GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #5

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Not all issues spoken about here will make it to the trial. We probably know about one tenth of the information that will be presented. That's why I'm waiting to hear the story before deciding if Thomas acted in self defense or not.

My understanding about why we are here is to discuss the case. We are all entitled to our own opinion. A lively debate usually encompasses both points of view. This entire trial is happening because Jason has rights and the state is prosecuting because he was killed. But if anything impedes the defendants' right to a fair trial then the verdict can be overturned on appeal. IMO

I am certainly not her to Debate! Like some high school student, going back and forward point scoring. I am here to find out the truth about the events of JCs murder that faithful night. To fact find and understand the the victim and defendant. Looking at all the facts that have come to light, we have ONE victim only. One victim Jason Corbett.
One Victim no Debate

Day 1 on the road to justice,
Jason. P. Corbett.

Irish and USA friends lets share any media we find either side of the water later today, our evening papers here should run story if opening arguements go ahead today. Its difficult with no court live coverage but we will work together. Its been a long two years we are nearing the end.

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Yes indeed. I had always supposed she had invited her parents with the intention of staging an assault with witnesses present in order to get custody.
She needed witnesses though..
At some point the plan was changed..
I dont know who changed the plan but I am pretty sure it was not the victim.

But that would introduce an aspect of pre-meditation, would it not?
The phone records will tell a story.
Let it play out now.
He is not coming back and his children and family will never see him again.
That vacuum will never be filled.

To rob life itself from another human is the most shocking depraved crime against humanity.

Thanks marymead for putting your whole heart into this, for caring so deeply, for your beautiful writing and your mothering instinct. Thanks above all for your truth and your courage. You always inspire, and you always heal.

Phone calls only give metadata, I’m damn well sure if MM made incriminating emails they are long since deleted, if that removes them permanently from the service providers servers is another matter. Some countries are required by law to store all emails for 2yrs. Question could be asked could it be forensically recovered as the date transfer to those service providers servers would be massive and could be well overwritten. I’m damn well sure TM knows too well the possibility of data retention/recovery and for him taking part in a conspiracy with that out there it would be too much. I would think at this stage if this was such evidence they would be all plea bargaining and the charge would be first degree.

At the time of the water faucet incident, I hadn't realised that JC was there. According to the report above it says he was, and ran into the Kichen to try and stop it. MC pushes him back and everyone is shouting for her to stop. For a women claiming to be a victim of DV, it seems very odd that she does physically push him away. I would think that the majority of DV victims would not dare do this to their abuser. She must also have great strength to push him back like that. IMO

And young Jack was telling all his friends she was not his real mum or Sarah’s and that’s how most neighbours found out and the same for school parents. Came as a big shock to neighbours and school mums that she had lied to. So Jack had no love for her
I'm not as informed about this case as many of you. I've been reading and trying to catch up. Currently reading into your research with trazodone and wanted to bring up a point. I was rxd that med for insomnia. I have ADHD and take a stimulant med to help my focus so winding down at night can be hard at times. That med didn't last long with me as it changed my personality completely. I was very anxious and easily aggravated. I didn't go into a murderous rage thankfully, but I can see how someone who is already over medicated could. I would guess the med was rxd to MMC. It's not recommended in bipolar (my education is in forensic psychology and applied behavioral analysis) but it is a recommended off label med for many co-morbids associated with her bipolar disorder. Many with bpd also suffer from insomnia, especially those who are manic and it seems that MMC was manic the majority of the time. I would love to read her psych profile and full list of meds. Many many psych meds can make a bipolar worse. She really should not have been trusted to care for young children unless she had shown mental stability for at least 6-12 months prior and she obviously was not stable that amount of time before going to Ireland as an au pair. The very best thing her family could have done for her at any point in her life since being diagnosed as bp would have been to place her inpatient until a proper drug cocktail to control her 'swings' was found. I don't see anywhere that she was inpatient at all. Is that true? Also, bp is frequently found to be genetically carried on the maternal side and has a mother/daughter correlation. Parents sometimes feel responsible for giving their child the disorder. Might be a bit of that reasoning in the Ms extreme defense of their daughter. Will the trial be streamed anywhere or no?

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In the closing statements, the DA could weave a narrative, a storyline. He can suggest to the jury that they ask themselves certain questions. "You may ask yourself why Jason had a drug in his system that was prescribed to his wife. We can't answer that question for you...but it's a puzzle. You may ask yourself why Sharon Martens never came upstairs. You may ask yourself why Molly and her Father had not a scratch on them. As you consider the hard evidence of the horrific beatdown we HAVE given you, these are puzzles you may consider as you deliberate."

Today we may hear one or both opening narratives. Prayers for the Corbett/Lynch families as they sit through this.

That is the crunch and very much puts the Ms’ on the back foot they will have to come forward with a real plausible excuse, not easy. 100% spot on
I'm not too sure what Trazadone would actually prescribed for, just working off the suggestions which have been raised here previously. If not Molly's, then maybe Sharon's...would that warrant 'aiding & abetting' if her prescription was found in his blood stream. But I guess I am just theorising, probably better to wait for the trial itself.
I have a prescription for trazodone. I take 50-100 mg to help me fall asleep at night. That's one tenth of the therapeutic dose for depression. I remember my doctor telling me it's benign in terms of side effects. It makes you sleepy but doesn't keep you asleep. If something startles you awake, you wake up pretty fast; you might feel light-headed and a little dizzy, but, it's non-narcotic. IMO
I have a prescription for trazodone. I take 50-100 mg to help me fall asleep at night. That's one tenth of the therapeutic dose for depression. I remember my doctor telling me it's benign in terms of side effects. It makes you sleepy but doesn't keep you asleep. If something startles you awake, you wake up pretty fast; you might feel light-headed and a little dizzy, but, it's non-narcotic. IMO

The side effects of trazodone are hardly benign but that's definitely what any doctor would state. Just stay vigilant in watching yourself as it certainly does affect brain chemistry.

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Phone calls only give metadata, I’m damn well sure if MM made incriminating emails they are long since deleted, if that removes them permanently from the service providers servers is another matter. Some countries are required by law to store all emails for 2yrs. Question could be asked could it be forensically recovered as the date transfer to those service providers servers would be massive and could be well overwritten. I’m damn well sure TM knows too well the possibility of data retention/recovery and for him taking part in a conspiracy with that out there it would be too much. I would think at this stage if this was such evidence they would be all plea bargaining and the charge would be first degree.

I know that the prosecution requested, and were provided, with several disks from google that consisted of emails from both MM and JC's accounts. ( there was an argument about the disclosure as the disks included information which would be deemed to fall within the client / attorney privilege. 14 emails were eventually removed.

I'm not as informed about this case as many of you. I've been reading and trying to catch up. Currently reading into your research with trazodone and wanted to bring up a point. I was rxd that med for insomnia. I have ADHD and take a stimulant med to help my focus so winding down at night can be hard at times. That med didn't last long with me as it changed my personality completely. I was very anxious and easily aggravated. I didn't go into a murderous rage thankfully, but I can see how someone who is already over medicated could. I would guess the med was rxd to MMC. It's not recommended in bipolar (my education is in forensic psychology and applied behavioral analysis) but it is a recommended off label med for many co-morbids associated with her bipolar disorder. Many with bpd also suffer from insomnia, especially those who are manic and it seems that MMC was manic the majority of the time. I would love to read her psych profile and full list of meds. Many many psych meds can make a bipolar worse. She really should not have been trusted to care for young children unless she had shown mental stability for at least 6-12 months prior and she obviously was not stable that amount of time before going to Ireland as an au pair. The very best thing her family could have done for her at any point in her life since being diagnosed as bp would have been to place her inpatient until a proper drug cocktail to control her 'swings' was found. I don't see anywhere that she was inpatient at all. Is that true? Also, bp is frequently found to be genetically carried on the maternal side and has a mother/daughter correlation. Parents sometimes feel responsible for giving their child the disorder. Might be a bit of that reasoning in the Ms extreme defense of their daughter. Will the trial be streamed anywhere or no?

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Molly said in the custody hearing that she had been misdiagnosed as bipolar and hadn't been prescribed anything for it for more than eight years. In a "presumed guilty until proven innocent" environment, that of course is a bold-faced lie. Evidently she did inpatient therapy prior to going to Ireland. Nobody knows for sure what her medical history has been since then. I'm not convinced it's an element of this crime, but we will see. IMO
I'm not as informed about this case as many of you. I've been reading and trying to catch up. Currently reading into your research with trazodone and wanted to bring up a point. I was rxd that med for insomnia. I have ADHD and take a stimulant med to help my focus so winding down at night can be hard at times. That med didn't last long with me as it changed my personality completely. I was very anxious and easily aggravated. I didn't go into a murderous rage thankfully, but I can see how someone who is already over medicated could. I would guess the med was rxd to MMC. It's not recommended in bipolar (my education is in forensic psychology and applied behavioral analysis) but it is a recommended off label med for many co-morbids associated with her bipolar disorder. Many with bpd also suffer from insomnia, especially those who are manic and it seems that MMC was manic the majority of the time. I would love to read her psych profile and full list of meds. Many many psych meds can make a bipolar worse. She really should not have been trusted to care for young children unless she had shown mental stability for at least 6-12 months prior and she obviously was not stable that amount of time before going to Ireland as an au pair. The very best thing her family could have done for her at any point in her life since being diagnosed as bp would have been to place her inpatient until a proper drug cocktail to control her 'swings' was found. I don't see anywhere that she was inpatient at all. Is that true? Also, bp is frequently found to be genetically carried on the maternal side and has a mother/daughter correlation. Parents sometimes feel responsible for giving their child the disorder. Might be a bit of that reasoning in the Ms extreme defense of their daughter. Will the trial be streamed anywhere or no?

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Considering that Jason employed Molly to care for his children for three years prior to the marriage, I would think that she was showing mental stability during that time.

Surely if she was not he would have terminated the employment rather than placing his children at risk?
I'm not as informed about this case as many of you. I've been reading and trying to catch up. Currently reading into your research with trazodone and wanted to bring up a point. I was rxd that med for insomnia. I have ADHD and take a stimulant med to help my focus so winding down at night can be hard at times. That med didn't last long with me as it changed my personality completely. I was very anxious and easily aggravated. I didn't go into a murderous rage thankfully, but I can see how someone who is already over medicated could. I would guess the med was rxd to MMC. It's not recommended in bipolar (my education is in forensic psychology and applied behavioral analysis) but it is a recommended off label med for many co-morbids associated with her bipolar disorder. Many with bpd also suffer from insomnia, especially those who are manic and it seems that MMC was manic the majority of the time. I would love to read her psych profile and full list of meds. Many many psych meds can make a bipolar worse. She really should not have been trusted to care for young children unless she had shown mental stability for at least 6-12 months prior and she obviously was not stable that amount of time before going to Ireland as an au pair. The very best thing her family could have done for her at any point in her life since being diagnosed as bp would have been to place her inpatient until a proper drug cocktail to control her 'swings' was found. I don't see anywhere that she was inpatient at all. Is that true? Also, bp is frequently found to be genetically carried on the maternal side and has a mother/daughter correlation. Parents sometimes feel responsible for giving their child the disorder. Might be a bit of that reasoning in the Ms extreme defense of their daughter. Will the trial be streamed anywhere or no?

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Live tweeting is permitted by the judge. No cameras and no recordings permitted and if any jurors are publicly identified the judge has warned they will receive a custodial sentence.
Yeah, a guy who had a previous relationship with MM had written a book about that sad chapter of his life.
He described their relationship in quite some detail, extraordinarily volatile manipulative.. she was hospitalised, but it was quite a chore getting her there and keeping her there .. I dont have a link handy..
the book only came to light last year.. and the guy that wrote it was put under pretty severe pressure from her lawyers..
I was in touch with him for a short while.. I didn't maintain the contact.. I hope he is okay..

He described in some detail his agony.. the book is highly significant.. he had written it partly during the course of her final hospital admission. Stmarymead could fill you in much better than I on dates, I did not read it in its entirety.. I seem to recall there was a very brief time span between her discharge and taking up the nanny position in Ireland.. like weeks..?
In it he described quite a cocktail of meds.. like...elephant sized combos and dosages..
I was never really clear whether she had spent her life medicating trauma or really had the disease of bp.
There is a dailymail article detailing her meds somewhere..

the biggest mystery is that she did not disclose her illness to Jason until shortly before they married and after they had become engaged.

She managed to hide or control it for several years while she worked as nanny to his children..

Sorry my brain is fried, up all night with animals and I am finding it difficult to even see the screen.
Will fill you in better later.
You are warmly welcome.

Theres a media file worth scanning which contains the warrants.. 98 pages of them..if you are so inclined, as well a most of the media stuff.
The side effects of trazodone are hardly benign but that's definitely what any doctor would state. Just stay vigilant in watching yourself as it certainly does affect brain chemistry.

Thank you. I have ADHD too. And sometimes I just need some help getting to sleep. I have two bipolar friends however, and they have both moved away from that enormous, gallon-baggy full cocktail of prescribed medicines. I think they manage their lives now with four or five. IMO

Mary had been manic on the drive down from Knoxville, Tennessee, the phase of her illness when she felt indescribable euphoria. I dreaded this stage because of the devastating low that inevitably followed. And it wasn’t her; it was a fake happiness, a mirage.She’d had these sporadic manic periods for years, often staying awake for days. Mary would finish entire novels in one sitting or jog for miles, despite rarely exercising normally. It was a fantasy-like high, as if she were on hallucinogenic drugs.
The rehab center was one highly-monitored hallway of rooms. Patients stood inert with blank expressions on their faces. Others stared at bare walls as if there were no life inside them. I could not tell what gender some of the patients were. There were odd, primal sounds coming out of several rooms.
Nearly all the patients had attempted suicide at least once, some several times. Many were in the midst of electro-shock treatments. It was a sullen, grave place, much like the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest with Jack Nicholson.
The huge difference to me, of course, was that in this real-life psych ward, my fiancée was the main character.
Mary was adamant that anyone knew the whole truth of our predicament. A great number of prejudices and stereotypes are associated with mental illness in our society and she did not want to be judged unfairly. Nor did she want pity. My friends and family eventually began to suspect something was not right, but chose not to pry. I admitted to others that Mary struggled with migraines and insomnia–which she did–but no one had a clue how serious her problems were.
In the meantime, I could feel myself slipping away. I was going down with the ship. My mind was a whirlwind of worry, sadness, confusion and anger. It was overwhelming.
I feared I was losing my mind.
Repeatedly, I asked God for help, but things kept getting worse. What did Mary do to deserve this? She was a good person–so great with kids–yet had suffered almost her entire life.
And, what did I do? I was a good person. Had I not spent years in low-paying jobs helping others instead of chasing a bigger paycheck elsewhere? And for what, so we could struggle with bills and barely afford groceries?
I often feared Mary would finally give up. She swore she could never do that to me, but she talked about it often.
We had no idea how long Mary would be at the rehab center. Thank God my boss was understanding and told me to stay as long as I needed and not worry about work right now (I only told my boss that Mary’s health was terrible and we were going to a center to help her regulate her medications). I had very little money, hence the shoddy motel. My “smoke-free” room reeked of cigarettes and had multiple burn holes in the drapes and comforter. The cleaning crew neglected to clean the shavings from the previous guest, which were still on the bathroom counter-top and in the sink. Yet compared to Mary’s circumstances, I had no right to feel sorry for myself.
After Mary asked me to leave, I drove an hour towards home before I swallowed my pride and returned to be with her. I didn’t know if she would pull through. I didn’t know if either of us would ever be “okay” again. I had no idea how we’d gotten into this mess or if we could get back out.
Visiting hours at the center were 5 to 9 pm. I spent the days reading and writing, but mostly worrying. I also passed time in a small hospital chapel next door to Mary’s facility, meditating and praying. I prayed mostly for Mary, but–for the first time in years–I also prayed for myself.
"Molly is in a psych ward being treated for severe bipolar maniac depression. I just got off the phone with her. She was hysterical, begging me to bring her Coca-Cola and muscle relaxers.

Mary is still furious with me about check in night at the "rehabilitation center" center as the delicately call it. She is enraged at me because I refused to give her muscle relaxers despite strict orders to the contrary."

She was taking 26 medications a day, and she weighed less than 120lbs!

Page 4""Mary had been maniac on the drive down from Knoxville, Tenn, the phase of her illness where she felt indescribable euphoria. I dreaded this stage becausecof the devastating low that inevitably followed."

She had had sporadic maniac periods for years, often staying awake for days.snip. It was a fantasy like high; as if she were on hallucinogenic drugs.
not always work and may or may not be tolerable."

("Beholden to medication")

On page 41, Maginn writes that he "could not believe trained doctors could allow one person to be on so many drugs at once. The drugs interacted dangerously and unpredictably."

On page 36, Keith Maginn writes this of Molly:

"I would head home from work every evening not knowing if we would be going to the emergency room that night, if Molly would be in bed knocked out by men's for a migraine or if she would be curled up on the bathroom floor, sobbing for hours. The stress was unbearable."

On pg 41, he speaks of Molly developing a painful uterine disease, because of YEARS of putting so many powerful narcotics in her body. He writes about how treating this infection or that infection that she developed would cause her other medications not to work:
"It was literally like someone flipped a light switch, a complete 180."
Molly said in the custody hearing that she had been misdiagnosed as bipolar and hadn't been prescribed anything for it for more than eight years. In a "presumed guilty until proven innocent" environment, that of course is a bold-faced lie. Evidently she did inpatient therapy prior to going to Ireland. Nobody knows for sure what her medical history has been since then. I'm not convinced it's an element of this crime, but we will see. IMO

Ah. Well, that makes sense then re: her erratic behaviors.

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Live tweeting is permitted by the judge. No cameras and no recordings permitted and if any jurors are publicly identified the judge has warned they will receive a custodial sentence.
Yeah, a guy who had a previous relationship with MM had written a book about that sad chapter of his life.
He described their relationship in quite some detail, extraordinarily volatile manipulative.. she was hospitalised, but it was quite a chore getting her there and keeping her there .. I dont have a link handy..
the book only came to light last year.. and the guy that wrote it was put under pretty severe pressure from her lawyers..
I was in touch with him for a short while.. I didn't maintain the contact.. I hope he is okay..

He described in some detail his agony.. the book is highly significant.. he had written it partly during the course of her final hospital admission. Stmarymead could fill you in much better than I on dates, I did not read it in its entirety.. I seem to recall there was a very brief time span between her discharge and taking up the nanny position in Ireland.. like weeks..?
In it he described quite a cocktail of meds.. like...elephant sized combos and dosages..
I was never really clear whether she had spent her life medicating trauma or really had the disease of bp.
There is a dailymail article detailing her meds somewhere..

the biggest mystery is that she did not disclose her illness to Jason until shortly before they married and after they had become engaged.

She managed to hide or control it for several years while she worked as nanny to his children..

Sorry my brain is fried, up all night with animals and I am finding it difficult to even see the screen.
Will fill you in better later.
You are warmly welcome.

Theres a media file worth scanning which contains the warrants.. 98 pages of them..if you are so inclined, as well a most of the media stuff.

Thanks bunches. I'll do the reading. I think I may have missed this case while caring for my mom who had lung cancer. I missed a ton of life during that time. Cancer robs everyone. Sorry, ot. The fact that MMC did not tell JC about her issues until after engagement is rather telling. It's also rather devious imo.

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This was at the guardianship hearing before Mollys lawyers became aware of Keith's book written many years before this tragedy. She left for Ireland aged 24 if my memory is correct. Keith's relationship finished just previous to this

Molly Martens claims she has not been prescribed drugs for bipolar or depression in 'over eight years' according to court documents.

In a transcript of her testimony during a guardianship hearing on August 14th last year, the 32-year old told the court that she was diagnosed as bipolar at the age of 15.

Her testimony was given in response to evidence from her sister-in-law Tracey Lynch, who claimed that Ms Martens had left 'her lithium out on a shelf' in the bathroom while staying in Ms Lynch's home. The claims were made in court while both parties battled for custody of Mr Corbett's two young children.

While being examined under oath, Molly's attorney Kelley Gondring asked her what happened after she was diagnosed as bipolar. In reply she said "I underwent therapy and a psychiatrist for medications".

Mr Gondring then asked: "and today, what, if any, medications do you take for being bipolar?"

Ms Martens replied: "I don't"

Q - When is the last time you saw anyone about being bipolar?

A - The last time I saw anyone for bipolar depression was around age 17. And probably the last time I say anyone for depression was eight or nine years ago.

Q - Why haven't you seen anybody for bipolar since you were 17?

A - I feel that I probably wasn't bipolar. I was given anti-depressants and they reacted physiologically with my body. So later on the diagnosis changed to depression.

Q - Okay, when have you been prescribed lithium?

A - Not for over..... It's been over eight years since I have been prescribed anything.

Q - When, if ever, would you have had a box of lithium?

A - I have never had a box of lithium
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