GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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I'm just saying and probably should have mentioned it in my earlier post that this is what may have initially started their argument....she didn't think about killing him ahead of premeditation, no deliberation, IMO...

I certainly agree that the argument was about him going away with the children - even if he said it was only temporary, it sounds (from KM) as if she has a fear of abandonment so even JC taking the kids to Ireland for a brief birthday visit might have been too much for her to handle. If he had actually told her that he was leaving forever, that would certainly have sent her into the violent spiral... however, I wonder if Jason and her parents would have calmly gone to bed that night, knowing she had been given news that would have knocked her off her axis. Even for a woman who wasn't emotionally unbalanced, the news that her husband is walking out with both children and not coming back, would have been damaging enough that she would need someone to stay up with her. I can't imagine going to bed and leaving my daughter/ sister/ friend wandering around the house half the night after news like that.
And I agree that it wasn't premeditated, just a blind rage. If she had coldly and calmly decided to kill him so she could have kids and money, I think she would have picked a more plausible method.
Ever since some brilliant person on this Board made this suggestion, I've been hung up on the possibility that JC made the call that summoned the Martens.

Perhaps there was not even a real argument...perhaps she was cycling out of control...her illness manifesting itself and JC told the parents that they'd better come back. What if managing Molly had become a team effort and that's why the children were sent to a neighbors. Molly might have been raging, but not even with logical reason.

The parents arrive, try to get her medicated, calm her fine and tired, go to bed. Maybe they even put her to bed in another room. But she is still raging...goes very late to neighbors to get the kids back. Then she takes out her rage in JC.

TM is called to the scene. Decides to cover...maybe he and Sharon also do not want to lose those beautiful children. I wonder if they have gotten MM any pyschiatric help since this happened?

If he is convicted and Mm walks, SM is left to deal with her...and there is still the possibility of long, expensive civil suits and judgements.
It could play out as Dale suggests.
Also, for all we know Sharon could have done the entire thing, could she not?
Is Sharo going to be their 'reasonable doubt'?
What do we know about what the police decided after interviewing her?

Why do they not consider her a suspect or at least a participant as well? Was it because the other two 'fessed up' immediately?
Its a minefield of possibilities and we dont know enough to even speculate , do we?

Re the forensics, what do we know about how well funded that particular sheriff's dept is?
It will come down to budget, will it not?
All depends upon how thorough their investigation was to begin with.
I don't have the brains of a high dollar criminal defense attorney but I think Kitty just hit the nail on the head for the defense. Normally defense attorneys try and use the SOD (some other dude) defense to create enough doubt in the jurors minds. But in those normal circumstances you don't have a confession. Since there are so many unanswered questions regarding Sharon, why can't the defense ask the right question, using the right words, at just the right time, just hinting that maybe Sharon was involved. It would create doubt in TM's guilt. The jury could possibly think TM is falling on his sword for a female, not ever knowing which female. Can we call it by a new acronym? SOF
Help please. With me coming in late I realize quite often while reading current posts I have missed so much detail even though I have gone back and perused the threads. Is there a timeline of events posted anywhere showing chain of events the night of Jason's murder? After reading a post a minute ago I had no idea children had been sent next door then MM retrieved children prior to Jason's death?
Help please. With me coming in late I realize quite often while reading current posts I have missed so much detail even though I have gone back and perused the threads. Is there a timeline of events posted anywhere showing chain of events the night of Jason's murder? After reading a post a minute ago I had no idea children had been sent next door then MM retrieved children prior to Jason's death?
What has been reported- see media links thread-
Parents had visited previous weekend, returned home.
Molly had publicly humiliated jason Friday July 31, 2015, night at a social event, to such an extent that he left the event early and returned home alone. Saturday aug 1, 2015, some type of a soiree or informal beers were shared with neighbours early evening on corbett's lawn, in front of their house, far as I remember. This type of socialising is normal practice in gated communities in uSA.
We are unaware of exact time of the gathering or who the attendees were.

The two children went to a childrens' event at a neighbour's house. Intended sleepover implied from media reports. It is unknown who accompanied them TO the event but it is reported that molly collected them 'unexpectedly at 11pm, have also seen reports collection time was 11.30pm.
It is not known whether the childrens' event was located within walking or driving distance of Corbett's residence.

The elder Martens arrived at approximately 20.00 or 20.30hrs Saturday august 1.

The elder Martens were contacted to return. They had been contacted by either Molly or Jason. We do not know exactly when that contact phonecall or email was sent. Either way, they had other plans for the Saturday night and they had to change them to go to Molly's house. It appears that the plans they cancelled were of importance because it was reported that Tom did not change plans as a matter of course.

The call to the paramedics was made at 3.04am on sunday morning, August 2.

Thats about the size of it so far.. not much to be working with and its very frustrating.
You are awesome Kitty for your time and effort.

Thank you too Kitty from me. Today is nine months from Jason's murder on August 2 2015. Such a preventable tragedy that has affected so many. I believe Sheriff Grice-this has been a well investigated case. We are privy to so little in the scope of this case. Something that is huge is Jason's autopsy report. The brutality of the attack is gut wrenching. The behavior towards Jason's family afterwords is despicable. What bravery & strength was shown by Tracy & David Lynch in the face of adversity..
Thank you too Kitty from me. Today is nine months from Jason's murder on August 2 2015. Such a preventable tragedy that has affected so many. I believe Sheriff Grice-this has been a well investigated case. We are privy to so little in the scope of this case. Something that is huge is Jason's autopsy report. The brutality of the attack is gut wrenching. The behavior towards Jason's family afterwords is despicable. What bravery & strength was shown by Tracy & David Lynch in the face of adversity..

I also want to thank all posters who have helped me to understand the gravity of this case.
Ever since some brilliant person on this Board made this suggestion, I've been hung up on the possibility that JC made the call that summoned the Martens.

Perhaps there was not even a real argument...perhaps she was cycling out of control...her illness manifesting itself and JC told the parents that they'd better come back. What if managing Molly had become a team effort and that's why the children were sent to a neighbors. Molly might have been raging, but not even with logical reason.

The parents arrive, try to get her medicated, calm her fine and tired, go to bed. Maybe they even put her to bed in another room. But she is still raging...goes very late to neighbors to get the kids back. Then she takes out her rage in JC.

TM is called to the scene. Decides to cover...maybe he and Sharon also do not want to lose those beautiful children. I wonder if they have gotten MM any pyschiatric help since this happened?

If he is convicted and Mm walks, SM is left to deal with her...and there is still the possibility of long, expensive civil suits and judgements.
I'm thinking Jason is verbally abused/bullied/fatshamed by mm Friday night in front of witnesses. He goes home alone without mm (witnesses for trial?)

It's one of the final straws for Jason having put up with her behaviour for so long. The relationship is nearing an end and perhaps this weighs on his mind. Saturday he doesn't speak to her he can't he is barely able to look at her. This reaction sends mm into (nobody ignores me I will show him response) She invites neighbours round knowing there is tension between them. Jason is not in the mood for company his marraige is over and his self esteem is in his boots, he is missing his family. Before or just after they arrive he tells her he is done and he is bringing the kids back to Ireland to have a break, think things over or possibly for good. He calls her parents to tell them he can't take anymore and of his plans, he knows even though their relationship is over that she will need support and he has always had a good relationship with them, able to discuss her illness and behaviour, keeping them in the loop.

The neighbours come (witnesses at trial??) At some point her mother calls her to see what's going on what has she done this time. They can tell she is heading for an out of control episode. They change plans quickly and head for WS
Jason is out chatting neighbours telling them of his surprise visit home this is infuriating her.

Parents arrive. After pleasantries with the neighbours mm Jason, Sharon and tm are in the house alone. They try calm her down they plead with Jason to give it another go. The kids are sent for at 11pm. They are surprised tm and Sharon there. Possibly Jason excitedly tells them about the trip or perhaps mm is curled up in a ball crying or lashing out in front of them when they first arrive in and they overhear what's going on. They go to bed. Jason gets something to eat, goes to bed. Tm and sharon retire for the night. Some time after tm is awoke by mm in a panicked state. Sharon is sent to the children's room as they are awake and need to be kept in there they possibly have already come out to ask mm what's wrong and been sent back to bed. Tm enters the room to find a horrific scene. I have left out the 20 minutes or more of the beating Jason Corbett suffered as no matter what he was beaten with, where it was gotten from or how it occured, the evidence of this was written on his body and documented at autopsy.

The plans are made 911 is called. 'He was going to kill me', I had to do it. Those were the words Tm heard NOT 'I'm going to kill her' all just my thoughts, nothing more. My opinions above are just that ....opinions.

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If we are to talk about premeditation I have to also ask the question. We know mm has sought advice on divorce in 2014 and her rights regarding the children, this advice obviously didn't go in her favour as she stayed another year in the marraige and spread her photos of the perfect United family all over her social media account. IMO at some point this girl knew her only way out was DV. I'm sure she was working up to perhaps going the legal route with it but IMO that day sent plans out the window and the DV ended up being her defence for murder rather than an option for divorce. IMO at some point on the day of August 2nd mm knew that just as she had to stand in the way of letting KM out of a room after an arguement she had to stand in Jason's because there was a lot more to lose. And just as KM says she hated how he slept so well after an arguement while she would be up all night...I'm thinking at one stage that night mm stood watch Jason asleep and hated that too and she also knew there was only one thing to do to stop it all. All my opinions and thoughts.

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If we are to talk about premeditation I have to also ask the question. We know mm has sought advice on divorce in 2014 and her rights regarding the children, this advice obviously didn't go in her favour as she stayed another year in the marraige and spread her photos of the perfect United family all over her social media account. IMO at some point this girl knew her only way out was DV. I'm sure she was working up to perhaps going the legal route with it but IMO that day sent plans out the window and the DV ended up being her defence for murder rather than an option for divorce. IMO at some point on the day of August 2nd mm knew that just as she had to stand in the way of letting KM out of a room after an arguement she had to stand in Jason's because there was a lot more to lose. And just as KM says she hated how he slept so well after an arguement while she would be up all night...I'm thinking at one stage that night mm stood watch Jason asleep and hated that too and she also knew there was only one thing to do to stop it all. All my opinions and thoughts.

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Its a likely scenario and we discussed just this in the past here.
Remember pre meditation is not always indicative of a long drawn out plan, pre meditation can arise following the commencement of a fight/attack.
If for example. somebody left the room to get an implement, made a decision to get an implement.. it can be quite instantaneous.. links to this aspect posted here before too
I've just been thinking about what Logic Lady said about not necessarily gaining custody of the children because of DV claims. It's likely Jc would have just proved her to be unstable going by the information we have this is very possible .
There was no way out for Molly if she wanted the kids & the lifestyle... DV claims would still not fully secure the kids, what about visitation?... once JC went to Ireland, that would be it and she knew it. Could be just a "holiday" but the kids may not have returned. As their father Jason could also change their green card status. Jason had lots of options, she only had one! And then there is money... All conveniently available upon his death. My opinion only...
Confused. TM said he brought the bat that night with him but he did not have a chance to give to J’s son. For some reason, I thought that if TM brought the bat the very night in which J was so battered with a bat that it might convey premeditation. Please help me understand how TM thought that admitting that he brought a bat the very night that J was killed with a bat helps his case.
Confused. TM said he brought the bat that night with him but he did not have a chance to give to J’s son. For some reason, I thought that if TM brought the bat the very night in which J was so battered with a bat that it might convey premeditation. Please help me understand how TM thought that admitting that he brought a bat the very night that J was killed with a bat helps his case.
Welcome back, please stay awhile, missed you.
It referred to pre-meditation, if the bat was the existing child's bat, it would have been stored in the garge so Tom would have needed to go to the garage to collect it prior to bringing it to the bedroom.
If however, it was a new bat for the child, it would have in all likliehood have been in Tom and Sharon's basement bedroom with the remainder of their luggage or in their car if they had not unpacked.
Its not a very big deal really.

It was mentioned in the warrants because one of the children had told one of the Lynch guardians that he told his counsellor his bat was always stored in the garage.

It would only have meant Tom went to garage to collect it, had it been a new bat, he would have just grabbed it from wherever he was and ran to bedroom in wake of alleged choking daughter's screeches. even that is a tad far fetched.. how to scream while being choked.. its not possible.
Welcome back and excellent point . I think the reason why he said it was because he was trying to say he had it in the basement with him and grabbed it as he headed to the room . I'm not sure why he said it to be honest and we don't know the location the bat was on the night and probably will never know , it does say on the search warrants page 89 that the bat Jack used was usually kept in the garage meaning Tom would have had to go out of his way to get it . IMO
Welcome back, please stay awhile, missed you.
It referred to pre-meditation, if the bat was the existing child's bat, it would have been stored in the garge so Tom would have needed to go to the garage to collect it prior to bringing it to the bedroom.
If however, it was a new bat for the child, it would have in all likliehood have been in Tom and Sharon's basement bedroom with the remainder of their luggage or in their car if they had not unpacked.
Its not a very big deal really.

It was mentioned in the warrants because one of the children had told one of the Lynch guardians that he told his counsellor his bat was always stored in the garage.

It would only have meant Tom went to garage to collect it, had it been a new bat, he would have just grabbed it from wherever he was and ran to bedroom in wake of alleged choking daughter's screeches. even that is a tad far fetched.. how to scream while being choked.. its not possible.

kittythehare, Excellent response! But in my mind if a bat was brought on the very night that J was killed, then it might be like bringing the murder weapon to the scene. Going to get it from the garage, is another scenario. Just so confused as to what a FBI Agent would so readily admit he brought the murder weapon with him. No disrespect, just so confused.
Confused. TM said he brought the bat that night with him but he did not have a chance to give to J’s son. For some reason, I thought that if TM brought the bat the very night in which J was so battered with a bat that it might convey premeditation. Please help me understand how TM thought that admitting that he brought a bat the very night that J was killed with a bat helps his case.

Perhaps this is why he is charged with Murder 2? would certainly help a jury convict if there was a suggestion that TM felt the need to arm himself prior to arrival in WS (even if the intention was not to kill)
kittythehare, Excellent response! But in my mind if a bat was brought on the very night that J was killed, then it might be like bringing the murder weapon to the scene. Going to get it from the garage, is another scenario. Just so confused as to what a FBI Agent would so readily admit he brought the murder weapon with him. No disrespect, just so confused.
I'm sure the police asked him...don't you think it's something he promised to Jack before he left the last time?...IMO I don't think the Martens went to Wallburg with murder on their minds...
Perhaps this is why he is charged with Murder 2? would certainly help a jury convict if there was a suggestion that TM felt the need to arm himself prior to arrival in WS (even if the intention was not to kill)

my guess is that TM has a concealed carry...IMO...I think he always thinks self-defense...
kittythehare, Excellent response! But in my mind if a bat was brought on the very night that J was killed, then it might be like bringing the murder weapon to the scene. Going to get it from the garage, is another scenario. Just so confused as to what a FBI Agent would so readily admit he brought the murder weapon with him. No disrespect, just so confused.
I hear you now, eventually..
Yeah.. its also a possibility that Jason told him he was leaving molly and would be needing the 80k and whatever else returned at his earliest convenience. It is likely jason had come to the realisation that they had acted as enablers for molly, helped her hide her illness, perhaps supplied her with the drugs she needed while in ireland.. etc.
Would be interesting, in that respect to run comparisons on the child's previous bats..
and ask whether it was indeed a bat suitable for a small little boy, or bought for a more sinister purpose.
Nobody in that family had gun permits according to an online search i saw months ago. That is rather strange, Tom should probably have had a lifetime permit..Being FBI
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