GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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what fault would be on jason if he took the trazodone as a sleeping aid? in fact it would make more sense if he did take it or if he was drugged that he was asleep when he was beaten to death or to drowzy to defend himself dont you think also regards to mm moving stuff from jasons house there was some items of furniture jason and mags had purchased together which jason had shipped to nc tl and dl as guardiand will protect j&s dl as executor has a duty to protect any assets for the children

all imo
Who is McGill? The Corbetts refusal to accept Jason's marriage to Molly won't play so well with the Jury I'm afraid.
Apologies for the Typo. Keith McGinn.
Looking at the information so far about the Corbetts and Martens, I have not seen anything to support the fact that they had anything but a fair relationship?
Corbetts visited NC many times as did MM ireland. MM shared pictures of the family on such holidays on her FB page. I do think the Corbetts had concerns about MM mental health and TL outlined these concerns during the guardianship hearings. TM also seemed to have a good relationship with JC.
I think it's very telling that immediately after JC brutal death MM appeared to erase JC and the Corbett families existence from her and the childrens lives publicly. Almost trying to recreate a past that supported her defence of DV.
Nothing we say on this forum is going to make one bit of difference at the trial. Nothing I've read on this forum has convinced me of the Martens Guilt. What are you going to do if she is acquitted?

Who is McGill? The Corbetts refusal to accept Jason's marriage to Molly won't play so well with the Jury I'm afraid.

As far as I can see, the Corbett's and Molly had a fairly normal in-law relationship, they weren't each others cup of tea necessarily, but got on with it for the sake of Jason & the kids. We have ample evidence of this from Molly herself, she even posted Whatsapp screenshots of messages she had received from TL while Sarah was home for a visit which were friendly and I would go so far as to say caring. Hindsight is a great thing, reflecting back on incidents after such a traumatic event as a murder, can open your eyes to the intent behind situations which you witnessed previously. I think the Corbett's probably have alot of guilt that they didn't act on their instincts while Jason was still alive. They won't make that mistake a second time, which is why they are being so vocal about their misgivings now. But the reality is, whatever Jason's family made of Molly, HE chose her. Whatever his misgivings, HEmoved their entire life to the US to make her happy, even if all of the advice he was getting from his family was against it. I don't see how this would impact on the trial at all if I'm honest. Unless you are going to say that the family in Ireland were the source of constant conflict in the which point we're surely looking at Murder 2 are we not?

You are right, nothing that we say on here will have any impact on the trial, but then again, that's not really the point of the forum. We all come here to discuss the information which we have to hand in this case, and try to back it up/discredit it with actual facts so far as we can. Personally, I doubt Molly will be acquitted, there was too much violence, two perpetrators, even if the jury believe that Molly was being attacked, I think they will struggle to see past the rage. I think she will get Manslaughter at least. And to be honest, it's better for the kids if she is found guilty of something.
We have absolutely no evidence that JC was prescribed the drug for any reason be it ED, sleeping aid or depression. IMO a father of two young children who has just undergone surgery and is aware of a heart condition would be very careful about what drugs he takes.

IMO the jury will look at a man who was naked, in bed, with a drug in his system that would make him drowsy, dizzy and would make his reflexes delayed. They will look at the fact that his brain matter ended up on the walls of his bedroom and that the two perpetrators had no significant injuries.

I think I asked this in one of my posts on the last thread, but has any evidence been made public as to whether MM in particular was wearing night clothes or day clothes when EMS arrived? Also TM? I think it could be significant in that if MM in particular was wearing day clothes at 3 am and Jason was naked and under the influence of Trazadone, it would look far more likely that she perpetrated the attack.
I think I asked this in one of my posts on the last thread, but has any evidence been made public as to whether MM in particular was wearing night clothes or day clothes when EMS arrived? Also TM? I think it could be significant in that if MM in particular was wearing day clothes at 3 am and Jason was naked and under the influence of Trazadone, it would look far more likely that she perpetrated the attack.

I know there was an article stating she was clothed as was TM but I am unsure whether it was day or night wear.
I'm searching through posts and articles. I Will post it when I find it I remember thinking it was odd at the time given that JC was found naked.
Nothing we say on this forum is going to make one bit of difference at the trial. Nothing I've read on this forum has convinced me of the Martens Guilt. What are you going to do if she is acquitted?

Who is McGill? The Corbetts refusal to accept Jason's marriage to Molly won't play so well with the Jury I'm afraid.

I know there was an article stating she was clothed as was TM but I am unsure whether it was day or night wear.
I'm searching through posts and articles. I Will post it when I find it I remember thinking it was odd at the time given that JC was found naked.

I have been having a look back at that too but I can't find anything. I remember at the time there being a suggestion that Molly had showered, but I can't find anything to back that up. I would presume TM would have been in his pyjamas given that he was suddenly woken from sleep in someone else's house. I would agree with Peregrino on this one, the clothing will be significant when it comes to outlining the sequence of events that night.
I have been having a look back at that too but I can't find anything. I remember at the time there being a suggestion that Molly had showered, but I can't find anything to back that up. I would presume TM would have been in his pyjamas given that he was suddenly woken from sleep in someone else's house. I would agree with Peregrino on this one, the clothing will be significant when it comes to outlining the sequence of events that night.
Wasn't TM & MM clothing taken into custody? Seems like it should have been. Thought I read something about a nightgown but can't say for sure. I hadn't realized JC had recent gallbladder surgery. Do you know how recent? They left in the staples? I agree with whoever said that made JC vulnerable. It brings up questions for me about his diet, how he felt about himself, and changes he was wanting/willing to make to be healthy. I'm sure Molly told him how to do it.
just had a quick read up on staples left in body after gallbladder surgery it is common and staples can remain in body forever so does not conclude how recent gallbladder was removed although i would assume a medical expert would be able to tell by scare tissue etc
just had a quick read up on staples left in body after gallbladder surgery it is common and staples can remain in body forever so does not conclude how recent gallbladder was removed although i would assume a medical expert would be able to tell by scare tissue etc

I don't want to offend anyone but I am wondering if Jason was a candidate for bariatric surgery and how he may have felt about having it? The staples got me thinking. Certainly a cardiologist would have to clear him for it. It's one of those procedures that is ultimately good for the heart after the weight is lost. But its not without risk and involves a huge lifestyle change. It must feel like jumping off a cliff so to speak. I mean, Something like this could put a lot of stress on the family and, well, it might be the issue. IMO
I don't want to offend anyone but I am wondering if Jason was a candidate for bariatric surgery and how he may have felt about having it? The staples got me thinking. Certainly a cardiologist would have to clear him for it. It's one of those procedures that is ultimately good for the heart after the weight is lost. But its not without risk and involves a huge lifestyle change. It must feel like jumping off a cliff so to speak. I mean, Something like this could put a lot of stress on the family and, well, it might be the issue. IMO

He had been seeing the cardiologist for about 5 years I believe, so it would appear that he was seeing him for something related to his heart but that is not to say that the subject of bariatric surgery would not have come up. However, it seems more likely to me that Jason was trying to loose the weight via natural exercise and dieting routes. He had green matter in his stomach contents the night he died (salad?) and he was due to be best man for one of his friends the following summer and they had set up a bet to see who could loose the most weight before the would seem a bit unfair if Jason underwent surgery to help him win the bet! It strikes me that Jason was obviously trying to loose weight for a variety of reasons and therefore it makes Molly's comments at the meal on the Friday night quite callous IMO, definitely not caring or supportive.
I don't want to offend anyone but I am wondering if Jason was a candidate for bariatric surgery and how he may have felt about having it? The staples got me thinking. Certainly a cardiologist would have to clear him for it. It's one of those procedures that is ultimately good for the heart after the weight is lost. But its not without risk and involves a huge lifestyle change. It must feel like jumping off a cliff so to speak. I mean, Something like this could put a lot of stress on the family and, well, it might be the issue. IMO

I fail to see the relevance whether he was or not . Even if he was what was Mollys plan fat shame him into getting the surgery ?Belittle him so much that he felt it was the only option? Call your mom and dad make them change plans and drive 4 hrs to have a nice little family meeting about it ? It's unlikely it would be spoken about between 2.30 -3 am in the morning . Unless Molly was in one of her manic episodes as Keith Mc Ginn described in his book . would this not make Molly the aggressor? You say in your above post "I'm sure Molly told him how to do it " At what point does a little encouragement turn into being verbally abusive ? To lose weight you don't have to be a genius you eat less and move more .
Your question got me thinking so just checked up on gallbladder surgery. It would seem from what I've read that the likely advice for Jason post-surgery would likely have been an overall change to his lifestyle and diet rather than any type of surgery. Rapid weight loss is not recommended, in fact sudden weight loss can in fact cause gallstones, as can lack of exercise. That coupled with the bet info that we have would imply to me that Jason was trying to make changes to his overall lifestyle rather than opting for further surgery.
I fail to see the relevance whether he was or not . Even if he was what was Mollys plan fat shame him into getting the surgery ?Belittle him so much that he felt it was the only option? Call your mom and dad make them change plans and drive 4 hrs to have a nice little family meeting about it ? It's unlikely it would be spoken about between 2.30 -3 am in the morning . You say in your above post "I'm sure Molly told him how to do it " At what point does a little encouragement turn into being verbally abusive ? To lose weight you don't have to be a genius you eat less and move more .
I agree 100% the only relevance of those staples is when the surgery took place. If it was recent to his death as in a week or 2 beforehand I think it will be very relevant. I know the recovery can be a painful one. It would limit JC in strenght and movement and cast a shadow on MM and TM claims they were dealing with a man so strong and aggressive 2 of them had to brutally beat him to death that night which looking at the autopsy there Wil never be a situation where that kind of brutality and violence would be acceptable to any juror IMO.

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Start walking after surgery. Begin your everyday activities as soon as you feel up to it. Move around the house and shower, and use the stairs during your first week home. If it hurts when you do something, stop doing that activity.

You may be able to drive after 2 or 3 days if you are not taking strong pain drugs (narcotics). You may lift 15 pounds (7 kilograms) or less. DO NOT do any heavy lifting or straining for the first 1 to 2 weeks.

You may be able to go back to a desk job within a week. Talk to your health care provider if your work is physical.
Mr Corbett was also concerned about his wife's temper.

Two days before he was killed, Mr Corbett left a social function in the US early after he became upset and annoyed at his wife jeering him about his weight.

"They were out having dinner with some friends on the Friday before he died when Molly started fat-shaming him," said the family friend.

Jason always took it to heart and it upset him. He left Molly there that night and went home on his own. He was mortified. She used to always call him 'fat *advertiser censored*' and he never liked it."

Humiliation – An abuser will do everything he/she can to make you feel bad about yourself or
defective in some way. After all, if you believe you're worthless and that no one else will want you,
you're less likely to leave. Insults, name-calling, shaming, and public put-downs are all weapons of
abuse designed to erode your self-esteem and make you feel powerless.

In reading these signs I am actually seeing that in the months previous to and after JC death MM actually appears not to tick these boxes in fact I can tick more for JC than MM. Especially looking at, isolation, withdrawal, difference in appearance covering up of physical abuse, coming off social media. MM IMO and what she has posted herself on Social media tells the opposite story a story more suggestive of an outgoing, confident, glamorous, self promoting, attention loving personality. Who regularly conversed with friends joined groups, coached swimming, helped out at school events, went on many holidays and shared a lot of this before JC death with him friends and family on social media. And in all the pictures she has posted of herself I in no way can gather from them that she was covering up any signs of physical abuse with clothing right down to the day she first appeared in court over custody. Days after JC death dressed in a black sleeveless dress which showed no bruising cuts or marks on either her neck or arms after what was described by her and TM as a donneybrook. In fact she looked immaculate. Up until 2 weeks ago she showed signs of her temper in court. The word temper seems to come up a lot with regard to MM

JC is reported in many of the articles on this thread to have seemed unhappy, not himself, worried, in somewhat ill health and being fatshamed and called names on many occasions by his then wife. His character references to date have been that of a good friend, work colleague brother, father and overall gent. The word temper hasn't come up. Only of course by TM and MM in defence of the violent death he suffered.

All my opinions only.
Nothing we say on this forum is going to make one bit of difference at the trial. Nothing I've read on this forum has convinced me of the Martens Guilt. What are you going to do if she is acquitted?

Exactly, the evidence will speak for itself. What are you going to do WHEN she is charged?

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Exactly, the evidence will speak for itself. What are you going to do WHEN she is charged?

Respectfully, she's already been charged. <modsnip> I haven't already decided on what Justice is in this situation. But I suspect the reason the Judge wouldn't rule on the motions involving the children is because he finds that whole business distasteful and would appreciate a plea bargain. We will probably not ever know the truth. Certainly Jack's interview letting everyone (especially for Molly) know how much he now hates Her won't shed any light on what transpired that night. And I don't know how anyone believes it would better for the children if she's convicted of something. Why not just keep breaking their hearts? I pray for them.

<modsnip> Never mind that he was a grown man, came home to her cooking every night. Was married to her. And she was considered his next of kin in all medical situations. An instance of fat-shaming could easily be misunderstood under a strict diet those when ordering at a restaurant. <modsnip> sounds to me like he might have been building an anger.
Respectfully, she's already been charged. <modsnip> I haven't already decided on what Justice is in this situation. But I suspect the reason the Judge wouldn't rule on the motions involving the children is because he finds that whole business distasteful and would appreciate a plea bargain. We will probably not ever know the truth. Certainly Jack's interview letting everyone (especially for Molly) know how much he now hates Her won't shed any light on what transpired that night. And I don't know how anyone believes it would better for the children if she's convicted of something. Why not just keep breaking their hearts? I pray for them.

<modsnip>Never mind that he was a grown man, came home to her cooking every night. Was married to her. And she was considered his next of kin in all medical situations. An instance of fat-shaming could easily be misunderstood under a strict diet those when ordering at a restaurant.<modsnip>sounds to me like he might have been building an anger.


I disagree, I believe there is more than enough evidence to gain a conviction. Whilst it may be cheaper in the long run for a plea deal to take place; I have seen nothing to suggest that the prosecution are angling for one and, quite frankly, it is not up to a Judge to look for one. The job of a Judge is to adjudicate on matters before him, not try to stop them from being heard.

I assume when you say 'issues regarding the children' you are referring to their statements and the admissibility of them? IMO the reason that they have not yet been adjudicated on is because it is very messy and clearly contradictory. The Judge is going to leave it until trial to decide what, if any, information provided by the children will be admitted. It is not uncommon for certain matters to be left until the trial time to consider and, IMO, has nothing to do with the Judge finding the whole business 'distasteful'.

May I ask why you would not think it best for the children to see the people who murdered their dad go to prison for it? It has already been reported during pre-trial that JC in particular was perturbed as to why TM and MM were not in jail. Why would you think it would be heartbreaking for them to see the people who took their dad from them punished?

We are on a victim friendly crime forum. We are here collectively looking at information, we find, discuss and - sometimes - gain a bit more knowledge than simply following cases in the news or in print. We are all offering our own opinions on the situation which tends to change as more evidence comes to light. In this case, MM is NOT the victim, JC is the victim. His life ended on 2 August 2015. There has been no evidence to suggest he is the violent monster that the defence are claiming. We have a few friends who say they were told about domestic violence but never witnessed anything. We have friends of the couple who witnessed verbal abuse from MM. We have many instances where MM is show to be a liar.

I will say however, there is one thing I do agree with you on, every human being on this earth gets angry and IMO on 2 August 2015 MM got really angry.

Respectfully, she's already been charged. <modsnip> I haven't already decided on what Justice is in this situation. But I suspect the reason the Judge wouldn't rule on the motions involving the children is because he finds that whole business distasteful and would appreciate a plea bargain. We will probably not ever know the truth. Certainly Jack's interview letting everyone (especially for Molly) know how much he now hates Her won't shed any light on what transpired that night. And I don't know how anyone believes it would better for the children if she's convicted of something. Why not just keep breaking their hearts? I pray for them.

<modsnip> Never mind that he was a grown man, came home to her cooking every night. Was married to her. And she was considered his next of kin in all medical situations. An instance of fat-shaming could easily be misunderstood under a strict diet those when ordering at a restaurant.<modsnip> sounds to me like he might have been building an anger.


I don't see the point in this back and forth all the time, you are entitled to believe Molly is innocent, but then why be on a victim friendly forum? Alot of people who comment here know the victims family personally, they are privy to information which we as outside commentators don't have, and to be fair, while sometimes the posts come across as quite harsh, from what I have seen the information that they put out there has generally come to pass as being true.

I find it interesting as an outside commentator, that you are unwilling to look skeptically at anything that Molly has put out there. Take for instance Jack & Sarah, from the very moment the Lynches got custody, Molly put it into the public domain that they were going 'to teach the kids to hate' her. Is that not a very unusual comment to make? Especially given that the custody issue was not yet resolved, and there was the potential that she was going to have to find some resolution with these people to have access to the kids going forward. She consistently, over and over, put it into the public domain that whatever the kids said from that point forward was worthless. Yes you can definitely argue that the Corbett's are very angry with Molly and that could be a possible influence on the kids. But as a mother I find it strange that she had so little faith in 'her children'. If we are to believe Molly's version of events, she raised those kids, she took them on holidays, taught them all they needed to know, acted as Mom, cheerleader, friend. She protected them from the escalating threat they were experiencing in the why be so quick to assume that they would have absolutely no loyalty to her? Why be so quick to tell everyone that any information they could provide is of no value? If I felt as though my children had been ripped away from me in the most horrific of circumstances, and were in an environment where I feared they had negative influences, I would be grateful when I heard they were seeing a child psychologist. I would be grateful that they had an independent person to help and support them. I would be jumping for joy at the fact that they finally had a safe, confidential place to speak the truth. Finally the truth of their lives would be revealed...wouldn't it?

Why would you automatically assume that the kids would be manipulated into lying to a professional...unless you had some experience of this before.

I agree with you about the judge, I think he sees the kids have been used as pawns in a much bigger game and he is hoping that the case is strong enough to not require their involvement any further in what is going to be a circus.

I will hold my hand up and say that I am one of the people who does hope that Molly is convicted of something, for a very simple reason. On one point we whole-heartedly agree every time. Jack & Sarah are the victims here, they lost everything that night. Everything. Their father, the entire life that they had built in the US, the extended family that they had opened themselves up to, all of their friends. Everything. They are broken. Custody has been awarded to the Lynches, that will not change. And so these two amazing, incredible humans have started to rebuild their lives in the environment they are now in. (to be fair before anyone misinterprets what I'm saying, from what I can see this is a very stable, loving environment, surrounded by family who love them) They will have an uphill battle dealing with everything they have gone through before you even start to add in normal adolescent emotions etc. If Molly is found innocent, I have no doubt that she will never rest in gaining access to the children. It will be a lifetime of stress and court battles and heartbreak. The kids will forever be caught between two lives. IMO they have suffered enough, they are currently in a supportive, loving home environment, they should be allowed to recover in that environment free from further hardship. If she is innocent, it is a horrific situation for her to be in, but sometimes being a mother means doing the hardest thing, and I just don't think Molly would ever see that.

Personally, I don't need to hate Molly to question her authenticity. I don't need to hate her to see irregularities in the story. I don't need to assume she's a monster to understand that the prospect of losing those kids could have been enough to push her over the edge. I don't need to believe that their home life was a den of evil to understand that sometimes people break and do the most horrific things. I also don't need to believe that Jason was an angel to understand that he still didn't deserve the level of violence inflicted upon him that night. I don't need to assume that the general breakdown of a marriage automatically means spousal abuse. I have tried to look at the information to hand in a fair and unbiased way...respectfully, I believe you will take Molly's side to the end, despite any information that comes to light.

I only hope that this trial is swift, because it is going to be ugly, I hope we can continue this threat in a respectful manner.

All MOO.
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