GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Yes, definitely a red flag for me, too. Why wouldn't she follow through with the choking accusation, and seek medical treatment? And why, with his LE background, wouldn't Tom encourage her to go to the hospital? This would have strengthened her case of DV, even though she probably would have checked out as normal. Given the time they had to come up with a cover story about why they brutally murdered a man, they didn't do a great job.


Yeah, all very odd. But maybe when TM entered the room, all he got was MM version & he believed what she was saying to him, by all account the scene was covered in blood, no doubt she was also covered in blood. It might be the case that he did not have that much time to come up with a story after the event, but the story that MM had give to him hold no water. Will be interesting when the cloths taken from MM & TM are produced as evidence.
You make really good points Kittythehare and express your opinion brilliantly.
with regards to Molly's possible lack of grasp on reality I think you have a good point. It would explain why she seems so detached from her crime.

I see MM as a master manipulator. She doesn't believe she is wrong. The argument that led to Jason's brutal death, in her mind was not her fault. She is a selfish woman. She does not feel remorse for Jason's death. The way TM speaks to MM during the 911 call, he sounds like he has been taught how to handle MM when she is in rage. He speaks softly and calmly to her. I believe that is a learned behavior.

The post dated December 23, speaks of boxing up items. It speaks poorly about the Lynches. I Do not believe the items that MM shows in the pictures, were ever requested. Specific family items with sentimental value were requested. I believe MM refused to located and send the requested items. She then takes to Facebook to claim she is once again being victimized. The items picture would be out of season and many outgrown.
Great research!
Lets look at probability here as opposed to possibility.

As far as we are aware, no medical attention was sought by or for TM and/or MM. Surely if they had requested medical attention, it would have been provided. We can assume therefore, in all probability no request for medical attention was made by them.

In an earlier post Truthseeker79 referenced a San Diego study and inferred that in 62% of cases victims had no physical signs of strangulation. However, closer reading showed Truthseeker79 to be mistaken, as it simply says LE failed to REPORT the physical signs, and the study was an attempt to improve LE procedures and skills in this area. This does suggest however, that some LE officers may miss the less obvious signs of strangulation.

As you say, none of us was present at the crime scene, so we can't be certain of the signs of strangulation in this case. But Davidson County LE were, and assuming they are even reasonably well trained, skilled and experienced, it is probable they would have called for medical attention for MM, had they seen any signs, and mentioned this in their reports - especially if the alleged victim had mentioned it.

It is true that TM said in the 911 call, "he was choking my daughter", but this would probably not have been relayed to responding officers since it was in the past (i.e. 'was choking' as opposed to 'is choking', and was not directly relevant to the emergency they were responding to. Besides which TM and MM had ample time to bring it to the attention of LE, if they considered it relevant - and it was not mentioned in the police reports as far as I am aware.

This brings us to the 'symptoms' of strangulation you refer to above. We just don't know if there was evidence of some of these in this case, such as difficulty swallowing, swelling of the tongue and dizziness, but the others such as raspy, hoarse voice, and nausea or vomiting would have been apparent from the 911 call and/or reported observations by LE.

Since the audible symptoms were not evident from the 911 call, and the others were apparently never reported by, or to LE; no physical signs were reported, and there has never been a claim thar a request for medical attention was made by MM at the scene, we can conclude that in all probability strangulation did not occur.

All the above is my opinion only.
I'm pretty sure she would have been examined by a police doctor. She would certainly have been offered that by the police.
I'm pretty sure she would have been examined by a police doctor. She would certainly have been offered that by the police.

EMS would have been there to take care of Jason. IMO its odd, that MM did not go to the ER. The EMS are not doctors and I don't think in Davidson County a LE doctor would be on the scene. Most small town NC police forces do not have MDs. It's all strange to me. Wouldn't TM and SM want MM checked by a doctor. TM admitted to killing a man to protect MM, but they didn't have her checked by a Dr. Odd.
EMS would have been there to take care of Jason. IMO its odd, that MM did not go to the ER. The EMS are not doctors and I don't think in Davidson County a LE doctor would be on the scene. Most small town NC police forces do not have MDs. It's all strange to me. Wouldn't TM and SM want MM checked by a doctor. TM admitted to killing a man to protect MM, but they didn't have her checked by a Dr. Odd.
Remember they were both brought to the police station and their clothes were taken and they were interviewed under video surveillance as that is apparently the law in NC
Remember they were both brought to the police station and their clothes were taken and they were interviewed under video surveillance as that is apparently the law in NC

Yes. You are right. I still find it strange and leads to more holes in their story, that MM was not examined at the Hospital. I have not read that she was examined outside of the police office. I am having a hard time putting my thought into worlds correctly, but if she was truly being chocked, wouldn't she need medical help?
Yes. You are right. I still find it strange and leads to more holes in their story, that MM was not examined at the Hospital. I have not read that she was examined outside of the police office. I am having a hard time putting my thought into worlds correctly, but if she was truly being chocked, wouldn't she need medical help?
We have never seen any evidence that she was not examined by a doctor. I think it was a red herring thrown in by somebody who wished to distract the investigation. The police statement allegedly was that she had no VISIBLE injuries. They did not attach doctor's report, but somebody must at least have looked at her neck. Had a medical expert been involved he too would have had to use the word 'visible', but he may have added, 'pending full investigation, radiography etc'
Note the search warrant stated tM stated Jason had been choking her 'iNSIDE THE BEDROOM DOOR.
Was the bedroom door open or closed and how could Tom see what was behind it, or was that a way of saying, 'I heard, BUT I did not see'?
I have tried trawlin for layout plans for that house internally, but I found nothing definite.. under what circumstances can anybody see what is going on behind a door of a room unless you were in that room?
If the door was closed, it would not be possible to tell what area of the room the altercation was taking place, would it?
Was TM listening outside the bedroom door?
How long had he been there?
Its just another idiosyncrasy of this bizarre self defense strategy
We have never seen any evidence that she was not examined by a doctor. I think it was a red herring thrown in by somebody who wished to distract the investigation. The police statement allegedly was that she had no VISIBLE injuries. They did not attach doctor's report, but somebody must at least have looked at her neck. Had a medical expert been involved he too would have had to use the word 'visible', but he may have added, 'pending full investigation, radiography etc'
Note the search warrant stated tM stated Jason had been choking her 'iNSIDE THE BEDROOM DOOR.
Was the bedroom door open or closed and how could Tom see what was behind it, or was that a way of saying, 'I heard, BUT I did not see'?
I have tried trawlin for layout plans for that house internally, but I found nothing definite.. under what circumstances can anybody see what is going on behind a door of a room unless you were in that room?
If the door was closed, it would not be possible to tell what area of the room the altercation was taking place, would it?
Was TM listening outside the bedroom door?
How long had he been there?
Its just another idiosyncrasy of this bizarre self defense strategy

You make excellent points. Jason was found undressed. Would be be nude with the door open. His inlaws and children were home. It is all bizarre.
We do know for a fact, that Jason was not dressed when he was found beaten to death. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that he was in his bed asleep, at the time of the attack. No need to go off on tangents with this. It's a simple assumption.

We do know for a fact, that Jason was not dressed when he was found beaten to death. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that he was in his bed asleep, at the time of the attack. No need to go off on tangents with this. It's a simple assumption.

it is indeed a simple assumption, but the defence is saying otherwise..also remember stomach contents research? its quite possible he got up for a drink or a nibble and was attacked on return to his room..
We do know for a fact, that Jason was not dressed when he was found beaten to death. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that he was in his bed asleep, at the time of the attack. No need to go off on tangents with this. It's a simple assumption.

Agree, but are there are other scenarios that might account for Jason having no clothes? Please know that I have no doubt based on the autopsy report and the Davidson County Assistant District Attorney Greg Brown advising that the crime was heinous, atrocious and cruel. Please see the link in which the Assistant DA Greg “Brown called the crime heinous, atrocious and cruel”: Wife, father-in-law plead not guilty in death of Jason Corbett in Davidson County. Why do you think that Jason had no clothes?
it is indeed a simple assumption, but the defence is saying otherwise..also remember stomach contents research? its quite possible he got up for a drink or a nibble and was attacked on return to his room..

kitty---do you think Jason ate something in his bedroom or walked out to the kitchen? I don't think he would walk around the house in the nude. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Agree, but are there are other scenarios that might account for Jason having no clothes? Please know that I have no doubt based on the autopsy report and the Davidson County Assistant District Attorney Greg Brown advising that the crime was heinous, atrocious and cruel. Please see the link in which the Assistant DA Greg “Brown called the crime heinous, atrocious and cruel”: Wife, father-in-law plead not guilty in death of Jason Corbett in Davidson County. Why do you think that Jason had no clothes?

I can't think of any other reason for him to be undressed, other than being in bed asleep. It also explains how he was disabled so quickly, as he didn't see it coming. What do the rest of you think???

I can't think of any other reason for him to be undressed, other than being in bed asleep. It also explains how he was disabled so quickly, as he didn't see it coming. What do the rest of you think???


He could have just had a shower. A towel around someone after having a shower could have easily come loose leaving him naked.
Agree, but are there are other scenarios that might account for Jason having no clothes? Please know that I have no doubt based on the autopsy report and the Davidson County Assistant District Attorney Greg Brown advising that the crime was heinous, atrocious and cruel. Please see the link in which the Assistant DA Greg “Brown called the crime heinous, atrocious and cruel”: Wife, father-in-law plead not guilty in death of Jason Corbett in Davidson County. Why do you think that Jason had no clothes?
He could have grabbed a robe to go to bathroom or kitchen.. bladder contained only 50ml urine on autopsy, but that is not definitive because oftentimes bladder empties upon death anyway.
En-suite plumbing problem may have led to a traipse to a bathroom elsewhere.. in these scenarios, he could have been wearing a robe and just tossed it off as he re-entered the bedroom just before the bat was brought down hard on his head.
What is unlikely is that he was chasing molly around the house it is also unlikely they continued to share a bedroom. So she entered his personal space to commit this crime.. Her and her father were the intruders.
The other possibility is that he was wearing clothes but they stripped him and destroyed his clothes prior to the arrival of the police or the paramedics.
They did take molly's clothes and her fathers'.. presumably the clothes they had been wearing during the attack. They were dressed, he was not.
It was August, and hot, people probably just slept under a sheet.
If they took his clothes, there would be lots of unexplained blood stain patterns - putting a bloodied shirt onto the carpet or the bed for example would leave a contact stain [I think that's the correct term!] in a different type of pattern than if he'd bled directly through his clothes. Plus the stain would be in a different location to where the direct bleeding occurred. And the body would have less blood staining than expected if a proportion of blood had seeped into clothing and been removed. (My first true crime study was Jeffrey MacDonald/ Fatal Vision) The clothes would also BE somewhere - either Sharon Martens ducked out to dump the clothes or they would have brazenly tried cleaning them in the house, leaving more contact staining.
I don't know if this is what happened, and I don't see any reason why they would feel the need to strip their victim, but it's an example of tampering with the crime scene that can actually backfire on the perpetrator.
If they took his clothes, there would be lots of unexplained blood stain patterns - putting a bloodied shirt onto the carpet or the bed for example would leave a contact stain [I think that's the correct term!] in a different type of pattern than if he'd bled directly through his clothes. Plus the stain would be in a different location to where the direct bleeding occurred. And the body would have less blood staining than expected if a proportion of blood had seeped into clothing and been removed. (My first true crime study was Jeffrey MacDonald/ Fatal Vision) The clothes would also BE somewhere - either Sharon Martens ducked out to dump the clothes or they would have brazenly tried cleaning them in the house, leaving more contact staining.
I don't know if this is what happened, and I don't see any reason why they would feel the need to strip their victim, but it's an example of tampering with the crime scene that can actually backfire on the perpetrator.
police stated crime scene was not consistent with a melee/donnybrook... I wonder if that is what they saw? I agree its highly unlikely, however.
I wonder whether the police did a full search of that house on the night of the murder?
Its so unlikely that either of the perpetrators will 'crack' under questioning or while on trial.

This whole trial is contingent on the production of clean evidence by the prosecution.
Every single detail will be vital.
would anybody be interested in exploring laws of Tennessee in relation to self defence plea in murder?
How is the case likely to play out in a court of law?
In the link Dumbfounded shared earlier from winsalnews. it stated the prosecution would be presenting further evidence at trial. This sentence came immediately following the 'heinous, atrocious and cruel' statement.

I wonder what they know?
here is a 2015 case that examines self defense.. burden of proof of self defense lies with the defendant..
A jury convicted the defendant, Tanya Nicole Slimick, of first degree (premeditated)murder for shooting her boyfriend. The defendant received a life sentence. On appeal,the defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence, asserting that the State failed toshow premeditation or to negate self-defense. She also raises numerous challenges to thejury instructions, including that the trial court instructed the jury that the defendant hadthe burden of raising the issue of self-defense; that the self-defense instruction wasconfusing to the jury; that the jury instructions improperly failed to list the negation ofself-defense in the litany of items which the State is required to prove beyond areasonable doubt; and that the instructions failed to list lesser included offenses wheneverthe ―charged offense‖ was referenced. The defendant also asserts that there wasreversible error in the use of a demonstrative aid in the prosecution‘s closing argument.After a thorough review of the law and the facts, we affirm the judgment of the trialcourt.Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of
I can't think of any other reason for him to be undressed, other than being in bed asleep. It also explains how he was disabled so quickly, as he didn't see it coming. What do the rest of you think???


Absolutely 100% agree. And the recent posts discounting the likelihood of strangulation would fit with that too.
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