GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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Somewhere I read that Molly asked to subpoena Jason's medical records from a cardiologist. IMO this goes to the fat shaming incident that happened the night before. I suspect she wants to show that he was on a diet and concerned about his health when she objected to his order at the restaurant. She may have loved him you know. Love/ some it's all the same. And it usually takes two to tango, so to speak.

I disagree. I think they were looking for his cardiology records in order to argue that he did not die from the assault but that, simply, he had a cardiac episode. I had a vague recollection of a cardiac episode being noted in the Report of Investigation by Medical Examiner and went back to double check it was stated on page 4 '....arrived at scene of single family residence. EMS, FD and SD on scene. EMS and SD advised they were called reference cardiac arrest due to an assault' (BBM)

I also note in the article that you linked above it was stated in the motion for a change of venue 'In the course of the struggle, Mr. Corbett was struck rendering him unconscious'. Again, to me, it appears they are trying to minimise the actual assault causing the death.

They also mention injuries to MM in their motion, but not to TM (that I can see). In the Report of Investigation by the Medical Examiner, again in the summary on page 4, it is stated '...the father of decedent's wife heard a disturbance and went into bedroom to observe the decedent apparently choking the wife. The father began fighting with the decedent' (BBM). Given the fact they keep pointing out the size difference between JC, TM and MM, where are the injuries to TM caused by this fight? They also state that MM had trouble speaking; I could not detect any trouble with her voice on the 911 call. She did not sound hoarse or like she was having any trouble speaking.

As for the fat shaming, I do not know anyone who would intentionally embarrass somebody they purport to love in order to get them to lose weight. Even more tellingly, to me, I do not know anyone who has been a victim of domestic abuse who would verbally belittle and embarrass their abuser in public in such a way as they would be too concerned as to what the ramifications would be when they returned home.


(before anyone says I should link the medical examiners report when talking about it.... i can't remember how to!)
Two days before he was killed, Mr Corbett left a social function in the US early after he became upset and annoyed at his wife jeering him about his weight.
"They were out having dinner with some friends on the Friday before he died when Molly started fat-shaming him," said the family friend.
"Jason always took it to heart and it upset him. He left Molly there that night and went home on his own. He was mortified. She used to always call him 'fat *advertiser censored*' and he never liked it."
Mr Corbett was so conscious of his weight that he had lost nearly a stone in the month before he died.

Seems to be only one abuser in this incident
The thing is...only the prosecution has to make the case. The defense claims it was self defense, and it's job is to pick holes in the prosecution case. I believe the prosecution has to prove it was NOT self defense (beyond a reasonable doubt). At least that is my understanding from the research I did last year. Most likely, the testimony will focus on events leading up to the fight that caused Jason to lose his life. I know I read about Molly fat-shaming Jason (probably here) the night before his death, in front of friends at a restaurant; and, didn't he leave the restaurant on foot feeling emotional? Maybe it begins there. Seems like it's proof to some that Molly was the sole abuser in this relationship.

Even though the article I linked to last was about the change of venue that got blown out of the water, the evidence spoken of doesn't only apply to a change of venue. For instance, the paramedics describe Molly has injuries to her neck. How do you disprove that? it's evidence of self defense. And, Jason's size alone, twice that of Molly. Don't tell me he wouldn't be scary if he was angry and out of control, especially having taken a drug that made him drowsy. I won't be surprised if the defense provides a physical demonstration of JC's intimidating size in the courtroom. The prosecution does have the heinous overkill evidence and if the defense can't offer a justifiable explanation for that, then I believe the jury can convict on involuntary manslaughter, and the children could lay claim to their Dad's estate.

I'm hoping for a plea bargain in that direction; and, I think that may be what the prosecution is hoping for as well. From what I read in the Irish Mail article a few weeks ago, the DA won't stop staring at the defendants in court. This has to be intimidating to the point the defense made mention of it. I wonder who is taping footage of the proceedings? Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours?


I think people are giving this credence because it is the only independent witness reports of abuse in the family. Other than this we have friends who say they 'knew' of abuse because MM told them (not that they witnessed anything and we know they didn't see any marks because she doesn't bruise..). We have contradictory accounts of the children that say no abuse and then abuse (and which the police flagged as being coached). So this is the only statement that isn't introduced to the benefit of wither party. These people have no horse in the race so to speak.

They seem to rely on JC's size quite a lot, but size means nothing when you have a sleep aid in your system and your assailant(s) is/are armed with a paving slab and an aluminium baseball bat. Whilst JC was a heavy built man he was only 5'11 so not not extremely tall. I am also not sure how the defence can introduce anything to show a 'physical demonstration of JC's intimidating size in the courtroom'.

Why should the prosecutor not look at the defendant? It is not against Court procedure and is, IMO, quite a common occurrence; as the prosecutor pointed out that is how prosecutors get an idea of how the defendants are holding up in court and know where to take future questioning. If MM is so uncomfortable with the prosecutor looking at her, what will she do when she has the jury and alternates doing the exact same thing?

The thing is...only the prosecution has to make the case. The defense claims it was self defense, and it's job is to pick holes in the prosecution case. I believe the prosecution has to prove it was NOT self defense (beyond a reasonable doubt). At least that is my understanding from the research I did last year. Most likely, the testimony will focus on events leading up to the fight that caused Jason to lose his life. I know I read about Molly fat-shaming Jason (probably here) the night before his death, in front of friends at a restaurant; and, didn't he leave the restaurant on foot feeling emotional? Maybe it begins there. Seems like it's proof to some that Molly was the sole abuser in this relationship.

Even though the article I linked to last was about the change of venue that got blown out of the water, the evidence spoken of doesn't only apply to a change of venue. For instance, the paramedics describe Molly has injuries to her neck. How do you disprove that? it's evidence of self defense. And, Jason's size alone, twice that of Molly. Don't tell me he wouldn't be scary if he was angry and out of control, especially having taken a drug that made him drowsy. I won't be surprised if the defense provides a physical demonstration of JC's intimidating size in the courtroom. The prosecution does have the heinous overkill evidence and if the defense can't offer a justifiable explanation for that, then I believe the jury can convict on involuntary manslaughter, and the children could lay claim to their Dad's estate.

I'm hoping for a plea bargain in that direction; and, I think that may be what the prosecution is hoping for as well. From what I read in the Irish Mail article a few weeks ago, the DA won't stop staring at the defendants in court. This has to be intimidating to the point the defense made mention of it. I wonder who is taping footage of the proceedings? Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours?

I think you are right that the defense case will rest on the lead up to that fateful night, they will portray Molly as the victim consistently in order to draw attention away from the violence of the crime itself. It is for this reason, I believe that they drew attention to the DA 'staring at' Molly, again she is the victim, somehow, anyone connected with Jason victimizes Molly, this can only encourage the jurors to empathize with her.

I find it very interesting that even on a victim friendly forum, the DV element of the case is so biased against Jason. Basing our information solely on what is in the public domain, what we know about the credibility of everyone involved thus far, and the information released about what happened in the house that night (events not consistent with TM account of what happened) there is still overwhelming pressure on the Prosecution to prove that Jason was not an abuser.

On a sidenote - I struggle to make the link between naked&drowsy and explosive rage. So far, IMO there has been no reasonable explanation provided for Jason seemingly going to bed in a normal fashion and the explosive rage that ended in choking of Molly. I would have thought if there had been a build up of tension/arguing to the point he was so wound up he felt the need to choke Molly, that he wouldn't have taken the time to strip naked. The kids being put to bed in such a calm way that they were seemingly able to fall asleep without a problem, and SM & TM felt safe enough to retire to their own bedroom and also fall asleep. How does a situation escalate to the point indicated in the autopsy so quickly? Without waking the rest of the house at least?

IMO, so far none of the information available indicates that the prosecution is any less confident in a conviction. Personally, I think their case is only getting stronger each time the defense is discredited so I would be surprised if they struck a deal.

There is some really interesting information in IPV (intimate partner violence) and the role of gender stereotypes in this area. If the prosecution builds a case around this I believe the defense will have alot of work to do to poke holes in their case, particularly if the information regarding Molly's past is admitted into evidence.

This article in particular has lots of points to note -

Some interesting points of note -

The gender paradigm is the view that most domestic violence (DV) is maleperpetrated against females (and children) in order to maintain patriarchy...Research evidence contradicts every major tenet of this belief system: female DV is more frequent than male DV.

Dutton (1994) pointed out how IPV had higher incidence in lesbian relationships, suggesting an explanation in attachment threats rather than gender. - this could be relevant in relation to Molly and the breakdown of the relationship. This would again support the theory that it was her fear of losing the children that lead to the violence that night.

U.S. national surveys find that mutual violence, matched for level of severity, is the most common form of IPV (Stets & Straus, 1992; Whittaker et al., 2007) and that female IPV against a nonviolent male (husband battering) is 2.5 times as common as wife battering.

The gender paradigm also sees to it that female violence is ignored, discounted as not serious, explained away, and not subjected to state intervention.

Women’s use of IPV, far from being reactive to male violence, is predictable as early as kindergarten age (Serbin et al., 2004) and certainly by their teens - again, if the information we currently have regarding Molly, particularly the information provided by Keith MacGinn is correct, then Molly may have already displayed a predilection for violence within the home.

When asked about using IPV for selfdefense, the majority of women do not list it as a motive.

The overlap of wife abuse–child abuse in the community is actually only 6% (Appel & Holden, 1998). One should not assume child abuse will occur, even if unilateral spouse abuse has been proven.

in a community sample of 1,615 dual-parent households, McDonald and her colleagues (McDonald et al., 2006) found children were more likely to be exposed to family violence perpetrated by their mothers than by their fathers.

These also include the data on developmental trajectories for female aggression (Ehrensaft, Cohen, & Johnson, 2006; Moffi tt et al., 2001; Serbin et al., 2004), which clearly show that female IPV is not a response to male aggression but follows similar developmental pathways as male aggression, including crystallizing into a personality disorder.

In experimentally controlled studies, the gender of perpetrator and victim determines whether identical actions will be perceived as abusive. The perception of what steps should ensue (arrest if the perpetrator is male) is also infl uenced. This was true both for subjects drawn from the general public and for psychologists. In March of 2008, ABC News ran a staged sequence in which a man harangued a woman on a public park bench (screamed at her and slapped her). People intervened immediately. When the genders were reversed, no one intervened, and one woman cheered on the female perpetrator because she “knew he must have done something—cheated or something.”The Zeitgeist of intimate abuse is thus complete—the abuse is attributed to “something a man must have done.” It is simplifi ed from its complex causes and reduced to a gender explanation—the “availability heuristic” of male abuse—one that is true for only about 6% of all reported DV (Stets & Straus, 1992). Women’s responsibility for contributing to abusive relationships is minimized.

Certainly pertinent info, given the divided views in this regard.
I disagree. I think they were looking for his cardiology records in order to argue that he did not die from the assault but that, simply, he had a cardiac episode. I had a vague recollection of a cardiac episode being noted in the Report of Investigation by Medical Examiner and went back to double check it was stated on page 4 '....arrived at scene of single family residence. EMS, FD and SD on scene. EMS and SD advised they were called reference cardiac arrest due to an assault' (BBM)

I also note in the article that you linked above it was stated in the motion for a change of venue 'In the course of the struggle, Mr. Corbett was struck rendering him unconscious'. Again, to me, it appears they are trying to minimise the actual assault causing the death.

They also mention injuries to MM in their motion, but not to TM (that I can see). In the Report of Investigation by the Medical Examiner, again in the summary on page 4, it is stated '...the father of decedent's wife heard a disturbance and went into bedroom to observe the decedent apparently choking the wife. The father began fighting with the decedent' (BBM). Given the fact they keep pointing out the size difference between JC, TM and MM, where are the injuries to TM caused by this fight? They also state that MM had trouble speaking; I could not detect any trouble with her voice on the 911 call. She did not sound hoarse or like she was having any trouble speaking.

As for the fat shaming, I do not know anyone who would intentionally embarrass somebody they purport to love in order to get them to lose weight. Even more tellingly, to me, I do not know anyone who has been a victim of domestic abuse who would verbally belittle and embarrass their abuser in public in such a way as they would be too concerned as to what the ramifications would be when they returned home.


(before anyone says I should link the medical examiners report when talking about it.... i can't remember how to!)

Great point re the cardiac arrest, why else would they focus on that when parts of his skull are all over the walls and floor.
I think you are right that the defense case will rest on the lead up to that fateful night, they will portray Molly as the victim consistently in order to draw attention away from the violence of the crime itself. It is for this reason, I believe that they drew attention to the DA 'staring at' Molly, again she is the victim, somehow, anyone connected with Jason victimizes Molly, this can only encourage the jurors to empathize with her.

I find it very interesting that even on a victim friendly forum, the DV element of the case is so biased against Jason. Basing our information solely on what is in the public domain, what we know about the credibility of everyone involved thus far, and the information released about what happened in the house that night (events not consistent with TM account of what happened) there is still overwhelming pressure on the Prosecution to prove that Jason was not an abuser.

On a sidenote - I struggle to make the link between naked&drowsy and explosive rage. So far, IMO there has been no reasonable explanation provided for Jason seemingly going to bed in a normal fashion and the explosive rage that ended in choking of Molly. I would have thought if there had been a build up of tension/arguing to the point he was so wound up he felt the need to choke Molly, that he wouldn't have taken the time to strip naked. The kids being put to bed in such a calm way that they were seemingly able to fall asleep without a problem, and SM & TM felt safe enough to retire to their own bedroom and also fall asleep. How does a situation escalate to the point indicated in the autopsy so quickly? Without waking the rest of the house at least?

IMO, so far none of the information available indicates that the prosecution is any less confident in a conviction. Personally, I think their case is only getting stronger each time the defense is discredited so I would be surprised if they struck a deal.

I agree I am struggling to find a scenario where someone is working themselves into a rage but decides to strip naked, take a sleeping aid (that has not been prescribed to him) and climbs into bed. Then after a while, whilst groggy from the sleeping aid, tries to choke his wife.

I truly believe that the drug in the system will play a big role in the trial.

Especially as it is a drug that people with heart problems should not be taking.

I think you are right that the defense case will rest on the lead up to that fateful night, they will portray Molly as the victim consistently in order to draw attention away from the violence of the crime itself. It is for this reason, I believe that they drew attention to the DA 'staring at' Molly, again she is the victim, somehow, anyone connected with Jason victimizes Molly, this can only encourage the jurors to empathize with her.

I find it very interesting that even on a victim friendly forum, the DV element of the case is so biased against Jason. Basing our information solely on what is in the public domain, what we know about the credibility of everyone involved thus far, and the information released about what happened in the house that night (events not consistent with TM account of what happened) there is still overwhelming pressure on the Prosecution to prove that Jason was not an abuser.

On a sidenote - I struggle to make the link between naked&drowsy and explosive rage. So far, IMO there has been no reasonable explanation provided for Jason seemingly going to bed in a normal fashion and the explosive rage that ended in choking of Molly. I would have thought if there had been a build up of tension/arguing to the point he was so wound up he felt the need to choke Molly, that he wouldn't have taken the time to strip naked. The kids being put to bed in such a calm way that they were seemingly able to fall asleep without a problem, and SM & TM felt safe enough to retire to their own bedroom and also fall asleep. How does a situation escalate to the point indicated in the autopsy so quickly? Without waking the rest of the house at least?

IMO, so far none of the information available indicates that the prosecution is any less confident in a conviction. Personally, I think their case is only getting stronger each time the defense is discredited so I would be surprised if they struck a deal.

There is some really interesting information in IPV (intimate partner violence) and the role of gender stereotypes in this area. If the prosecution builds a case around this I believe the defense will have alot of work to do to poke holes in their case, particularly if the information regarding Molly's past is admitted into evidence.

This article in particular has lots of points to note -

Some interesting points of note -

The gender paradigm is the view that most domestic violence (DV) is maleperpetrated against females (and children) in order to maintain patriarchy...Research evidence contradicts every major tenet of this belief system: female DV is more frequent than male DV.

Dutton (1994) pointed out how IPV had higher incidence in lesbian relationships, suggesting an explanation in attachment threats rather than gender. - this could be relevant in relation to Molly and the breakdown of the relationship. This would again support the theory that it was her fear of losing the children that lead to the violence that night.

U.S. national surveys find that mutual violence, matched for level of severity, is the most common form of IPV (Stets & Straus, 1992; Whittaker et al., 2007) and that female IPV against a nonviolent male (husband battering) is 2.5 times as common as wife battering.

The gender paradigm also sees to it that female violence is ignored, discounted as not serious, explained away, and not subjected to state intervention.

Women’s use of IPV, far from being reactive to male violence, is predictable as early as kindergarten age (Serbin et al., 2004) and certainly by their teens - again, if the information we currently have regarding Molly, particularly the information provided by Keith MacGinn is correct, then Molly may have already displayed a predilection for violence within the home.

When asked about using IPV for selfdefense, the majority of women do not list it as a motive.

The overlap of wife abuse–child abuse in the community is actually only 6% (Appel & Holden, 1998). One should not assume child abuse will occur, even if unilateral spouse abuse has been proven.

in a community sample of 1,615 dual-parent households, McDonald and her colleagues (McDonald et al., 2006) found children were more likely to be exposed to family violence perpetrated by their mothers than by their fathers.

These also include the data on developmental trajectories for female aggression (Ehrensaft, Cohen, & Johnson, 2006; Moffi tt et al., 2001; Serbin et al., 2004), which clearly show that female IPV is not a response to male aggression but follows similar developmental pathways as male aggression, including crystallizing into a personality disorder.

In experimentally controlled studies, the gender of perpetrator and victim determines whether identical actions will be perceived as abusive. The perception of what steps should ensue (arrest if the perpetrator is male) is also infl uenced. This was true both for subjects drawn from the general public and for psychologists. In March of 2008, ABC News ran a staged sequence in which a man harangued a woman on a public park bench (screamed at her and slapped her). People intervened immediately. When the genders were reversed, no one intervened, and one woman cheered on the female perpetrator because she “knew he must have done something—cheated or something.”The Zeitgeist of intimate abuse is thus complete—the abuse is attributed to “something a man must have done.” It is simplifi ed from its complex causes and reduced to a gender explanation—the “availability heuristic” of male abuse—one that is true for only about 6% of all reported DV (Stets & Straus, 1992). Women’s responsibility for contributing to abusive relationships is minimized.

Certainly pertinent info, given the divided views in this regard.

Great post thank you for the link very interesting
A donnybrook perhaps? There is so much in this case that is yet unknown. But if Jason died of a heart attack the autopsy report would say so. And I question this - at the point that JC was rendered unconscious, was he no longer a deadly threat? So then, explain the overkill.

I am also curious about the reasons why the Martens came to NC that night. I mean, was TM aware of the volatility in the marriage? Did he sense an escalation in the love bully fight? The constant engagement of arguing with each other.

I haven't read anything about domestic violence being used as a defense in the case. My guess is the defense wants to establish an unstable marriage in which Jason thought nothing of knocking Molly over to read what's on her phone. Molly thought nothing of calling Jason a Fat *advertiser censored*. One causes physical harm (could be deadly) the other mental anguish (not so deadly) I can't see them going into every little insult they hurled at each other because it doesn't prove anything one way or the other about the night he died.

You Irish ladies should think about how a jury is going to see this. I doubt they are going to presume that Mollys marriage to Jason was a hoax. Even TL does not know what went on in the master bedroom of the family home that night; and she knows probably even less about the innerworkings of the 4 year marriage.

If the money wasn't an issue here, then why all the drama on Molly's moving day? It's clear to me that TL needs the money to raise the children. The children are the victims. I hope if Molly is acquitted she sets up a trust for them. IMO
I agree I am struggling to find a scenario where someone is working themselves into a rage but decides to strip naked, take a sleeping aid (that has not been prescribed to him) and climbs into bed. Then after a while, whilst groggy from the sleeping aid, tries to choke his wife.

I truly believe that the drug in the system will play a big role in the trial.

Especially as it is a drug that people with heart problems should not be taking.


Consider the scenario that Molly and Jason had sex that night. He was wearing his wedding ring. The drug that was found in Jason's system is contraindicated for certain heart problems, and it comes with a warning to men about priapism. It was once considered for development as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. How do you know his cardiologist didn't actually prescribe it for him? It causes a drop in blood pressure that's sedative; and, it can make you dizzy.
A donnybrook perhaps? There is so much in this case that is yet unknown. But if Jason died of a heart attack the autopsy report would say so. And I question this - at the point that JC was rendered unconscious, was he no longer a deadly threat? So then, explain the overkill.

I am also curious about the reasons why the Martens came to NC that night. I mean, was TM aware of the volatility in the marriage? Did he sense an escalation in the love bully fight? The constant engagement of arguing with each other.

I haven't read anything about domestic violence being used as a defense in the case. My guess is the defense wants to establish an unstable marriage in which Jason thought nothing of knocking Molly over to read what's on her phone. Molly thought nothing of calling Jason a Fat *advertiser censored*. One causes physical harm (could be deadly) the other mental anguish (not so deadly) I can't see them going into every little insult they hurled at each other because it doesn't prove anything one way or the other about the night he died.

You Irish ladies should think about how a jury is going to see this. I doubt they are going to presume that Mollys marriage to Jason was a hoax. Even TL does not know what went on in the master bedroom of the family home that night; and she knows probably even less about the innerworkings of the 4 year marriage.

If the money wasn't an issue here, then why all the drama on Molly's moving day? It's clear to me that TL needs the money to raise the children. The children are the victims. I hope if Molly is acquitted she sets up a trust for them. IMO

I think it is going to be difficult for the defense to create a picture of such an unstable marriage that it would end in such explosive anger. Whether in the beginning Jason genuinely loved her and wanted to start life afresh with Molly and the kids in the US, or whether he did it out of a sense of misguided loyalty to the situation he found himself in is irrelevant really. The fact is they did all move to North Carolina, and they did, from the information we have to hand, form a relatively healthy family unit for a period of time. One of Molly's first posts on FB after the fact was a repost of Jason's status of their 'Home, Sweet, Home' on a summers evening. Jason golfed with TM on an amiable basis, the Martens themselves went out of their way to say how happy Jason was with his life in Davidson County. They were the ones to tell us he was applying for permanent residency weren't they?

I believe the jury will see it for what it is, a relationship that was founded on mutual love for the kids, but not so much for each other, that was beginning to crumble. The kids were getting older and more independent and so the family dynamic was changing. The marriage was struggling to survive that and so frustrations were starting to surface - Molly's spending irritated Jason/Jason's weight annoyed Molly. (Perhaps the alleged affair Molly is purported to have been having will have impacted here also - the phone incident : although again, this was only identified in the children's original statements which have since been retracted so I don't think we can reasonably believe this incident actually took place) Where the defense will struggle IMO is to try to justify that the level of disharmony in the family home warranted the 'particularly heinous' death that Jason received.

I don't think that TL's testimony will really come into force, other than as a character reference for the Corbett family generally. No matter whether she is telling 100% truth, or lying through her teeth, I think any jury would take her testimony as the grieving sister who has been left to pick up the pieces of a terrible crime. They would not have an expectation of her to see any goodness in the person she sees as responsible for her situation. But if she continues to present herself in court in the dignified manner she has done thus far, I think it will be a help to the prosecution, particularly if Molly continues to become agitated at the testimony. I would doubt that the prosecution will utilize her much in the criminal trial, other than in respect of the children, as really she had nothing to do with what happened that night.

As regards to the money, we have no idea really who will get the money from the estate. In reality, I would imagine if Jason had named Tracey & David as guardians of his children, then he would also have put a large proportion of his money into trust for the kids should anything happen to him. (particularly as I assume the majority of his 'wealth' would have come from life insurance he received after Mags' death) The money is insignificant, insomuch, as the Corbett's would see all of the estate as the rightful property of the children, particularly as they so vehemently believe in Molly's guilt, rather than an actual need for the money.

All MOO of course.
A donnybrook perhaps? There is so much in this case that is yet unknown. But if Jason died of a heart attack the autopsy report would say so. And I question this - at the point that JC was rendered unconscious, was he no longer a deadly threat? So then, explain the overkill.

I am also curious about the reasons why the Martens came to NC that night. I mean, was TM aware of the volatility in the marriage? Did he sense an escalation in the love bully fight? The constant engagement of arguing with each other.

I haven't read anything about domestic violence being used as a defense in the case. My guess is the defense wants to establish an unstable marriage in which Jason thought nothing of knocking Molly over to read what's on her phone. Molly thought nothing of calling Jason a Fat *advertiser censored*. One causes physical harm (could be deadly) the other mental anguish (not so deadly) I can't see them going into every little insult they hurled at each other because it doesn't prove anything one way or the other about the night he died.

You Irish ladies should think about how a jury is going to see this. I doubt they are going to presume that Mollys marriage to Jason was a hoax. Even TL does not know what went on in the master bedroom of the family home that night; and she knows probably even less about the innerworkings of the 4 year marriage.

If the money wasn't an issue here, then why all the drama on Molly's moving day? It's clear to me that TL needs the money to raise the children. The children are the victims. I hope if Molly is acquitted she sets up a trust for them. IMO

Please remember that Jason Corbett and his grieving families are all victims here. This forum is victim friendly. I find your insinuations that the Corbett family are in this for the money horrendous and completely abhorrent. It has echoes of MM Facebook posts slating the grieving family. The Corbett family that have put J&S needs first & foremost. The Corbett family is not on trial. Jason Corbett is not on trial. The two people who committed this crime are on trial. You have said Jason "knocked over Molly" PROOF??? You have called him a "Love Bully" PROOF??? I'm sure Forensics can tell what happened that night. And yes! EXPLAIN THE OVERKILL? I suggest admin might close this thread again. Thanks

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I totally agree ....the corbett family have done nothing but protect jack and sarah,
They have been dignified through out this nightmare they were forced into,
And for you to say their in this for the money ???
Just to clear something up TL and DL are both working parents with good jobs and are quite capable of bringing up their children..
They are in this to get justice for their sibling .
And justice for jack and sarah for the brutal murder of their dad.
All impo

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Consider the scenario that Molly and Jason had sex that night. He was wearing his wedding ring. The drug that was found in Jason's system is contraindicated for certain heart problems, and it comes with a warning to men about priapism. It was once considered for development as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. How do you know his cardiologist didn't actually prescribe it for him? It causes a drop in blood pressure that's sedative; and, it can make you dizzy.

Sorry if it appears that I am contradicting you, its not my intention, but I am just trying to follow the logic...was he raping her/struggling to get it up? If someone has a problem with erectile dysfunction, but they were in such a pissed off place with their spouse that they left an outing early the night before, it would surprise me that they would then take something that would encourage their libido. Particularly when they had the potential of a house to themselves for the night but went out of their way to not only invite her parents to the home, but suddenly brought the kids home at such a late hour.

Again, all of these whisperings just contradict each other. Either Jason's mood had deteriorated such that he was forcing himself on which case there would surely have been an indication of this from earlier in the evening (particularly if that's why she phoned her parents) so why bring the kids back?

Or he took all this medication which made him super drowsy/sedated but then suddenly had a manic episode where he tried to choke Molly....but then why the need for the overkill?
Consider the scenario that Molly and Jason had sex that night. He was wearing his wedding ring. The drug that was found in Jason's system is contraindicated for certain heart problems, and it comes with a warning to men about priapism. It was once considered for development as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. How do you know his cardiologist didn't actually prescribe it for him? It causes a drop in blood pressure that's sedative; and, it can make you dizzy.

I would suggest that everyone's reaction is different to medicines not prescribed to them .d I would also suggest you know less about the innerworkings of the 4 year marriage then TL. We are just spectators From what I gather from what we have at hand they had a very strong relationship so much so he named TL and Dl as the legal guardians of his children. There were the 18 visits home to meet his family and the vacations the Lynch family had there. They were aware of the problems in the marriage . Why wouldn't they talk about marriage problems with each other . The drama on moving day IMO was Molly was clearly defying court orders . TL doesn't receive anything its J & S that do and rightfully so . I think the suggestion that the Corbett family are some how in this for the money is repulsive . Give a read over the rules of websleuths again
  • Websleuths is victim friendly. Victim bashing will not be tolerated. In most instances, this rule extends to family and friends of principals, i.e., victims and perps.
I would suggest that everyone's reaction is different to medicines not prescribed to them .d I would also suggest you know less about the innerworkings of the 4 year marriage then TL. We are just spectators From what I gather from what we have at hand they had a very strong relationship so much so he named TL and Dl as the legal guardians of his children. There were the 18 visits home to meet his family and the vacations the Lynch family had there. They were aware of the problems in the marriage . Why wouldn't they talk about marriage problems with each other . The drama on moving day IMO was Molly was clearly defying court orders . TL doesn't receive anything its J & S that do and rightfully so . I think the suggestion that the Corbett family are some how in this for the money is repulsive . Give a read over the rules of websleuths again

I am not victim bashing. I have not attributed false motives to the Corbetts. I have repeatedly expressed my hope that the children get the money.
If the money wasn't an issue here, then why all the drama on Molly's moving day? It's clear to me that TL needs the money to raise the children. The children are the victims

You are victim bashing in a round about way that is very clear, TL is also a victim she has lost her brother through no fault of her own . As I said before TL and her husband have the responsibility for picking up the pieces that MM and TM caused .Maybe it is a difference in culture or something I'm not sure but when family members get murdered we generally are looking for justice and not money !
Just in an effort to move this forward....

So I was thinking about the defense requesting the cardiology records. If Jason was taking this drug for erectile dysfunction, then surely he wouldn't have gone to his cardiologist to prescribe it for him. Why would they not have requested all of his medical records? And also, if the cardiologist DID prescribe him something for erectile dysfunction, then why give him something that would be a contra-indicator for his condition?
Sorry if it appears that I am contradicting you, its not my intention, but I am just trying to follow the logic...was he raping her/struggling to get it up? If someone has a problem with erectile dysfunction, but they were in such a pissed off place with their spouse that they left an outing early the night before, it would surprise me that they would then take something that would encourage their libido. Particularly when they had the potential of a house to themselves for the night but went out of their way to not only invite her parents to the home, but suddenly brought the kids home at such a late hour.

Again, all of these whisperings just contradict each other. Either Jason's mood had deteriorated such that he was forcing himself on which case there would surely have been an indication of this from earlier in the evening (particularly if that's why she phoned her parents) so why bring the kids back?

Or he took all this medication which made him super drowsy/sedated but then suddenly had a manic episode where he tried to choke Molly....but then why the need for the overkill?

A couple in a love/bully relationship gets caught in the adrenaline rush that comes with their arguments getting out of control. It's a pattern of escalating violence triggered by little things like pushing each other's buttons to get a reaction. The fight goes on and on, takes way too much energy to sustain, and yet they can't stop doing it. Make up to break up. Both parties at fault here. And the relationship becomes dangerous to the children who witness it because it's in a constant state of back and forth play and nobody can predict what will happen. That's why the overkill. The emotional weight that comes with ending the fight once and for all.

This is just my sense of things. I'm the first one to say I don't know what happened that night. I want to hear their story. And there is still much we have yet to know. I'm here because I want to talk about it and I appreciate hearing your ideas. I have never told anyone how they should think or what to believe. There is no smoking gun. No one is perfect.

I missed the Social Media War. From what I have read about it, I don't believe it sheds light on what happened that night.
Just in an effort to move this forward....

So I was thinking about the defense requesting the cardiology records. If Jason was taking this drug for erectile dysfunction, then surely he wouldn't have gone to his cardiologist to prescribe it for him. Why would they not have requested all of his medical records? And also, if the cardiologist DID prescribe him something for erectile dysfunction, then why give him something that would be a contra-indicator for his condition?

I think the Dr would prescribe it more for sleep than for ED, but in JC case maybe for both. It's actually a fairly gentle drug. There is only one heart condition that is contra-indicated. I think its a valve thing.
A couple in a love/bully relationship gets caught in the adrenaline rush that comes with their arguments getting out of control. It's a pattern of escalating violence triggered by little things like pushing each other's buttons to get a reaction. The fight goes on and on, takes way too much energy to sustain, and yet they can't stop doing it. Make up to break up. Both parties at fault here. And the relationship becomes dangerous to the children who witness it because it's in a constant state of back and forth play and nobody can predict what will happen. That's why the overkill. The emotional weight that comes with ending the fight once and for all.

This is just my sense of things. I'm the first one to say I don't know what happened that night. I want to hear their story. And there is still much we have yet to know. I'm here because I want to talk about it and I appreciate hearing your ideas. I have never told anyone how they should think or what to believe. There is no smoking gun. No one is perfect.

I missed the Social Media War. From what I have read about it, I don't believe it sheds light on what happened that night.

Fair enough, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the love/bully relationship idea. As I referenced in the article earlier, aggressive tendencies in relationships tend to be pathological rather than reactive, and thus far there is nothing to suggest that Jason was in fact that type of personality. I think it is a very emotive topic, and so it will be very easy for people who have been in a toxic situation to export that situation onto this one, but as I say, we can agree to disagree.

The social media is interesting only from the perspective that it was used to manipulate public perception, which I find unusual in a case of this nature.
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