds as a means to look after herself and the children after Jason died. after all, it was in a joint account and she was authorised to take money out. It wasnt that she pillaged accounts in his sole name if he had any. If she was after money , she didnt have to set out to kill him. she would probably have done quite well out financially out of a divorce despite not bringing in much income to the household but the divorce court would have recognised her contribution to looking after the family and the home. It was all the about the children that she dedicated the last eight years of her life to looking after and most likely the uncontrollable rage occured when he perhaps informed her he could take them away from her and there was nothing she could do about it. that i think is a very likely motive to send her over the edge.
Reports say that they often argued about custody and about money.

But something bigger was added into that mix on that Saturday. Her parents would not have run down there to interfere in the same-old same-old argument. They must have heard some of these things from Molly hundreds of times.

Considering that Jason had left Molly at that dinner where she humiliated him in front of others, I think he had made up his mind to leave her.

It had to be something big and out of the ordinary for them to drop everything and drive hours to get to Molly.
Reports say that they often argued about custody and about money.

But something bigger was added into that mix on that Saturday. Her parents would not have run down there to interfere in the same-old same-old argument. They must have heard some of these things from Molly hundreds of times.

Considering that Jason had left Molly at that dinner where she humiliated him in front of others, I think he had made up his mind to leave her.

It had to be something big and out of the ordinary for them to drop everything and drive hours to get to Molly.

I think she knew that she had pushed him too far and could no longer kiss and make up, pretending to be all she wanted to be seen as. I think he made it perfectly clear that night he was done with her and he and the children were leaving, without her. What might have enraged her the most was he told her how, why, and when he planned to do it and all that she would lose.

His twin brother had only left a few days before his death. It has been reported that Jason was homesick and frequently returned to Ireland. Maybe he discussed his plans to leave with his brother as it was reported that he was looking for work in Ireland and the UK. This is just my theory but maybe his brother assured him that the family would give him their full support and help him move back home. The night MM humiliated him might have been the final straw and he may have told her he wouldn't be returning to the US in August after his trip home. She panics and phones her parents and stews on it all day till she explodes.
Since day 1, all MM ever wanted was the children. She feels very comfortable around children and relates to them well. She had pushed and pushed for the adoption, to no avail. On the night of Aug. 2, perhaps JC told her once and for all, she wasn't getting the children. Then...her rage ensued.


I think from all the responses to my question as to why we think Molly was the chief assailant it appears clear that her apparent volatility is the key. I think Molly had 'motive' in that she had a 'motive' for being enraged IMO. She feared losing everything. I find it hard to imagine TM carrying out such an attack in an enraged state - he could, but I find it hard to imagine him doing so. Not so with Molly however. I can easily imagine that.
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