GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #8

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Holton is MM lawyer.
Did he refer to her once today?
Did he represent or uphold her character in any way?
Did he present any rationale for the slaughter of JC?
No character witnesses?
No background?
Why was he even there and allowed to speak?
2 defenses and just 1 defendant?

Holton worked hard to prove reasonable doubt. Talked of Molly having blood on her forehead, a mark on her neck, a sore throat, and her video with the sheirff's office not being presented.

My question why did the defense not present the video? Why did the defense not have more to present?
The Prosecution was solid. They presented a PowerPoint full of facts.

my reading of it was they not only put a lot of work into prosecution but they also put a lot of heart into it.
Antithetical to the defense.. which is ghoulish
my reading of it was they not only put a lot of work into prosecution but they also put a lot of heart into it.
Antithetical to the defense.. which is ghoulish
The Prosecution's closing statements had me in tears. Jason matters, Jason's life mattered. Justice for Jason!
The Prosecution was solid. They presented a PowerPoint full of facts.
I have to agree. The defense left a lot to be desired. if the soundbites are taken from their case then I think they are on very thin ice. The longer this case went on the more it became obvious that the prosecution had tangible evidence versus recollections of the event that did not add up.
In his closing arguments, Davidson County Assistant District Attorney Greg Brown described Mr Corbett as the father of Jack and Sarah. He recounted the testimony of David Fritzsche, a neighbour who described himself as a friend of Mr Corbett’s.

Mr Brown also addressed the testimony of Karen Capps, the operator of the emergency 911 number who testified Mr Martens was not out of breath when on the phone following the killing. “He was not out of breath after a battle for his life and for the life of his daughter,” Mr Brown said.

He said the testimony Mr Martens gave was not credible, as the codefendant said he called 911 two minutes after Mr Corbett collapsed after being hit with a bat.

“Is the claim of self-defence even true?” Mr Brown asked.

He suggested financial gains, including the Corbetts’ unmortgaged home, as possible motive for Ms Martens to commit murder.

The prosecution argued the crime scene had been staged and that Mr Corbett had been left to die.

that would be my take on the events ok. <modsnip> what happened to Jasons phone , The clothes that TM and MM wore. Why SHARON MARTENS did nothing? <modsnip>
I am not looking for an argument but a rich history of what? It's a beautiful place with lovely people but these people are normal everyday people who have minds of their own and don't need to be spoon fed what they should believe or not believe . They will base their verdict on the evidence provided to them

Of course they will base their verdict on the evidence; everything you said and more. But, the jury might not see things the same as you. Particularly the way you view Molly. And, the way she is covered in the Irish Press is just not who she is. I don't think so. The soccer mom vs the vixen Nanny? Well that'll probably get cut. But, Sorry to tell you it's offensive that attitude. Rash, rude & rigid. IMO

But I'm not looking for an argument either. I also imagine that folks down that way are offended by the media onslaught that has descended onto their town and basically disrupted their lives. I mean, most of them probably have to get back to work. And, I know it's their civic duty and all, but I wonder if everyone has found enough places to park everyday? And get coffee? I doubt their facilities were built to handle anything like this and everyone is stressed out as can be. JMO Life needs to return to normal.

I want to tell you this for to think about a different venue. But I went to college just 20 miles down the road in Salisbury. I met a detective with the Rowan County Sherriff at a reunion party last fall who had not heard of this case at all, a full fifteen months after JC died. He should have known about it. He said so, but he didn't know anything. Strange IMO
I am so surprised (well not entirely given the less than stellar reporting) that no media outlets have obtained a copy of Molly's statement. We know it was given to the jury and they read it but no details have been disclosed to the public. I would love to see her statement. Wonder what other suspicious things were in it besides stating that she only "tried" to hit Jason with the paver? #justiceforjason

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Of course they will base their verdict on the evidence; everything you said and more. But, the jury might not see things the same as you. Particularly the way you view Molly. And, the way she is covered in the Irish Press is just not who she is. I don't think so. The soccer mom vs the vixen Nanny? Well that'll probably get cut. But, Sorry to tell you it's offensive that attitude. Rash, rude & rigid. IMO

But I'm not looking for an argument either. I also imagine that folks down that way are offended by the media onslaught that has descended onto their town and basically disrupted their lives. I mean, most of them probably have to get back to work. And, I know it's their civic duty and all, but I wonder if everyone has found enough places to park everyday? And get coffee? I doubt their facilities were built to handle anything like this and everyone is stressed out as can be. JMO Life needs to return to normal.

I want to tell you this for to think about a different venue. But I went to college just 20 miles down the road in Salisbury. I met a detective with the Rowan County Sherriff at a reunion party last fall who had not heard of this case at all, a full fifteen months after JC died. He should have known about it. He said so, but he didn't know anything. Strange IMO

Can I ask you something?
Molly is very complex.. I dont hate her but she does bore me to an extreme level.
And, I know we try to walk in their shoes, the murderers and the victims too in an effort to understand , the darkness, so that we can integrate horror.
If I try to put myself in her shoes, I can understand her misery, her life long misery, if thats an aspect, I can understand her rage, I can understand her obsession, I can understand what appears to be her greed..I get lost though, after that, because my imagination cannot occupy her many apparently different personas at the same time.
My question is where are you with this, thought I am not suggesting you work this way?
I am not confronting you , I am interested.
Its fine if you dont want to answer this.
If Molly is found guilty she has a good case for appealing ineffective assistance on counsel. It was an appellate issue raised for Scott Peterson and Michael Skakel (Kennedy cousin).

All my opinion, but MM's defense has not been top notch. Today her female attorney kept getting the date of Jason's death wrong. She was corrected.
Is your head on steady shoulders??? Read that back to yourself . do you think reasonable doubt will be considered by the jury??? These are ordinary people who don't give a damn about points of law. they see a man brutally killed with no sign of any struggle. they see a trained specialist TM. a former FBI agent who gave a statement that does not match the evidence. A man who spent years paying attention to detail. A man who was paid to see danger ahead and deal with it accordingly. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...................
I offered my opinion same as anyone else in this forum can share their verdict prediction, lawyer case review. Thats just means you and I share just a little different ideas regarding trial details. If you and I don't really see it perfectly the same I sort of doubt a jury of 12 can dial 12 in to thinking identically. That's one of the great aspects of our judicial system I respect most.
All my opinion, but MM's defense has not been top notch. Today her female attorney kept getting the date of Jason's death wrong. She was corrected.

I am getting the sense they are throwing it away, feeling they will have a better chance on appeal?

I thought they did it from the outset with the frequent tv interviews, the outrageous statements they made..
Was that their strategy all along?
I'm going with guilty...of something. Maybe its manslaughter as a lesser included or maybe its 2nd degree. There's too much unexplained, the brick paver is still a mystery. Molly did not testify. Of course that isn't required but in a case like this it's important. The jury has to wonder why she didn't get up there and say she was choked
Can I ask you something?
Molly is very complex.. I dont hate her but she does bore me to an extreme level.
And, I know we try to walk in their shoes, the murderers and the victims too in an effort to understand , the darkness, so that we can integrate horror.
If I try to put myself in her shoes, I can understand her misery, her life long misery, if thats an aspect, I can understand her rage, I can understand her obsession, I can understand what appears to be her greed..I get lost though, after that, because my imagination cannot occupy her many apparently different personas at the same time.
My question is where are you with this, thought I am not suggesting you work this way?
I am not confronting you , I am interested.
Its fine if you dont want to answer this.
I can see how you find her boring, but Molly is not unlike a lot of women I know who aspire to a life of southern grace and hospitality. She's about suburban living and parenthood. Prince Charming and the whole fairy tale. That's most likely her delusion. She seems entirely motivated by the children. My guess is Her life was structured around them and their activities, to the extent their social activities became gatherings of families with children the same age as theirs. I wonder if they went to church and/or had any counseling for making major life adjustments? Something cracked the facade. But really I am only guessing here. At the time of JC death she had devoted a quarter of her life to him and his children. And it doesn't appear she had been able to build anything permanent or lasting. Sad really. Kind of easy to see,how she might have been frustrated and how she started living in a dark place. IMO
I'm going with guilty...of something. Maybe its manslaughter as a lesser included or maybe its 2nd degree. There's too much unexplained, the brick paver is still a mystery. Molly did not testify. Of course that isn't required but in a case like this it's important. The jury has to wonder why she didn't get up there and say she was choked

I agree. Don't throw rocks at me but I feel that Molly will walk or get a light sentence. Not sure if Molly not testifying will make a difference. I have not followed this case as closely as most of you. Daddy dearest will probably go down.
this lady is late for a beauty appointment, clearly..
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Nice body language here - she won't even walk in step with her father/ parents when he's on trial for "saving" her? Doesn't say much for a united family front.
Great post Dale,

I think the defence did a good job also, better than the prosecution at any rate.

In my head it would be hard to say that TM and MM were not acting in self defense "beyond reasonable doubt".

As you say you have a husband who was drinking - <modsnip> and who "gets angry for no reason". In addition to this you have the blonde hair in Jasons hand. These elements create doubts. In my mind anyway.

I don't agree - a blonde hair in Jason's hand doesn't indicate any violence or threat on his part. There was no evidence that Molly was suffering from having a huge chunk of hair yanked out of her head. The blonde hair could have fallen onto his open hand as she leaned over him to see if he was dead. Or it could have been naturally shed and on the floor where he fell. In contrast, you have the paving stone covered in Jason's hair and blood.

If the defense presented an independent witness to state that Jason was in the habit of getting angry for no reason, then I missed it and didn't see it mentioned here. Having your wife/ estranged wife and FIL in your room at 3am when you are naked would be a good enough reason to get angry at them and tell them to leave, IMO. There were three people with two weapons between them - neither of those weapons belonged naturally in the bedroom - and only one person was injured. Fatally injured.

I think the defence did the best they could with very little material to work with - all they can do is suggest reasonable doubt, but I didn't see they presented any factors that would conclude reasonable doubt.
They couldn't risk putting Molly on the stand, because it would be too difficult for her to stay consistent with TM's story, which already clashed with forensic evidence. And if she's so emotional about the mention of the children's natural mother, when she's just sitting in court, then she'd be really vulnerable to exposing her motives if she was on the stand - she'd want to insist that she was the children's true mother and that she was entitled to the lifestyle JC could offer without the annoying detail of JC's presence.
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