GUILTY NC - Jose Perez, 64, murdered, Wake County, 15 June 2013

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Defense atty making the most of what he has to work with in closing arguments. I am no attorney but would love to do the prosecutions closing arguments. It's an accumulation of many small things i.e. if I was a lady and husband just attacked me, choked me, couldn't breath, and I luckily found a knife for defense and stabbed approx. 12 times....I would get in the car and get out of there.....I wouldn't stop and remove his shoes so he couldn't come after me
Closing arguments return in @five minutes with prosecutor up.
9 mins ·
‪#‎MadonnaTrial‬ - State: She told a fake story of soon as she had her instruments of death she returned home..
9 mins ·
‪#‎MadonnaTrial‬ - State: She started trashing Jose to her friends so they would have sympathy for her.
I only caught the last 5 min or so of the state's closing so as soon as it's posted on WRAL I'll be viewing it.

For those taking note, the state's opening in this case was just under 8 minutes. That's a record for sure! Looks like their closing was somewhere around 1hr 7 min, give or take.

{ Back when the Brad Cooper case was happening in 2011 I noted the state's opening was only 28 minutes, while the defense took over 3 hours. I asked ADA Boz Zellinger why the state's opening was so short and he told me that's just the way the state likes to do it here, keep it short and let the evidence unfold along the way. I think that's a pretty good decision given that people's attention spans are about the length of a Twitter message nowadays. Any 'bombshell' evidence is held close to the vest and not disclosed upfront and that is a conscious strategic decision so it will have maximum impact upon the jury when it comes in. }
Did anyone see the Jury Instructions. I really wanted to see that. I've read the options are First Degree Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Self-Defense. Is this right? Why no Second Degree Murder?
Just watched the state's closing.


OUTSTANDING closing Ms. Shandles!

She really nailed all the points, especially pointing out the dozens of lies and showing how strong the defendant was and is and how nonsensical the killer's stories were. Really loved the "can't have it both ways" argument in which sets of lies were presented.

This case is first degree premeditated murder. It was pre-planned days (months?) in advance in addition to each action taken at the time of the killing. IMO Ms. Madonna deserves to spend the rest of her natural life in prison.

Here's a well-earned glass of wine for Ms. Shandles & Ms. Freeman!

She did do an excellent job, very strong closing.
Did anyone see the Jury Instructions. I really wanted to see that. I've read the options are First Degree Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Self-Defense. Is this right? Why no Second Degree Murder?

Also second degree murder
Defense atty making the most of what he has to work with in closing arguments. I am no attorney but would love to do the prosecutions closing arguments. It's an accumulation of many small things i.e. if I was a lady and husband just attacked me, choked me, couldn't breath, and I luckily found a knife for defense and stabbed approx. 12 times....I would get in the car and get out of there.....I wouldn't stop and remove his shoes so he couldn't come after me

Yep -- the poor defense atty doesn't have much to work with, does he? How could her defense team stand working with her before this trial? I feel sure she had the same attitude with them -- Narcissistic, glib, condescending and lying, lying, lying, even about unimportant things. They had to know how much she was lying fairly soon after they started their time with her. SMH.

Oh, and one more thang:



DaleTray !!!:drumroll:

:cheer:We're glad you're here!:cheer:


Guilty of first degree murder!!!

She was remorseless and unrepentant right to the end. Blew kisses to her daughters as she was taken out of the courtroom.
She'll be housed in Women's Prison in Raleigh since she was convicted of 1st degree murder.
Wonder if she's still planning to "write that book" about "what an abused spouse she was?" She has such grand plans for herself.
Thank you jury and congratulations to the DA's office of Wake County!

RIP Mr. Perez. Justice was found today.


Yep -- I thought we would get a verdict today (as long as it was guilty). No way the jury was buying all that b.s. I can't imagine any attorney in Wake County getting a NG verdict, even on a lesser charge. Even without her taking the stand.

NCCI-W is a dreary-looking place. I've seen pics of it and the "Lockup" show on TV filmed there one time. It was built in 1928 and improved in the 40's and in 1986. It's the closest thing the Dept. has to a Central Prison for women. Great place for her, I'd say. I'm thinking if she maintains her current attitude, the inmates won't like her very much -- JMHO. Pity.

Guilty of first degree murder!!!


Wow, that was fast!! I had to leave before state was done with closing, and by the time I got home, guilty, guilty, guilty!! A just verdict, IMO.
Thanks all for all the updates!!!

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