NC - Keith Scott, 43, killed by LEO, Charlotte, 20 Sept 2016 #1

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I am dreadfully sick and tired of the Black persecution claims, I mean it. Sick.To.Death. Of. it. You can't cry racism & Unfairness, every single day of your lives, and then shove your own believes in other people's faces. This 'epic rant' (linked below), went viral because it is absolutely true! Not everything is a "White people suck" (still?!) issue. This *Breastfeeding* of their victimhood needs to stop.
Yes, there is a paid group that travels to high-profile locations to assist with organizing the "protests" (which always, always devolve into riots). Business is booming: Neighborhoods are left scarred and smoking, local shops are destroyed, the wounded line up at the hospitals, and all the professional protesters collect a check. Thanks, Mr. Soros. Billions well spent keeping communities in turmoil.

If anyone seriously thinks encouraging people to rip, tear, and burn down their own communities, turn weapons on each other, and display en mass the kind of violence they decry in others... well, these protesters have taken the spotlight off of the *message* and redirected it, to their great detriment.

For many Americans, the protesters' actions, their violence, have *become* the message. What a terrible disservice they've done a cause that should have been a dialog, equals at the table, that this country IS capable of.

I'm sick of what's being done to this country. I'm sick of excuses being made for bad behavior on *all* sides. Nobody takes responsibility for their own actions anymore, and it's far easier to destroy than to build, and we love easy. History isn't made anymore, it's recorded on iPhones, edited for prime time, and served up by the most biased media this country has seen, instigating, inciting, and trolling for clicks.

That's just the way i feel. JMO IMHO etc.

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THANK YOU> You said it all. I totally agree with this well thought out post. :yes:
A man described as the brother of Keith Lamont Scott called all white people “f–cking devils” in an emotional video interview captured after Scott was shot and killed by a Charlotte, North Carolina police officer.

Watch the video above. (Warning: Graphic language).

In it, he says, before angrily walking away from reporters: “I just know that all white people are f-cking devils.” Then he adds, “All white cops are f-cking devils, and white people.”

i cannot believe what Charlotte looks like today. I have witnessed many protests in this city, and camp ins, but last night was not a protest. Im angry, sad, and confused. Yesterday, here were peaceful sit ins and protests all through the city, and not one incident of violence that was noted. When the sun went down, all heck broke loose. The Internet or tv cannot accurately portray the noise, the bangs, the screams, or the sirens I heard. These vandals are not a true representation of Charlotte. A lot of black people were out yesterday protesting without incident. I think I mentioned being asked to pray by a few black people in Romare Bearden Park yesterday. These folks prayed that eyes were opened to see the truth, and to be given wisdom to find solutions. They also prayed that I was kept safe if things turned violent. These are the protesters I want to remember when people start talking about the Charlotte Riots of 2016. Also, last night the retired detective from "I am Homicide" was talking to groups of black men, and getting them to leave the area, peacefully. he is very much respected from what I know prior to last night. Which brings me to this, many don't know, but the officer who shot Mr. Scott is the son of one of the first black detectives in Charlotte. I don't have a link for that unfortunately.
Im going to pay those prayers forward today.
The mayor has said in an interview that Mr. Scott's family will review the camera footage today in hopes of suppressing some of the violence. I'm just speculating that it may be exactly the way LE says it happened. But, we have also seen footage like this before that still doesn't make people believe it warranted lethal force. I don't see how it will change a person's mind who is hell bent on destroying property under the guise of "protesting" though. The wife put out a statement yesterday prior to the riots of last night asking people not to destroy property or use violence.
More shootings and beatings last night. Uptown is torn up. My ex-husband works at that intersection and was told not to come in today. The Epicenter is a great place and employs many people of all colors, and it was vandalized. I wish we had a good solution.
The mayor has said in an interview that Mr. Scott's family will review the camera footage today in hopes of suppressing some of the violence. I'm just speculating that it may be exactly the way LE says it happened. But, we have also seen footage like this before that still doesn't make people believe it warranted lethal force. I don't see how it will change a person's mind who is hell bent on destroying property under the guise of "protesting" though. The wife put out a statement yesterday prior to the riots of last night asking people not to destroy property or use violence.

I feel bad for the family. I know it has to be hard.
With that said, I agree with you. Sometimes people refuse to see the truth if it goes against their agenda.

I hate the way conclusions are reached before anybody has time to look into it.
After they are reached, no amount of evidence will change things. It sucks.

It's not falling apart, it's active destruction.

Well said!

Funny how we never seem to hear much, in the aftermath of these..."protests", about charges filed against the looting, burning, criminals involved in these sick acts of depravity. :thinking:
I'm sorry, our Dallas officers were "out in front" protecting the people who spit in their faces so casually, and lives were lost for the privilege of doing so. Our Fort Worth cops, two just shot after responding to a fake call. To every cop who has been ambushed on the job, or who lives every day with that very real possibility, they will have my undying gratitude. They walk into danger every single day. The majority of them are veterans who risked all once before and do so again as LEOs because they actually love their communities and want to protect them. But the spin doctors won't be talking about that.

There are bad guys everywhere, in every walk of life. They need to be weeded out, every da*n one of them. But I put it to you all that there are far, far more dangers to black men, women, and children within their own communities -- rampant gang activity, drugs, illegal firearms -- than are found standing behind a badge. That's just the truth.

It's asked a lot, but never addressed: Why is there no outcry over the evil perpetrated by members within the black community? Why don't the lives lost to that violence matter just as much? Until people step up and DO something other than scream about what the other guy is/isn't/should be doing, nothing will change. Nothing.

I see nothing constructive in what's happening tonight. Just feed the rage. It's one more excuse to be violent without repercussions and loot, destroy, and damage.

I'm done, just worn out, saddened and sickened.

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There are plenty of groups and sports stars trying to do things addressing these issues. Even former gang members. Google and it will be found. Le Bron, Muhammad Ali just to name a couple.

If white people are tired of it, think of how it is to be black and be terrified every day. To know every single day of your life that people despise you because the color of your skin, That because of the color of your skin , you are lumped together with bad apples while white individuals are not all considered to be Timothy McVeigh, Israel Keyes, John Wayne Gacy, etc etc etc.

White people get to be individuals. When a white boy rapist is arrested, the media talks about his potential. All of the great things he has done. A black man gets killed, his traffic tickets are even looked at as something to be wary of.

I bet black people are really really sick of it.
These guys are on the highway guys

oh brother , here comes the whole new deal. Not good. All states are gonna slow move to this. Gov on CNN dancing around this new law that starts next week. THey are just not gonna release videos.

All that is gonna do IMO, (I feel that way right now) great the answer is not to release cop videos. Not ok imo

The old adage in any context if ya aint got anything to hide............if your telling the truth.............if what you are saying happened is on video............................there is no reason NOT to release it now is there.

I vote the "law" willl fly across the contnent and be in place faster than a speeding bullet pardon the pun

mo thats not the answer - it escalates the entire problem, once again those that have and are in power are taking control .

"Protect the constiutionial rights of our police officers" what a crock. It they lawfully shoot someone they should not have any problem releaseing to the public the video . So simple. This guy (gov) is getting himself in so deep in his own cr@p right now on CNN - he just ended the conversation real quick

ugh.................and so it goes......................................

Attorney Gerneral in NC does not like the new law,. Undermining public trust,

yuk Lemmon said the name of the new law but I did not catch it sorry

But it's been proven that even if a cop shoots someone with just cause the video doesn't matter, so why release the video when tensions are high, possibly endangering the officer by identifying him? I couldn't believe they released the cops info in this case so quickly. I think they thought it would temper things being that the cop was black. However, it did zilch in helping calm the situation.
i cannot believe what Charlotte looks like today. I have witnessed many protests in this city, and camp ins, but last night was not a protest. Im angry, sad, and confused. Yesterday, here were peaceful sit ins and protests all through the city, and not one incident of violence that was noted. When the sun went down, all heck broke loose. The Internet or tv cannot accurately portray the noise, the bangs, the screams, or the sirens I heard. These vandals are not a true representation of Charlotte. A lot of black people were out yesterday protesting without incident. I think I mentioned being asked to pray by a few black people in Romare Bearden Park yesterday. These folks prayed that eyes were opened to see the truth, and to be given wisdom to find solutions. They also prayed that I was kept safe if things turned violent. These are the protesters I want to remember when people start talking about the Charlotte Riots of 2016. Also, last night the retired detective from "I am Homicide" was talking to groups of black men, and getting them to leave the area, peacefully. he is very much respected from what I know prior to last night. Which brings me to this, many don't know, but the officer who shot Mr. Scott is the son of one of the first black detectives in Charlotte. I don't have a link for that unfortunately.
Im going to pay those prayers forward today.

You have a wonderful attitude. You are not letting hate consume you.

When I think of burning, I always think of the WWI veterans who were burned at the White House for protesting not getting their pay. I think of the monks lighting themselves on fire during the Vietnam War. There is something so at the lowest level of life that fire represents to me. The annihilation,
In the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans, because of looting and whatever other crimes that were rampant, our governor demanded everyone to be off the streets. To insure this, she called in the Military and they were on the ground and in the air. They had orders to shoot to kill anyone who violated her orders. It worked. This is necessary in all events of this type as it seems to be the only thing people understand. And it's needed to protect people who are innocent and trying to go about their daily life without fear. Anything else is just playing along with the games.

Adding: CNN did mention that the problem was not the protesters. Said protesters had their protest and went home. My thoughts are the problem was with those who came out after the protesters went home; that's not to say some of the problem people were not originally protesters.
I am dreadfully sick and tired of the Black persecution claims, I mean it. Sick.To.Death. Of. it. You can't cry racism & Unfairness, every single day of your lives, and then shove your own believes in other people's faces. This 'epic rant' (linked below), went viral because it is absolutely true! Not everything is a "White people suck" (still?!) issue. This *Breastfeeding* of their victimhood needs to stop.

Yes, they are sick of it too. No matter what, nothing matters. A black Pres with impeccable education, excellent English skills, an accomplished educated wife, beautiful children does not make it either. Scientists, educators, judges, nothin matters exceot the skin color, People can spin it how they want, but those that disparage blacks with their schadenfreude are as transparent as glass. They are not fooling anyone
After what happened Tuesday night, a state of emergency should have been implemented immediately.

The officers and peaceful citizens and protesters of Charlotte should have been provided the additional officers, troopers and soldiers before the sun went down yesterday.

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In the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans, because of looting and whatever other crimes that were rampant, our governor demanded everyone to be off the streets. To insure this, she called in the Military and they were on the ground and in the air. They had orders to shoot to kill anyone who violated her orders. It worked. This is necessary in all events of this type as it seems to be the only thing people understand. And it's needed to protect people who are innocent and trying to go about their daily life without fear. Anything else is just playing along with the games.

Adding: CNN did mention that the problem was not the protesters. Said protesters had their protest and went home. My thoughts are the problem was with those who came out after the protesters went home; that's not to say some of the problem people were not originally protesters.

Those that are younger have not seen the dogs, killings, lynchings of the deseg era, The Watts riots, The killings at Kent State. The dogs attacking the protesters at Standing Rock right now,, And before my time the burning of the WW1 vets on the White House lawn. The murdering of union people,

Wounded Knee. Alcatraz, The US has a bloody history of people trying to get treated as human beings,After awhile, it gets unbearable.
There are plenty of groups and sports stars trying to do things addressing these issues. Even former gang members. Google and it will be found. Le Bron, Muhammad Ali just to name a couple.

If white people are tired of it, think of how it is to be black and be terrified every day. To know every single day of your life that people despise you because the color of your skin, , you are lumped together with bad apples while white individuals are not all considered to be Timothy McVeigh, Israel Keyes, John Wayne Gacy, etc etc etc.

White people get to be individuals. When a white boy rapist is arrested, the media talks about his potential. All of the great things he has done. A black man gets killed, his traffic tickets are even looked at as something to be wary of.

I bet black people are really really sick of it.
The bolded describes White reality in many of the neighborhoods around here, and elsewhere. It is, as if they want "White" people to literally live the "Wrongs" they have experienced. That is not about equality that is about hatred, rage and revenge.

You know what, I think I'll take a little hiatus from, "Pity the poor persecuted Black man" today. Somehow, I'm just not *feeling* it!
I think there are a group of professional agitators who are going around to these cities and causing the trouble. I do not think these people are interested AT ALL in any kind of negotiation; all they are interested in is causing chaos and it seems, ultimately, to tear apart the fabric of the US. And I do think they ARE affiliated with a certain other group that has a platform with reparations, which is a very inflammatory demand. Said group has never come out and denied the groups that are committed to violence.

I will bet this will be another Ferguson lie, 'Hands up" a lie still mouthed by protestors. Now it will be "It was a book" or something along those lines, even tho there will be video of him with the gun. The truth does not matter, all that matters is the tearing up of the US.
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