GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #5

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Well I guess that answers the 'Where Was Sharon??' ...participating and destroying evidence apparently! So is the Trazadone Sharon's then? WAS there actually two bats?? Did Sharon bring the paving stone into the equation?

Two people admitted to hitting Jason, two people are charged. That implies there are no fingerprints linking anyone to the weapons...perhaps TM is covering for both of the women in his life. Perhaps that is why he sounds so lifeless in the 911 call...

My thoughts too. What if TM is not only covering for MM but SM too. Was he just finishing off what they started as there was no going back? Or was there another weapon that was removed from the house? Did the base ball bat and paving stone cause all the damage? IMO
I think we are looking at a few strategic legal,maneuvers here. The burden of proof between criminal and civil cases in the US is quite different.

"The standard of proof is also very different in a criminal case versus a civil case. Crimes must generally be proved "beyond a reasonable doubt", whereas civil cases are proved by lower standards of proof such as "the preponderance of the evidence" (which essentially means that it was more likely than not that something occurred in a certain way). The difference in standards exists because civil liability is considered less blameworthy and because the punishments are less severe."

In the criminal case, the prosecutors have a murder that looks like it was accomplished by two separate assailants. TM says emphatically that he was one of them, I believe MM has also made incriminating statements. Since the burden of proof is so high, including Sharon might muddy the works.

But most likely TM has moved most of their personal assets into SM's name to protect them in expectation of a civil suit. But not so fast, here the burden of proof is much lower. Now everything they own is in jeopardy.

Let's remember that justicein the OJ Simpson case came in a civil trial. The new evidence of the Bruno Magli shoes was even revealed...leaving little doubt except among the seriously deluded.

[FONT=&quot]The lawsuit also alleges that Sharon Martens “assisted, aided and abetted Defendants Molly Page Corbett and Thomas Martens in the killing of Jason Corbett and in the concealment and destruction of evidence related to Jason Corbett’s death.[/FONT]

I am at a loss now . So where did Sharon get the time to allegedly conceal and destroy evidence if the 911 call was made straight after the "donnybrook" . How long did Jason lay on the floor dead ?
I have always wondered about Jason's state of dress in this. Always wondered whether his pjs were taken off after the fact to conceal forensic evidence. He had earlier eaten some Greens (he was on a diet poor lad), I assume he wasn't going around the house naked with his mother in law staying over. Could SM have been involved with disposing of same? Without proof of course or otherwise there would have been criminal charges...
Good point Stephen. We always said once the paramedics arrived the martens compressions and cpr sounded more convincing on the 911 call. I doubt they were trying that hard initially. As another poster suggested I am assuming they will enhance the background conversation picked up by the emergency call. On the other hand the accusations against SM may be simply that she stuck to the story and didn't reveal everything she knows. It may be a 'blanket' accusation to cover off general suspicions against her.
And her brother,the other federal,agent, has posted publicly that they both "woke up."

I am at a loss now . So where did Sharon get the time to allegedly conceal and destroy evidence if the 911 call was made straight after the "donnybrook" . How long did Jason lay on the floor dead ?
This is all incredible to hear it throws even further doubt on what was a loose story imo. It makes me question their time of arrival, change of plans and what I'm going to be looking out for is what happened in the immediate hours after they arrived at the house until 11 when kids were collected.

How did we get to a situation where your outfront with friends and a beer, then hours later, the folks arrive and your dead.


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I have always wondered about Jason's state of dress in this. Always wondered whether his pjs were taken off after the fact to conceal forensic evidence. He had earlier eaten some Greens (he was on a diet poor lad), I assume he wasn't going around the house naked with his mother in law staying over. Could SM have been involved with disposing of same? Without proof of course or otherwise there would have been criminal charges...

which brings us to the "rummour" that someone left the house around 3am and returned no link to confirm this

I must say that Karma sent the Martens a frightening message this week that coincided with the launch of the civil suit. What was it? It was the fact that the newspapers were full of the parole of OJ Simpson...after years inp federal prison.

What message did Karma send? One, that "justice" has many avenues to punish the guilty. The OJ trial should remind the Martens that even if they are acquitted, Justice can pursue them civilly. And there is more...beyond courtrooms....

It should remind them that the civil trial imposed a huge financial burden on OJ that he can never escape. He kept his pension but his big lifestyle, his reputation, even any future earnings ...all are encumbered. Tom, Molly and Sharon all named in the civil suit. Uh-oh. After the costs for criminal lawyers, now they need civil lawyers...and if they lose...

But more than that,I hope the Martens ask themselves... why was OJ even in jail? Because, even years later, he was WATCHED.

He was watched. Suspicion was a bad smell that could never be covered by lies.

And when another trial had a crack at him...they threw the book at him.

This same thing happened in our case. The false accuser walked away uncharged...but in just a few years, she committed arson, then murder. And those who supported her were left speechless...or trying to push a narrative she HERSELF had killed along with her boyfriend. She was also bipolar, by the way.

The Martens will either be in an actual prison or in the prison of being watched constantly by the public. They will see noses twitching at the smell of suspicion. What a burden on Miss Molly! To have to forever hide from the public when she is cycling through her bipolar episodes in the future. She says she's cured. Well, SHE BETTER BE!

She will be watched and judged. How will that work with the paranoia Maginn described...where even before she brutally murdered her husband, she thought people hated her, were judging her? How will she handle that? How will the Martens handle her?

What a tremendous ongoing burden on the Martens who vouched for her sanity and the safety of the general public with Molly out and about. They will all be watched.

"Because...wherever you go, there YOU are."

Karma had OJ paroled this very week. I hope the Martens are thinking of the parallels here. I hope they see the grim future for them even beyond this criminal trial. OJ's lies and his slick attorneys couldn't spare him. Nor will the Martens ever lead their respected, comfortable life again.

This is a good omen. Wake every night, Martens, thinking of the horror you inflicted in that bedroom. And lay there and remember OJ.

Karma gonna get way or the other.
which brings us to the "rummour" that someone left the house around 3am and returned no link to confirm this

I wonder will a neighbour testify to the same? Hopefully we learn more next week.

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I just had a look and you aren't required to have cpr certificate to teach in Tennesse but there are a lot of states you do. So there is the possibility she was trained also if she taught in different states since college.

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My thoughts too. What if TM is not only covering for MM but SM too. Was he just finishing off what they started as there was no going back? Or was there another weapon that was removed from the house? Did the base ball bat and paving stone cause all the damage? IMO

Maybe Sharon brought the paving stone? If it had been lying out the back, there was direct access from the basement room they were staying in, she could have easily grabbed it from outside and brought it into the mix?
I think MM is explaining that by saying the paving stone was already in the room as it was a school project from one of the kids? We discussed it on earlier threads . I'll try to find link.
Listed tm and sm property at folly beach which was sold in May 2017 for 760,000 dollars. Interestingly it was bought for 73,000 according to price history that's some profit.

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I'd say maybe its more likely that they took some of the equity out of the property in 2014, so it was bought in 2012 for $742,000, they removed aprox 10% of the equity in 2014 (this may have required a re-mortgage hence why its showing as a sale) and then they sold it for $760,000 this year. If that is the case, its likely that they made very little from it by the time they would have paid fees etc, it depends on how much equity they would have left in it really I guess. Its been on the market since March last year, they must have needed whatever they could get for it at this point IMO.
I think in light of the info we have learned today maybe a listen back to the 911 call keeping in mind the possibility of a third person may be present in the room might be helpful.

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I think MM is explaining that by saying the paving stone was already in the room as it was a school project from one of the kids? We discussed it on earlier threads . I'll try to find link.

Thanks Fido, I remember that was what Molly alleged to have happened, I'm just trying to think of ways that SM could be involved in such a way that they can't prove it enough to charge her. Class project on a brick that was kept on the bedside locker always seemed a stretch to me...I guess I'm more thinking out loud at this point sorry!
Thanks Fido, I remember that was what Molly alleged to have happened, I'm just trying to think of ways that SM could be involved in such a way that they can't prove it enough to charge her. Class project on a brick that was kept on the bedside locker always seemed a stretch to me...I guess I'm more thinking out loud at this point sorry!
Did SM encourage Molly to take a shower before the police got there? That might do it. IMO
Did SM encourage Molly to take a shower before the police got there? That might do it. IMO

True, that would fit with the destruction of evidence charge. But again that just leads to even more questions about the timeline...if Molly had the time to have a shower before they dialed 911 and started CPR they must have known there would have been no way to revive Jason at that point. How long did they wait after the fact to phone for help?
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