GUILTY NC - Jose Perez, 64, murdered, Wake County, 15 June 2013

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She lied to everyone at every point in this case. And she lied to the jury. I think she did premeditate this killing and planned it (not well, but still did it). And then she attempted to cover it up and lied some more to try and make it look like this guy just took off on his own.

Her explanation of their struggle made no sense and the laws of physics must have been bent throughout the universe just for her based on the way she tells it. She got caught in lie after lie and then made up more lies to try and explain the other lies.

I hope the jury saw through the obvious lies told to them. I don't for one minute believe her husband attempted to attack her or threaten her life, and she could have gotten away from him without killing him even if there was some kind of altercation.

She deserves to be convicted of first degree murder.

Okay, I'm still watching her direct testimony, and I never thought I'd say this, but I think she is almost more of a liar than Arias - and I haven't even heard her version of the murder yet! She's unbelievable, IMO.
Still watching her pre-murder (which she calls 'the incident') testimony - so many lies I can't keep up!
Madonna says her husband had been logged onto Facebook, and she just happened to get on the computer and see a woman who messaged him in a loving way in spanish, and knew he was cheating?
Her therapist/love interest she began seeing in 2013 because she was upset about things, especially her youngest daughter's autism diagnosis (even though that was years earlier), but when she decided to stop therapy and asked her therapist the best way to contact him, he told her to use a dating site, and that he wanted 'first dibs' on her after she divorced? And she was involved with him within 7 days, and had him play in her band at a bar (perfect for a recovering alcoholic, right?).
Her husband had repeatedly threatened suicide, and had never been physically violent, so when she went to see her dying nephew in SC, she decided she wanted to buy a gun - for her safety?
Then she decided to borrow one, because her family member wanted to keep her and her daughter's safe, so she loaded on the spot? Then the gave her a knife as well, because he said she needed a permit for the gun, ?
Does she even believe this? It makes no sense, IMO JMO, MOO (but what a liar!)
OMG, her phone died - because her car charger wasn't working? So she didn't call her husband's sponsor that she planned to drop him off at his house?
Even though she had never called his sponsor about her 'concerns' about his drinking, but had called many times about all his 'big lies'.
She made sure her daughters were out of the house, took him to the dollar store, and the gas station - but she had to pay because he didn't have his wallet, or any ID?

More likely, he didn't know he was going out, or someone didn't want him to be easily identified, IMO.
Yeah, she's a character. You'll see as you follow this and other cases that most of these types of people are full of lies and what often comes out of their mouths are lies. Arias isn't that unique in the end. A sociopath is a sociopath. The stories change to suit what they need at any given time.

Turns out the jury will have the choice of the following verdicts:

- First degree murder
- Second degree murder
- Voluntary Manslaughter
- Not guilty by reason of self-defense
Yeah, she's a character. You'll see as you follow this and other cases that most of these types of people are full of lies and what often comes out of their mouths are lies. Arias isn't that unique in the end. A sociopath is a sociopath. The stories change to suit what they need at any given time.

Turns out the jury will have the choice of the following verdicts:

- First degree murder
- Second degree murder
- Voluntary Manslaughter
- Not guilty by reason of self-defense

Yes, you're right - I've only been listening to her testimony so far, so I've only heard the one set of lies so far - I have no doubt they will change to suit her story.
What surprises me - and I guess it shouldn't, is that she is testifying at all. It's fascinating to watch, but who on her defense thought it was a good idea? I suppose she feels she can expain it all away, and seems like she enjoys being the center of attention - par for the sociopath course, huh? She's something, IMO.

That poor man, and her poor children and father - she must have been difficult at best, IMO, JMO
I'm a local in Wake County, so this case is of interest to me. I have watched a fair amount of the trial live or by video. I must say that I was rather surprised by what I have seen. While she certainly has lied a lot, I wonder why she went that route. Her description of the incident has so many holes, but yet, there could be some grain of truth with it. I guess they are just looking for a little doubt in one juror.

The woman seemed to be educated, hard worker, supported education in kids, seemed to love her husband, kind to others and animals, devoted to sobriety, had faith in others, etc. So why this out of character murder? It is so bizarre to me.

I wonder how different it would have turned out, if she had immediately called 911 after the stabbing. If she hadn't lied about where he went and thrown his things away. What in the world was she expecting to happen by leaving his body right next to a road? So bizarre.

I missed this part. Did she ever say why she didn't go back and retrieve the gun that was left near the church parking lot? Who took the gun?

If she really thought he was dead, why take his shoes off? I find that odd too.

I suspect she will be found guilty, but maybe not first degree. I would have thought her attorney would have told her to be a little emotional. I never even heard her voice crack.
What is up with singing in my band?

Yes she is a liar. I am still on direct but her story is unbelievable.
Still watching her pre-murder (which she calls 'the incident') testimony - so many lies I can't keep up!
Madonna says her husband had been logged onto Facebook, and she just happened to get on the computer and see a woman who messaged him in a loving way in spanish, and knew he was cheating?
Her therapist/love interest she began seeing in 2013 because she was upset about things, especially her youngest daughter's autism diagnosis (even though that was years earlier), but when she decided to stop therapy and asked her therapist the best way to contact him, he told her to use a dating site, and that he wanted 'first dibs' on her after she divorced? And she was involved with him within 7 days, and had him play in her band at a bar (perfect for a recovering alcoholic, right?).
Her husband had repeatedly threatened suicide, and had never been physically violent, so when she went to see her dying nephew in SC, she decided she wanted to buy a gun - for her safety?
Then she decided to borrow one, because her family member wanted to keep her and her daughter's safe, so she loaded on the spot? Then the gave her a knife as well, because he said she needed a permit for the gun, ?
Does she even believe this? It makes no sense, IMO JMO, MOO (but what a liar!)

Agree. I think she is related to Jodi Arias by blood and brains and lies as well as bull crap cover ups while moving on to new love interest and flirtations right after the murder of a supposedly addicted sex addict or drunk addict spouse.

They also love to take the stand. Lol. Where do these murderess come from.
I have just finished watching Direct. Boy I have like 1000 questions. But just a few observations.

I know something is off with the 1st hubby's going to rehab in Ellenville NY I have worked with this group in the early 90's.

She always seemed broke but had huge windfalls of $$$. makes NO SENSE.

Looks like she moved on before any of the relationships had ended.

She just happens to get the weapons that killed Jose the day before?

She is in control of the car, gun and knife but Jose some how knows that they are in the car? But does attack when she is driving but after they exit the car and Joanna goes around the car then Jose attacks?

she never talks about religion except the day after the murder?

She has some explain these types of things if she want it to be SD.
She testified that she removed her husband's shoes so he wouldn't chase after her.
Okay, I'm still watching her direct testimony, and I never thought I'd say this, but I think she is almost more of a liar than Arias - and I haven't even heard her version of the murder yet! She's unbelievable, IMO.

AND she is even more of an arrogant one. The smugness, for god's sake, the smugness!!!! Calling the prosecutor "dear"? OMG OMG OMG @$%%^

Plus, as someone in recovery, it MEGA IRKS ME that she is LYING about what 12 step recovery is and teaches us. man, I would punch her in the f'ing face if I could. and I am not a violent person.
AND she is even more of an arrogant one. The smugness, for god's sake, the smugness!!!! Calling the prosecutor "dear"? OMG OMG OMG @$%%^

Plus, as someone in recovery, it MEGA IRKS ME that she is LYING about what 12 step recovery is and teaches us. man, I would punch her in the f'ing face if I could. and I am not a violent person.

Oh yes, super-smug, she nods condescendingly as the prosecutor asks her questions then goes off on a long tangent which doesn't answer the question ugh!

And yes!! about the 12 step program lies! I went to many meetings with my father, and went to the support grous (alateen and alanon), and she is SO lying.
She only called his sponsor about his lying, but not when she though he was drinking after 30+ years?
That stood out for me, but so many lies, too many to mention, IMO, and some of them are SO blatant.

Glad to see all you guys here! I have an appointment early Monday afternoon, but I hope to be able to catch closing in the morning.
My opinion of Ms Madonna is that she is intelligent, but narcissistic and completely out of touch with reality. I bet she is a compulsive liar. I think she enjoyed testifying; I enjoyed watching it.

I also think Ms Madonna has more than a couple screws loose.

Here is the link to the trial videos:

Playing catch up this weekend. I plan to be here Monday morning for closing arguments.
The jury will need to decide if the killing of Perez was done, as Ms. Madonna claims, in self-defense.

The charge is first degree murder, which in Wake County NC carries a sentence of LWOP. She is not being considered for a death penalty sentence.

She was arrested soon after Perez' body was found and has been in the Wake County Jail since (June 2013).

I've followed a handful of local cases in my area and to be honest, had not even heard of this one at the time it happened.

I was just making the rounds on the warm cases, and I just saw where you started this thread. I, like you said in a later post, live here, too, but I did not hear or read of this case until news of the already-ongoing trial. How did we miss it? Thanks for starting this thread!

She was mighty smug, IMO, up there on the stand -- she made it very difficult IMO for anyone to like her. It will be interesting to see what the jury does -- I think it will be tuff for them to not find her guilty.

Will we get a verdict on Monday?
Closing arguments today at 9:30 a.m. local time. See you here.
I am here. Hope I didn't miss much
OK. The defense atty is talking about their mutually beneficial relationship and how Madonna was hard worker and financially supported everyone during first few years of marriage.
43 mins ·
‪#‎MadonnaTrial‬ - Thomas: If she supposedly planned this whole thing, why not just shoot him dead?

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