GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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I think the Dr would prescribe it more for sleep than for ED, but in JC case maybe for both. It's actually a fairly gentle drug. There is only one heart condition that is contra-indicated. I think its a valve thing.

You have more knowledge of the drug than I, my only observation would be that Jason had successfully fathered two children so I am unsure why there is an assumption that he was impotent and would therefore need help in that department.
Fair enough, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the love/bully relationship idea. As I referenced in the article earlier, aggressive tendencies in relationships tend to be pathological rather than reactive, and thus far there is nothing to suggest that Jason was in fact that type of personality. I think it is a very emotive topic, and so it will be very easy for people who have been in a toxic situation to export that situation onto this one, but as I say, we can agree to disagree.

The social media is interesting only from the perspective that it was used to manipulate public perception, which I find unusual in a case of this nature.

I agree with you, there is no basis for this love/bully scenario. MM social media posts were a complete attempt at manipulation of public perception. Personally I found them creepy & her constant use of the phrase "My love will find you...." to J&S felt nothing short of a threat to keep their mouths shut. It takes a certain type of person that's capable of such violence and then afterwards such coldness & contempt that she showed to Jason's family especially Jason's elderly parents.

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I think the Dr would prescribe it more for sleep than for ED, but in JC case maybe for both. It's actually a fairly gentle drug. There is only one heart condition that is contra-indicated. I think its a valve thing.

Again the presumption that it was Jason's prescription. As far as we know Jason didn't suffer from any major depressive disorder. But we do know that MM has a history of psychiatric conditions including bipolar, mania, self harming.... Has been treated in a psychiatric unit. So the logic part of my brain believes the Trazodone was hers.
What is trazodone?
Trazodone is an antidepressant medicine. It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with depression.
Trazodone is used to treat major depressive disorder.

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You have more knowledge of the drug than I, my only observation would be that Jason had successfully fathered two children so I am unsure why there is an assumption that he was impotent and would therefore need help in that department.

Guys like to take ED drugs for enhancement. It doesn't mean they're impotent, it means they can be Superman for awhile.
Again the presumption that it was Jason's prescription. As far as we know Jason didn't suffer from any major depressive disorder. But we do know that MM has a history of psychiatric conditions including bipolar, mania, self harming.... Has been treated in a psychiatric unit. So the logic part of my brain believes the Trazodone was hers.
What is trazodone?
Trazodone is an antidepressant medicine. It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with depression.
Trazodone is used to treat major depressive disorder.

That is true at the therapeutic dosage. In smaller doses it's prescribed as a sleep aid. It's been around for a long time and it's not a narcotic. If it was Molly's prescription and he took it, then the fault is on him. If she dosed him, she would be charged with 1st degree murder. IMO
That is true at the therapeutic dosage. In smaller doses it's prescribed as a sleep aid. It's been around for a long time.
If it was Molly's prescription and he took it, then the fault is on him because if she dosed him, she would be charged with 1st degree murder. IMO

Maybe she would/should have been charged with first degree murder. But it's harder to prove without doubt. Because Dead men can't talk. And of course MM would say she didn't give it to him anyway. She is in self preservation mode and nothing she claims would shock me at this stage.

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I wouldn't be well informed when it comes to prescription drugs if I'm being honest . But I looked up tradazone and it doesn't seem gentle to me .

Thanks Stephen, great info! Between the priapism (painful erection) and the loss of sex drive...if this was Jason's prescription it seems unlikely that he is using it for sexual pleasure!
Also, just two points to note regarding Jason using the trazodone as a sleeping aid - again, if he had retired to bed and taken a sleeping aid, this doesn't point to a man riled up and ready for a fight. Secondly, if Jason was seeing a cardiologist he would have been aware of his heart problems, why would he voluntarily take something so risky when there are plenty of over the counter sleeping aids which would not have the same potential impact?

  • Avoid trazodone if you're recovering from a heart attack. Inform your doctor if you have abnormal heart rhythms, weakened immunity, active infection, or liver or kidney disease. Use it cautiously if you have heart disease.
Also, just two points to note regarding Jason using the trazodone as a sleeping aid - again, if he had retired to bed and taken a sleeping aid, this doesn't point to a man riled up and ready for a fight. Secondly, if Jason was seeing a cardiologist he would have been aware of his heart problems, why would he voluntarily take something so risky when there are plenty of over the counter sleeping aids which would not have the same potential impact?

  • Avoid trazodone if you're recovering from a heart attack. Inform your doctor if you have abnormal heart rhythms, weakened immunity, active infection, or liver or kidney disease. Use it cautiously if you have heart disease.
Were any of these Jason's heart condition? Just like you, I want to know why he had trazodone in his system and I've come up with some possible explanations. I do think this will be brought up at trial if it's relevant to the crime. Why would Molly want to sopeona JC medical records as being helpful to her defense?
Were any of these Jason's heart condition? Just like you, I want to know why he had trazodone in his system and I've come up with some possible explanations. I do think this will be brought up at trial if it's relevant to the crime. Why would Molly want to sopeona JC medical records as being helpful to her defense?
I cannot find any contraindindications to suggest tradazone may cause the patient to be violent, aggressive, abusive. I have however, reading the possible side effects discovered that tradazone alone can cause drowsiness and incoherence. This can be amplified even more so if the person has consumed alcohol.
We know that JC had a small amount of alcohol on his system which makes me question the defence even more so.
If they are going down the road of JC lashing out because he was pumped up on tradazone, it makes no sense. It has the opposite effect in fact.

The sedative effect is increased when trazodone is taken with other central nervous system depressants, such as alcoholic beverages, sleeping medications, other sedatives, or antihistamines. It may be dangerous to take trazodone in combination with these substances.

Read more:
Also an outpatient who is recovering from surgery especially potential gallbladder surgery with surgical staples intact evident at autopsy is not IMO someone who would be in their full strenght.
However the surgery may explain any possible prescriptions IMO tradazone would be prescribed for sleep in the instance of someone recovering from painful surgery not for impotence. If anyone is familiar with gallbladder surgery recovery is long and painful. See below an excerpt from JC autopsy

The intact capsule is smooth. The parenchyma is red-brown and uniform without mass, yellow
discoloration, or palpable fibrosis. The gallbladder is absent. Surgical clips are in the gallbladder bed.
the trazodone may or may not be related to his cardiologist. It's relevant to the trial because it's in the autopsy report. In my mind if he had a prescription for it and was taking it as directed it works out better for him that he was trying to sleep when Molly engaged him in a argument. If he doesn't have a prescription then Molly can claim he was engaging in behaviors that weren't good for him by taking her meds to sleep when he had a heart condition. I am sure she thought she was his primary caretaker. She was his wife.
Me Report which states the heart conditions Jason had .

Congenital bicuspid aortic valve with associated left ventricular hypertrophy (1.5 cm)
Coronary artery atherosclerosis, mild

I find it very unlikely that Tradozone would be a drug prescribed to Jason given that the symptoms of Coronary artery atherosclerosis, bicuspid aortic valve problems and left ventricular hypertrophy and the possible side affects of Tradozone . It would be precarious for a doctor to prescribe such medicine to a patient with any heart condition or without a full health check . I would doubt any person knowing that they had a heart condition would knowingly take a drug unless it was prescribed to them . Heart problems are life threatening medication especially medication not prescribed to you are dangerous when it comes to heart problems .

Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis Symptoms
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]History may include the following:[/FONT]
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness, tiredness, reduced exertional capacity
  • Dizziness, palpitations
  • Leg swelling
  • Weight gain

Tradazone side affects
Talk to your doctor straight away if you notice the following side-effects:
  • You have thoughts of harming or killing yourself
  • Feeling tired, faint, dizzy, having pale skin. These could be signs of anaemia
  • Convulsions/fits
  • Unusual skin sensations such as numbness, tingling, pricking, burning or creeping on the skin (parasthesia)
  • Feeling confused, restless, sweating, shaking, shivering, hallucinations (strange visions or sounds), sudden jerks of the muscles or a fast heartbeat, you may have something called Serotonin syndrome.
  • Feeling very unwell, possibly with shortness of breath (dyspnoea), difficulty in walking or walking with a shuffling gait, shaking, uncontrolled muscle twitching and a high temperature (above 38°C).
    This could be a rare condition known as Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
Bicuspid aortic valve
[FONT=&amp]Ultimately, your heart is required to "work overtime" to push blood through the smaller, diseased bicuspid aortic valve. Initially, the cardiac muscle can adjust to the stress caused by this valve disorder. Over time, however, this ongoing strain can lead to permanent complications including:[/FONT]
  • An enlarged heart
  • Abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation
  • Congestive heart failure
[FONT=&amp]Needless to say, these are very serious issues. It is for this reason, that patients must actively monitor their health, get regular check-ups and be aware of potential bicuspid aortic valve symptoms. [/FONT]

Left ventricular hypertrophy

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Left ventricular hypertrophy usually develops gradually. You may experience no signs or symptoms, especially during the early stages of the condition.
As left ventricular hypertrophy progresses, you may experience:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain, often after exercising
  • Sensation of rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeats (palpitations)
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • If you experience mild shortness of breath or other symptoms, such as palpitations, see your doctor.
    If you have high blood pressure or another condition that increases your risk of left ventricular hypertrophy, your doctor is likely to recommend regular appointments to monitor your heart. Even if you feel well, you need to have your blood pressure checked annually
Nothing we say on this forum is going to make one bit of difference at the trial. Nothing I've read on this forum has convinced me of the Martens Guilt. What are you going to do if she is acquitted?
Nothing we say on this forum is going to make one bit of difference at the trial. Nothing I've read on this forum has convinced me of the Martens Guilt. What are you going to do if she is acquitted?

That is your prerogative . Im not meaning to get personal but you did state before that you were a victim of Dv and had bi polar . Maybe being a victim of abuse yourself at the hands of a man you can't get your head around the gender bias a lot of women seem to have when it comes to domestic violence .Maybe you are identifying yourself in MM? Just because somebody is a man or is bigger than you does not make them the abuser . Again I sympathise with your own personal experiences and don't mean to cause offence to you in any way .
Me Report which states the heart conditions Jason had .

I find it very unlikely that Tradozone would be a drug prescribed to Jason given that the symptoms of Coronary artery atherosclerosis, bicuspid aortic valve problems and left ventricular hypertrophy and the possible side affects of Tradozone . It would be precarious for a doctor to prescribe such medicine to a patient with any heart condition or without a full health check . I would doubt any person knowing that they had a heart condition would knowingly take a drug unless it was prescribed to them . Heart problems are life threatening medication especially medication not prescribed to you are dangerous when it comes to heart problems .

Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis Symptoms

Tradazone side affects
Bicuspid aortic valve

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Interesting points...particularly when you link it to the fact that Jason had recently been trying to loose weight. The extra excercising may have brought the heart defects into play again, which again makes it even less likely that the trazodone would have been prescribed for him.

There is always the possibility that he may have taken some of Molly's sleeping tablets, but again, this does not work with the theory that he was then enraged later that night. IMO
the trazodone may or may not be related to his cardiologist. It's relevant to the trial because it's in the autopsy report. In my mind if he had a prescription for it and was taking it as directed it works out better for him that he was trying to sleep when Molly engaged him in a argument. If he doesn't have a prescription then Molly can claim he was engaging in behaviors that weren't good for him by taking her meds to sleep when he had a heart condition. I am sure she thought she was his primary caretaker. She was his wife.

I think ultimately the focus of this trial will be JC story which is outlined in the autopsy report IMO.
The pictures alone that will be shown to jurors possibly of the scene where JC lay after 3am in the morning unclothed and with multiple brutal catastrophic fractures to his skull in his own bedroom with his wife and father in law present allegedly fully clothed and in possession of 2 weapons. In all the arguments the defence bring forward this can't be denied IMO.

Between McGill, TL, the fitzpatrick family and JC testimony I think they will find it hard to convince a jury that MM was in any way nor did she presume to be a care giver to JC in fact I think MMs caregiver died that night in his bedroom. I am reminded judges in NC refused MM the right to have access to 2 children who had been in her care for years previous to JC death and I'm sure this was not a decision made for no reason. All of which will come to light next month.
That is your prerogative . Im not meaning to get personal but you did state before that you were a victim of Dv and had bi polar . Maybe being a victim of abuse yourself at the hands of a man you can't get your head around the gender bias a lot of women seem to have when it comes to domestic violence .Maybe you are identifying yourself in MM? Just because somebody is a man or is bigger than you does not make them the abuser . Again I sympathise with your own personal experiences and don't mean to cause offence to you in any way .

I'm not bipolar. I was a victim of DV 25 years ago. Had lots of group therapy and listened to many a story of DV. I have a sister-in-law who is bipolar and (coincidentally lives in Winston-Salem). My family goes way back in Forsyth County (250+ years). I keep telling you I don't know what happened to Jason that night. But you're right about the bias afforded women in domestic violence situations. Time was once that Molly would have been given the benefit of the doubt and not been charged at all. This trial is about the overkill. IMO.

Thanks for showing me some respect.
I think ultimately the focus of this trial will be JC story which is outlined in the autopsy report IMO.
The pictures alone that will be shown to jurors possibly of the scene where JC lay after 3am in the morning unclothed and with multiple brutal catastrophic fractures to his skull in his own bedroom with his wife and father in law present allegedly fully clothed and in possession of 2 weapons. In all the arguments the defence bring forward this can't be denied IMO.

Between McGill, TL, the fitzpatrick family and JC testimony I think they will find it hard to convince a jury that MM was in any way nor did she presume to be a care giver to JC in fact I think MMs caregiver died that night in his bedroom. I am reminded judges in NC refused MM the right to have access to 2 children who had been in her care for years previous to JC death and I'm sure this was not a decision made for no reason. All of which will come to light next month.

Who is McGill? The Corbetts refusal to accept Jason's marriage to Molly won't play so well with the Jury I'm afraid.
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